CEREMONIAL OPENING Message of the President of the Republic of Hungary, Dr János Áder |
Opening speech of the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Dr László Lovász |
WELCOME Professor Gabriella Vukovich President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
Professor Enrico Giovannini Chair of the UN Secretary General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on Data Revolution for Sustainable Development Towards a comprehensive global policy agenda: what does it mean for statistics? |
Professor Vijay N. Nair Former President of ISI Cooperation between Academia and official statistics: opportunities and challenges |
Mr Walter Radermacher Director General of Eurostat Opportunities for transformation of official statistics from an ESS perspective |
Mr Konrad Pesendorfer Director General of Statistics Austria Cooperation among Statistical Institutes and with other partners to enhance innovation and transformation in official statistics |
Mr Pádraig Dalton Director General of the Central Statistics Office of Ireland Modernisation: Evolution or revolution – opportunities for a paradigm shift in the cooperation of NSI’s |
Mr Marko Krištof PhD Director General of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics Benefits of sharing good practices with other NSI’s- from the perspective of a new EU member state |
Round-table discussion 1 Topic: Sustainability of statistics: from data sources to the image of official statistics
Facilitator: Mr György Sándor (Advisor to the President, Hungarian Central Statistical Office)
Further participants: |
● Mr Dieter Sarreither (President, DESTATIS) |
● Dr Barteld Braaksma (Innovation Manager, Statistics Netherlands) |
● Prof Gabriella Vukovich (President, HCSO) |
Mr Aurel Schubert Director General of the Statistics Department of the European Central Bank Central bank statistics – New opportunities and initiatives for innovation and cooperation |
Round-table discussion 2 Topic: Microdata exchange in international trade, migration and banking statistics
Facilitator: Mr János Gerendás (Statistics Department, Central Bank of Hungary)
Further participants: |
● Mr Ioannis Ganoulis (Head of the Statistics Development and Coordination Division, European Central Bank) |
● Mr Attila Melegh (Senior Research Fellow, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute) |
● Mr Jens Olin (Deputy Director at the Economic Statistics Department, Statistics Sweden) |
● Mr Walter Radermacher (Director General, Eurostat) |
Round-table discussion 3 Topic: HR and Organisational modernisation
Facilitator: Mr Martin Lagerström (Executive Coach in Human Resources of Statistics Sweden – excused)
Further participants: |
● Dr Lucy Fallon-Byrne (Assistant Director General, Central Statistics Office of Ireland) |
● Mr Zoran Jančić (Assistant Director, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia) |
● Mr József Kárpáti (Head of Kecskemét Section, Hungarian Central Statistical Office) |
Round-table discussion 4 Topic: Training the new generations and rejuvenating the older generations of statisticians
Facilitator: Professor Maurizio Vichi (President of the Federation of European National Statistical Societies)
Further participants: |
● Dr Péter Kovács (Head, Department of Statistics and Demography, University of Szeged) |
● Éva Sándor-Kriszt PhD (Rector, Budapest Business School) |
● Mr Antonio Ottaiano (Chief of Unit “Human resource development and training for Istat and Sistan staff” at Italian National Institute of Statistics) |
● Prof Tamás Rudas (Head, Department of Statistics, Eötvös Loránd University) |
Round-table discussion 5 Topic: Dissemination and communication
Facilitator: Mr Stephan Moens (Advisor General of Statistics Belgium)
Further participants: |
● Mr Dávid Németh (Chief Economist of K&H Group) |
● Dr Henriëtte de Jong-de Heer (Head of Press Office, Statistics Netherlands) |
● Ms Maria Jesús Vinuesa Angulo (Deputy Head, Dissemination Unit, National Statistics Institute of Spain) |
● Mr Aurel Schubert (Director General of the Statistics Department of the European Central Bank) |