Name Level Employed Unemployed Economically active Economically inactive Population aged 15–74 Of which: Potential labour reservea Activity rate Unemployment rate Employment rate
of territorial units thousand persons %
Quarter 1 2009
Budapest capital, regionb 768.2 39.9 808.1 507.4 1,315.4 67.1 61.4 4.9 58.4
Pest county, regionc 505.6 32.5 538.1 374.2 912.4 49.2 59.0 6.0 55.4
Central Hungary large regiond 1,273.9 72.3 1,346.2 881.6 2,227.8 116.2 60.4 5.4 57.2
Fejér county 176.9 14.4 191.3 137.7 329.1 22.5 58.1 7.5 53.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 133.7 9.4 143.1 98.1 241.2 16.8 59.3 6.6 55.4
Veszprém county 141.3 17.4 158.7 120.2 278.9 24.4 56.9 10.9 50.7
Central Transdanubia region 452.0 41.2 493.2 356.0 849.2 63.8 58.1 8.3 53.2
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 191.8 12.1 203.9 139.4 343.2 16.4 59.4 5.9 55.9
Vas county 112.1 9.9 122.0 80.8 202.8 14.7 60.2 8.1 55.3
Zala county 118.5 12.2 130.7 95.0 225.7 18.7 57.9 9.4 52.5
Western Transdanubia region 422.4 34.2 456.6 315.1 771.7 49.8 59.2 7.5 54.7
Baranya county 141.0 16.6 157.5 143.3 300.9 30.7 52.4 10.5 46.9
Somogy county 107.6 13.0 120.6 128.2 248.8 28.4 48.5 10.8 43.2
Tolna county 88.9 10.5 99.3 84.5 183.8 16.1 54.0 10.5 48.3
Southern Transdanubia region 337.4 40.1 377.5 356.0 733.4 75.3 51.5 10.6 46.0
Transdanubia large region 1,211.8 115.4 1,327.2 1,027.1 2,354.3 188.9 56.4 8.7 51.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 226.1 43.7 269.8 264.2 534.0 73.4 50.5 16.2 42.3
Heves county 111.8 16.6 128.4 112.6 241.0 24.3 53.3 12.9 46.4
Nógrád county 70.5 13.4 83.9 76.7 160.6 20.1 52.2 16.0 43.9
Northern Hungary region 408.3 73.7 482.0 453.6 935.6 117.8 51.5 15.3 43.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 178.2 23.5 201.7 213.4 415.1 44.4 48.6 11.6 42.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 146.8 18.2 165.0 139.2 304.2 32.8 54.2 11.0 48.3
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 173.6 45.4 219.1 211.8 430.9 70.3 50.8 20.7 40.3
Northern Great Plain region 498.6 87.1 585.7 564.4 1,150.2 147.6 50.9 14.9 43.4
Bács-Kiskun county 196.9 22.5 219.4 187.2 406.6 37.6 54.0 10.2 48.4
Békés county 127.7 19.6 147.3 139.0 286.2 28.8 51.5 13.3 44.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 159.8 13.0 172.8 147.8 320.6 20.2 53.9 7.5 49.8
Southern Great Plain region 484.4 55.1 539.5 474.0 1,013.5 86.6 53.2 10.2 47.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,391.4 215.8 1,607.2 1,492.0 3,099.2 352.0 51.9 13.4 44.9
Total country 3,877.0 403.6 4,280.6 3,400.7 7,681.3 657.1 55.7 9.4 50.5
Quarter 2 2009
Budapest capital, regionb 767.3 44.4 811.7 504.0 1,315.7 72.4 61.7 5.5 58.3
Pest county, regionc 508.8 33.8 542.6 371.5 914.1 52.4 59.4 6.2 55.7
Central Hungary large regiond 1,276.1 78.2 1,354.3 875.5 2,229.8 124.8 60.7 5.8 57.2
Fejér county 176.1 14.3 190.4 138.8 329.2 21.2 57.8 7.5 53.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 131.7 9.9 141.5 99.4 241.0 16.0 58.7 7.0 54.6
Veszprém county 146.7 15.2 161.8 116.8 278.6 20.5 58.1 9.4 52.6
Central Transdanubia region 454.4 39.3 493.8 355.0 848.8 57.7 58.2 8.0 53.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 192.3 11.8 204.2 139.3 343.5 16.7 59.4 5.8 56.0
Vas county 105.5 11.7 117.3 85.4 202.6 16.2 57.9 10.0 52.1
Zala county 122.4 13.7 136.1 89.4 225.5 19.0 60.4 10.1 54.3
Western Transdanubia region 420.2 37.3 457.5 314.1 771.6 51.8 59.3 8.2 54.5
Baranya county 146.8 18.4 165.3 135.0 300.3 31.4 55.0 11.2 48.9
Somogy county 108.6 15.2 123.8 124.7 248.5 27.9 49.8 12.3 43.7
Tolna county 88.0 9.6 97.6 85.9 183.5 16.0 53.2 9.8 48.0
Southern Transdanubia region 343.5 43.3 386.7 345.6 732.4 75.3 52.8 11.2 46.9
Transdanubia large region 1,218.1 119.9 1,338.0 1,014.7 2,352.7 184.8 56.9 9.0 51.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 233.6 41.4 275.1 258.0 533.0 70.9 51.6 15.1 43.8
Heves county 109.9 15.6 125.5 115.0 240.5 23.7 52.2 12.4 45.7
Nógrád county 69.7 12.2 81.9 78.3 160.3 20.3 51.1 14.9 43.5
Northern Hungary region 413.3 69.2 482.5 451.3 933.8 115.0 51.7 14.3 44.3
Hajdú-Bihar county 182.9 21.4 204.3 210.9 415.1 38.3 49.2 10.5 44.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 145.3 19.4 164.7 139.0 303.7 32.3 54.2 11.8 47.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 185.7 38.8 224.5 206.2 430.6 63.0 52.1 17.3 43.1
Northern Great Plain region 513.9 79.6 593.5 556.0 1,149.5 133.5 51.6 13.4 44.7
Bács-Kiskun county 198.5 22.0 220.5 185.8 406.3 37.3 54.3 10.0 48.8
Békés county 129.2 18.5 147.7 137.8 285.6 28.6 51.7 12.5 45.2
Csongrád-Csanád county 161.3 12.9 174.2 146.1 320.3 19.3 54.4 7.4 50.4
Southern Great Plain region 489.0 53.4 542.4 469.7 1,012.1 85.2 53.6 9.9 48.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,416.2 202.2 1,618.4 1,477.1 3,095.4 333.8 52.3 12.5 45.7
Total country 3,910.4 400.3 4,310.7 3,367.3 7,678.0 643.3 56.1 9.3 50.9
Quarter 3 2009
Budapest capital, regionb 763.6 50.5 814.1 501.9 1,315.9 80.8 61.9 6.2 58.0
Pest county, regionc 501.6 40.9 542.5 373.4 915.9 65.9 59.2 7.5 54.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,265.2 91.4 1,356.6 875.3 2,231.9 146.6 60.8 6.7 56.7
Fejér county 171.4 19.3 190.7 138.6 329.3 25.5 57.9 10.1 52.0
Komárom-Esztergom county 129.5 12.8 142.4 98.3 240.7 20.2 59.1 9.0 53.8
Veszprém county 144.2 14.5 158.7 119.7 278.4 21.1 57.0 9.1 51.8
Central Transdanubia region 445.1 46.6 491.7 356.6 848.3 66.7 58.0 9.5 52.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 193.6 13.5 207.1 136.7 343.8 19.8 60.2 6.5 56.3
Vas county 106.4 12.5 118.9 83.6 202.5 17.9 58.7 10.5 52.5
Zala county 120.6 16.7 137.4 87.9 225.2 23.1 61.0 12.2 53.6
Western Transdanubia region 420.6 42.8 463.4 308.1 771.5 60.8 60.1 9.2 54.5
Baranya county 147.0 17.2 164.2 135.6 299.8 31.8 54.8 10.5 49.0
Somogy county 111.2 14.9 126.2 122.0 248.2 29.2 50.8 11.8 44.8
Tolna county 90.3 8.3 98.7 84.6 183.2 16.0 53.8 8.5 49.3
Southern Transdanubia region 348.5 40.4 389.0 342.2 731.2 76.9 53.2 10.4 47.7
Transdanubia large region 1,214.2 129.9 1,344.1 1,007.0 2,351.1 204.4 57.2 9.7 51.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 232.0 41.3 273.3 258.7 532.1 71.0 51.4 15.1 43.6
Heves county 108.0 16.8 124.8 115.2 240.1 26.7 52.0 13.4 45.0
Nógrád county 68.6 13.0 81.7 78.3 160.0 22.7 51.1 16.0 42.9
Northern Hungary region 408.7 71.2 479.8 452.2 932.1 120.4 51.5 14.8 43.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 181.1 24.3 205.5 209.7 415.2 40.3 49.5 11.8 43.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 149.0 18.6 167.7 135.5 303.1 30.5 55.3 11.1 49.2
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 184.6 37.4 221.9 208.5 430.4 58.8 51.6 16.8 42.9
Northern Great Plain region 514.7 80.4 595.1 553.6 1,148.7 129.6 51.8 13.5 44.8
Bács-Kiskun county 202.2 24.5 226.7 179.3 405.9 39.3 55.8 10.8 49.8
Békés county 129.5 20.6 150.1 134.8 284.9 31.7 52.7 13.7 45.4
Csongrád-Csanád county 164.9 13.4 178.3 141.7 320.0 20.3 55.7 7.5 51.5
Southern Great Plain region 496.6 58.4 555.0 455.8 1,010.8 91.3 54.9 10.5 49.1
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,420.0 209.9 1,629.9 1,461.7 3,091.6 341.3 52.7 12.9 45.9
Total country 3,899.4 431.2 4,330.6 3,344.0 7,674.5 692.4 56.4 10.0 50.8
Quarter 4 2009
Budapest capital, regionb 764.9 54.2 819.1 497.1 1,316.2 84.7 62.2 6.6 58.1
Pest county, regionc 502.4 41.1 543.4 374.3 917.7 66.0 59.2 7.6 54.7
Central Hungary large regiond 1,267.3 95.3 1,362.6 871.3 2,233.9 150.8 61.0 7.0 56.7
Fejér county 171.2 18.6 189.8 139.6 329.4 27.9 57.6 9.8 52.0
Komárom-Esztergom county 131.2 13.1 144.4 96.0 240.4 19.1 60.1 9.1 54.6
Veszprém county 142.7 15.0 157.7 120.4 278.1 21.0 56.7 9.5 51.3
Central Transdanubia region 445.1 46.8 491.9 356.0 847.9 68.0 58.0 9.5 52.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 193.4 14.4 207.8 136.3 344.1 20.8 60.4 6.9 56.2
Vas county 104.8 13.1 117.9 84.5 202.4 18.7 58.3 11.1 51.8
Zala county 119.1 13.5 132.6 92.4 225.0 21.8 58.9 10.2 52.9
Western Transdanubia region 417.2 41.0 458.2 313.2 771.4 61.3 59.4 8.9 54.1
Baranya county 145.8 19.2 165.0 134.3 299.3 34.3 55.1 11.7 48.7
Somogy county 111.0 17.0 128.1 119.8 247.9 29.9 51.7 13.3 44.8
Tolna county 90.4 7.6 98.0 84.9 182.9 15.0 53.6 7.8 49.4
Southern Transdanubia region 347.2 43.9 391.0 339.1 730.1 79.3 53.6 11.2 47.6
Transdanubia large region 1,209.5 131.6 1,341.2 1,008.2 2,349.4 208.6 57.1 9.8 51.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 230.8 43.6 274.4 256.7 531.1 72.9 51.7 15.9 43.5
Heves county 107.9 16.6 124.4 115.2 239.6 26.2 51.9 13.3 45.0
Nógrád county 70.3 11.8 82.1 77.5 159.6 20.8 51.4 14.4 44.0
Northern Hungary region 409.0 72.0 480.9 449.4 930.3 120.0 51.7 15.0 44.0
Hajdú-Bihar county 183.0 24.6 207.6 207.7 415.3 41.8 50.0 11.8 44.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 147.0 16.1 163.1 139.5 302.6 29.7 53.9 9.9 48.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 182.3 37.7 220.0 210.1 430.2 60.8 51.1 17.2 42.4
Northern Great Plain region 512.3 78.4 590.7 557.3 1,148.0 132.3 51.5 13.3 44.6
Bács-Kiskun county 198.2 23.8 222.1 183.5 405.6 39.7 54.8 10.7 48.9
Békés county 130.4 20.5 150.9 133.4 284.2 32.7 53.1 13.6 45.9
Csongrád-Csanád county 164.3 13.1 177.4 142.3 319.7 20.6 55.5 7.4 51.4
Southern Great Plain region 492.9 57.4 550.3 459.2 1,009.5 93.0 54.5 10.4 48.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,414.2 207.8 1,622.0 1,465.8 3,087.8 345.3 52.5 12.8 45.8
Total country 3,891.1 434.7 4,325.7 3,345.4 7,671.1 704.6 56.4 10.0 50.7
Quarter 1 2010
Budapest capital, regionb 749.9 71.2 821.1 495.4 1,316.5 98.3 62.4 8.7 57.0
Pest county, regionc 501.2 45.7 546.9 372.6 919.5 68.2 59.5 8.4 54.5
Central Hungary large regiond 1,251.1 116.9 1,368.0 867.9 2,235.9 166.5 61.2 8.5 56.0
Fejér county 169.8 21.0 190.7 138.7 329.5 29.2 57.9 11.0 51.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 130.8 13.0 143.8 96.3 240.1 19.9 59.9 9.1 54.5
Veszprém county 137.8 19.8 157.6 120.2 277.8 26.3 56.7 12.5 49.6
Central Transdanubia region 438.4 53.8 492.2 355.3 847.4 75.4 58.1 10.9 51.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 192.0 14.5 206.5 137.8 344.4 20.6 60.0 7.0 55.8
Vas county 105.1 11.3 116.4 85.8 202.2 16.8 57.6 9.7 52.0
Zala county 115.7 15.6 131.3 93.4 224.7 22.9 58.4 11.9 51.5
Western Transdanubia region 412.9 41.4 454.3 317.0 771.3 60.2 58.9 9.1 53.5
Baranya county 142.2 23.1 165.3 133.5 298.7 38.1 55.3 14.0 47.6
Somogy county 109.1 20.0 129.1 118.4 247.6 32.2 52.2 15.5 44.1
Tolna county 86.9 9.7 96.6 86.1 182.7 18.5 52.9 10.0 47.6
Southern Transdanubia region 338.2 52.8 391.0 338.0 729.0 88.8 53.6 13.5 46.4
Transdanubia large region 1,189.5 148.0 1,337.5 1,010.3 2,347.7 224.4 57.0 11.1 50.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 223.9 46.3 270.3 259.9 530.1 79.3 51.0 17.1 42.2
Heves county 107.7 16.6 124.3 114.9 239.2 28.3 52.0 13.4 45.0
Nógrád county 67.8 16.3 84.1 75.2 159.3 24.9 52.8 19.3 42.6
Northern Hungary region 399.5 79.2 478.7 449.9 928.6 132.5 51.5 16.5 43.0
Hajdú-Bihar county 179.8 27.0 206.8 208.5 415.3 46.7 49.8 13.1 43.3
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 139.6 20.1 159.7 142.4 302.1 37.1 52.9 12.6 46.2
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 177.7 42.9 220.6 209.3 429.9 66.9 51.3 19.4 41.3
Northern Great Plain region 497.1 90.0 587.1 560.2 1,147.3 150.7 51.2 15.3 43.3
Bács-Kiskun county 194.3 23.8 218.0 187.2 405.3 41.1 53.8 10.9 47.9
Békés county 128.4 21.7 150.1 133.5 283.6 33.9 52.9 14.4 45.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 161.9 14.2 176.1 143.2 319.3 20.5 55.2 8.0 50.7
Southern Great Plain region 484.6 59.6 544.2 463.9 1,008.2 95.5 54.0 11.0 48.1
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,381.2 228.8 1,610.0 1,474.1 3,084.1 378.6 52.2 14.2 44.8
Total country 3,821.8 493.8 4,315.5 3,352.2 7,667.8 769.5 56.3 11.4 49.8
Quarter 2 2010
Budapest capital, regionb 747.8 70.1 817.9 498.8 1,316.7 100.7 62.1 8.6 56.8
Pest county, regionc 500.1 47.9 548.0 373.2 921.3 70.3 59.5 8.7 54.3
Central Hungary large regiond 1,248.0 118.0 1,366.0 872.0 2,238.0 171.0 61.0 8.6 55.8
Fejér county 169.0 17.9 186.9 142.7 329.6 28.5 56.7 9.6 51.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 131.8 10.9 142.7 97.2 239.9 18.3 59.5 7.6 55.0
Veszprém county 140.5 18.9 159.4 118.2 277.6 24.1 57.4 11.8 50.6
Central Transdanubia region 441.3 47.7 489.0 358.0 847.0 70.9 57.7 9.7 52.1
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 193.7 13.8 207.5 137.2 344.6 19.8 60.2 6.7 56.2
Vas county 104.6 13.2 117.7 84.3 202.1 17.8 58.3 11.2 51.8
Zala county 115.0 16.1 131.1 93.4 224.5 22.7 58.4 12.2 51.2
Western Transdanubia region 413.3 43.0 456.3 314.9 771.2 60.2 59.2 9.4 53.6
Baranya county 146.4 22.4 168.8 129.5 298.2 35.9 56.6 13.2 49.1
Somogy county 114.6 16.4 130.9 116.3 247.3 27.5 53.0 12.5 46.3
Tolna county 89.8 8.4 98.2 84.1 182.4 16.5 53.9 8.5 49.3
Southern Transdanubia region 350.8 47.1 397.9 329.9 727.9 79.9 54.7 11.8 48.2
Transdanubia large region 1,205.4 137.8 1,343.2 1,002.9 2,346.1 211.0 57.3 10.3 51.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 225.2 47.2 272.4 256.7 529.1 79.0 51.5 17.3 42.6
Heves county 109.7 14.2 123.8 114.8 238.7 24.7 51.9 11.4 46.0
Nógrád county 69.6 14.6 84.2 74.8 159.0 23.3 52.9 17.4 43.7
Northern Hungary region 404.5 76.0 480.4 446.4 926.8 127.0 51.8 15.8 43.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 186.4 27.7 214.0 201.3 415.4 43.6 51.5 12.9 44.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 143.6 15.7 159.3 142.3 301.6 30.6 52.8 9.9 47.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 187.1 39.7 226.8 202.9 429.7 61.9 52.8 17.5 43.6
Northern Great Plain region 517.0 83.1 600.1 546.5 1,146.6 136.1 52.3 13.8 45.1
Bács-Kiskun county 198.1 23.1 221.2 183.7 404.9 40.0 54.6 10.4 48.9
Békés county 133.6 17.5 151.1 131.7 282.9 29.2 53.4 11.6 47.2
Csongrád-Csanád county 164.2 15.1 179.3 139.7 319.0 20.4 56.2 8.4 51.5
Southern Great Plain region 496.0 55.7 551.7 455.1 1,006.8 89.7 54.8 10.1 49.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,417.5 214.7 1,632.2 1,448.0 3,080.3 352.8 53.0 13.2 46.0
Total country 3,870.9 470.6 4,341.4 3,322.9 7,664.3 734.8 56.6 10.8 50.5
Quarter 3 2010
Budapest capital, regionb 742.6 74.1 816.7 500.3 1,317.0 106.2 62.0 9.1 56.4
Pest county, regionc 501.8 45.1 547.0 376.1 923.0 71.9 59.3 8.2 54.4
Central Hungary large regiond 1,244.4 119.3 1,363.7 876.3 2,240.0 178.1 60.9 8.7 55.6
Fejér county 175.1 15.1 190.2 139.5 329.7 23.6 57.7 7.9 53.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 132.3 11.9 144.2 95.4 239.6 19.4 60.2 8.2 55.2
Veszprém county 145.3 18.4 163.7 113.6 277.3 22.8 59.0 11.2 52.4
Central Transdanubia region 452.8 45.3 498.1 348.5 846.6 65.8 58.8 9.1 53.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 193.3 13.9 207.2 137.7 344.9 20.1 60.1 6.7 56.0
Vas county 107.5 12.6 120.1 81.8 201.9 16.5 59.5 10.5 53.2
Zala county 113.8 15.2 129.0 95.3 224.3 22.8 57.5 11.8 50.7
Western Transdanubia region 414.6 41.7 456.3 314.9 771.1 59.4 59.2 9.1 53.8
Baranya county 146.5 18.4 164.9 132.8 297.7 30.0 55.4 11.2 49.2
Somogy county 116.4 16.8 133.3 113.7 247.0 28.6 54.0 12.6 47.1
Tolna county 90.5 6.6 97.0 85.0 182.1 14.5 53.3 6.8 49.7
Southern Transdanubia region 353.4 41.8 395.2 331.5 726.8 73.2 54.4 10.6 48.6
Transdanubia large region 1,220.8 128.8 1,349.6 994.9 2,344.5 198.4 57.6 9.5 52.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 226.5 46.7 273.2 255.0 528.2 80.0 51.7 17.1 42.9
Heves county 110.8 13.8 124.6 113.7 238.3 23.7 52.3 11.1 46.5
Nógrád county 69.1 14.3 83.4 75.3 158.7 22.8 52.6 17.2 43.5
Northern Hungary region 406.4 74.8 481.2 443.9 925.1 126.5 52.0 15.6 43.9
Hajdú-Bihar county 190.1 28.6 218.7 196.7 415.4 43.5 52.7 13.1 45.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 148.2 15.0 163.3 137.8 301.0 27.7 54.2 9.2 49.2
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 191.3 37.6 228.9 200.5 429.4 59.3 53.3 16.4 44.5
Northern Great Plain region 529.6 81.3 610.9 535.0 1,145.9 130.5 53.3 13.3 46.2
Bács-Kiskun county 203.0 20.8 223.8 180.8 404.6 36.3 55.3 9.3 50.2
Békés county 136.6 17.1 153.8 128.4 282.2 29.9 54.5 11.1 48.4
Csongrád-Csanád county 166.9 15.8 182.7 136.0 318.7 21.8 57.3 8.6 52.4
Southern Great Plain region 506.6 53.7 560.3 445.2 1,005.5 87.9 55.7 9.6 50.4
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,442.6 209.8 1,652.4 1,424.1 3,076.5 345.0 53.7 12.7 46.9
Total country 3,907.8 457.9 4,365.7 3,295.2 7,661.0 721.4 57.0 10.5 51.0
Quarter 4 2010
Budapest capital, regionb 743.2 66.8 810.0 507.2 1,317.2 104.8 61.5 8.2 56.4
Pest county, regionc 502.4 44.6 547.0 377.8 924.8 68.5 59.1 8.1 54.3
Central Hungary large regiond 1,245.7 111.4 1,357.0 885.0 2,242.0 173.3 60.5 8.2 55.6
Fejér county 176.1 14.8 190.9 138.9 329.8 22.8 57.9 7.8 53.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 133.1 11.8 145.0 94.4 239.3 18.1 60.6 8.2 55.6
Veszprém county 144.6 17.7 162.3 114.7 277.0 23.1 58.6 10.9 52.2
Central Transdanubia region 453.8 44.3 498.1 348.0 846.1 64.0 58.9 8.9 53.6
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 193.6 13.7 207.3 137.9 345.2 19.8 60.0 6.6 56.1
Vas county 110.5 10.4 120.9 80.9 201.8 14.1 59.9 8.6 54.7
Zala county 114.8 13.6 128.4 95.6 224.0 22.3 57.3 10.6 51.2
Western Transdanubia region 418.8 37.8 456.6 314.5 771.0 56.1 59.2 8.3 54.3
Baranya county 140.1 22.9 163.0 134.1 297.2 35.6 54.9 14.1 47.1
Somogy county 111.3 18.3 129.6 117.1 246.7 31.3 52.5 14.1 45.1
Tolna county 92.2 7.0 99.2 82.6 181.8 14.0 54.6 7.1 50.7
Southern Transdanubia region 343.6 48.2 391.8 333.8 725.6 80.9 54.0 12.3 47.4
Transdanubia large region 1,216.2 130.3 1,346.5 996.3 2,342.8 201.0 57.5 9.7 51.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 229.7 45.0 274.6 252.6 527.2 77.3 52.1 16.4 43.6
Heves county 111.7 15.2 126.9 110.9 237.8 24.6 53.3 12.0 47.0
Nógrád county 65.8 14.5 80.3 78.1 158.4 23.7 50.7 18.1 41.5
Northern Hungary region 407.1 74.7 481.8 441.6 923.4 125.7 52.2 15.5 44.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 190.2 28.0 218.2 197.3 415.5 45.0 52.5 12.8 45.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 149.0 16.5 165.6 135.0 300.5 29.4 55.1 10.0 49.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 187.5 39.4 226.9 202.3 429.2 60.6 52.9 17.4 43.7
Northern Great Plain region 526.7 83.9 610.6 534.5 1,145.2 135.0 53.3 13.7 46.0
Bács-Kiskun county 200.5 21.0 221.5 182.8 404.3 39.7 54.8 9.5 49.6
Békés county 135.8 16.6 152.4 129.2 281.6 29.5 54.1 10.9 48.2
Csongrád-Csanád county 162.7 16.2 178.9 139.4 318.4 23.0 56.2 9.1 51.1
Southern Great Plain region 499.0 53.8 552.8 451.4 1,004.2 92.1 55.1 9.7 49.7
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,432.8 212.4 1,645.2 1,427.5 3,072.7 352.8 53.5 12.9 46.6
Total country 3,894.7 454.1 4,348.8 3,308.8 7,657.6 727.1 56.8 10.4 50.9
Quarter 1 2011
Budapest capital, regionb 745.8 74.2 820.1 497.4 1,317.5 113.0 62.2 9.1 56.6
Pest county, regionc 504.0 40.9 544.9 381.7 926.6 69.1 58.8 7.5 54.4
Central Hungary large regiond 1,249.9 115.1 1,365.0 879.1 2,244.1 182.1 60.8 8.4 55.7
Fejér county 179.3 16.3 195.6 134.3 329.9 26.2 59.3 8.3 54.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 131.7 12.5 144.2 94.8 239.1 19.5 60.3 8.7 55.1
Veszprém county 143.3 18.4 161.8 115.0 276.8 23.8 58.4 11.4 51.8
Central Transdanubia region 454.4 47.2 501.6 344.1 845.7 69.6 59.3 9.4 53.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 189.8 14.0 203.8 141.7 345.5 18.7 59.0 6.9 54.9
Vas county 110.4 9.7 120.1 81.6 201.6 13.0 59.5 8.1 54.8
Zala county 116.7 12.2 128.9 94.8 223.8 19.0 57.6 9.5 52.2
Western Transdanubia region 416.9 35.9 452.8 318.1 770.9 50.8 58.7 7.9 54.1
Baranya county 137.6 23.6 161.2 135.4 296.6 35.6 54.3 14.6 46.4
Somogy county 106.7 21.0 127.7 118.7 246.4 35.9 51.8 16.4 43.3
Tolna county 88.5 8.9 97.4 84.1 181.5 17.1 53.7 9.2 48.8
Southern Transdanubia region 332.8 53.5 386.3 338.2 724.5 88.6 53.3 13.8 45.9
Transdanubia large region 1,204.1 136.6 1,340.7 1,000.5 2,341.2 209.0 57.3 10.2 51.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 222.4 49.6 272.0 254.2 526.2 83.0 51.7 18.2 42.3
Heves county 109.1 16.0 125.0 112.3 237.4 28.9 52.7 12.8 45.9
Nógrád county 60.9 14.8 75.7 82.3 158.1 24.8 47.9 19.6 38.5
Northern Hungary region 392.4 80.4 472.8 448.9 921.6 136.7 51.3 17.0 42.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 185.7 31.9 217.6 198.0 415.5 52.8 52.4 14.7 44.7
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 140.4 20.0 160.4 139.6 300.0 37.1 53.5 12.5 46.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 172.7 46.2 219.0 210.0 428.9 74.9 51.1 21.1 40.3
Northern Great Plain region 498.8 98.1 597.0 547.5 1,144.5 164.9 52.2 16.4 43.6
Bács-Kiskun county 194.3 24.9 219.2 184.7 403.9 43.0 54.3 11.4 48.1
Békés county 130.2 19.9 150.1 130.8 280.9 33.0 53.4 13.3 46.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 162.3 17.1 179.4 138.6 318.0 23.4 56.4 9.5 51.0
Southern Great Plain region 486.7 62.0 548.7 454.1 1,002.8 99.3 54.7 11.3 48.5
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,378.0 240.5 1,618.4 1,450.5 3,068.9 400.9 52.7 14.9 44.9
Total country 3,831.9 492.2 4,324.1 3,330.1 7,654.2 792.0 56.5 11.4 50.1
Quarter 2 2011
Budapest capital, regionb 751.0 75.6 826.6 491.1 1,317.7 107.2 62.7 9.1 57.0
Pest county, regionc 508.6 41.7 550.3 378.1 928.4 67.1 59.3 7.6 54.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,259.6 117.3 1,376.9 869.2 2,246.1 174.3 61.3 8.5 56.1
Fejér county 178.7 18.4 197.1 132.9 330.0 28.0 59.7 9.3 54.2
Komárom-Esztergom county 134.7 9.7 144.4 94.4 238.8 17.3 60.5 6.7 56.4
Veszprém county 145.0 16.9 161.9 114.6 276.5 22.7 58.6 10.5 52.4
Central Transdanubia region 458.4 45.0 503.4 341.9 845.3 68.0 59.6 8.9 54.2
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 191.3 12.6 203.9 141.9 345.8 18.1 59.0 6.2 55.3
Vas county 110.5 7.8 118.4 83.1 201.5 11.6 58.8 6.6 54.9
Zala county 119.7 11.9 131.6 92.0 223.5 18.1 58.9 9.1 53.5
Western Transdanubia region 421.5 32.3 453.8 317.0 770.8 47.8 58.9 7.1 54.7
Baranya county 141.0 18.8 159.8 136.4 296.1 32.3 54.0 11.8 47.6
Somogy county 112.9 18.0 130.9 115.2 246.1 30.3 53.2 13.8 45.9
Tolna county 89.2 8.9 98.1 83.1 181.2 17.3 54.1 9.1 49.2
Southern Transdanubia region 343.1 45.7 388.8 334.6 723.4 79.9 53.7 11.8 47.4
Transdanubia large region 1,223.0 123.0 1,346.0 993.5 2,339.5 195.7 57.5 9.1 52.3
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 228.6 44.5 273.1 252.1 525.2 77.4 52.0 16.3 43.5
Heves county 111.1 16.2 127.3 109.6 236.9 27.4 53.7 12.8 46.9
Nógrád county 61.8 15.3 77.1 80.6 157.7 26.4 48.9 19.9 39.2
Northern Hungary region 401.5 76.0 477.5 442.4 919.9 131.2 51.9 15.9 43.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 193.5 28.6 222.1 193.5 415.6 48.2 53.4 12.9 46.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 146.4 17.9 164.3 135.2 299.5 34.9 54.9 10.9 48.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 184.5 39.9 224.4 204.3 428.7 69.7 52.4 17.8 43.0
Northern Great Plain region 524.4 86.4 610.8 532.9 1,143.8 152.9 53.4 14.2 45.8
Bács-Kiskun county 200.1 22.5 222.6 181.0 403.6 40.5 55.2 10.1 49.6
Békés county 130.6 17.9 148.6 131.6 280.2 31.9 53.0 12.1 46.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 161.7 15.1 176.8 141.0 317.7 22.3 55.6 8.5 50.9
Southern Great Plain region 492.4 55.6 547.9 453.6 1,001.5 94.7 54.7 10.1 49.2
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,418.2 218.0 1,636.3 1,428.9 3,065.2 378.7 53.4 13.3 46.3
Total country 3,900.8 458.3 4,359.2 3,291.6 7,650.8 748.7 57.0 10.5 51.0
Quarter 3 2011
Budapest capital, regionb 756.9 77.4 834.3 483.7 1,318.0 108.2 63.3 9.3 57.4
Pest county, regionc 508.6 42.6 551.3 378.9 930.1 72.1 59.3 7.7 54.7
Central Hungary large regiond 1,265.5 120.0 1,385.6 862.6 2,248.2 180.3 61.6 8.7 56.3
Fejér county 176.7 18.8 195.6 134.5 330.1 29.2 59.2 9.6 53.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 136.5 10.6 147.1 91.4 238.5 17.8 61.7 7.2 57.2
Veszprém county 150.3 16.1 166.4 109.8 276.2 22.3 60.2 9.7 54.4
Central Transdanubia region 463.6 45.6 509.1 335.7 844.8 69.2 60.3 9.0 54.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 193.6 10.8 204.4 141.7 346.1 15.9 59.1 5.3 55.9
Vas county 111.5 8.3 119.8 81.5 201.4 12.1 59.5 6.9 55.4
Zala county 121.8 12.3 134.1 89.1 223.3 18.0 60.1 9.2 54.6
Western Transdanubia region 426.9 31.4 458.4 312.3 770.7 46.0 59.5 6.9 55.4
Baranya county 136.2 23.3 159.5 136.1 295.6 36.4 54.0 14.6 46.1
Somogy county 112.7 15.7 128.4 117.4 245.8 29.3 52.2 12.2 45.8
Tolna county 90.2 7.7 97.9 83.1 180.9 14.4 54.1 7.8 49.8
Southern Transdanubia region 339.1 46.7 385.7 336.6 722.3 80.1 53.4 12.1 46.9
Transdanubia large region 1,229.6 123.7 1,353.2 984.6 2,337.8 195.3 57.9 9.1 52.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 229.8 47.0 276.8 247.5 524.3 82.3 52.8 17.0 43.8
Heves county 112.8 16.7 129.5 107.0 236.5 26.8 54.7 12.9 47.7
Nógrád county 65.5 12.1 77.6 79.8 157.4 25.0 49.3 15.6 41.6
Northern Hungary region 408.1 75.8 483.8 434.3 918.1 134.1 52.7 15.7 44.4
Hajdú-Bihar county 198.8 28.9 227.6 188.0 415.6 47.5 54.8 12.7 47.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 148.7 16.7 165.4 133.5 298.9 33.7 55.3 10.1 49.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 190.6 39.1 229.7 198.7 428.5 70.8 53.6 17.0 44.5
Northern Great Plain region 538.1 84.7 622.8 520.3 1,143.0 152.1 54.5 13.6 47.1
Bács-Kiskun county 204.8 20.8 225.6 177.7 403.3 40.2 55.9 9.2 50.8
Békés county 131.3 15.8 147.2 132.4 279.6 30.3 52.6 10.8 47.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 164.9 15.5 180.4 137.0 317.4 23.6 56.8 8.6 51.9
Southern Great Plain region 501.0 52.1 553.1 447.1 1,000.2 94.1 55.3 9.4 50.1
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,447.2 212.6 1,659.7 1,401.6 3,061.4 380.2 54.2 12.8 47.3
Total country 3,942.2 456.3 4,398.5 3,248.8 7,647.3 755.9 57.5 10.4 51.6
Quarter 4 2011
Budapest capital, regionb 757.7 78.2 835.9 484.7 1,320.6 110.4 63.3 9.4 57.4
Pest county, regionc 510.8 41.2 552.1 380.4 932.5 69.9 59.2 7.5 54.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,268.6 119.4 1,388.0 865.2 2,253.2 180.3 61.6 8.6 56.3
Fejér county 178.7 19.3 198.0 132.1 330.1 28.6 60.0 9.7 54.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 136.8 11.3 148.1 90.1 238.2 17.5 62.2 7.6 57.4
Veszprém county 146.1 17.3 163.4 112.4 275.7 23.6 59.2 10.6 53.0
Central Transdanubia region 461.6 47.9 509.4 334.6 844.0 69.7 60.4 9.4 54.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 192.9 11.3 204.2 142.0 346.2 17.0 59.0 5.6 55.7
Vas county 115.9 6.5 122.4 78.8 201.3 11.0 60.8 5.3 57.6
Zala county 120.5 11.3 131.9 91.0 222.8 19.3 59.2 8.6 54.1
Western Transdanubia region 429.3 29.2 458.5 311.8 770.3 47.2 59.5 6.4 55.7
Baranya county 137.0 23.5 160.5 134.4 294.8 37.8 54.4 14.6 46.5
Somogy county 114.8 13.9 128.7 116.7 245.5 27.6 52.5 10.8 46.8
Tolna county 85.2 9.9 95.1 85.4 180.5 18.5 52.7 10.5 47.2
Southern Transdanubia region 337.0 47.4 384.3 336.4 720.8 83.9 53.3 12.3 46.8
Transdanubia large region 1,227.9 124.4 1,352.3 982.8 2,335.1 200.8 57.9 9.2 52.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 227.9 45.9 273.8 249.1 522.9 80.0 52.4 16.8 43.6
Heves county 113.5 17.9 131.4 104.4 235.8 28.3 55.7 13.6 48.1
Nógrád county 66.9 12.4 79.3 77.7 157.0 24.5 50.5 15.6 42.6
Northern Hungary region 408.3 76.1 484.5 431.3 915.7 132.8 52.9 15.7 44.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 197.6 28.3 225.9 189.6 415.6 47.3 54.4 12.5 47.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 147.4 16.8 164.2 134.1 298.3 33.4 55.0 10.2 49.4
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 190.4 35.2 225.6 202.6 428.2 67.9 52.7 15.6 44.5
Northern Great Plain region 535.4 80.3 615.7 526.3 1,142.0 148.6 53.9 13.0 46.9
Bács-Kiskun county 201.3 21.7 223.1 179.8 402.9 40.3 55.4 9.7 50.0
Békés county 133.0 17.6 150.6 128.1 278.8 30.1 54.0 11.7 47.7
Csongrád-Csanád county 162.4 15.4 177.8 139.5 317.3 24.1 56.0 8.6 51.2
Southern Great Plain region 496.7 54.7 551.4 447.5 998.9 94.6 55.2 9.9 49.7
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,440.5 211.1 1,651.6 1,405.1 3,056.7 376.0 54.0 12.8 47.1
Total country 3,936.9 455.0 4,391.9 3,253.1 7,644.9 757.1 57.4 10.4 51.5
Quarter 1 2012
Budapest capital, regionb 761.0 81.0 842.0 482.9 1,325.0 116.5 63.6 9.6 57.4
Pest county, regionc 515.0 49.7 564.7 369.9 934.6 74.0 60.4 8.8 55.1
Central Hungary large regiond 1,276.0 130.8 1,406.7 852.8 2,259.6 190.4 62.3 9.3 56.5
Fejér county 174.5 21.0 195.5 134.4 329.9 30.4 59.3 10.7 52.9
Komárom-Esztergom county 132.8 9.7 142.5 95.2 237.7 17.5 59.9 6.8 55.9
Veszprém county 141.7 21.6 163.3 111.9 275.2 26.9 59.3 13.2 51.5
Central Transdanubia region 448.9 52.3 501.2 341.5 842.8 74.8 59.5 10.4 53.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 191.6 12.5 204.1 141.9 346.0 19.4 59.0 6.1 55.4
Vas county 114.6 8.4 123.0 78.1 201.1 12.0 61.2 6.8 57.0
Zala county 114.4 14.1 128.5 93.9 222.3 22.1 57.8 11.0 51.5
Western Transdanubia region 420.6 35.0 455.6 313.9 769.4 53.4 59.2 7.7 54.7
Baranya county 130.4 22.9 153.3 140.5 293.9 40.3 52.2 15.0 44.4
Somogy county 110.0 16.8 126.9 118.3 245.2 31.0 51.7 13.3 44.9
Tolna county 83.2 10.8 94.0 86.0 180.0 20.6 52.2 11.5 46.2
Southern Transdanubia region 323.6 50.6 374.2 344.9 719.0 91.8 52.0 13.5 45.0
Transdanubia large region 1,193.1 137.8 1,331.0 1,000.3 2,331.2 220.0 57.1 10.4 51.2
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 221.8 48.8 270.6 251.1 521.7 84.3 51.9 18.0 42.5
Heves county 111.2 18.8 130.1 105.1 235.2 29.2 55.3 14.5 47.3
Nógrád county 65.6 14.6 80.2 76.3 156.6 26.3 51.2 18.2 41.9
Northern Hungary region 398.6 82.2 480.9 432.6 913.5 139.8 52.6 17.1 43.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 189.5 31.5 221.0 194.3 415.3 52.1 53.2 14.3 45.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 142.6 18.7 161.2 136.3 297.6 36.8 54.2 11.6 47.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 185.2 44.8 230.0 198.3 428.2 74.2 53.7 19.5 43.2
Northern Great Plain region 517.2 95.0 612.2 528.8 1,141.1 163.1 53.7 15.5 45.3
Bács-Kiskun county 198.5 22.9 221.4 181.3 402.7 41.3 55.0 10.3 49.3
Békés county 128.3 19.3 147.6 130.4 278.0 29.2 53.1 13.1 46.2
Csongrád-Csanád county 158.5 18.0 176.5 140.9 317.4 27.3 55.6 10.2 49.9
Southern Great Plain region 485.3 60.2 545.5 452.6 998.1 97.8 54.7 11.0 48.6
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,401.2 237.4 1,638.6 1,414.0 3,052.6 400.7 53.7 14.5 45.9
Total country 3,870.3 506.0 4,376.3 3,267.1 7,643.4 811.1 57.3 11.6 50.6
Quarter 2 2012
Budapest capital, regionb 765.4 86.0 851.4 473.7 1,325.1 127.7 64.3 10.1 57.8
Pest county, regionc 508.8 49.5 558.2 377.2 935.4 81.7 59.7 8.9 54.4
Central Hungary large regiond 1,274.2 135.4 1,409.6 850.8 2,260.5 209.3 62.4 9.6 56.4
Fejér county 178.8 20.7 199.4 130.0 329.4 31.2 60.5 10.4 54.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 132.7 10.4 143.1 94.2 237.3 18.5 60.3 7.2 55.9
Veszprém county 145.8 17.6 163.4 111.4 274.8 22.0 59.5 10.8 53.1
Central Transdanubia region 457.3 48.7 505.9 335.6 841.6 71.7 60.1 9.6 54.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 198.8 10.2 209.0 137.4 346.5 15.7 60.3 4.9 57.4
Vas county 115.7 7.5 123.2 77.7 200.9 10.7 61.3 6.1 57.6
Zala county 117.5 14.7 132.3 89.9 222.2 21.0 59.5 11.1 52.9
Western Transdanubia region 432.1 32.4 464.5 305.0 769.5 47.4 60.4 7.0 56.2
Baranya county 136.0 23.3 159.3 133.6 292.9 38.4 54.4 14.7 46.4
Somogy county 114.0 14.0 128.0 116.9 244.9 29.2 52.3 10.9 46.6
Tolna county 87.1 8.4 95.5 84.2 179.7 17.5 53.1 8.8 48.4
Southern Transdanubia region 337.1 45.8 382.8 334.7 717.6 85.1 53.4 12.0 47.0
Transdanubia large region 1,226.4 126.9 1,353.3 975.3 2,328.6 204.2 58.1 9.4 52.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 227.2 42.4 269.6 251.1 520.6 77.0 51.8 15.7 43.6
Heves county 110.9 18.8 129.8 104.9 234.7 30.0 55.3 14.5 47.3
Nógrád county 68.1 13.0 81.1 75.1 156.2 24.3 51.9 16.0 43.6
Northern Hungary region 406.2 74.2 480.4 431.1 911.5 131.4 52.7 15.4 44.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 194.9 28.9 223.8 191.1 414.9 49.1 53.9 12.9 47.0
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 149.4 16.9 166.3 130.8 297.1 33.9 56.0 10.2 50.3
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 197.6 36.8 234.4 194.0 428.3 65.9 54.7 15.7 46.1
Northern Great Plain region 541.8 82.6 624.5 515.9 1,140.3 148.9 54.8 13.2 47.5
Bács-Kiskun county 209.6 19.4 228.9 173.4 402.3 37.0 56.9 8.5 52.1
Békés county 132.2 17.5 149.7 127.8 277.5 26.6 53.9 11.7 47.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 159.9 16.0 175.8 141.0 316.8 25.7 55.5 9.1 50.5
Southern Great Plain region 501.6 52.8 554.4 442.2 996.6 89.3 55.6 9.5 50.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,449.7 209.6 1,659.3 1,389.1 3,048.4 369.6 54.4 12.6 47.6
Total country 3,950.3 471.9 4,422.2 3,215.2 7,637.5 783.1 57.9 10.7 51.7
Quarter 3 2012
Budapest capital, regionb 789.4 71.5 860.9 465.2 1,326.1 113.6 64.9 8.3 59.5
Pest county, regionc 512.9 49.6 562.5 373.7 936.2 76.6 60.1 8.8 54.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,302.3 121.1 1,423.4 838.9 2,262.3 190.2 62.9 8.5 57.6
Fejér county 180.2 17.8 198.0 131.1 329.2 28.4 60.2 9.0 54.7
Komárom-Esztergom county 132.7 9.0 141.7 95.2 236.9 17.1 59.8 6.4 56.0
Veszprém county 147.0 17.8 164.8 109.7 274.5 23.7 60.0 10.8 53.5
Central Transdanubia region 459.8 44.7 504.5 336.1 840.6 69.2 60.0 8.9 54.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 201.1 9.7 210.9 136.2 347.0 17.8 60.8 4.6 57.9
Vas county 115.9 6.7 122.6 78.1 200.7 10.8 61.1 5.5 57.8
Zala county 120.6 14.9 135.5 86.5 222.0 20.5 61.1 11.0 54.3
Western Transdanubia region 437.6 31.4 469.0 300.7 769.7 49.0 60.9 6.7 56.9
Baranya county 138.1 20.6 158.7 133.6 292.3 38.3 54.3 13.0 47.2
Somogy county 118.6 13.2 131.8 112.8 244.6 29.3 53.9 10.0 48.5
Tolna county 89.5 9.6 99.1 80.2 179.3 19.5 55.3 9.7 49.9
Southern Transdanubia region 346.2 43.4 389.6 326.6 716.2 87.1 54.4 11.1 48.3
Transdanubia large region 1,243.7 119.4 1,363.1 963.4 2,326.5 205.3 58.6 8.8 53.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 227.3 43.9 271.2 248.2 519.4 80.5 52.2 16.2 43.8
Heves county 112.0 17.6 129.6 104.6 234.3 31.1 55.3 13.6 47.8
Nógrád county 68.2 13.3 81.5 74.2 155.7 26.2 52.3 16.3 43.8
Northern Hungary region 407.5 74.8 482.4 427.0 909.4 137.8 53.0 15.5 44.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 198.1 28.6 226.7 188.0 414.7 51.0 54.7 12.6 47.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 150.8 18.2 169.0 127.4 296.4 33.0 57.0 10.8 50.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 204.7 35.6 240.3 188.1 428.4 62.9 56.1 14.8 47.8
Northern Great Plain region 553.6 82.4 636.0 503.6 1,139.5 146.9 55.8 13.0 48.6
Bács-Kiskun county 211.7 18.9 230.6 171.4 402.0 37.7 57.4 8.2 52.7
Békés county 138.7 17.9 156.6 120.3 276.9 27.6 56.6 11.4 50.1
Csongrád-Csanád county 162.2 19.0 181.2 135.2 316.4 27.7 57.3 10.5 51.3
Southern Great Plain region 512.6 55.9 568.4 426.8 995.3 93.0 57.1 9.8 51.5
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,473.7 213.1 1,686.8 1,357.5 3,044.2 377.7 55.4 12.6 48.4
Total country 4,019.6 453.7 4,473.3 3,159.8 7,633.0 773.2 58.6 10.1 52.7
Quarter 4 2012
Budapest capital, regionb 787.9 76.6 864.5 463.4 1,327.9 116.3 65.1 8.9 59.3
Pest county, regionc 515.8 52.9 568.6 368.3 937.0 78.5 60.7 9.3 55.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,303.7 129.5 1,433.2 831.7 2,264.8 194.7 63.3 9.0 57.6
Fejér county 177.5 20.5 198.0 131.0 329.0 30.6 60.2 10.4 53.9
Komárom-Esztergom county 132.4 12.1 144.5 92.1 236.6 18.8 61.1 8.4 55.9
Veszprém county 150.1 15.4 165.5 108.9 274.4 22.6 60.3 9.3 54.7
Central Transdanubia region 460.0 48.0 507.9 332.1 840.0 72.0 60.5 9.4 54.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 194.1 11.2 205.3 142.4 347.8 20.7 59.0 5.5 55.8
Vas county 114.3 7.2 121.5 79.1 200.7 12.7 60.6 5.9 57.0
Zala county 117.2 17.9 135.1 86.4 221.4 23.7 61.0 13.2 52.9
Western Transdanubia region 425.6 36.4 462.0 307.9 769.9 57.1 60.0 7.9 55.3
Baranya county 136.3 20.3 156.6 134.9 291.5 38.6 53.7 13.0 46.8
Somogy county 118.9 12.0 130.9 113.4 244.3 29.3 53.6 9.1 48.7
Tolna county 90.1 7.4 97.5 81.5 179.0 17.6 54.5 7.6 50.3
Southern Transdanubia region 345.3 39.7 385.0 329.8 714.8 85.5 53.9 10.3 48.3
Transdanubia large region 1,230.9 124.0 1,354.8 969.9 2,324.7 214.6 58.3 9.2 52.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 229.8 40.6 270.4 247.8 518.2 81.2 52.2 15.0 44.3
Heves county 109.3 16.9 126.2 107.4 233.6 31.8 54.0 13.4 46.8
Nógrád county 66.6 13.4 80.0 75.3 155.4 25.5 51.5 16.8 42.9
Northern Hungary region 405.7 71.0 476.7 430.6 907.2 138.5 52.5 14.9 44.7
Hajdú-Bihar county 196.9 28.0 224.8 189.5 414.3 48.5 54.3 12.4 47.5
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 144.7 20.4 165.1 130.7 295.8 35.8 55.8 12.4 48.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 203.3 33.5 236.8 191.7 428.5 64.6 55.3 14.1 47.4
Northern Great Plain region 544.9 81.9 626.7 511.9 1,138.6 149.0 55.0 13.1 47.9
Bács-Kiskun county 208.5 19.9 228.4 173.2 401.7 40.8 56.9 8.7 51.9
Békés county 138.0 16.1 154.1 122.1 276.2 29.2 55.8 10.4 50.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 163.1 17.1 180.2 135.7 315.9 26.7 57.0 9.5 51.6
Southern Great Plain region 509.6 53.1 562.7 431.1 993.8 96.7 56.6 9.4 51.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,460.2 206.0 1,666.1 1,373.5 3,039.7 384.3 54.8 12.4 48.0
Total country 3,994.7 459.5 4,454.1 3,175.1 7,629.2 793.6 58.4 10.3 52.4
Quarter 1 2013
Budapest capital, regionb 789.7 70.7 860.4 468.2 1,328.6 111.3 64.8 8.2 59.4
Pest county, regionc 510.4 56.1 566.6 370.8 937.3 84.5 60.4 9.9 54.5
Central Hungary large regiond 1,300.1 126.9 1,426.9 839.0 2,265.9 195.8 63.0 8.9 57.4
Fejér county 177.7 21.4 199.1 129.7 328.8 32.4 60.6 10.7 54.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 127.5 14.1 141.6 94.7 236.3 22.2 59.9 9.9 54.0
Veszprém county 144.8 16.0 160.7 112.1 272.8 24.0 58.9 9.9 53.1
Central Transdanubia region 450.0 51.4 501.4 336.4 837.9 78.6 59.8 10.3 53.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 198.8 13.7 212.6 135.5 348.1 21.4 61.1 6.5 57.1
Vas county 109.8 10.0 119.8 80.7 200.5 15.9 59.7 8.3 54.8
Zala county 113.0 16.4 129.4 91.6 221.0 24.5 58.5 12.7 51.1
Western Transdanubia region 421.7 40.1 461.8 307.9 769.7 61.8 60.0 8.7 54.8
Baranya county 134.7 20.2 154.8 135.8 290.6 39.3 53.3 13.0 46.3
Somogy county 109.1 14.4 123.5 121.4 244.9 35.7 50.4 11.6 44.6
Tolna county 87.9 7.1 95.0 83.7 178.7 20.0 53.2 7.5 49.2
Southern Transdanubia region 331.7 41.7 373.3 340.8 714.2 95.0 52.3 11.2 46.4
Transdanubia large region 1,203.3 133.2 1,336.5 985.1 2,321.7 235.4 57.6 10.0 51.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 224.6 37.3 261.9 255.1 517.0 84.7 50.7 14.2 43.4
Heves county 109.4 16.1 125.5 107.7 233.1 29.7 53.8 12.8 46.9
Nógrád county 65.5 14.3 79.8 75.1 155.0 25.9 51.5 17.9 42.3
Northern Hungary region 399.6 67.6 467.2 437.9 905.1 140.3 51.6 14.5 44.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 189.6 32.9 222.5 191.6 414.1 60.2 53.7 14.8 45.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 135.5 23.1 158.5 136.6 295.1 39.7 53.7 14.5 45.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 189.6 44.3 233.9 194.9 428.7 77.0 54.5 18.9 44.2
Northern Great Plain region 514.7 100.2 614.9 523.1 1,137.9 176.9 54.0 16.3 45.2
Bács-Kiskun county 203.4 23.4 226.8 174.4 401.1 43.6 56.5 10.3 50.7
Békés county 127.8 22.0 149.8 125.8 275.6 35.1 54.4 14.7 46.4
Csongrád-Csanád county 157.8 21.4 179.2 136.4 315.5 32.3 56.8 12.0 50.0
Southern Great Plain region 488.9 66.8 555.7 436.5 992.2 111.0 56.0 12.0 49.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,403.1 234.7 1,637.8 1,397.5 3,035.3 428.1 54.0 14.3 46.2
Total country 3,906.6 494.7 4,401.3 3,221.6 7,622.8 859.3 57.7 11.2 51.2
Quarter 2 2013
Budapest capital, regionb 790.6 68.0 858.6 470.7 1,329.3 116.0 64.6 7.9 59.5
Pest county, regionc 523.3 51.2 574.5 362.5 937.1 78.2 61.3 8.9 55.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,313.9 119.3 1,433.2 833.2 2,266.4 194.2 63.2 8.3 58.0
Fejér county 181.9 19.9 201.8 126.5 328.3 30.3 61.5 9.9 55.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 130.8 12.0 142.8 93.0 235.8 20.7 60.6 8.4 55.5
Veszprém county 147.3 13.0 160.3 111.8 272.1 21.4 58.9 8.1 54.1
Central Transdanubia region 460.0 44.9 504.9 331.4 836.3 72.3 60.4 8.9 55.0
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 199.9 11.7 211.6 136.5 348.1 20.4 60.8 5.5 57.4
Vas county 113.5 9.4 123.0 77.3 200.3 14.6 61.4 7.7 56.7
Zala county 117.7 13.2 130.9 89.6 220.5 22.8 59.3 10.1 53.4
Western Transdanubia region 431.1 34.3 465.4 303.5 768.9 57.8 60.5 7.4 56.1
Baranya county 145.5 14.9 160.4 129.4 289.8 30.7 55.4 9.3 50.2
Somogy county 115.0 15.1 130.1 114.2 244.3 32.8 53.3 11.6 47.1
Tolna county 92.0 5.2 97.2 81.1 178.2 16.4 54.5 5.4 51.6
Southern Transdanubia region 352.5 35.3 387.8 324.6 712.4 79.9 54.4 9.1 49.5
Transdanubia large region 1,243.6 114.5 1,358.1 959.5 2,317.6 210.0 58.6 8.4 53.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 236.7 34.3 271.0 244.7 515.7 70.1 52.6 12.7 45.9
Heves county 110.0 14.6 124.6 107.8 232.5 29.4 53.6 11.7 47.3
Nógrád county 67.0 12.5 79.5 74.9 154.4 23.8 51.5 15.7 43.4
Northern Hungary region 413.8 61.5 475.2 427.4 902.6 123.3 52.7 12.9 45.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 198.9 30.4 229.3 184.4 413.7 54.6 55.4 13.3 48.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 146.3 16.4 162.7 131.6 294.3 31.2 55.3 10.1 49.7
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 204.9 37.9 242.9 185.7 428.6 61.5 56.7 15.6 47.8
Northern Great Plain region 550.1 84.8 634.9 501.7 1,136.6 147.2 55.9 13.4 48.4
Bács-Kiskun county 207.2 21.7 228.9 171.4 400.3 40.3 57.2 9.5 51.8
Békés county 138.1 15.2 153.3 121.5 274.8 27.2 55.8 9.9 50.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 161.6 22.9 184.5 130.6 315.1 30.3 58.6 12.4 51.3
Southern Great Plain region 506.9 59.8 566.7 423.6 990.3 97.8 57.2 10.5 51.2
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,470.8 206.0 1,676.8 1,352.6 3,029.4 368.3 55.4 12.3 48.6
Total country 4,028.3 439.8 4,468.1 3,145.3 7,613.4 772.5 58.7 9.8 52.9
Quarter 3 2013
Budapest capital, regionb 783.9 70.8 854.7 474.3 1,328.9 107.7 64.3 8.3 59.0
Pest county, regionc 529.5 48.8 578.2 359.1 937.3 81.6 61.7 8.4 56.5
Central Hungary large regiond 1,313.4 119.5 1,432.9 833.4 2,266.3 189.2 63.2 8.3 58.0
Fejér county 185.2 17.6 202.8 125.1 327.9 28.3 61.8 8.7 56.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 132.5 8.1 140.6 94.8 235.4 17.8 59.7 5.8 56.3
Veszprém county 151.6 13.4 165.0 106.7 271.6 20.6 60.7 8.1 55.8
Central Transdanubia region 469.3 39.0 508.3 326.6 834.9 66.8 60.9 7.7 56.2
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 204.8 10.6 215.4 133.0 348.4 16.8 61.8 4.9 58.8
Vas county 114.4 7.5 121.9 78.2 200.1 12.0 60.9 6.2 57.2
Zala county 119.1 15.2 134.3 85.8 220.1 22.3 61.0 11.3 54.1
Western Transdanubia region 438.3 33.3 471.6 297.1 768.7 51.1 61.4 7.1 57.0
Baranya county 147.8 15.8 163.6 125.5 289.1 30.0 56.6 9.7 51.1
Somogy county 116.4 13.3 129.7 114.3 244.0 30.8 53.2 10.2 47.7
Tolna county 94.0 4.3 98.3 79.5 177.8 15.6 55.3 4.4 52.9
Southern Transdanubia region 358.2 33.3 391.5 319.3 710.9 76.4 55.1 8.5 50.4
Transdanubia large region 1,265.8 105.7 1,371.5 943.0 2,314.5 194.2 59.3 7.7 54.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 242.4 28.5 270.8 243.6 514.4 66.1 52.7 10.5 47.1
Heves county 113.3 14.8 128.1 103.8 232.0 26.4 55.2 11.6 48.8
Nógrád county 67.6 11.4 78.9 75.1 154.0 21.0 51.2 14.4 43.9
Northern Hungary region 423.2 54.6 477.9 422.5 900.4 113.4 53.1 11.4 47.0
Hajdú-Bihar county 205.4 37.7 243.1 170.3 413.4 55.4 58.8 15.5 49.7
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 153.3 18.3 171.6 122.1 293.7 29.6 58.4 10.7 52.2
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 209.6 34.2 243.8 184.9 428.7 60.6 56.9 14.0 48.9
Northern Great Plain region 568.3 90.3 658.5 477.3 1,135.8 145.6 58.0 13.7 50.0
Bács-Kiskun county 210.5 23.2 233.7 165.9 399.6 38.9 58.5 9.9 52.7
Békés county 140.9 13.3 154.2 119.9 274.1 24.2 56.2 8.6 51.4
Csongrád-Csanád county 159.5 22.3 181.9 132.7 314.6 29.1 57.8 12.3 50.7
Southern Great Plain region 511.0 58.8 569.8 418.6 988.3 92.2 57.6 10.3 51.7
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,502.5 203.7 1,706.1 1,318.4 3,024.5 351.2 56.4 11.9 49.7
Total country 4,081.7 428.9 4,510.6 3,094.7 7,605.3 734.6 59.3 9.5 53.7
Quarter 4 2013
Budapest capital, regionb 775.5 65.2 840.8 489.8 1,330.5 110.7 63.2 7.8 58.3
Pest county, regionc 542.6 46.4 589.0 348.9 937.8 73.8 62.8 7.9 57.9
Central Hungary large regiond 1,318.1 111.6 1,429.7 838.6 2,268.4 184.5 63.0 7.8 58.1
Fejér county 184.5 15.5 200.1 127.3 327.4 28.1 61.1 7.8 56.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 133.8 7.9 141.6 93.3 234.9 14.7 60.3 5.6 56.9
Veszprém county 150.9 12.2 163.0 108.2 271.2 18.4 60.1 7.5 55.6
Central Transdanubia region 469.1 35.6 504.7 328.8 833.5 61.2 60.6 7.1 56.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 209.4 8.3 217.7 131.3 349.0 15.2 62.4 3.8 60.0
Vas county 115.5 8.3 123.8 76.1 199.9 14.4 61.9 6.7 57.8
Zala county 119.8 14.8 134.5 85.1 219.6 22.8 61.3 11.0 54.5
Western Transdanubia region 444.7 31.3 476.0 292.5 768.5 52.4 61.9 6.6 57.9
Baranya county 144.2 12.5 156.7 131.5 288.2 26.2 54.4 8.0 50.0
Somogy county 116.1 12.8 129.0 114.5 243.5 30.7 53.0 10.0 47.7
Tolna county 94.3 4.2 98.5 78.7 177.3 12.8 55.6 4.3 53.2
Southern Transdanubia region 354.7 29.5 384.2 324.8 709.0 69.7 54.2 7.7 50.0
Transdanubia large region 1,268.6 96.4 1,365.0 946.0 2,311.0 183.3 59.1 7.1 54.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 245.6 27.2 272.8 240.0 512.8 59.3 53.2 10.0 47.9
Heves county 116.2 15.1 131.3 100.0 231.2 24.7 56.8 11.5 50.3
Nógrád county 70.8 8.8 79.6 73.8 153.4 16.8 51.9 11.0 46.2
Northern Hungary region 432.7 51.0 483.7 413.8 897.4 100.8 53.9 10.5 48.2
Hajdú-Bihar county 206.3 36.1 242.4 170.5 413.0 54.1 58.7 14.9 50.0
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 155.5 15.4 170.9 122.1 293.0 25.1 58.3 9.0 53.1
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 209.8 31.6 241.4 187.0 428.4 58.4 56.4 13.1 49.0
Northern Great Plain region 571.6 83.2 654.8 479.6 1,134.3 137.6 57.7 12.7 50.4
Bács-Kiskun county 211.1 21.8 232.9 166.0 398.8 37.4 58.4 9.3 52.9
Békés county 136.3 14.9 151.2 122.1 273.3 24.4 55.3 9.8 49.9
Csongrád-Csanád county 162.1 18.6 180.7 133.4 314.1 26.6 57.5 10.3 51.6
Southern Great Plain region 509.6 55.2 564.8 421.4 986.2 88.3 57.3 9.8 51.7
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,513.8 189.4 1,703.2 1,314.7 3,018.0 326.7 56.4 11.1 50.2
Total country 4,100.5 397.4 4,497.9 3,099.4 7,597.3 694.4 59.2 8.8 54.0
Quarter 1 2014
Budapest capital, regionb 797.3 58.5 855.9 475.5 1,331.3 91.5 64.3 6.8 59.9
Pest county, regionc 544.8 40.5 585.3 352.7 938.0 68.0 62.4 6.9 58.1
Central Hungary large regiond 1,342.1 99.1 1,441.2 828.1 2,269.3 159.5 63.5 6.9 59.1
Fejér county 185.4 15.5 201.0 126.0 326.9 27.4 61.5 7.7 56.7
Komárom-Esztergom county 131.8 4.5 136.4 98.1 234.4 13.0 58.2 3.3 56.2
Veszprém county 153.9 9.1 163.0 107.3 270.4 13.7 60.3 5.6 56.9
Central Transdanubia region 471.1 29.2 500.3 331.4 831.7 54.0 60.2 5.8 56.6
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 218.2 5.8 224.0 125.1 349.2 11.3 64.2 2.6 62.5
Vas county 118.1 4.1 122.2 77.5 199.7 11.3 61.2 3.4 59.1
Zala county 123.5 13.3 136.8 82.2 219.0 21.8 62.5 9.7 56.4
Western Transdanubia region 459.8 23.2 483.1 284.8 767.9 44.4 62.9 4.8 59.9
Baranya county 145.5 13.2 158.8 128.7 287.5 31.8 55.2 8.3 50.6
Somogy county 118.2 12.6 130.8 112.1 242.9 31.8 53.9 9.6 48.7
Tolna county 97.1 4.7 101.8 75.0 176.8 15.0 57.6 4.6 54.9
Southern Transdanubia region 360.8 30.6 391.4 315.8 707.2 78.5 55.3 7.8 51.0
Transdanubia large region 1,291.8 83.0 1,374.7 932.1 2,306.8 177.0 59.6 6.0 56.0
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 250.0 26.4 276.4 235.1 511.5 68.0 54.0 9.5 48.9
Heves county 118.5 11.6 130.1 100.5 230.6 21.3 56.4 8.9 51.4
Nógrád county 73.8 6.9 80.7 72.3 152.9 17.6 52.7 8.5 48.2
Northern Hungary region 442.3 44.9 487.2 407.9 895.1 107.0 54.4 9.2 49.4
Hajdú-Bihar county 211.6 32.1 243.7 168.7 412.4 55.8 59.1 13.2 51.3
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 157.3 14.6 171.8 120.4 292.2 28.8 58.8 8.5 53.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 214.0 33.2 247.2 180.9 428.1 62.8 57.7 13.4 50.0
Northern Great Plain region 582.9 79.9 662.7 470.0 1,132.7 147.4 58.5 12.0 51.5
Bács-Kiskun county 207.5 23.1 230.6 167.5 398.1 39.8 57.9 10.0 52.1
Békés county 132.9 16.2 149.1 123.3 272.4 27.1 54.7 10.9 48.8
Csongrád-Csanád county 165.7 16.9 182.6 130.8 313.4 24.3 58.3 9.2 52.9
Southern Great Plain region 506.1 56.2 562.3 421.6 983.9 91.1 57.2 10.0 51.4
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,531.3 181.0 1,712.3 1,299.5 3,011.7 345.5 56.9 10.6 50.8
Total country 4,165.1 363.0 4,528.2 3,059.7 7,587.8 681.9 59.7 8.0 54.9
Quarter 2 2014
Budapest capital, regionb 806.9 52.0 858.9 473.3 1,332.2 82.1 64.5 6.1 60.6
Pest county, regionc 547.4 36.2 583.6 354.4 938.0 62.3 62.2 6.2 58.4
Central Hungary large regiond 1,354.3 88.2 1,442.5 827.7 2,270.2 144.4 63.5 6.1 59.7
Fejér county 189.2 13.7 203.0 123.5 326.5 26.6 62.2 6.8 58.0
Komárom-Esztergom county 137.8 6.1 143.9 90.0 233.9 10.5 61.5 4.2 58.9
Veszprém county 157.1 8.4 165.5 104.2 269.7 12.3 61.4 5.1 58.3
Central Transdanubia region 484.2 28.2 512.3 317.7 830.1 49.5 61.7 5.5 58.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 214.6 6.4 221.1 128.1 349.2 11.0 63.3 2.9 61.5
Vas county 119.2 4.9 124.1 75.3 199.4 9.7 62.2 3.9 59.8
Zala county 124.8 10.9 135.7 82.8 218.4 16.9 62.1 8.0 57.1
Western Transdanubia region 458.6 22.3 480.8 286.2 767.0 37.6 62.7 4.6 59.8
Baranya county 144.7 15.5 160.2 126.5 286.7 30.4 55.9 9.7 50.5
Somogy county 122.1 12.1 134.2 108.1 242.3 27.5 55.4 9.0 50.4
Tolna county 97.0 5.7 102.6 73.7 176.3 14.3 58.2 5.5 55.0
Southern Transdanubia region 363.8 33.3 397.1 308.3 705.3 72.3 56.3 8.4 51.6
Transdanubia large region 1,306.6 83.7 1,390.3 912.2 2,302.5 159.4 60.4 6.0 56.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 244.4 32.8 277.2 232.8 510.0 68.9 54.4 11.8 47.9
Heves county 116.1 14.0 130.1 99.9 230.0 25.0 56.6 10.7 50.5
Nógrád county 75.3 6.7 82.0 70.4 152.4 15.7 53.8 8.2 49.4
Northern Hungary region 435.7 53.5 489.3 403.1 892.4 109.6 54.8 10.9 48.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 208.3 32.2 240.5 171.2 411.7 52.1 58.4 13.4 50.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 159.6 12.2 171.8 119.6 291.5 26.4 59.0 7.1 54.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 209.3 37.5 246.7 181.0 427.7 61.4 57.7 15.2 48.9
Northern Great Plain region 577.2 81.9 659.1 471.8 1,130.9 140.0 58.3 12.4 51.0
Bács-Kiskun county 211.5 23.1 234.6 162.7 397.3 38.1 59.0 9.8 53.2
Békés county 137.2 16.6 153.8 117.6 271.4 26.4 56.7 10.8 50.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 173.8 11.8 185.6 127.2 312.8 19.2 59.3 6.4 55.6
Southern Great Plain region 522.5 51.5 574.0 407.5 981.5 83.8 58.5 9.0 53.2
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,535.5 186.9 1,722.4 1,282.4 3,004.8 333.3 57.3 10.9 51.1
Total country 4,196.3 358.8 4,555.1 3,022.3 7,577.5 637.1 60.1 7.9 55.4
Quarter 3 2014
Budapest capital, regionb 816.6 44.5 861.1 470.5 1,331.6 78.1 64.7 5.2 61.3
Pest county, regionc 552.3 32.6 584.9 353.8 938.7 58.7 62.3 5.6 58.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,368.9 77.1 1,446.0 824.2 2,270.3 136.8 63.7 5.3 60.3
Fejér county 193.0 12.1 205.1 121.1 326.2 25.4 62.9 5.9 59.2
Komárom-Esztergom county 137.9 5.7 143.7 89.7 233.3 10.7 61.6 4.0 59.1
Veszprém county 160.5 7.6 168.1 101.1 269.2 12.1 62.4 4.5 59.6
Central Transdanubia region 491.4 25.4 516.8 311.8 828.6 48.2 62.4 4.9 59.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 214.0 7.6 221.6 127.9 349.5 12.0 63.4 3.4 61.2
Vas county 124.5 4.0 128.4 70.9 199.3 8.6 64.4 3.1 62.4
Zala county 121.7 9.3 131.0 87.1 218.1 15.2 60.1 7.1 55.8
Western Transdanubia region 460.2 20.8 481.0 285.9 766.9 35.7 62.7 4.3 60.0
Baranya county 148.0 13.6 161.5 124.5 286.1 29.9 56.5 8.4 51.7
Somogy county 125.6 10.5 136.1 105.8 241.9 24.0 56.3 7.7 51.9
Tolna county 99.4 5.3 104.7 71.2 175.9 13.4 59.5 5.0 56.5
Southern Transdanubia region 373.0 29.4 402.3 301.5 703.8 67.2 57.2 7.3 53.0
Transdanubia large region 1,324.6 75.6 1,400.2 899.2 2,299.4 151.2 60.9 5.4 57.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 250.1 34.9 285.0 223.6 508.6 62.9 56.0 12.2 49.2
Heves county 118.3 13.9 132.2 97.4 229.5 21.9 57.6 10.5 51.5
Nógrád county 76.7 7.7 84.4 67.5 151.9 15.3 55.5 9.1 50.5
Northern Hungary region 445.1 56.5 501.6 388.5 890.1 100.1 56.4 11.3 50.0
Hajdú-Bihar county 212.3 29.6 242.0 169.3 411.3 48.7 58.8 12.2 51.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 163.2 13.2 176.4 114.3 290.7 23.1 60.7 7.5 56.1
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 219.4 32.4 251.8 175.6 427.4 56.8 58.9 12.9 51.3
Northern Great Plain region 595.0 75.2 670.2 459.3 1,129.4 128.5 59.3 11.2 52.7
Bács-Kiskun county 219.0 20.7 239.7 156.8 396.5 31.7 60.5 8.6 55.2
Békés county 139.6 13.9 153.5 117.1 270.6 23.8 56.7 9.1 51.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 177.9 12.4 190.4 122.0 312.3 20.0 60.9 6.5 57.0
Southern Great Plain region 536.6 47.1 583.6 395.8 979.4 75.5 59.6 8.1 54.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,576.7 178.7 1,755.3 1,243.6 2,998.9 304.1 58.5 10.2 52.6
Total country 4,270.1 331.4 4,601.5 2,967.1 7,568.6 592.1 60.8 7.2 56.4
Quarter 4 2014
Budapest capital, regionb 815.4 43.2 858.6 474.7 1,333.3 71.7 64.4 5.0 61.2
Pest county, regionc 547.3 37.2 584.6 354.7 939.3 60.2 62.2 6.4 58.3
Central Hungary large regiond 1,362.7 80.4 1,443.1 829.5 2,272.6 131.8 63.5 5.6 60.0
Fejér county 195.8 10.5 206.3 119.3 325.6 22.2 63.4 5.1 60.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 136.3 7.4 143.8 89.1 232.9 11.7 61.7 5.2 58.6
Veszprém county 157.8 9.1 166.9 101.6 268.5 12.0 62.1 5.5 58.8
Central Transdanubia region 489.9 27.1 517.0 310.0 827.0 45.9 62.5 5.2 59.2
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 211.6 5.8 217.4 132.5 349.9 12.3 62.1 2.7 60.5
Vas county 123.6 4.6 128.2 71.0 199.2 8.9 64.4 3.6 62.1
Zala county 119.2 8.2 127.4 90.2 217.5 13.9 58.5 6.4 54.8
Western Transdanubia region 454.5 18.5 473.0 293.6 766.6 35.1 61.7 3.9 59.3
Baranya county 151.4 11.3 162.7 122.6 285.3 27.0 57.0 6.9 53.1
Somogy county 118.1 11.6 129.7 111.3 241.0 27.5 53.8 9.0 49.0
Tolna county 96.0 6.2 102.2 73.1 175.3 13.3 58.3 6.1 54.8
Southern Transdanubia region 365.4 29.1 394.6 307.1 701.7 67.7 56.2 7.4 52.1
Transdanubia large region 1,309.8 74.7 1,384.5 910.7 2,295.2 148.8 60.3 5.4 57.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 251.0 29.3 280.3 226.7 507.0 62.1 55.3 10.4 49.5
Heves county 119.6 10.8 130.4 98.4 228.8 19.3 57.0 8.3 52.3
Nógrád county 81.2 6.0 87.2 64.1 151.3 11.7 57.6 6.9 53.7
Northern Hungary region 451.8 46.0 497.9 389.2 887.1 93.1 56.1 9.2 50.9
Hajdú-Bihar county 217.8 28.8 246.5 164.0 410.6 48.7 60.0 11.7 53.0
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 164.9 11.9 176.8 113.0 289.8 21.4 61.0 6.7 56.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 220.7 30.7 251.4 175.6 426.9 55.5 58.9 12.2 51.7
Northern Great Plain region 603.3 71.3 674.6 452.7 1,127.3 125.5 59.8 10.6 53.5
Bács-Kiskun county 216.3 20.8 237.1 158.4 395.5 32.3 59.9 8.8 54.7
Békés county 137.1 15.3 152.4 117.2 269.6 25.8 56.5 10.0 50.9
Csongrád-Csanád county 177.8 9.6 187.4 124.4 311.8 16.3 60.1 5.1 57.0
Southern Great Plain region 531.1 45.8 576.9 400.0 976.9 74.4 59.1 7.9 54.4
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,586.3 163.1 1,749.4 1,241.9 2,991.3 293.1 58.5 9.3 53.0
Total country 4,258.8 318.3 4,577.1 2,982.0 7,559.1 573.7 60.6 7.0 56.3
Quarter 1 2015
Budapest capital, regionb 819.9 40.9 860.9 472.4 1,333.3 75.2 64.6 4.8 61.5
Pest county, regionc 545.0 42.8 587.8 352.1 939.9 64.2 62.5 7.3 58.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,364.9 83.7 1,448.7 824.5 2,273.2 139.4 63.7 5.8 60.0
Fejér county 198.5 8.7 207.2 117.5 324.7 18.7 63.8 4.2 61.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 135.8 8.0 143.8 88.5 232.3 11.5 61.9 5.6 58.4
Veszprém county 158.4 9.5 167.9 100.5 268.4 12.3 62.6 5.7 59.0
Central Transdanubia region 492.6 26.3 518.9 306.5 825.4 42.5 62.9 5.1 59.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 214.8 6.0 220.8 129.3 350.1 14.0 63.1 2.7 61.4
Vas county 120.2 5.7 125.9 73.1 198.9 10.6 63.3 4.5 60.4
Zala county 116.4 11.0 127.4 89.2 216.6 18.8 58.8 8.6 53.7
Western Transdanubia region 451.5 22.6 474.1 291.5 765.6 43.4 61.9 4.8 59.0
Baranya county 151.2 13.7 165.0 119.1 284.1 28.9 58.1 8.3 53.2
Somogy county 115.4 13.2 128.6 110.2 238.8 29.4 53.9 10.3 48.3
Tolna county 96.9 6.6 103.5 71.2 174.7 13.3 59.2 6.4 55.5
Southern Transdanubia region 363.5 33.5 397.1 300.5 697.6 71.6 56.9 8.4 52.1
Transdanubia large region 1,307.6 82.5 1,390.1 898.6 2,288.6 157.5 60.7 5.9 57.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 251.2 32.7 283.9 221.2 505.1 61.3 56.2 11.5 49.7
Heves county 119.6 12.3 131.9 96.4 228.3 21.4 57.8 9.4 52.4
Nógrád county 77.8 8.3 86.1 64.6 150.7 16.0 57.1 9.7 51.6
Northern Hungary region 448.6 53.4 502.0 382.1 884.1 98.7 56.8 10.6 50.7
Hajdú-Bihar county 211.1 28.6 239.6 170.1 409.7 51.3 58.5 11.9 51.5
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 157.8 12.2 170.0 118.8 288.7 22.6 58.9 7.2 54.7
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 217.0 36.1 253.1 175.4 428.4 60.3 59.1 14.3 50.6
Northern Great Plain region 585.9 76.8 662.7 464.2 1,126.9 134.2 58.8 11.6 52.0
Bács-Kiskun county 214.1 20.3 234.4 160.4 394.8 29.5 59.4 8.7 54.2
Békés county 139.2 17.2 156.4 112.3 268.7 28.6 58.2 11.0 51.8
Csongrád-Csanád county 175.5 13.4 188.9 122.6 311.5 19.6 60.6 7.1 56.3
Southern Great Plain region 528.8 50.9 579.7 395.3 975.0 77.7 59.5 8.8 54.2
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,563.3 181.1 1,744.4 1,241.6 2,986.0 310.5 58.4 10.4 52.4
Total country 4,235.8 347.3 4,583.1 2,964.7 7,547.8 607.4 60.7 7.6 56.1
Quarter 2 2015
Budapest capital, regionb 821.1 45.5 866.6 467.8 1,334.4 73.8 64.9 5.2 61.5
Pest county, regionc 564.0 32.6 596.6 343.9 940.5 52.6 63.4 5.5 60.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,385.1 78.1 1,463.2 811.6 2,274.8 126.3 64.3 5.3 60.9
Fejér county 198.9 7.8 206.6 117.3 323.9 15.7 63.8 3.8 61.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 139.1 6.5 145.5 86.2 231.8 9.6 62.8 4.4 60.0
Veszprém county 160.0 7.3 167.3 100.0 267.3 11.3 62.6 4.4 59.9
Central Transdanubia region 497.9 21.6 519.5 303.5 823.0 36.6 63.1 4.2 60.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 219.7 4.8 224.5 126.0 350.4 12.0 64.1 2.1 62.7
Vas county 122.5 5.4 127.9 70.9 198.8 9.1 64.3 4.2 61.6
Zala county 121.8 6.6 128.4 87.4 215.9 13.3 59.5 5.2 56.4
Western Transdanubia region 464.0 16.8 480.8 284.3 765.1 34.5 62.8 3.5 60.6
Baranya county 153.5 13.3 166.9 116.3 283.1 23.7 58.9 8.0 54.2
Somogy county 121.7 9.2 131.0 107.1 238.0 24.8 55.0 7.1 51.1
Tolna county 98.4 7.0 105.4 68.7 174.1 13.0 60.5 6.7 56.5
Southern Transdanubia region 373.6 29.6 403.2 292.0 695.3 61.5 58.0 7.3 53.7
Transdanubia large region 1,335.5 68.0 1,403.5 879.8 2,283.3 132.6 61.5 4.8 58.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 265.2 25.1 290.3 213.2 503.5 49.9 57.7 8.6 52.7
Heves county 120.8 11.8 132.6 95.3 227.8 21.7 58.2 8.9 53.0
Nógrád county 80.6 6.0 86.6 63.7 150.3 11.3 57.6 6.9 53.6
Northern Hungary region 466.7 42.8 509.5 372.1 881.6 82.8 57.8 8.4 52.9
Hajdú-Bihar county 220.0 29.7 249.7 159.4 409.1 46.0 61.0 11.9 53.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 159.9 11.5 171.4 116.3 287.7 21.5 59.6 6.7 55.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 222.7 32.6 255.3 174.3 429.7 51.3 59.4 12.8 51.8
Northern Great Plain region 602.6 73.8 676.4 450.1 1,126.5 118.8 60.0 10.9 53.5
Bács-Kiskun county 221.0 19.3 240.3 153.9 394.2 30.4 61.0 8.0 56.1
Békés county 140.2 13.5 153.7 114.1 267.9 23.8 57.4 8.8 52.4
Csongrád-Csanád county 172.9 14.8 187.7 123.5 311.2 21.2 60.3 7.9 55.5
Southern Great Plain region 534.1 47.6 581.7 391.5 973.2 75.3 59.8 8.2 54.9
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,603.4 164.2 1,767.6 1,213.7 2,981.3 277.0 59.3 9.3 53.8
Total country 4,324.0 310.3 4,634.3 2,905.2 7,539.5 535.9 61.5 6.7 57.4
Quarter 3 2015
Budapest capital, regionb 841.1 43.2 884.2 452.5 1,336.7 77.8 66.2 4.9 62.9
Pest county, regionc 565.9 29.9 595.8 345.7 941.5 46.5 63.3 5.0 60.1
Central Hungary large regiond 1,407.0 73.1 1,480.0 798.1 2,278.2 124.3 65.0 4.9 61.8
Fejér county 203.4 6.6 210.1 113.7 323.7 13.7 64.9 3.2 62.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 141.3 7.6 148.9 82.6 231.5 11.4 64.3 5.1 61.0
Veszprém county 163.6 7.2 170.8 95.2 265.9 10.4 64.2 4.2 61.5
Central Transdanubia region 508.3 21.5 529.7 291.4 821.1 35.6 64.5 4.1 61.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 216.3 6.8 223.1 127.6 350.7 11.3 63.6 3.1 61.7
Vas county 125.7 3.4 129.1 69.5 198.7 7.8 65.0 2.6 63.3
Zala county 124.5 4.9 129.4 86.0 215.4 10.5 60.1 3.8 57.8
Western Transdanubia region 466.5 15.2 481.6 283.2 764.8 29.6 63.0 3.1 61.0
Baranya county 154.5 15.6 170.1 112.8 282.9 25.8 60.1 9.2 54.6
Somogy county 122.2 11.2 133.4 104.7 238.1 23.6 56.0 8.4 51.3
Tolna county 95.9 7.0 102.9 70.7 173.6 13.6 59.3 6.8 55.3
Southern Transdanubia region 372.6 33.8 406.4 288.2 694.6 62.9 58.5 8.3 53.7
Transdanubia large region 1,347.4 70.4 1,417.7 862.8 2,280.5 128.1 62.2 5.0 59.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 267.9 24.3 292.3 210.1 502.3 45.0 58.2 8.3 53.3
Heves county 124.4 9.6 134.0 93.4 227.4 19.0 58.9 7.2 54.7
Nógrád county 78.4 6.0 84.3 65.6 149.9 12.1 56.3 7.1 52.3
Northern Hungary region 470.7 39.9 510.6 369.0 879.6 76.1 58.0 7.8 53.5
Hajdú-Bihar county 224.8 27.4 252.2 156.6 408.8 39.6 61.7 10.9 55.0
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 162.2 11.0 173.2 113.8 287.0 21.2 60.3 6.3 56.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 228.0 30.0 258.0 172.5 430.4 48.4 59.9 11.6 53.0
Northern Great Plain region 615.0 68.4 683.4 442.9 1,126.3 109.1 60.7 10.0 54.6
Bács-Kiskun county 227.5 15.9 243.4 150.3 393.7 25.7 61.8 6.5 57.8
Békés county 144.2 10.9 155.1 112.0 267.2 18.8 58.1 7.0 54.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 178.6 14.0 192.5 118.5 311.1 19.6 61.9 7.3 57.4
Southern Great Plain region 550.3 40.8 591.1 380.8 971.9 64.1 60.8 6.9 56.6
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,636.0 149.0 1,785.1 1,192.7 2,977.8 249.3 59.9 8.3 54.9
Total country 4,390.4 292.4 4,682.8 2,853.6 7,536.5 501.7 62.1 6.2 58.3
Quarter 4 2015
Budapest capital, regionb 851.3 41.8 893.1 443.3 1,336.4 72.8 66.8 4.7 63.7
Pest county, regionc 570.5 25.3 595.8 347.1 942.9 41.9 63.2 4.2 60.5
Central Hungary large regiond 1,421.8 67.1 1,488.9 790.3 2,279.3 114.7 65.3 4.5 62.4
Fejér county 201.4 6.9 208.2 115.1 323.4 14.2 64.4 3.3 62.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 141.0 8.4 149.4 81.6 231.1 12.7 64.7 5.6 61.0
Veszprém county 161.6 6.0 167.6 97.6 265.3 10.2 63.2 3.6 60.9
Central Transdanubia region 504.0 21.3 525.3 294.4 819.7 37.1 64.1 4.1 61.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 218.2 7.3 225.5 125.6 351.1 10.7 64.2 3.2 62.1
Vas county 124.5 4.6 129.1 69.4 198.6 8.8 65.0 3.6 62.7
Zala county 125.4 4.6 130.0 84.8 214.8 10.6 60.5 3.6 58.4
Western Transdanubia region 468.1 16.5 484.6 279.8 764.4 30.1 63.4 3.4 61.2
Baranya county 153.5 13.6 167.1 115.0 282.1 22.9 59.2 8.2 54.4
Somogy county 121.1 10.9 132.0 105.5 237.5 22.0 55.6 8.2 51.0
Tolna county 93.3 7.1 100.4 72.4 172.8 12.8 58.1 7.1 54.0
Southern Transdanubia region 367.9 31.6 399.5 292.9 692.4 57.8 57.7 7.9 53.1
Transdanubia large region 1,340.1 69.5 1,409.5 867.1 2,276.6 125.0 61.9 4.9 58.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 265.7 20.1 285.8 214.9 500.6 43.4 57.1 7.0 53.1
Heves county 124.7 7.8 132.5 94.3 226.8 17.6 58.4 5.9 55.0
Nógrád county 77.4 7.3 84.6 64.9 149.5 12.4 56.6 8.6 51.7
Northern Hungary region 467.7 35.2 502.9 374.0 876.9 73.4 57.4 7.0 53.3
Hajdú-Bihar county 226.7 22.6 249.4 159.0 408.3 36.7 61.1 9.1 55.5
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 159.7 13.5 173.3 113.0 286.2 23.8 60.5 7.8 55.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 226.7 32.0 258.7 172.0 430.7 50.7 60.1 12.4 52.6
Northern Great Plain region 613.2 68.2 681.3 443.9 1,125.2 111.3 60.6 10.0 54.5
Bács-Kiskun county 226.1 17.5 243.5 149.5 393.1 29.0 62.0 7.2 57.5
Békés county 142.2 11.3 153.4 112.9 266.3 19.2 57.6 7.3 53.4
Csongrád-Csanád county 179.2 11.9 191.1 119.5 310.6 17.4 61.5 6.2 57.7
Southern Great Plain region 547.4 40.6 588.1 381.9 970.0 65.6 60.6 6.9 56.4
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,628.3 144.0 1,772.3 1,199.8 2,972.1 250.3 59.6 8.1 54.8
Total country 4,390.2 280.6 4,670.8 2,857.2 7,527.9 490.0 62.0 6.0 58.3
Quarter 1 2016
Budapest capital, regionb 854.1 44.5 898.6 432.6 1,331.2 73.1 67.5 5.0 64.2
Pest county, regionc 575.7 22.9 598.6 345.8 944.4 37.9 63.4 3.8 61.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,429.8 67.4 1,497.2 778.4 2,275.5 111.0 65.8 4.5 62.8
Fejér county 199.4 4.5 203.9 119.6 323.5 13.1 63.0 2.2 61.6
Komárom-Esztergom county 138.1 9.6 147.7 83.1 230.8 14.7 64.0 6.5 59.9
Veszprém county 160.7 5.8 166.5 98.2 264.7 9.3 62.9 3.5 60.7
Central Transdanubia region 498.2 19.9 518.1 300.8 818.9 37.0 63.3 3.8 60.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 222.0 5.1 227.1 124.1 351.3 11.5 64.7 2.2 63.2
Vas county 124.3 3.5 127.8 70.6 198.4 7.2 64.4 2.7 62.6
Zala county 120.0 6.2 126.2 88.0 214.3 11.0 58.9 4.9 56.0
Western Transdanubia region 466.4 14.8 481.2 282.8 764.0 29.6 63.0 3.1 61.0
Baranya county 155.0 13.4 168.4 112.9 281.3 21.6 59.9 8.0 55.1
Somogy county 123.6 8.3 132.0 105.0 237.0 19.7 55.7 6.3 52.2
Tolna county 92.4 4.3 96.7 75.6 172.3 10.2 56.1 4.5 53.6
Southern Transdanubia region 371.1 26.1 397.1 293.5 690.6 51.5 57.5 6.6 53.7
Transdanubia large region 1,335.6 60.8 1,396.4 877.1 2,273.5 118.0 61.4 4.4 58.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 265.8 20.9 286.7 212.5 499.2 50.3 57.4 7.3 53.2
Heves county 126.5 6.5 133.0 93.4 226.5 15.4 58.7 4.9 55.9
Nógrád county 76.8 6.6 83.3 65.8 149.1 11.4 55.9 7.9 51.5
Northern Hungary region 469.1 34.0 503.1 371.8 874.9 77.1 57.5 6.8 53.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 223.7 23.8 247.5 159.9 407.4 40.9 60.8 9.6 54.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 158.3 13.0 171.3 114.2 285.5 23.9 60.0 7.6 55.4
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 222.9 34.3 257.2 173.7 430.9 53.0 59.7 13.3 51.7
Northern Great Plain region 604.9 71.0 676.0 447.8 1,123.8 117.8 60.2 10.5 53.8
Bács-Kiskun county 224.8 18.3 243.1 149.5 392.6 28.3 61.9 7.5 57.3
Békés county 142.2 11.5 153.7 111.8 265.4 19.9 57.9 7.5 53.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 184.1 9.6 193.6 116.3 309.9 16.8 62.5 4.9 59.4
Southern Great Plain region 551.0 39.3 590.4 377.6 967.9 65.0 61.0 6.7 56.9
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,625.1 144.4 1,769.4 1,197.1 2,966.5 259.9 59.6 8.2 54.8
Total country 4,390.5 272.6 4,663.0 2,852.5 7,515.6 489.0 62.0 5.8 58.4
Quarter 2 2016
Budapest capital, regionb 866.9 39.1 906.0 422.8 1,328.8 63.1 68.2 4.3 65.2
Pest county, regionc 581.4 17.1 598.6 347.8 946.4 33.2 63.3 2.9 61.4
Central Hungary large regiond 1,448.3 56.3 1,504.6 770.6 2,275.2 96.3 66.1 3.7 63.7
Fejér county 198.0 5.8 203.8 120.1 323.9 13.0 62.9 2.8 61.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 141.6 3.9 145.5 85.0 230.5 7.6 63.1 2.7 61.5
Veszprém county 163.8 5.0 168.8 95.2 264.0 8.3 63.9 3.0 62.0
Central Transdanubia region 503.4 14.7 518.1 300.3 818.4 28.8 63.3 2.8 61.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 223.6 5.0 228.6 123.1 351.6 10.1 65.0 2.2 63.6
Vas county 120.8 3.7 124.5 73.8 198.2 7.4 62.8 2.9 60.9
Zala county 125.5 4.3 129.8 83.8 213.7 8.8 60.8 3.3 58.7
Western Transdanubia region 469.9 12.9 482.9 280.7 763.6 26.2 63.2 2.7 61.5
Baranya county 161.4 12.0 173.4 107.3 280.7 19.1 61.8 6.9 57.5
Somogy county 127.0 7.5 134.6 101.9 236.4 17.7 56.9 5.6 53.7
Tolna county 93.0 3.9 96.9 75.0 171.9 8.5 56.4 4.1 54.1
Southern Transdanubia region 381.4 23.4 404.9 284.2 689.0 45.3 58.8 5.8 55.4
Transdanubia large region 1,354.8 51.1 1,405.9 865.1 2,271.0 100.4 61.9 3.6 59.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 273.9 16.9 290.8 207.0 497.9 36.5 58.4 5.8 55.0
Heves county 128.0 5.9 133.9 92.2 226.1 12.4 59.2 4.4 56.6
Nógrád county 78.9 6.6 85.5 63.2 148.8 11.7 57.5 7.7 53.1
Northern Hungary region 480.8 29.5 510.3 362.5 872.8 60.6 58.5 5.8 55.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 231.1 20.4 251.5 155.4 406.8 35.8 61.8 8.1 56.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 161.6 12.5 174.1 110.5 284.7 20.3 61.2 7.2 56.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 232.2 32.4 264.6 166.6 431.2 48.2 61.4 12.3 53.8
Northern Great Plain region 624.8 65.4 690.2 432.5 1,122.7 104.2 61.5 9.5 55.7
Bács-Kiskun county 233.8 13.8 247.6 144.5 392.1 23.1 63.2 5.6 59.6
Békés county 149.8 9.8 159.6 104.9 264.5 17.7 60.3 6.1 56.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 184.0 8.3 192.3 117.1 309.5 13.9 62.1 4.3 59.5
Southern Great Plain region 567.7 31.9 599.6 366.5 966.1 54.7 62.1 5.3 58.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,673.3 126.7 1,800.0 1,161.6 2,961.6 219.5 60.8 7.0 56.5
Total country 4,476.4 234.1 4,710.5 2,797.3 7,507.8 416.2 62.7 5.0 59.6
Quarter 3 2016
Budapest capital, regionb 881.9 36.9 918.8 410.7 1,329.5 59.4 69.1 4.0 66.3
Pest county, regionc 587.8 17.1 604.8 344.0 948.9 32.7 63.7 2.8 61.9
Central Hungary large regiond 1,469.7 53.9 1,523.6 754.7 2,278.4 92.2 66.9 3.5 64.5
Fejér county 202.3 5.9 208.2 116.6 324.7 11.8 64.1 2.8 62.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 139.8 4.2 144.0 86.3 230.3 8.1 62.5 2.9 60.7
Veszprém county 164.5 4.4 169.0 94.4 263.3 7.7 64.2 2.6 62.5
Central Transdanubia region 506.7 14.5 521.1 297.2 818.3 27.6 63.7 2.8 61.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 225.7 4.9 230.6 121.6 352.2 10.4 65.5 2.1 64.1
Vas county 124.9 3.3 128.1 70.2 198.3 6.2 64.6 2.6 63.0
Zala county 129.4 4.3 133.7 79.7 213.4 6.8 62.7 3.2 60.6
Western Transdanubia region 480.0 12.5 492.5 271.4 763.9 23.5 64.5 2.5 62.8
Baranya county 159.9 12.9 172.8 107.6 280.4 18.9 61.6 7.5 57.0
Somogy county 129.5 6.2 135.7 100.3 236.0 14.7 57.5 4.6 54.9
Tolna county 93.1 4.8 97.9 73.6 171.5 9.2 57.1 4.9 54.3
Southern Transdanubia region 382.5 23.9 406.3 281.6 687.9 42.8 59.1 5.9 55.6
Transdanubia large region 1,369.1 50.8 1,420.0 850.1 2,270.1 93.8 62.6 3.6 60.3
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 271.9 19.1 290.9 205.6 496.6 37.6 58.6 6.5 54.8
Heves county 129.6 4.1 133.7 92.2 225.8 10.8 59.2 3.1 57.4
Nógrád county 78.1 7.2 85.3 63.1 148.4 12.6 57.5 8.5 52.6
Northern Hungary region 479.5 30.4 509.9 360.9 870.8 61.0 58.6 6.0 55.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 231.5 19.0 250.5 156.5 407.0 32.0 61.5 7.6 56.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 165.4 10.6 176.0 108.1 284.1 16.6 62.0 6.0 58.2
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 238.1 29.7 267.7 164.2 431.9 45.7 62.0 11.1 55.1
Northern Great Plain region 635.0 59.2 694.2 428.8 1,123.0 94.3 61.8 8.5 56.5
Bács-Kiskun county 231.5 13.9 245.3 146.4 391.8 24.8 62.6 5.7 59.1
Békés county 148.5 10.6 159.1 104.6 263.7 19.1 60.3 6.7 56.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 187.8 7.4 195.2 114.2 309.4 12.4 63.1 3.8 60.7
Southern Great Plain region 567.8 31.9 599.6 365.3 964.9 56.3 62.1 5.3 58.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,682.3 121.5 1,803.7 1,155.0 2,958.7 211.6 61.0 6.7 56.9
Total country 4,521.1 226.2 4,747.3 2,759.8 7,507.1 397.6 63.2 4.8 60.2
Quarter 4 2016
Budapest capital, regionb 878.5 31.5 909.9 418.2 1,328.1 53.4 68.5 3.5 66.1
Pest county, regionc 593.6 14.2 607.9 343.5 951.3 31.1 63.9 2.3 62.4
Central Hungary large regiond 1,472.1 45.7 1,517.8 761.7 2,279.5 84.6 66.6 3.0 64.6
Fejér county 203.6 5.4 209.0 115.9 324.8 10.8 64.3 2.6 62.7
Komárom-Esztergom county 141.7 3.4 145.1 84.9 230.0 7.3 63.1 2.4 61.6
Veszprém county 164.5 2.9 167.4 95.5 262.9 5.7 63.7 1.7 62.6
Central Transdanubia region 509.7 11.7 521.4 296.3 817.7 23.8 63.8 2.2 62.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 223.5 3.0 226.5 126.1 352.6 6.1 64.2 1.3 63.4
Vas county 124.9 2.4 127.3 70.9 198.2 6.2 64.2 1.9 63.0
Zala county 129.9 4.6 134.5 78.3 212.8 7.4 63.2 3.4 61.0
Western Transdanubia region 478.3 10.0 488.3 275.3 763.7 19.7 63.9 2.0 62.6
Baranya county 158.1 12.4 170.5 109.1 279.6 21.7 61.0 7.3 56.6
Somogy county 130.3 6.5 136.8 98.5 235.3 14.1 58.1 4.8 55.4
Tolna county 95.1 4.7 99.8 71.2 171.0 8.4 58.4 4.7 55.6
Southern Transdanubia region 383.6 23.6 407.2 278.8 686.0 44.2 59.4 5.8 55.9
Transdanubia large region 1,371.6 45.3 1,416.9 850.4 2,267.3 87.7 62.5 3.2 60.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 273.9 18.6 292.5 202.4 494.9 38.0 59.1 6.4 55.4
Heves county 128.8 5.9 134.7 90.5 225.3 11.4 59.8 4.4 57.2
Nógrád county 78.6 7.5 86.1 61.9 148.1 11.6 58.2 8.7 53.1
Northern Hungary region 481.4 32.0 513.4 354.9 868.3 61.0 59.1 6.2 55.4
Hajdú-Bihar county 232.2 21.6 253.7 152.5 406.3 32.5 62.5 8.5 57.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 166.0 9.3 175.3 108.0 283.4 18.6 61.9 5.3 58.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 243.8 24.1 268.0 164.3 432.3 38.3 62.0 9.0 56.4
Northern Great Plain region 642.1 55.0 697.0 424.9 1,121.9 89.5 62.1 7.9 57.2
Bács-Kiskun county 232.0 13.3 245.3 145.8 391.0 25.2 62.7 5.4 59.3
Békés county 153.1 5.7 158.8 103.9 262.7 12.0 60.4 3.6 58.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.7 8.0 196.7 112.2 309.0 13.1 63.7 4.1 61.1
Southern Great Plain region 573.8 27.0 600.8 361.9 962.7 50.2 62.4 4.5 59.6
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,697.2 114.0 1,811.2 1,141.7 2,952.9 200.7 61.3 6.3 57.5
Total country 4,540.9 205.0 4,745.9 2,753.8 7,499.6 373.0 63.3 4.3 60.5
Quarter 1 2017
Budapest capital, regionb 867.4 27.1 894.5 430.2 1,324.6 53.2 67.5 3.0 65.5
Pest county, regionc 591.2 16.4 607.6 345.3 952.9 31.5 63.8 2.7 62.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,458.5 43.5 1,502.1 775.5 2,277.5 84.6 66.0 2.9 64.0
Fejér county 202.5 5.3 207.8 116.1 323.9 11.7 64.2 2.5 62.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 144.7 2.3 147.0 82.6 229.6 6.6 64.0 1.6 63.0
Veszprém county 165.6 1.8 167.4 95.0 262.4 3.6 63.8 1.1 63.1
Central Transdanubia region 512.7 9.5 522.2 293.7 815.9 21.9 64.0 1.8 62.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 227.9 1.7 229.6 122.9 352.5 4.8 65.1 0.8 64.6
Vas county 124.0 2.6 126.6 71.2 197.8 7.1 64.0 2.1 62.7
Zala county 125.6 6.6 132.3 79.9 212.2 9.0 62.3 5.0 59.2
Western Transdanubia region 477.5 11.0 488.4 274.0 762.5 20.9 64.1 2.2 62.6
Baranya county 154.7 12.3 167.0 112.1 279.0 22.1 59.8 7.3 55.5
Somogy county 127.1 8.8 136.0 98.6 234.6 19.7 58.0 6.5 54.2
Tolna county 94.8 3.8 98.5 72.0 170.6 9.3 57.8 3.8 55.6
Southern Transdanubia region 376.7 24.9 401.5 282.7 684.2 51.2 58.7 6.2 55.1
Transdanubia large region 1,366.9 45.3 1,412.2 850.4 2,262.6 94.0 62.4 3.2 60.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 270.5 18.5 289.0 204.3 493.3 41.5 58.6 6.4 54.8
Heves county 128.4 5.5 133.8 90.7 224.5 12.4 59.6 4.1 57.2
Nógrád county 76.4 10.0 86.4 61.3 147.7 16.3 58.5 11.5 51.7
Northern Hungary region 475.3 33.9 509.2 356.3 865.5 70.2 58.8 6.7 54.9
Hajdú-Bihar county 227.5 20.2 247.7 157.5 405.3 33.5 61.1 8.2 56.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 160.7 12.7 173.3 109.6 282.9 23.3 61.3 7.3 56.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 242.1 24.2 266.3 165.1 431.5 40.5 61.7 9.1 56.1
Northern Great Plain region 630.2 57.2 687.4 432.3 1,119.7 97.2 61.4 8.3 56.3
Bács-Kiskun county 231.1 12.0 243.1 146.5 389.6 22.7 62.4 4.9 59.3
Békés county 149.3 6.8 156.1 105.5 261.6 12.8 59.7 4.4 57.1
Csongrád-Csanád county 186.7 7.9 194.5 113.0 307.5 13.2 63.3 4.0 60.7
Southern Great Plain region 567.1 26.7 593.7 365.0 958.7 48.7 61.9 4.5 59.1
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,672.6 117.8 1,790.3 1,153.6 2,943.9 216.1 60.8 6.6 56.8
Total country 4,498.0 206.6 4,704.6 2,779.4 7,484.0 394.7 62.9 4.4 60.1
Quarter 2 2017
Budapest capital, regionb 870.4 27.3 897.7 423.9 1,321.6 50.3 67.9 3.0 65.9
Pest county, regionc 590.2 16.4 606.6 347.1 953.8 32.1 63.6 2.7 61.9
Central Hungary large regiond 1,460.6 43.7 1,504.3 771.0 2,275.3 82.4 66.1 2.9 64.2
Fejér county 205.7 5.2 210.9 110.8 321.7 10.0 65.5 2.5 63.9
Komárom-Esztergom county 146.5 3.1 149.6 79.5 229.2 6.5 65.3 2.1 63.9
Veszprém county 167.4 2.9 170.2 91.6 261.8 4.1 65.0 1.7 63.9
Central Transdanubia region 519.5 11.2 530.7 282.0 812.7 20.6 65.3 2.1 63.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 229.5 3.6 233.1 119.1 352.2 8.0 66.2 1.6 65.2
Vas county 123.3 2.6 125.9 71.3 197.2 6.6 63.8 2.1 62.5
Zala county 130.8 5.4 136.2 75.3 211.5 8.6 64.4 4.0 61.8
Western Transdanubia region 483.5 11.6 495.2 265.8 760.9 23.2 65.1 2.4 63.5
Baranya county 159.8 12.8 172.6 105.7 278.4 21.4 62.0 7.4 57.4
Somogy county 125.5 9.1 134.6 99.2 233.8 18.1 57.6 6.7 53.7
Tolna county 91.8 3.2 95.1 74.9 170.0 11.0 55.9 3.4 54.0
Southern Transdanubia region 377.1 25.2 402.3 279.8 682.1 50.5 59.0 6.3 55.3
Transdanubia large region 1,380.2 48.0 1,428.2 827.6 2,255.8 94.4 63.3 3.4 61.2
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 275.3 15.8 291.2 200.4 491.5 39.0 59.2 5.4 56.0
Heves county 127.5 5.0 132.5 91.3 223.8 10.0 59.2 3.8 57.0
Nógrád county 83.0 6.0 88.9 58.2 147.1 11.4 60.4 6.7 56.4
Northern Hungary region 485.8 26.8 512.6 349.9 862.5 60.4 59.4 5.2 56.3
Hajdú-Bihar county 234.6 15.3 249.9 154.3 404.2 28.5 61.8 6.1 58.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 161.2 11.9 173.1 109.0 282.1 21.5 61.4 6.9 57.1
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 247.3 23.4 270.6 160.0 430.6 35.4 62.8 8.6 57.4
Northern Great Plain region 643.1 50.5 693.6 423.3 1,116.9 85.4 62.1 7.3 57.6
Bács-Kiskun county 235.3 10.8 246.1 142.0 388.1 19.4 63.4 4.4 60.6
Békés county 147.6 9.3 156.9 103.6 260.5 14.7 60.2 5.9 56.7
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.4 7.2 195.6 110.4 306.0 11.6 63.9 3.7 61.6
Southern Great Plain region 571.3 27.2 598.5 356.0 954.6 45.8 62.7 4.6 59.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,700.2 104.6 1,804.7 1,129.2 2,934.0 191.5 61.5 5.8 57.9
Total country 4,541.0 196.2 4,737.2 2,727.8 7,465.0 368.3 63.5 4.1 60.8
Quarter 3 2017
Budapest capital, regionb 880.8 26.1 907.0 411.0 1,317.9 49.3 68.8 2.9 66.8
Pest county, regionc 599.3 15.4 614.7 340.3 955.0 30.6 64.4 2.5 62.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,480.1 41.6 1,521.7 751.2 2,272.9 79.9 66.9 2.7 65.1
Fejér county 202.7 7.2 209.9 110.7 320.6 11.7 65.5 3.4 63.2
Komárom-Esztergom county 147.9 2.3 150.2 78.7 228.9 5.7 65.6 1.5 64.6
Veszprém county 169.3 2.3 171.6 89.6 261.2 4.5 65.7 1.4 64.8
Central Transdanubia region 519.9 11.8 531.7 279.0 810.7 21.8 65.6 2.2 64.1
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 230.7 3.5 234.2 118.1 352.3 7.7 66.5 1.5 65.5
Vas county 124.7 1.7 126.4 70.6 197.0 3.3 64.2 1.3 63.3
Zala county 131.8 5.3 137.1 74.0 211.1 8.6 64.9 3.8 62.4
Western Transdanubia region 487.2 10.4 497.7 262.7 760.4 19.7 65.5 2.1 64.1
Baranya county 160.8 13.3 174.1 103.6 277.7 19.8 62.7 7.6 57.9
Somogy county 123.4 9.8 133.2 100.0 233.3 19.0 57.1 7.4 52.9
Tolna county 95.5 2.4 97.9 71.6 169.5 7.4 57.8 2.4 56.4
Southern Transdanubia region 379.7 25.5 405.2 275.2 680.5 46.2 59.6 6.3 55.8
Transdanubia large region 1,386.8 47.8 1,434.6 816.9 2,251.6 87.8 63.7 3.3 61.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 276.6 15.2 291.8 198.2 490.0 36.4 59.6 5.2 56.5
Heves county 126.6 7.0 133.6 89.8 223.4 12.2 59.8 5.2 56.7
Nógrád county 84.7 6.5 91.2 55.5 146.7 11.6 62.2 7.1 57.8
Northern Hungary region 488.0 28.6 516.6 343.5 860.1 60.2 60.1 5.5 56.7
Hajdú-Bihar county 235.7 16.3 252.0 151.5 403.5 26.5 62.4 6.5 58.4
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 160.6 11.7 172.3 109.2 281.5 18.2 61.2 6.8 57.1
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 252.8 21.1 273.9 156.6 430.5 36.0 63.6 7.7 58.7
Northern Great Plain region 649.1 49.1 698.1 417.4 1,115.5 80.7 62.6 7.0 58.2
Bács-Kiskun county 235.6 9.2 244.8 142.5 387.3 14.7 63.2 3.8 60.8
Békés county 151.9 7.3 159.2 100.4 259.6 12.4 61.3 4.6 58.5
Csongrád-Csanád county 183.7 4.6 188.4 116.8 305.1 10.5 61.7 2.5 60.2
Southern Great Plain region 571.2 21.1 592.3 359.6 952.0 37.6 62.2 3.6 60.0
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,708.2 98.8 1,807.1 1,120.5 2,927.6 178.5 61.7 5.5 58.3
Total country 4,575.2 188.2 4,763.4 2,688.7 7,452.1 346.1 63.9 4.0 61.4
Quarter 4 2017
Budapest capital, regionb 875.6 18.4 894.0 421.7 1,315.7 36.2 67.9 2.1 66.5
Pest county, regionc 610.8 13.4 624.2 333.3 957.5 24.0 65.2 2.1 63.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,486.4 31.8 1,518.2 755.0 2,273.2 60.2 66.8 2.1 65.4
Fejér county 200.1 6.3 206.4 113.7 320.1 11.5 64.5 3.1 62.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 144.6 3.7 148.4 80.4 228.8 8.6 64.8 2.5 63.2
Veszprém county 168.4 2.8 171.2 89.6 260.8 3.9 65.7 1.6 64.6
Central Transdanubia region 513.1 12.8 526.0 283.7 809.7 24.0 65.0 2.4 63.4
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 233.7 5.7 239.5 113.2 352.7 9.5 67.9 2.4 66.3
Vas county 127.5 2.3 129.8 67.0 196.8 4.7 65.9 1.8 64.8
Zala county 129.7 5.6 135.3 75.1 210.4 9.8 64.3 4.1 61.6
Western Transdanubia region 490.9 13.6 504.5 255.4 759.9 23.9 66.4 2.7 64.6
Baranya county 161.5 11.7 173.2 103.9 277.1 18.2 62.5 6.8 58.3
Somogy county 117.5 10.6 128.1 104.5 232.6 21.7 55.1 8.3 50.5
Tolna county 97.5 2.2 99.7 69.1 168.8 4.9 59.1 2.2 57.8
Southern Transdanubia region 376.5 24.5 401.0 277.6 678.6 44.8 59.1 6.1 55.5
Transdanubia large region 1,380.5 50.9 1,431.5 816.7 2,248.1 92.7 63.7 3.6 61.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 275.2 15.9 291.1 196.9 488.0 35.1 59.7 5.5 56.4
Heves county 126.4 5.1 131.5 91.5 222.9 12.3 59.0 3.9 56.7
Nógrád county 85.6 7.2 92.8 53.5 146.3 11.2 63.4 7.8 58.5
Northern Hungary region 487.2 28.2 515.3 341.8 857.1 58.6 60.1 5.5 56.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 239.0 12.3 251.3 151.3 402.6 22.4 62.4 4.9 59.4
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 164.3 9.3 173.5 107.1 280.7 17.2 61.8 5.4 58.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 250.7 22.0 272.7 157.0 429.7 34.4 63.5 8.1 58.3
Northern Great Plain region 654.0 43.6 697.5 415.5 1,113.0 74.0 62.7 6.2 58.8
Bács-Kiskun county 236.0 6.8 242.8 143.4 386.2 13.3 62.9 2.8 61.1
Békés county 151.5 7.6 159.1 99.3 258.4 12.5 61.6 4.8 58.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 183.8 6.2 190.1 114.1 304.2 9.0 62.5 3.3 60.4
Southern Great Plain region 571.3 20.7 592.0 356.8 948.8 34.8 62.4 3.5 60.2
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,712.4 92.4 1,804.9 1,114.1 2,919.0 167.4 61.8 5.1 58.7
Total country 4,579.3 175.2 4,754.5 2,685.7 7,440.3 320.3 63.9 3.7 61.5
Quarter 1 2018
Budapest capital, regionb 854.9 29.2 884.0 426.1 1,310.1 48.4 67.5 3.3 65.3
Pest county, regionc 619.3 10.6 629.9 329.2 959.1 20.1 65.7 1.7 64.6
Central Hungary large regiond 1,474.2 39.8 1,513.9 755.3 2,269.2 68.6 66.7 2.6 65.0
Fejér county 203.2 4.8 208.0 111.8 319.7 10.0 65.0 2.3 63.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 148.1 2.7 150.8 79.2 229.9 8.1 65.6 1.8 64.4
Veszprém county 165.6 4.2 169.8 91.0 260.8 6.0 65.1 2.5 63.5
Central Transdanubia region 516.8 11.7 528.5 282.0 810.4 24.1 65.2 2.2 63.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 231.3 3.1 234.5 110.4 344.9 6.8 68.0 1.3 67.1
Vas county 126.4 1.6 128.0 64.9 192.9 4.7 66.3 1.2 65.5
Zala county 131.6 3.9 135.5 72.2 207.7 6.3 65.2 2.9 63.4
Western Transdanubia region 489.3 8.6 497.9 247.5 745.4 17.7 66.8 1.7 65.6
Baranya county 162.4 13.5 175.9 102.7 278.6 18.8 63.1 7.7 58.3
Somogy county 115.5 10.2 125.8 104.1 229.9 22.8 54.7 8.1 50.3
Tolna county 95.7 1.4 97.1 70.4 167.5 5.4 58.0 1.5 57.1
Southern Transdanubia region 373.7 25.1 398.8 277.2 676.0 47.1 59.0 6.3 55.3
Transdanubia large region 1,379.7 45.4 1,425.1 806.7 2,231.8 88.8 63.9 3.2 61.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 275.8 13.5 289.3 199.5 488.8 34.8 59.2 4.7 56.4
Heves county 128.0 4.7 132.7 89.6 222.3 10.6 59.7 3.5 57.6
Nógrád county 84.3 6.5 90.8 53.7 144.4 9.7 62.9 7.2 58.4
Northern Hungary region 488.1 24.7 512.8 342.7 855.5 55.1 59.9 4.8 57.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 238.3 12.5 250.7 149.5 400.2 23.8 62.6 5.0 59.5
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 164.4 7.5 171.9 108.0 279.9 13.9 61.4 4.4 58.7
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 246.4 24.4 270.8 151.3 422.0 37.0 64.2 9.0 58.4
Northern Great Plain region 649.1 44.4 693.4 408.8 1,102.2 74.7 62.9 6.4 58.9
Bács-Kiskun county 234.9 7.6 242.5 141.9 384.4 12.8 63.1 3.1 61.1
Békés county 150.8 7.5 158.3 97.5 255.7 12.9 61.9 4.7 59.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 185.7 5.3 191.0 113.0 304.0 8.0 62.8 2.8 61.1
Southern Great Plain region 571.4 20.4 591.8 352.3 944.1 33.6 62.7 3.4 60.5
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,708.5 89.5 1,798.0 1,103.8 2,901.8 163.3 62.0 5.0 58.9
Total country 4,562.4 174.6 4,737.0 2,665.8 7,402.8 320.7 64.0 3.7 61.6
Quarter 2 2018
Budapest capital, regionb 863.3 24.0 887.3 422.9 1,310.2 46.0 67.7 2.7 65.9
Pest county, regionc 611.6 11.7 623.2 338.4 961.6 27.7 64.8 1.9 63.6
Central Hungary large regiond 1,474.8 35.7 1,510.5 761.3 2,271.7 73.7 66.5 2.4 64.9
Fejér county 202.7 5.6 208.3 111.4 319.8 9.9 65.1 2.7 63.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 150.8 3.0 153.9 76.3 230.2 7.6 66.8 2.0 65.5
Veszprém county 166.0 3.2 169.2 91.4 260.6 4.8 64.9 1.9 63.7
Central Transdanubia region 519.5 11.8 531.3 279.2 810.5 22.4 65.6 2.2 64.1
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 232.7 2.6 235.3 110.2 345.5 6.3 68.1 1.1 67.4
Vas county 125.8 2.5 128.3 64.4 192.7 6.1 66.6 2.0 65.3
Zala county 129.5 2.6 132.1 75.1 207.1 6.5 63.8 1.9 62.5
Western Transdanubia region 488.1 7.7 495.7 249.6 745.4 18.8 66.5 1.5 65.5
Baranya county 164.1 12.6 176.7 101.2 277.9 18.5 63.6 7.1 59.1
Somogy county 124.9 7.3 132.1 97.2 229.3 14.0 57.6 5.5 54.4
Tolna county 95.0 2.2 97.1 69.9 167.0 6.3 58.2 2.2 56.9
Southern Transdanubia region 384.0 22.0 406.0 268.3 674.3 38.8 60.2 5.4 56.9
Transdanubia large region 1,391.6 41.5 1,433.0 797.1 2,230.2 79.9 64.3 2.9 62.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 278.7 15.2 293.9 193.6 487.5 34.2 60.3 5.2 57.2
Heves county 132.7 2.2 134.9 87.1 222.0 8.0 60.8 1.7 59.8
Nógrád county 85.3 7.0 92.3 51.8 144.1 10.8 64.1 7.6 59.2
Northern Hungary region 496.6 24.5 521.1 332.4 853.5 52.9 61.1 4.7 58.2
Hajdú-Bihar county 239.9 12.3 252.2 147.3 399.5 23.1 63.1 4.9 60.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 166.2 7.5 173.7 105.9 279.6 13.3 62.1 4.3 59.4
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 249.9 23.2 273.1 147.7 420.8 33.0 64.9 8.5 59.4
Northern Great Plain region 655.9 43.0 698.9 400.9 1,099.8 69.3 63.5 6.2 59.6
Bács-Kiskun county 235.2 6.6 241.8 141.8 383.7 12.9 63.0 2.7 61.3
Békés county 154.4 5.1 159.6 95.3 254.8 11.2 62.6 3.2 60.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 181.3 6.0 187.4 116.2 303.6 10.1 61.7 3.2 59.7
Southern Great Plain region 571.0 17.8 588.8 353.3 942.1 34.2 62.5 3.0 60.6
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,723.6 85.2 1,808.8 1,086.6 2,895.4 156.5 62.5 4.7 59.5
Total country 4,589.9 162.4 4,752.3 2,645.0 7,397.3 310.1 64.2 3.4 62.0
Quarter 3 2018
Budapest capital, regionb 860.8 29.8 890.6 419.6 1,310.2 50.6 68.0 3.3 65.7
Pest county, regionc 617.2 16.0 633.2 330.9 964.1 29.3 65.7 2.5 64.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,477.9 45.8 1,523.8 750.5 2,274.3 79.8 67.0 3.0 65.0
Fejér county 208.8 4.6 213.4 106.4 319.8 7.3 66.7 2.2 65.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 150.6 2.9 153.5 76.9 230.4 6.7 66.6 1.9 65.3
Veszprém county 164.8 2.6 167.4 93.1 260.4 4.1 64.3 1.5 63.3
Central Transdanubia region 524.2 10.1 534.3 276.4 810.6 18.0 65.9 1.9 64.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 227.1 4.2 231.3 114.9 346.1 7.1 66.8 1.8 65.6
Vas county 125.4 4.3 129.6 62.9 192.5 5.9 67.3 3.3 65.1
Zala county 128.1 3.2 131.3 75.3 206.6 6.7 63.6 2.4 62.0
Western Transdanubia region 480.6 11.6 492.2 253.1 745.3 19.7 66.0 2.4 64.5
Baranya county 167.4 8.7 176.0 101.2 277.3 13.8 63.5 4.9 60.4
Somogy county 129.4 5.4 134.8 93.9 228.8 14.0 58.9 4.0 56.6
Tolna county 95.7 2.9 98.6 68.1 166.6 6.5 59.2 2.9 57.4
Southern Transdanubia region 392.5 16.9 409.4 263.2 672.7 34.3 60.9 4.1 58.4
Transdanubia large region 1,397.3 38.6 1,435.9 792.6 2,228.6 71.9 64.4 2.7 62.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 280.8 15.5 296.3 189.9 486.2 35.9 60.9 5.2 57.7
Heves county 136.4 2.6 138.9 82.7 221.6 7.4 62.7 1.9 61.5
Nógrád county 86.1 5.9 92.0 51.7 143.7 9.5 64.0 6.4 59.9
Northern Hungary region 503.2 24.0 527.2 324.3 851.5 52.8 61.9 4.5 59.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 243.3 15.5 258.8 139.9 398.7 24.3 64.9 6.0 61.0
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 166.8 8.5 175.4 103.9 279.2 15.2 62.8 4.9 59.7
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 244.3 22.5 266.8 152.7 419.5 36.2 63.6 8.4 58.2
Northern Great Plain region 654.4 46.6 701.0 396.4 1,097.5 75.8 63.9 6.6 59.6
Bács-Kiskun county 238.0 6.3 244.3 138.7 383.0 11.4 63.8 2.6 62.1
Békés county 154.5 8.1 162.6 91.3 253.9 10.8 64.0 5.0 60.8
Csongrád-Csanád county 186.7 5.6 192.3 111.0 303.2 7.9 63.4 2.9 61.6
Southern Great Plain region 579.1 20.0 599.1 340.9 940.1 30.0 63.7 3.3 61.6
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,736.7 90.6 1,827.4 1,061.7 2,889.0 158.6 63.3 5.0 60.1
Total country 4,612.0 175.0 4,787.1 2,604.8 7,391.9 310.4 64.8 3.7 62.4
Quarter 4 2018
Budapest capital, regionb 860.8 19.4 880.3 430.0 1,310.3 38.1 67.2 2.2 65.7
Pest county, regionc 628.6 14.1 642.8 323.8 966.6 27.1 66.5 2.2 65.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,489.4 33.6 1,523.0 753.9 2,276.9 65.2 66.9 2.2 65.4
Fejér county 205.8 6.0 211.9 108.0 319.8 9.6 66.2 2.9 64.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 148.5 2.6 151.0 79.6 230.7 6.4 65.5 1.7 64.4
Veszprém county 163.0 3.3 166.2 94.0 260.3 6.1 63.9 2.0 62.6
Central Transdanubia region 517.2 11.9 529.1 281.6 810.7 22.1 65.3 2.2 63.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 228.5 2.6 231.1 115.7 346.8 8.2 66.6 1.1 65.9
Vas county 126.6 3.8 130.4 62.0 192.4 6.5 67.8 2.9 65.8
Zala county 126.8 4.0 130.7 75.4 206.1 5.7 63.4 3.0 61.5
Western Transdanubia region 481.8 10.4 492.1 253.1 745.2 20.3 66.0 2.1 64.6
Baranya county 166.9 12.6 179.5 97.1 276.6 18.9 64.9 7.0 60.3
Somogy county 122.6 6.5 129.1 99.2 228.2 16.5 56.6 5.0 53.7
Tolna county 96.3 1.9 98.2 68.0 166.2 6.3 59.1 1.9 57.9
Southern Transdanubia region 385.7 21.0 406.7 264.3 671.0 41.7 60.6 5.2 57.5
Transdanubia large region 1,384.7 43.2 1,427.9 799.0 2,226.9 84.1 64.1 3.0 62.2
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 277.1 14.9 292.0 192.9 484.9 35.0 60.2 5.1 57.2
Heves county 133.9 3.5 137.4 83.9 221.3 9.6 62.1 2.6 60.5
Nógrád county 86.9 5.8 92.7 50.6 143.3 9.7 64.7 6.3 60.6
Northern Hungary region 497.9 24.2 522.2 327.4 849.5 54.4 61.5 4.6 58.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 241.0 15.2 256.2 141.8 398.0 23.1 64.4 5.9 60.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 168.6 7.1 175.7 103.1 278.8 13.8 63.0 4.0 60.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 245.3 22.7 268.0 150.3 418.3 34.8 64.1 8.5 58.6
Northern Great Plain region 654.9 45.0 699.9 395.2 1,095.1 71.7 63.9 6.4 59.8
Bács-Kiskun county 239.3 5.7 245.1 137.2 382.2 10.2 64.1 2.3 62.6
Békés county 154.0 8.3 162.3 90.7 253.0 11.3 64.1 5.1 60.9
Csongrád-Csanád county 189.0 5.6 194.6 108.2 302.8 8.8 64.3 2.9 62.4
Southern Great Plain region 582.2 19.7 601.9 336.1 938.0 30.2 64.2 3.3 62.1
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,735.0 89.0 1,824.0 1,058.7 2,882.6 156.2 63.3 4.9 60.2
Total country 4,609.2 165.7 4,774.9 2,611.5 7,386.4 305.5 64.6 3.5 62.4
Quarter 1 2019
Budapest capital, regionb 868.9 21.7 890.6 419.4 1,309.9 34.7 68.0 2.4 66.3
Pest county, regionc 629.6 15.9 645.6 323.5 969.1 27.7 66.6 2.5 65.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,498.5 37.6 1,536.2 742.9 2,279.0 62.4 67.4 2.4 65.8
Fejér county 210.5 6.7 217.2 102.7 319.9 10.2 67.9 3.1 65.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 146.9 3.2 150.1 80.8 230.9 6.5 65.0 2.1 63.6
Veszprém county 164.1 1.3 165.4 94.7 260.1 4.3 63.6 0.8 63.1
Central Transdanubia region 521.5 11.1 532.6 278.2 810.8 21.0 65.7 2.1 64.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 227.5 3.4 230.9 116.5 347.4 8.3 66.5 1.5 65.5
Vas county 124.8 3.8 128.6 63.6 192.2 6.3 66.9 3.0 64.9
Zala county 129.5 2.9 132.3 73.2 205.6 5.0 64.4 2.2 63.0
Western Transdanubia region 481.8 10.1 491.9 253.3 745.2 19.6 66.0 2.0 64.7
Baranya county 166.5 11.3 177.8 98.3 276.0 17.8 64.4 6.4 60.3
Somogy county 125.6 3.8 129.4 98.3 227.7 15.4 56.8 2.9 55.2
Tolna county 95.1 3.2 98.2 67.5 165.7 8.6 59.3 3.2 57.4
Southern Transdanubia region 387.1 18.2 405.4 264.1 669.4 41.8 60.6 4.5 57.8
Transdanubia large region 1,390.4 39.4 1,429.8 795.6 2,225.4 82.4 64.3 2.8 62.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 278.1 13.6 291.7 191.8 483.6 33.1 60.3 4.7 57.5
Heves county 133.7 3.1 136.8 84.2 221.0 9.2 61.9 2.2 60.5
Nógrád county 85.0 6.4 91.4 51.5 142.9 11.2 64.0 7.0 59.5
Northern Hungary region 496.8 23.1 519.9 327.5 847.5 53.5 61.4 4.4 58.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 242.0 11.6 253.5 143.8 397.3 21.1 63.8 4.6 60.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 169.2 9.4 178.6 99.8 278.3 15.8 64.2 5.3 60.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 243.0 23.2 266.1 151.0 417.1 34.3 63.8 8.7 58.2
Northern Great Plain region 654.1 44.1 698.2 394.6 1,092.8 71.1 63.9 6.3 59.9
Bács-Kiskun county 243.4 4.8 248.3 133.2 381.5 9.8 65.1 1.9 63.8
Békés county 151.2 10.0 161.2 90.9 252.1 13.2 64.0 6.2 60.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 186.9 4.7 191.6 110.8 302.4 6.7 63.4 2.5 61.8
Southern Great Plain region 581.5 19.5 601.1 334.9 936.0 29.6 64.2 3.3 62.1
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,732.5 86.8 1,819.2 1,057.0 2,876.2 154.2 63.2 4.8 60.2
Total country 4,621.3 163.8 4,785.2 2,595.5 7,380.6 298.9 64.8 3.4 62.6
Quarter 2 2019
Budapest capital, regionb 864.3 19.6 883.9 424.8 1,308.7 34.4 67.5 2.2 66.0
Pest county, regionc 630.7 16.2 646.9 324.9 971.8 29.3 66.6 2.5 64.9
Central Hungary large regiond 1,495.0 35.8 1,530.8 749.6 2,280.5 63.8 67.1 2.3 65.6
Fejér county 211.1 5.2 216.2 103.6 319.8 9.6 67.6 2.4 66.0
Komárom-Esztergom county 146.7 2.5 149.1 82.0 231.1 5.9 64.5 1.6 63.5
Veszprém county 163.3 1.7 165.0 94.9 259.8 5.3 63.5 1.0 62.8
Central Transdanubia region 521.0 9.3 530.3 280.5 810.8 20.8 65.4 1.8 64.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 233.9 1.7 235.6 112.4 348.0 4.3 67.7 0.7 67.2
Vas county 127.8 3.2 131.0 61.0 192.1 4.4 68.2 2.5 66.6
Zala county 129.5 3.4 132.8 72.2 205.1 5.5 64.8 2.5 63.1
Western Transdanubia region 491.2 8.3 499.5 245.7 745.2 14.1 67.0 1.7 65.9
Baranya county 165.9 10.5 176.4 99.2 275.6 18.6 64.0 5.9 60.2
Somogy county 121.7 5.2 126.9 100.3 227.3 15.9 55.9 4.1 53.6
Tolna county 96.7 2.4 99.0 66.1 165.1 7.3 60.0 2.4 58.5
Southern Transdanubia region 384.3 18.0 402.3 265.7 668.0 41.7 60.2 4.5 57.5
Transdanubia large region 1,396.4 35.7 1,432.1 791.8 2,223.9 76.6 64.4 2.5 62.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 281.2 13.6 294.8 187.4 482.2 35.0 61.1 4.6 58.3
Heves county 133.7 3.9 137.6 83.0 220.6 10.1 62.4 2.8 60.6
Nógrád county 82.6 6.4 88.9 53.6 142.6 10.0 62.4 7.2 57.9
Northern Hungary region 497.4 23.9 521.3 324.0 845.3 55.1 61.7 4.6 58.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 242.5 13.0 255.5 141.3 396.8 22.8 64.4 5.1 61.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 169.4 8.3 177.7 99.9 277.5 16.3 64.0 4.6 61.0
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 246.4 22.3 268.7 147.5 416.1 32.5 64.6 8.3 59.2
Northern Great Plain region 658.3 43.5 701.8 388.7 1,090.5 71.6 64.4 6.2 60.4
Bács-Kiskun county 235.7 6.2 241.9 138.9 380.8 12.1 63.5 2.6 61.9
Békés county 151.4 7.0 158.4 92.8 251.2 10.5 63.1 4.4 60.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.5 3.3 191.8 110.3 302.0 5.6 63.5 1.7 62.4
Southern Great Plain region 575.6 16.5 592.0 341.9 934.0 28.2 63.4 2.8 61.6
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,731.2 83.9 1,815.2 1,054.6 2,869.7 154.9 63.3 4.6 60.3
Total country 4,622.7 155.4 4,778.1 2,596.0 7,374.1 295.2 64.8 3.3 62.7
Quarter 3 2019
Budapest capital, regionb 867.5 18.5 886.1 421.4 1,307.4 35.9 67.8 2.1 66.4
Pest county, regionc 638.1 17.0 655.1 319.4 974.4 34.2 67.2 2.6 65.5
Central Hungary large regiond 1,505.6 35.5 1,541.1 740.7 2,281.8 70.1 67.5 2.3 66.0
Fejér county 207.7 6.0 213.8 106.1 319.8 10.7 66.8 2.8 65.0
Komárom-Esztergom county 148.4 1.5 149.9 81.5 231.4 3.6 64.8 1.0 64.1
Veszprém county 165.7 2.1 167.7 91.9 259.6 4.5 64.6 1.2 63.8
Central Transdanubia region 521.8 9.6 531.4 279.4 810.8 18.8 65.5 1.8 64.4
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 235.5 2.6 238.1 110.5 348.7 6.7 68.3 1.1 67.6
Vas county 126.8 3.2 130.0 62.0 191.9 4.1 67.7 2.4 66.1
Zala county 130.7 2.6 133.3 71.3 204.6 6.2 65.2 2.0 63.9
Western Transdanubia region 493.0 8.4 501.4 243.7 745.1 16.9 67.3 1.7 66.2
Baranya county 160.0 10.7 170.8 104.4 275.2 17.7 62.1 6.3 58.2
Somogy county 125.1 4.3 129.5 97.3 226.8 11.4 57.1 3.4 55.2
Tolna county 98.0 3.3 101.3 63.3 164.6 6.0 61.5 3.3 59.5
Southern Transdanubia region 383.2 18.4 401.5 265.1 666.6 35.1 60.2 4.6 57.5
Transdanubia large region 1,398.0 36.4 1,434.3 788.2 2,222.5 70.8 64.5 2.5 62.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 281.5 12.5 294.0 186.8 480.8 31.5 61.2 4.2 58.6
Heves county 134.9 3.4 138.3 81.8 220.2 8.4 62.8 2.5 61.3
Nógrád county 80.3 6.4 86.7 55.5 142.2 11.3 61.0 7.4 56.5
Northern Hungary region 496.7 22.3 519.0 324.1 843.1 51.2 61.6 4.3 58.9
Hajdú-Bihar county 238.3 11.4 249.6 146.7 396.3 23.6 63.0 4.6 60.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 165.2 14.0 179.2 97.5 276.7 20.9 64.8 7.8 59.7
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 246.2 19.6 265.9 149.3 415.1 29.8 64.0 7.4 59.3
Northern Great Plain region 649.7 45.0 694.7 393.5 1,088.1 74.3 63.8 6.5 59.7
Bács-Kiskun county 238.3 7.9 246.1 133.9 380.0 13.5 64.8 3.2 62.7
Békés county 150.9 10.8 161.8 88.5 250.3 14.2 64.6 6.7 60.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.5 4.2 192.7 109.0 301.7 6.7 63.9 2.2 62.5
Southern Great Plain region 577.7 22.9 600.6 331.4 931.9 34.4 64.4 3.8 62.0
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,724.1 90.1 1,814.3 1,049.0 2,863.2 159.9 63.4 5.0 60.2
Total country 4,627.7 162.0 4,789.7 2,577.9 7,367.5 300.8 65.0 3.4 62.8
Quarter 4 2019
Budapest capital, regionb 879.8 23.0 902.7 403.4 1,306.2 42.2 69.1 2.5 67.4
Pest county, regionc 640.6 11.6 652.2 324.9 977.1 23.1 66.7 1.8 65.6
Central Hungary large regiond 1,520.4 34.5 1,554.9 728.4 2,283.2 65.3 68.1 2.2 66.6
Fejér county 204.9 4.9 209.8 109.9 319.8 11.2 65.6 2.3 64.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 144.3 1.5 145.8 85.9 231.6 4.2 62.9 1.0 62.3
Veszprém county 166.8 3.5 170.2 89.1 259.4 5.9 65.6 2.0 64.3
Central Transdanubia region 516.0 9.8 525.8 284.9 810.8 21.3 64.9 1.9 63.6
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 236.7 2.0 238.7 110.6 349.3 4.3 68.3 0.8 67.8
Vas county 127.8 2.5 130.3 61.5 191.8 4.0 67.9 1.9 66.6
Zala county 128.6 2.6 131.2 72.9 204.1 4.2 64.3 1.9 63.0
Western Transdanubia region 493.1 7.0 500.2 245.0 745.1 12.4 67.1 1.4 66.2
Baranya county 156.2 13.2 169.4 105.4 274.7 20.0 61.6 7.8 56.9
Somogy county 122.9 4.8 127.6 98.7 226.4 12.6 56.4 3.7 54.3
Tolna county 97.2 3.4 100.6 63.5 164.1 6.4 61.3 3.4 59.2
Southern Transdanubia region 376.2 21.3 397.5 267.7 665.2 39.1 59.8 5.4 56.6
Transdanubia large region 1,385.4 38.2 1,423.5 797.5 2,221.1 72.7 64.1 2.7 62.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 283.4 10.0 293.4 186.0 479.4 30.0 61.2 3.4 59.1
Heves county 135.0 3.8 138.7 81.1 219.8 8.7 63.1 2.7 61.4
Nógrád county 81.9 5.1 87.0 54.8 141.9 11.2 61.4 5.9 57.7
Northern Hungary region 500.2 18.9 519.1 321.9 841.0 49.9 61.7 3.6 59.5
Hajdú-Bihar county 240.3 9.5 249.8 146.0 395.8 19.1 63.1 3.8 60.7
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 167.0 8.5 175.5 100.4 275.9 17.0 63.6 4.8 60.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 239.4 20.1 259.5 154.6 414.1 30.6 62.7 7.8 57.8
Northern Great Plain region 646.7 38.1 684.8 401.0 1,085.8 66.8 63.1 5.6 59.6
Bács-Kiskun county 235.7 8.5 244.2 135.1 379.3 14.0 64.4 3.5 62.1
Békés county 150.8 7.9 158.7 90.7 249.4 11.3 63.6 5.0 60.5
Csongrád-Csanád county 186.6 4.3 190.9 110.4 301.3 7.8 63.4 2.2 61.9
Southern Great Plain region 573.1 20.6 593.7 336.2 929.9 33.1 63.8 3.5 61.6
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,720.0 77.6 1,797.6 1,059.1 2,856.7 149.9 62.9 4.3 60.2
Total country 4,625.8 150.3 4,776.1 2,585.0 7,361.0 287.9 64.9 3.1 62.8
Quarter 1 2020
Budapest capital, regionb 873.9 22.2 896.1 407.6 1,303.6 36.3 68.7 2.5 67.0
Pest county, regionc 637.2 16.7 653.9 325.7 979.5 28.1 66.8 2.6 65.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,511.0 38.9 1,549.9 733.3 2,283.2 64.3 67.9 2.5 66.2
Fejér county 206.1 3.2 209.3 110.4 319.7 11.4 65.5 1.5 64.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 143.9 4.3 148.2 83.5 231.7 6.1 64.0 2.9 62.1
Veszprém county 164.8 4.2 169.0 90.2 259.1 6.4 65.2 2.5 63.6
Central Transdanubia region 514.8 11.7 526.5 284.1 810.5 23.9 65.0 2.2 63.5
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 236.6 2.0 238.7 111.3 350.0 6.9 68.2 0.8 67.6
Vas county 126.5 1.6 128.1 63.5 191.6 3.6 66.9 1.2 66.1
Zala county 126.7 3.8 130.6 73.0 203.6 6.8 64.1 2.9 62.2
Western Transdanubia region 489.9 7.4 497.4 247.8 745.2 17.3 66.7 1.5 65.7
Baranya county 150.0 15.8 165.9 108.4 274.3 24.3 60.5 9.5 54.7
Somogy county 116.6 6.2 122.8 103.3 226.1 18.0 54.3 5.0 51.6
Tolna county 97.4 2.2 99.5 64.1 163.6 6.2 60.8 2.2 59.5
Southern Transdanubia region 364.0 24.2 388.2 275.8 664.0 48.6 58.5 6.2 54.8
Transdanubia large region 1,368.7 43.3 1,412.0 807.7 2,219.7 89.7 63.6 3.1 61.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 276.6 12.3 288.9 189.2 478.1 36.0 60.4 4.3 57.9
Heves county 132.8 2.8 135.6 83.8 219.4 11.6 61.8 2.1 60.5
Nógrád county 80.8 6.2 87.0 54.6 141.6 12.2 61.5 7.2 57.1
Northern Hungary region 490.2 21.4 511.5 327.6 839.1 59.8 61.0 4.2 58.4
Hajdú-Bihar county 243.6 10.1 253.8 141.7 395.4 25.8 64.2 4.0 61.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 154.8 13.6 168.4 106.7 275.2 22.0 61.2 8.1 56.3
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 238.3 22.5 260.8 152.4 413.2 32.4 63.1 8.6 57.7
Northern Great Plain region 636.7 46.2 683.0 400.8 1,083.8 80.2 63.0 6.8 58.7
Bács-Kiskun county 232.4 10.6 242.9 135.6 378.5 17.4 64.2 4.4 61.4
Békés county 152.4 7.2 159.5 89.0 248.5 11.9 64.2 4.5 61.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.2 4.3 192.5 108.4 300.9 9.2 64.0 2.2 62.6
Southern Great Plain region 572.9 22.0 594.9 333.0 927.9 38.5 64.1 3.7 61.7
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,699.8 89.6 1,789.4 1,061.4 2,850.8 178.4 62.8 5.0 59.6
Total country 4,579.6 171.7 4,751.3 2,602.3 7,353.6 332.5 64.6 3.6 62.3
Quarter 2 2020
Budapest capital, regionb 872.5 33.9 906.4 392.1 1,298.6 55.4 69.8 3.7 67.2
Pest county, regionc 634.2 22.2 656.4 325.2 981.6 46.4 66.9 3.4 64.6
Central Hungary large regiond 1,506.7 56.2 1,562.8 717.4 2,280.2 101.8 68.5 3.6 66.1
Fejér county 203.5 6.9 210.3 109.3 319.6 14.6 65.8 3.3 63.7
Komárom-Esztergom county 140.9 6.7 147.6 83.7 231.3 14.5 63.8 4.6 60.9
Veszprém county 163.9 6.9 170.8 88.2 259.0 12.3 65.9 4.1 63.3
Central Transdanubia region 508.2 20.5 528.7 281.1 809.9 41.3 65.3 3.9 62.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 230.9 6.0 236.9 113.8 350.8 14.2 67.5 2.5 65.8
Vas county 118.2 3.8 121.9 69.4 191.3 8.2 63.7 3.1 61.8
Zala county 124.9 6.2 131.1 72.1 203.2 10.1 64.5 4.7 61.5
Western Transdanubia region 474.0 16.0 489.9 255.3 745.2 32.5 65.7 3.3 63.6
Baranya county 151.6 11.5 163.0 110.8 273.8 20.5 59.5 7.0 55.4
Somogy county 124.6 5.4 130.0 96.3 226.3 17.3 57.5 4.1 55.1
Tolna county 97.9 3.0 101.0 62.2 163.1 7.5 61.9 3.0 60.0
Southern Transdanubia region 374.1 19.9 394.0 269.2 663.2 45.2 59.4 5.0 56.4
Transdanubia large region 1,356.3 56.4 1,412.7 805.6 2,218.3 119.1 63.7 4.0 61.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 273.5 12.6 286.1 191.1 477.3 37.0 60.0 4.4 57.3
Heves county 128.7 4.7 133.4 85.8 219.1 15.8 60.9 3.5 58.7
Nógrád county 82.6 6.5 89.1 52.3 141.4 13.4 63.0 7.3 58.4
Northern Hungary region 484.8 23.8 508.6 329.2 837.8 66.2 60.7 4.7 57.9
Hajdú-Bihar county 238.1 11.7 249.8 145.5 395.3 31.7 63.2 4.7 60.2
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 155.2 11.9 167.2 107.3 274.5 20.7 60.9 7.1 56.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 235.9 21.6 257.5 155.1 412.5 34.9 62.4 8.4 57.2
Northern Great Plain region 629.2 45.2 674.5 407.8 1,082.3 87.3 62.3 6.7 58.1
Bács-Kiskun county 223.4 13.7 237.1 140.8 377.8 23.1 62.7 5.8 59.1
Békés county 146.3 10.9 157.2 90.7 247.9 16.6 63.4 6.9 59.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 178.0 6.4 184.4 115.9 300.2 15.0 61.4 3.5 59.3
Southern Great Plain region 547.7 30.9 578.6 347.3 925.9 54.7 62.5 5.3 59.1
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,661.7 99.9 1,761.6 1,084.4 2,846.0 208.2 61.9 5.7 58.4
Total country 4,524.7 212.5 4,737.1 2,607.3 7,344.4 429.1 64.5 4.5 61.6
Quarter 3 2020
Budapest capital, regionb 874.3 28.5 902.8 390.7 1,293.5 51.8 69.8 3.2 67.6
Pest county, regionc 635.0 23.0 658.0 325.7 983.7 44.1 66.9 3.5 64.6
Central Hungary large regiond 1,509.3 51.5 1,560.7 716.4 2,277.2 95.9 68.5 3.3 66.3
Fejér county 206.7 5.7 212.3 107.1 319.4 15.0 66.5 2.7 64.7
Komárom-Esztergom county 145.6 4.3 149.9 81.0 230.9 10.0 64.9 2.9 63.0
Veszprém county 164.8 3.4 168.2 90.6 258.8 6.5 65.0 2.0 63.7
Central Transdanubia region 517.1 13.3 530.4 278.8 809.2 31.4 65.5 2.5 63.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 234.9 5.1 240.0 111.5 351.6 8.8 68.3 2.1 66.8
Vas county 125.9 2.0 127.9 63.1 191.0 5.4 66.9 1.6 65.9
Zala county 125.2 5.5 130.6 72.1 202.8 8.7 64.4 4.2 61.7
Western Transdanubia region 485.9 12.7 498.6 246.8 745.3 23.0 66.9 2.5 65.2
Baranya county 152.4 10.5 162.9 110.4 273.3 18.1 59.6 6.5 55.8
Somogy county 132.0 5.7 137.7 88.7 226.4 12.2 60.8 4.1 58.3
Tolna county 96.4 3.4 99.8 62.8 162.6 6.0 61.4 3.4 59.3
Southern Transdanubia region 380.8 19.6 400.4 262.0 662.3 36.3 60.5 4.9 57.5
Transdanubia large region 1,383.8 45.6 1,429.4 787.5 2,216.8 90.6 64.5 3.2 62.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 274.2 16.0 290.1 186.3 476.4 39.2 60.9 5.5 57.5
Heves county 129.1 4.6 133.7 85.2 218.8 11.2 61.1 3.4 59.0
Nógrád county 80.0 8.1 88.1 53.2 141.2 14.0 62.4 9.2 56.6
Northern Hungary region 483.2 28.6 511.8 324.6 836.4 64.4 61.2 5.6 57.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 243.8 16.4 260.2 134.9 395.1 31.7 65.8 6.3 61.7
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 157.8 13.9 171.6 102.2 273.8 21.2 62.7 8.1 57.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 240.4 23.7 264.1 147.8 411.9 34.5 64.1 9.0 58.4
Northern Great Plain region 641.9 54.0 695.9 384.9 1,080.8 87.3 64.4 7.8 59.4
Bács-Kiskun county 233.8 10.6 244.4 132.7 377.1 16.2 64.8 4.3 62.0
Békés county 150.3 9.3 159.6 87.7 247.2 13.9 64.5 5.8 60.8
Csongrád-Csanád county 186.4 7.1 193.5 106.1 299.6 9.7 64.6 3.7 62.2
Southern Great Plain region 570.5 27.0 597.5 326.5 924.0 39.8 64.7 4.5 61.7
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,695.7 109.5 1,805.2 1,036.0 2,841.2 191.5 63.5 6.1 59.7
Total country 4,588.7 206.6 4,795.3 2,539.9 7,335.2 378.0 65.4 4.3 62.6
Quarter 4 2020
Budapest capital, regionb 866.8 30.7 897.5 390.9 1,288.4 56.1 69.7 3.4 67.3
Pest county, regionc 645.0 22.5 667.5 318.3 985.8 38.1 67.7 3.4 65.4
Central Hungary large regiond 1,511.7 53.2 1,564.9 709.2 2,274.2 94.2 68.8 3.4 66.5
Fejér county 207.9 5.5 213.4 105.9 319.3 12.3 66.8 2.6 65.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 148.0 2.1 150.1 80.5 230.6 6.2 65.1 1.4 64.2
Veszprém county 164.8 4.2 169.0 89.7 258.7 8.2 65.3 2.5 63.7
Central Transdanubia region 520.6 11.8 532.4 276.1 808.5 26.6 65.9 2.2 64.4
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 234.3 3.3 237.6 114.8 352.3 9.2 67.4 1.4 66.5
Vas county 125.5 2.5 128.0 62.8 190.8 5.8 67.1 1.9 65.8
Zala county 126.0 3.4 129.3 73.0 202.3 7.4 63.9 2.6 62.3
Western Transdanubia region 485.7 9.1 494.8 250.6 745.4 22.4 66.4 1.8 65.2
Baranya county 152.4 10.5 162.9 109.9 272.9 18.3 59.7 6.5 55.9
Somogy county 128.2 4.3 132.6 94.0 226.5 11.4 58.5 3.3 56.6
Tolna county 98.3 3.0 101.3 60.9 162.1 6.6 62.5 3.0 60.6
Southern Transdanubia region 378.9 17.9 396.8 264.8 661.5 36.2 60.0 4.5 57.3
Transdanubia large region 1,385.2 38.8 1,424.0 791.4 2,215.4 85.2 64.3 2.7 62.5
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 275.0 14.7 289.8 185.8 475.5 34.8 60.9 5.1 57.8
Heves county 129.9 4.2 134.1 84.4 218.5 10.1 61.4 3.1 59.5
Nógrád county 78.5 7.9 86.4 54.7 141.1 15.2 61.2 9.2 55.6
Northern Hungary region 483.4 26.9 510.3 324.8 835.1 60.0 61.1 5.3 57.9
Hajdú-Bihar county 242.1 14.2 256.3 138.7 394.9 27.8 64.9 5.5 61.3
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 157.8 12.5 170.2 102.9 273.1 19.1 62.3 7.3 57.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 237.4 22.7 260.2 151.1 411.2 34.4 63.3 8.7 57.7
Northern Great Plain region 637.3 49.3 686.7 392.6 1,079.3 81.3 63.6 7.2 59.1
Bács-Kiskun county 235.8 10.0 245.8 130.7 376.5 17.7 65.3 4.1 62.6
Békés county 146.3 9.4 155.6 91.0 246.6 14.8 63.1 6.0 59.3
Csongrád-Csanád county 182.5 6.5 189.0 109.9 299.0 8.9 63.2 3.4 61.1
Southern Great Plain region 564.6 25.9 590.5 331.6 922.0 41.4 64.0 4.4 61.2
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,685.3 102.1 1,787.4 1,049.0 2,836.4 182.7 63.0 5.7 59.4
Total country 4,582.3 194.1 4,776.3 2,549.7 7,326.0 362.1 65.2 4.1 62.5
Quarter 1 2021
Budapest capital, regionb 850.3 30.6 880.9 403.1 1,284.0 68.2 68.6 3.5 66.2
Pest county, regionc 641.8 25.6 667.4 320.7 988.1 41.9 67.5 3.8 65.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,492.1 56.1 1,548.3 723.8 2,272.1 110.1 68.1 3.6 65.7
Fejér county 204.7 5.2 210.0 109.2 319.1 12.2 65.8 2.5 64.2
Komárom-Esztergom county 154.8 2.6 157.4 72.8 230.2 4.1 68.4 1.7 67.2
Veszprém county 164.1 4.3 168.3 90.1 258.4 9.4 65.1 2.5 63.5
Central Transdanubia region 523.6 12.1 535.7 272.0 807.7 25.7 66.3 2.3 64.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 234.0 2.7 236.7 116.2 352.9 12.1 67.1 1.1 66.3
Vas county 122.0 3.2 125.2 65.4 190.6 9.7 65.7 2.5 64.0
Zala county 118.5 6.0 124.6 77.4 202.0 13.6 61.7 4.8 58.7
Western Transdanubia region 474.5 11.9 486.4 259.0 745.4 35.4 65.3 2.4 63.7
Baranya county 155.4 10.4 165.8 106.6 272.4 18.4 60.9 6.3 57.0
Somogy county 122.9 7.0 129.8 96.7 226.5 17.8 57.3 5.4 54.3
Tolna county 95.8 3.6 99.4 62.2 161.7 6.1 61.5 3.6 59.3
Southern Transdanubia region 374.1 21.0 395.1 265.5 660.6 42.2 59.8 5.3 56.6
Transdanubia large region 1,372.2 45.0 1,417.2 796.5 2,213.7 103.4 64.0 3.2 62.0
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 269.8 14.3 284.1 190.5 474.6 38.7 59.9 5.0 56.9
Heves county 127.0 4.8 131.8 86.4 218.2 15.5 60.4 3.6 58.2
Nógrád county 75.9 10.2 86.0 54.8 140.8 17.0 61.1 11.8 53.9
Northern Hungary region 472.7 29.2 501.9 331.7 833.6 71.2 60.2 5.8 56.7
Hajdú-Bihar county 242.6 12.8 255.4 139.3 394.7 28.8 64.7 5.0 61.5
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 153.1 11.6 164.7 107.8 272.5 22.4 60.4 7.0 56.2
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 234.0 24.5 258.5 151.9 410.4 39.4 63.0 9.5 57.0
Northern Great Plain region 629.7 48.9 678.5 399.0 1,077.6 90.5 63.0 7.2 58.4
Bács-Kiskun county 236.1 11.4 247.4 128.4 375.8 21.7 65.8 4.6 62.8
Békés county 145.0 12.8 157.8 88.1 245.9 19.4 64.2 8.1 59.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.6 9.7 198.3 100.1 298.3 15.9 66.5 4.9 63.2
Southern Great Plain region 569.6 33.9 603.5 316.6 920.1 57.0 65.6 5.6 61.9
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,672.0 111.9 1,783.9 1,047.3 2,831.2 218.7 63.0 6.3 59.1
Total country 4,536.3 213.0 4,749.3 2,567.6 7,316.9 432.1 64.9 4.5 62.0
Quarter 2 2021
Budapest capital, regionb 870.1 26.9 897.0 384.2 1,281.1 51.9 70.0 3.0 67.9
Pest county, regionc 651.9 18.8 670.7 320.1 990.8 31.9 67.7 2.8 65.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,522.0 45.7 1,567.7 704.3 2,272.0 83.7 69.0 2.9 67.0
Fejér county 205.0 4.0 208.9 110.0 319.0 12.0 65.5 1.9 64.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 151.0 5.1 156.1 73.8 229.9 6.2 67.9 3.3 65.7
Veszprém county 165.9 3.6 169.5 88.4 257.9 7.5 65.7 2.1 64.3
Central Transdanubia region 521.8 12.7 534.5 272.3 806.8 25.6 66.2 2.4 64.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 236.3 3.4 239.7 113.2 352.9 7.1 67.9 1.4 67.0
Vas county 121.6 3.3 124.9 65.6 190.5 7.9 65.5 2.6 63.8
Zala county 124.3 5.3 129.6 72.2 201.8 9.2 64.2 4.1 61.6
Western Transdanubia region 482.1 12.0 494.2 251.0 745.2 24.1 66.3 2.4 64.7
Baranya county 158.4 8.5 166.9 105.1 272.0 15.5 61.4 5.1 58.2
Somogy county 125.7 8.1 133.9 92.2 226.0 16.1 59.2 6.1 55.6
Tolna county 96.3 1.2 97.4 63.8 161.2 5.1 60.4 1.2 59.7
Southern Transdanubia region 380.4 17.8 398.2 261.0 659.2 36.7 60.4 4.5 57.7
Transdanubia large region 1,384.4 42.5 1,426.9 784.3 2,211.2 86.4 64.5 3.0 62.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 274.3 14.3 288.5 185.0 473.5 34.9 60.9 4.9 57.9
Heves county 128.2 5.3 133.5 84.2 217.7 12.1 61.3 4.0 58.9
Nógrád county 78.2 9.7 88.0 52.5 140.5 15.1 62.6 11.1 55.7
Northern Hungary region 480.7 29.3 510.0 321.7 831.7 62.1 61.3 5.7 57.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 244.2 15.9 260.1 134.1 394.2 28.2 66.0 6.1 62.0
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 156.9 10.1 166.9 105.0 271.9 18.4 61.4 6.0 57.7
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 238.3 24.6 262.9 146.2 409.2 36.3 64.3 9.4 58.2
Northern Great Plain region 639.4 50.6 690.0 385.3 1,075.3 82.9 64.2 7.3 59.5
Bács-Kiskun county 234.8 10.2 245.0 130.4 375.4 17.8 65.3 4.1 62.6
Békés county 147.2 11.0 158.2 87.0 245.2 16.4 64.5 6.9 60.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.5 5.8 194.3 103.4 297.7 11.8 65.3 3.0 63.3
Southern Great Plain region 570.5 27.0 597.4 320.8 918.2 46.1 65.1 4.5 62.1
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,690.6 106.8 1,797.4 1,027.8 2,825.2 191.1 63.6 5.9 59.8
Total country 4,596.9 195.1 4,792.0 2,516.4 7,308.3 361.2 65.6 4.1 62.9
Quarter 3 2021
Budapest capital, regionb 876.9 21.5 898.4 379.9 1,278.2 46.3 70.3 2.4 68.6
Pest county, regionc 656.7 17.7 674.4 319.2 993.6 27.9 67.9 2.6 66.1
Central Hungary large regiond 1,533.5 39.2 1,572.7 699.1 2,271.8 74.3 69.2 2.5 67.5
Fejér county 206.7 5.0 211.6 107.2 318.9 9.5 66.4 2.3 64.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 154.0 3.7 157.7 71.9 229.6 6.5 68.7 2.3 67.1
Veszprém county 165.7 2.3 168.0 89.4 257.4 5.3 65.3 1.4 64.4
Central Transdanubia region 526.4 10.9 537.3 268.5 805.9 21.3 66.7 2.0 65.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 239.7 4.1 243.8 109.2 352.9 7.4 69.1 1.7 67.9
Vas county 124.2 3.2 127.5 62.9 190.4 5.1 67.0 2.5 65.3
Zala county 128.2 4.4 132.6 69.0 201.6 7.1 65.8 3.3 63.6
Western Transdanubia region 492.2 11.7 503.9 241.0 744.9 19.6 67.6 2.3 66.1
Baranya county 157.7 8.6 166.3 105.3 271.6 12.7 61.2 5.2 58.1
Somogy county 126.6 6.5 133.0 92.6 225.6 11.9 59.0 4.9 56.1
Tolna county 97.3 3.5 100.8 59.9 160.8 5.4 62.7 3.5 60.5
Southern Transdanubia region 381.6 18.6 400.2 257.8 657.9 30.0 60.8 4.6 58.0
Transdanubia large region 1,400.2 41.2 1,441.4 767.4 2,208.7 70.9 65.3 2.9 63.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 276.6 20.6 297.1 175.4 472.5 31.2 62.9 6.9 58.5
Heves county 130.7 4.0 134.7 82.6 217.3 10.1 62.0 3.0 60.1
Nógrád county 79.1 10.2 89.3 50.8 140.1 16.2 63.7 11.4 56.4
Northern Hungary region 486.3 34.8 521.1 308.8 829.8 57.4 62.8 6.7 58.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 248.9 13.7 262.6 131.3 393.8 23.8 66.7 5.2 63.2
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 159.4 11.1 170.5 100.8 271.3 16.0 62.8 6.5 58.7
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 241.5 22.7 264.2 143.7 407.9 34.4 64.8 8.6 59.2
Northern Great Plain region 649.7 47.6 697.3 375.8 1,073.0 74.2 65.0 6.8 60.5
Bács-Kiskun county 237.0 11.6 248.7 126.2 374.9 18.7 66.3 4.7 63.2
Békés county 146.4 8.8 155.2 89.3 244.4 13.5 63.5 5.6 59.9
Csongrád-Csanád county 187.2 4.4 191.5 105.5 297.0 9.6 64.5 2.3 63.0
Southern Great Plain region 570.6 24.8 595.3 321.0 916.3 41.8 65.0 4.2 62.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,706.6 107.1 1,813.7 1,005.5 2,819.2 173.4 64.3 5.9 60.5
Total country 4,640.3 187.5 4,827.8 2,472.0 7,299.8 318.6 66.1 3.9 63.6
Quarter 4 2021
Budapest capital, regionb 890.3 25.6 915.8 359.5 1,275.3 42.3 71.8 2.8 69.8
Pest county, regionc 666.4 16.7 683.1 313.3 996.4 26.3 68.6 2.4 66.9
Central Hungary large regiond 1,556.7 42.2 1,598.9 672.8 2,271.7 68.6 70.4 2.6 68.5
Fejér county 207.4 4.2 211.7 107.1 318.7 8.4 66.4 2.0 65.1
Komárom-Esztergom county 154.5 1.8 156.3 72.9 229.3 3.5 68.2 1.2 67.4
Veszprém county 168.3 2.3 170.7 86.3 257.0 5.0 66.4 1.4 65.5
Central Transdanubia region 530.2 8.4 538.6 266.3 804.9 16.9 66.9 1.6 65.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 241.8 4.0 245.8 107.2 353.0 6.9 69.6 1.6 68.5
Vas county 126.1 1.5 127.5 62.8 190.3 4.3 67.0 1.1 66.2
Zala county 127.1 4.4 131.5 69.9 201.4 6.9 65.3 3.3 63.1
Western Transdanubia region 495.0 9.8 504.8 239.9 744.7 18.1 67.8 1.9 66.5
Baranya county 158.9 9.4 168.3 103.0 271.2 13.6 62.0 5.6 58.6
Somogy county 124.5 6.5 131.0 94.1 225.1 13.9 58.2 5.0 55.3
Tolna county 98.8 2.2 101.1 59.2 160.3 4.2 63.1 2.2 61.7
Southern Transdanubia region 382.2 18.1 400.3 256.3 656.6 31.7 61.0 4.5 58.2
Transdanubia large region 1,407.4 36.4 1,443.8 762.5 2,206.3 66.7 65.4 2.5 63.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 270.1 20.5 290.6 180.8 471.4 33.4 61.6 7.1 57.3
Heves county 131.6 4.8 136.4 80.4 216.8 11.4 62.9 3.5 60.7
Nógrád county 81.5 7.7 89.3 50.5 139.7 11.4 63.9 8.6 58.4
Northern Hungary region 483.2 33.1 516.3 311.7 828.0 56.2 62.4 6.4 58.4
Hajdú-Bihar county 239.4 12.7 252.1 141.3 393.4 22.7 64.1 5.0 60.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 164.3 9.1 173.5 97.3 270.7 15.4 64.1 5.3 60.7
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 240.6 24.1 264.7 142.0 406.7 33.1 65.1 9.1 59.2
Northern Great Plain region 644.4 45.9 690.2 380.5 1,070.8 71.2 64.5 6.6 60.2
Bács-Kiskun county 231.4 11.3 242.7 131.7 374.4 18.4 64.8 4.6 61.8
Békés county 148.1 7.1 155.3 88.4 243.7 11.9 63.7 4.6 60.8
Csongrád-Csanád county 194.2 2.2 196.4 100.0 296.4 5.1 66.3 1.1 65.5
Southern Great Plain region 573.7 20.6 594.4 320.1 914.4 35.3 65.0 3.5 62.7
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,701.3 99.6 1,800.9 1,012.3 2,813.2 162.7 64.0 5.5 60.5
Total country 4,665.5 178.2 4,843.6 2,447.6 7,291.2 298.0 66.4 3.7 64.0
Quarter 1 2022
Budapest capital, regionb 894.7 20.2 914.9 358.9 1,273.8 37.1 71.8 2.2 70.2
Pest county, regionc 660.7 14.0 674.7 324.1 998.8 25.6 67.5 2.1 66.1
Central Hungary large regiond 1,555.3 34.2 1,589.6 683.0 2,272.6 62.7 69.9 2.2 68.4
Fejér county 209.8 5.4 215.1 103.4 318.6 8.4 67.5 2.5 65.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 153.9 1.7 155.6 73.5 229.1 3.4 67.9 1.1 67.2
Veszprém county 167.3 2.3 169.6 86.8 256.4 4.3 66.1 1.4 65.2
Central Transdanubia region 530.9 9.4 540.3 263.7 804.0 16.1 67.2 1.7 66.0
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 241.2 4.5 245.7 107.4 353.1 6.6 69.6 1.8 68.3
Vas county 124.0 1.2 125.2 65.0 190.2 5.1 65.8 0.9 65.2
Zala county 123.0 5.6 128.6 72.6 201.2 9.2 63.9 4.3 61.1
Western Transdanubia region 488.3 11.2 499.5 245.0 744.5 20.8 67.1 2.2 65.6
Baranya county 160.8 7.2 168.0 102.8 270.8 10.5 62.0 4.3 59.4
Somogy county 124.7 9.1 133.8 90.9 224.7 16.6 59.5 6.8 55.5
Tolna county 96.9 3.1 100.0 59.9 159.8 4.4 62.5 3.1 60.6
Southern Transdanubia region 382.4 19.4 401.7 253.6 655.3 31.5 61.3 4.8 58.4
Transdanubia large region 1,401.6 40.0 1,441.5 762.3 2,203.8 68.3 65.4 2.8 63.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 271.4 22.5 293.9 176.3 470.2 34.5 62.5 7.7 57.7
Heves county 130.8 3.7 134.5 81.9 216.5 9.4 62.1 2.8 60.4
Nógrád county 80.0 8.0 88.0 51.4 139.3 12.5 63.1 9.1 57.4
Northern Hungary region 482.2 34.2 516.4 309.6 826.0 56.3 62.5 6.6 58.4
Hajdú-Bihar county 240.2 13.0 253.2 139.8 393.0 21.9 64.4 5.1 61.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 164.3 9.0 173.3 96.8 270.1 14.6 64.2 5.2 60.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 238.3 24.5 262.8 142.7 405.5 35.0 64.8 9.3 58.8
Northern Great Plain region 642.8 46.4 689.3 379.3 1,068.6 71.5 64.5 6.7 60.2
Bács-Kiskun county 234.3 8.9 243.2 130.6 373.9 15.6 65.1 3.7 62.7
Békés county 143.4 9.9 153.2 89.6 242.8 13.6 63.1 6.4 59.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 191.1 4.9 196.0 99.9 295.9 7.3 66.2 2.5 64.6
Southern Great Plain region 568.8 23.7 592.5 320.1 912.6 36.4 64.9 4.0 62.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,693.8 104.3 1,798.1 1,009.0 2,807.1 164.3 64.1 5.8 60.3
Total country 4,650.7 178.5 4,829.2 2,454.3 7,283.5 295.3 66.3 3.7 63.9
Quarter 2 2022
Budapest capital, regionb 889.2 18.5 907.8 367.2 1,274.9 33.0 71.2 2.0 69.7
Pest county, regionc 667.2 10.4 677.7 322.9 1,000.5 16.2 67.7 1.5 66.7
Central Hungary large regiond 1,556.5 28.9 1,585.4 690.0 2,275.4 49.2 69.7 1.8 68.4
Fejér county 212.0 4.3 216.3 102.0 318.3 7.9 67.9 2.0 66.6
Komárom-Esztergom county 155.7 2.5 158.1 70.9 229.0 4.8 69.0 1.6 68.0
Veszprém county 164.3 2.0 166.3 89.5 255.8 3.5 65.0 1.2 64.2
Central Transdanubia region 531.9 8.8 540.7 262.5 803.2 16.2 67.3 1.6 66.2
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 240.2 2.9 243.1 110.2 353.3 5.5 68.8 1.2 68.0
Vas county 122.8 1.8 124.6 65.6 190.2 3.8 65.5 1.4 64.6
Zala county 121.3 3.9 125.2 75.7 200.9 7.4 62.3 3.1 60.4
Western Transdanubia region 484.3 8.6 492.9 251.5 744.4 16.6 66.2 1.7 65.1
Baranya county 161.2 7.1 168.3 102.1 270.4 11.0 62.2 4.2 59.6
Somogy county 126.2 8.0 134.1 90.1 224.2 14.4 59.8 5.9 56.3
Tolna county 97.4 3.1 100.5 58.8 159.4 6.0 63.1 3.1 61.1
Southern Transdanubia region 384.7 18.2 402.9 251.1 654.0 31.4 61.6 4.5 58.8
Transdanubia large region 1,401.0 35.6 1,436.5 765.0 2,201.5 64.2 65.3 2.5 63.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 279.1 18.2 297.3 171.4 468.7 30.6 63.4 6.1 59.6
Heves county 128.6 3.8 132.4 83.9 216.2 9.9 61.2 2.8 59.5
Nógrád county 79.5 7.8 87.3 51.6 138.9 10.4 62.9 8.9 57.3
Northern Hungary region 487.3 29.7 517.0 306.8 823.8 51.0 62.8 5.8 59.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 243.3 11.8 255.1 137.6 392.7 17.9 65.0 4.6 61.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 167.6 8.2 175.7 93.7 269.4 10.7 65.2 4.6 62.2
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 239.6 19.5 259.0 145.3 404.3 33.1 64.1 7.5 59.3
Northern Great Plain region 650.5 39.4 689.9 376.6 1,066.4 61.7 64.7 5.7 61.0
Bács-Kiskun county 235.7 9.0 244.7 128.6 373.3 14.6 65.6 3.7 63.2
Békés county 144.4 8.5 152.9 89.0 241.9 12.5 63.2 5.5 59.7
Csongrád-Csanád county 191.6 2.8 194.4 101.2 295.7 5.1 65.8 1.5 64.8
Southern Great Plain region 571.7 20.3 592.0 318.8 910.8 32.3 65.0 3.4 62.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,709.5 89.4 1,798.9 1,002.2 2,801.0 144.9 64.2 5.0 61.0
Total country 4,666.9 153.9 4,820.8 2,457.2 7,278.0 258.3 66.2 3.2 64.1
Quarter 3 2022
Budapest capital, regionb 891.4 24.6 915.9 360.1 1,276.0 35.9 71.8 2.7 69.9
Pest county, regionc 667.0 15.4 682.4 319.9 1,002.3 23.0 68.1 2.3 66.5
Central Hungary large regiond 1,558.4 39.9 1,598.3 680.0 2,278.3 58.9 70.2 2.5 68.4
Fejér county 212.0 5.3 217.2 100.8 318.1 9.3 68.3 2.4 66.6
Komárom-Esztergom county 156.6 2.5 159.1 69.9 229.0 4.7 69.5 1.6 68.4
Veszprém county 165.5 2.6 168.1 87.1 255.2 5.2 65.9 1.6 64.8
Central Transdanubia region 534.1 10.4 544.4 257.9 802.3 19.2 67.9 1.9 66.6
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 243.6 5.8 249.4 104.2 353.6 8.5 70.5 2.3 68.9
Vas county 120.4 2.5 122.9 67.2 190.1 4.6 64.7 2.0 63.3
Zala county 123.6 5.8 129.4 71.2 200.6 10.6 64.5 4.5 61.6
Western Transdanubia region 487.6 14.1 501.7 242.6 744.3 23.7 67.4 2.8 65.5
Baranya county 163.8 7.6 171.3 98.7 270.0 10.1 63.5 4.4 60.6
Somogy county 127.0 7.1 134.1 89.7 223.8 12.3 59.9 5.3 56.8
Tolna county 96.7 4.3 101.0 57.8 158.9 6.2 63.6 4.3 60.9
Southern Transdanubia region 387.5 19.0 406.4 246.2 652.7 28.6 62.3 4.7 59.4
Transdanubia large region 1,409.1 43.5 1,452.6 746.7 2,199.2 71.4 66.0 3.0 64.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 284.8 16.9 301.7 165.4 467.2 29.0 64.6 5.6 61.0
Heves county 129.0 7.2 136.2 79.8 216.0 12.7 63.1 5.3 59.7
Nógrád county 82.0 7.4 89.4 49.1 138.5 9.2 64.5 8.2 59.2
Northern Hungary region 495.8 31.5 527.3 294.3 821.6 50.8 64.2 6.0 60.3
Hajdú-Bihar county 246.1 10.6 256.7 135.8 392.5 16.6 65.4 4.1 62.7
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 167.9 8.8 176.7 92.0 268.7 14.1 65.8 5.0 62.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 241.4 19.8 261.2 142.0 403.2 30.3 64.8 7.6 59.9
Northern Great Plain region 655.4 39.2 694.6 369.7 1,064.3 61.0 65.3 5.6 61.6
Bács-Kiskun county 233.2 8.3 241.5 131.2 372.7 13.8 64.8 3.4 62.6
Békés county 143.5 9.0 152.4 88.4 240.9 13.7 63.3 5.9 59.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.7 4.0 192.7 102.8 295.4 7.1 65.2 2.1 63.9
Southern Great Plain region 565.3 21.2 586.6 322.4 909.0 34.6 64.5 3.6 62.2
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,716.5 91.9 1,808.4 986.5 2,794.9 146.4 64.7 5.1 61.4
Total country 4,684.0 175.3 4,859.3 2,413.1 7,272.5 276.7 66.8 3.6 64.4
Quarter 4 2022
Budapest capital, regionb 890.0 20.2 910.2 366.4 1,276.6 36.6 71.3 2.2 69.7
Pest county, regionc 668.2 19.1 687.3 316.4 1,003.7 26.6 68.5 2.8 66.6
Central Hungary large regiond 1,558.2 39.2 1,597.5 682.8 2,280.2 63.2 70.1 2.5 68.3
Fejér county 212.4 3.9 216.3 101.6 317.9 7.8 68.0 1.8 66.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 154.0 2.4 156.3 72.9 229.2 4.9 68.2 1.5 67.2
Veszprém county 165.1 1.5 166.6 88.1 254.6 3.0 65.4 0.9 64.8
Central Transdanubia region 531.5 7.8 539.3 262.5 801.8 15.7 67.3 1.4 66.3
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 241.9 6.3 248.2 106.0 354.2 8.7 70.1 2.5 68.3
Vas county 120.7 2.6 123.3 67.1 190.3 5.5 64.8 2.1 63.4
Zala county 123.7 5.0 128.7 71.8 200.5 9.4 64.2 3.9 61.7
Western Transdanubia region 486.3 13.9 500.2 244.9 745.1 23.6 67.1 2.8 65.3
Baranya county 163.6 6.6 170.2 99.8 270.0 8.9 63.0 3.9 60.6
Somogy county 126.9 7.5 134.4 89.0 223.4 14.4 60.2 5.6 56.8
Tolna county 96.3 4.2 100.5 58.0 158.5 7.2 63.4 4.2 60.7
Southern Transdanubia region 386.8 18.3 405.1 246.8 651.9 30.4 62.1 4.5 59.3
Transdanubia large region 1,404.6 40.0 1,444.6 754.2 2,198.8 69.7 65.7 2.8 63.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 278.1 21.9 300.0 166.3 466.3 36.1 64.3 7.3 59.6
Heves county 133.6 5.4 138.9 76.9 215.9 11.4 64.4 3.9 61.9
Nógrád county 82.4 7.1 89.5 48.6 138.1 10.0 64.8 8.0 59.6
Northern Hungary region 494.1 34.4 528.4 291.9 820.3 57.4 64.4 6.5 60.2
Hajdú-Bihar county 246.2 14.4 260.6 131.8 392.4 19.5 66.4 5.5 62.7
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 169.2 8.9 178.0 89.9 267.9 12.1 66.5 5.0 63.2
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 237.4 23.0 260.3 141.6 401.9 34.9 64.8 8.8 59.1
Northern Great Plain region 652.8 46.2 698.9 363.2 1,062.2 66.5 65.8 6.6 61.5
Bács-Kiskun county 232.6 12.5 245.1 126.9 372.0 19.4 65.9 5.1 62.5
Békés county 144.1 12.5 156.6 83.3 239.9 17.7 65.3 8.0 60.1
Csongrád-Csanád county 190.8 3.5 194.3 100.9 295.1 5.8 65.8 1.8 64.6
Southern Great Plain region 567.4 28.5 595.9 311.0 907.0 42.9 65.7 4.8 62.6
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,714.3 109.0 1,823.3 966.1 2,789.4 166.8 65.4 6.0 61.5
Total country 4,677.0 188.3 4,865.3 2,403.1 7,268.4 299.8 66.9 3.9 64.3
Quarter 1 2023
Budapest capital, regionb 896.2 19.6 915.8 361.2 1,277.0 35.7 71.7 2.1 70.2
Pest county, regionc 671.7 20.4 692.1 312.2 1,004.3 27.4 68.9 2.9 66.9
Central Hungary large regiond 1,568.0 40.0 1,607.9 673.4 2,281.3 63.2 70.5 2.5 68.7
Fejér county 211.0 6.0 217.0 100.9 317.9 8.2 68.3 2.8 66.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 153.2 2.2 155.3 74.3 229.6 3.6 67.6 1.4 66.7
Veszprém county 163.0 2.1 165.1 88.9 254.0 2.8 65.0 1.3 64.2
Central Transdanubia region 527.2 10.3 537.5 264.0 801.5 14.7 67.1 1.9 65.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 244.9 4.6 249.5 105.7 355.2 7.8 70.2 1.9 68.9
Vas county 119.3 3.2 122.5 68.2 190.7 5.9 64.2 2.6 62.6
Zala county 121.3 6.1 127.4 73.2 200.6 11.8 63.5 4.8 60.5
Western Transdanubia region 485.4 13.9 499.4 247.1 746.5 25.5 66.9 2.8 65.0
Baranya county 162.8 8.3 171.2 99.1 270.2 11.3 63.3 4.9 60.3
Somogy county 126.1 10.3 136.4 86.7 223.1 14.9 61.1 7.5 56.5
Tolna county 93.2 3.7 96.9 61.2 158.1 4.8 61.3 3.8 59.0
Southern Transdanubia region 382.2 22.3 404.5 247.0 651.5 31.0 62.1 5.5 58.7
Transdanubia large region 1,394.8 46.5 1,441.3 758.1 2,199.4 71.1 65.5 3.2 63.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 278.3 23.0 301.3 164.7 466.0 33.4 64.7 7.6 59.7
Heves county 132.7 3.9 136.6 79.3 215.9 8.5 63.3 2.9 61.5
Nógrád county 81.3 7.7 89.0 48.9 137.9 10.5 64.5 8.6 59.0
Northern Hungary region 492.3 34.6 526.8 292.9 819.7 52.4 64.3 6.6 60.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 247.9 17.2 265.1 127.4 392.5 24.2 67.5 6.5 63.2
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 170.3 11.0 181.4 85.6 267.0 14.0 67.9 6.1 63.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 237.7 20.3 258.0 142.4 400.4 31.1 64.4 7.9 59.4
Northern Great Plain region 655.9 48.5 704.5 355.4 1,059.9 69.3 66.5 6.9 61.9
Bács-Kiskun county 230.5 13.7 244.2 126.8 371.0 19.0 65.8 5.6 62.1
Békés county 140.5 10.7 151.2 87.6 238.8 16.3 63.3 7.1 58.8
Csongrád-Csanád county 186.9 2.9 189.8 104.9 294.7 5.1 64.4 1.5 63.4
Southern Great Plain region 557.9 27.4 585.2 319.2 904.4 40.4 64.7 4.7 61.7
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,706.1 110.5 1,816.5 967.5 2,784.1 162.1 65.2 6.1 61.3
Total country 4,668.8 197.0 4,865.8 2,399.0 7,264.8 296.4 67.0 4.0 64.3
Quarter 2 2023
Budapest capital, regionb 891.8 23.5 915.4 364.5 1,279.8 38.5 71.5 2.6 69.7
Pest county, regionc 679.4 21.7 701.1 303.8 1,004.9 31.7 69.8 3.1 67.6
Central Hungary large regiond 1,571.2 45.2 1,616.4 668.3 2,284.7 70.2 70.7 2.8 68.8
Fejér county 214.3 4.2 218.6 98.9 317.5 7.1 68.8 1.9 67.5
Komárom-Esztergom county 158.8 3.4 162.2 67.4 229.7 7.1 70.6 2.1 69.1
Veszprém county 163.8 2.8 166.6 86.8 253.4 3.4 65.7 1.7 64.7
Central Transdanubia region 537.0 10.4 547.4 253.1 800.5 17.6 68.4 1.9 67.1
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 246.4 2.5 249.0 106.4 355.4 5.3 70.1 1.0 69.4
Vas county 119.6 4.4 124.0 66.3 190.2 7.1 65.2 3.6 62.8
Zala county 123.4 5.5 129.0 71.0 200.0 9.5 64.5 4.3 61.7
Western Transdanubia region 489.4 12.5 501.9 243.7 745.6 21.9 67.3 2.5 65.6
Baranya county 163.4 7.6 171.0 98.6 269.6 10.6 63.4 4.4 60.6
Somogy county 126.7 11.9 138.6 83.8 222.4 16.9 62.3 8.6 57.0
Tolna county 93.2 3.6 96.8 60.8 157.6 5.5 61.4 3.7 59.1
Southern Transdanubia region 383.3 23.0 406.3 243.2 649.6 33.0 62.6 5.7 59.0
Transdanubia large region 1,409.7 45.9 1,455.6 740.0 2,195.6 72.5 66.3 3.2 64.2
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 278.1 20.2 298.3 165.9 464.2 29.4 64.3 6.8 59.9
Heves county 132.2 4.3 136.5 78.8 215.3 8.9 63.4 3.1 61.4
Nógrád county 81.0 7.8 88.9 48.6 137.5 11.2 64.7 8.8 59.0
Northern Hungary region 491.4 32.4 523.7 293.3 817.0 49.5 64.1 6.2 60.1
Hajdú-Bihar county 249.6 16.3 265.9 126.3 392.2 20.6 67.8 6.1 63.6
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 171.3 9.4 180.7 85.5 266.2 12.1 67.9 5.2 64.4
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 242.3 17.9 260.1 139.2 399.4 27.3 65.1 6.9 60.7
Northern Great Plain region 663.1 43.6 706.7 351.0 1,057.7 60.0 66.8 6.2 62.7
Bács-Kiskun county 237.0 11.0 248.0 122.1 370.0 14.1 67.0 4.4 64.0
Békés county 137.9 9.4 147.3 90.6 237.8 16.1 61.9 6.4 58.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 189.0 4.2 193.1 100.9 294.0 7.1 65.7 2.2 64.3
Southern Great Plain region 563.8 24.6 588.4 313.5 901.9 37.3 65.2 4.2 62.5
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,718.3 100.5 1,818.8 957.8 2,776.6 146.7 65.5 5.5 61.9
Total country 4,699.2 191.6 4,890.8 2,366.1 7,256.9 289.4 67.4 3.9 64.8
Quarter 3 2023
Budapest capital, regionb 901.2 17.7 918.9 363.5 1,282.5 33.1 71.7 1.9 70.3
Pest county, regionc 674.9 23.7 698.6 307.0 1,005.6 35.7 69.5 3.4 67.1
Central Hungary large regiond 1,576.1 41.4 1,617.5 670.5 2,288.0 68.8 70.7 2.6 68.9
Fejér county 213.9 5.1 219.0 98.4 317.3 9.0 69.0 2.3 67.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 157.8 4.0 161.9 67.8 229.7 6.6 70.5 2.5 68.7
Veszprém county 167.0 4.9 171.8 80.9 252.7 7.0 68.0 2.8 66.1
Central Transdanubia region 538.7 14.0 552.7 247.1 799.7 22.6 69.1 2.5 67.4
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 250.1 5.1 255.3 100.2 355.5 7.7 71.8 2.0 70.4
Vas county 120.6 3.8 124.3 65.6 189.9 6.2 65.5 3.0 63.5
Zala county 128.6 4.3 133.0 66.6 199.5 6.8 66.6 3.3 64.5
Western Transdanubia region 499.3 13.2 512.5 232.4 744.9 20.8 68.8 2.6 67.0
Baranya county 163.6 10.2 173.8 95.3 269.1 14.5 64.6 5.9 60.8
Somogy county 130.0 12.2 142.2 79.5 221.7 16.5 64.1 8.6 58.7
Tolna county 88.8 5.2 94.0 63.3 157.2 7.9 59.8 5.5 56.4
Southern Transdanubia region 382.4 27.6 410.0 238.1 648.1 38.8 63.3 6.7 59.0
Transdanubia large region 1,420.4 54.8 1,475.2 717.5 2,192.7 82.2 67.3 3.7 64.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 278.0 19.3 297.3 165.4 462.7 28.8 64.3 6.5 60.1
Heves county 131.8 4.1 135.9 78.9 214.8 8.4 63.2 3.0 61.4
Nógrád county 83.4 6.4 89.8 47.3 137.0 8.2 65.5 7.1 60.8
Northern Hungary region 493.2 29.7 522.9 291.6 814.5 45.4 64.2 5.7 60.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 245.6 14.2 259.8 132.1 391.9 20.1 66.3 5.5 62.7
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 174.0 7.6 181.6 83.8 265.4 10.7 68.4 4.2 65.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 237.6 23.7 261.4 137.1 398.4 30.4 65.6 9.1 59.6
Northern Great Plain region 657.3 45.6 702.8 353.0 1,055.8 61.2 66.6 6.5 62.3
Bács-Kiskun county 236.5 9.2 245.7 123.6 369.3 12.4 66.5 3.7 64.0
Békés county 136.8 13.8 150.5 86.4 237.0 16.9 63.5 9.1 57.7
Csongrád-Csanád county 189.4 4.0 193.3 100.1 293.5 5.8 65.9 2.1 64.5
Southern Great Plain region 562.7 26.9 589.6 310.2 899.7 35.0 65.5 4.6 62.5
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,713.2 102.2 1,815.3 954.7 2,770.0 141.6 65.5 5.6 61.8
Total country 4,709.6 198.3 4,908.0 2,342.7 7,250.7 292.6 67.7 4.0 65.0
Quarter 4 2023
Budapest capital, regionb 913.2 23.4 936.6 349.6 1,286.2 38.0 72.8 2.5 71.0
Pest county, regionc 682.4 23.4 705.8 300.4 1,006.2 31.6 70.1 3.3 67.8
Central Hungary large regiond 1,595.6 46.8 1,642.4 649.9 2,292.3 69.6 71.6 2.8 69.6
Fejér county 213.1 4.6 217.6 99.6 317.2 7.7 68.6 2.1 67.2
Komárom-Esztergom county 156.4 2.8 159.2 70.4 229.6 4.2 69.3 1.7 68.1
Veszprém county 163.8 5.4 169.2 83.1 252.3 7.5 67.1 3.2 64.9
Central Transdanubia region 533.2 12.8 546.0 253.1 799.1 19.4 68.3 2.3 66.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 253.2 4.7 257.9 97.6 355.5 8.7 72.5 1.8 71.2
Vas county 123.0 4.2 127.2 62.1 189.3 5.6 67.2 3.3 65.0
Zala county 124.9 5.9 130.8 68.3 199.1 11.3 65.7 4.5 62.7
Western Transdanubia region 501.1 14.8 515.9 228.1 743.9 25.5 69.3 2.9 67.4
Baranya county 166.2 8.3 174.5 94.1 268.7 13.2 65.0 4.8 61.9
Somogy county 127.2 12.3 139.5 81.5 221.0 16.7 63.1 8.8 57.6
Tolna county 88.8 4.6 93.3 63.4 156.7 5.5 59.6 4.9 56.6
Southern Transdanubia region 382.2 25.2 407.3 239.0 646.3 35.4 63.0 6.2 59.1
Transdanubia large region 1,416.5 52.7 1,469.2 720.2 2,189.3 80.3 67.1 3.6 64.7
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 272.6 26.9 299.5 161.6 461.0 37.3 65.0 9.0 59.1
Heves county 132.0 4.7 136.7 77.5 214.2 9.0 63.8 3.4 61.6
Nógrád county 80.8 6.4 87.3 49.3 136.6 9.5 63.9 7.4 59.2
Northern Hungary region 485.4 38.0 523.4 288.4 811.8 55.7 64.5 7.3 59.8
Hajdú-Bihar county 245.5 15.7 261.2 130.4 391.6 22.5 66.7 6.0 62.7
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 172.0 7.7 179.7 85.0 264.7 10.5 67.9 4.3 65.0
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 233.4 27.3 260.7 136.6 397.3 34.0 65.6 10.5 58.7
Northern Great Plain region 650.9 50.7 701.6 352.0 1,053.6 67.1 66.6 7.2 61.8
Bács-Kiskun county 237.8 10.4 248.2 120.2 368.4 14.1 67.4 4.2 64.5
Békés county 138.4 11.6 150.0 86.0 236.0 16.6 63.5 7.7 58.6
Csongrád-Csanád county 187.8 7.6 195.5 97.5 293.0 9.9 66.7 3.9 64.1
Southern Great Plain region 564.0 29.7 593.7 303.7 897.4 40.6 66.2 5.0 62.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,700.2 118.4 1,818.6 944.1 2,762.7 163.4 65.8 6.5 61.5
Total country 4,712.3 217.9 4,930.2 2,314.2 7,244.4 313.3 68.1 4.4 65.0
Quarter 1 2024
Budapest capital, regionb 912.8 22.9 935.8 353.5 1,289.2 40.1 72.6 2.5 70.8
Pest county, regionc 676.3 23.4 699.7 306.8 1,006.5 34.4 69.5 3.3 67.2
Central Hungary large regiond 1,589.1 46.4 1,635.5 660.3 2,295.7 74.5 71.2 2.8 69.2
Fejér county 211.7 6.0 217.8 99.3 317.1 10.7 68.7 2.8 66.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 154.9 4.7 159.6 70.1 229.6 5.5 69.5 2.9 67.4
Veszprém county 166.3 5.2 171.5 80.1 251.6 5.6 68.2 3.0 66.1
Central Transdanubia region 532.9 15.9 548.8 249.5 798.3 21.8 68.7 2.9 66.8
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 250.5 4.4 254.9 100.6 355.5 6.6 71.7 1.7 70.5
Vas county 128.2 2.5 130.7 58.1 188.8 3.0 69.2 1.9 67.9
Zala county 120.7 6.8 127.5 71.0 198.5 10.9 64.2 5.3 60.8
Western Transdanubia region 499.4 13.7 513.0 229.7 742.7 20.5 69.1 2.7 67.2
Baranya county 158.1 13.0 171.1 97.0 268.0 15.3 63.8 7.6 59.0
Somogy county 129.0 10.1 139.1 81.0 220.1 13.8 63.2 7.2 58.6
Tolna county 88.4 8.1 96.5 59.8 156.2 8.8 61.7 8.4 56.6
Southern Transdanubia region 375.5 31.1 406.6 237.8 644.3 37.8 63.1 7.6 58.3
Transdanubia large region 1,407.8 60.7 1,468.4 716.9 2,185.4 80.2 67.2 4.1 64.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 270.8 25.2 296.0 163.3 459.3 38.0 64.4 8.5 59.0
Heves county 130.9 4.6 135.5 78.0 213.5 10.5 63.5 3.4 61.3
Nógrád county 81.2 9.2 90.4 45.8 136.2 12.5 66.4 10.1 59.6
Northern Hungary region 483.0 38.9 521.9 287.0 808.9 60.9 64.5 7.5 59.7
Hajdú-Bihar county 246.1 14.3 260.4 130.8 391.2 19.5 66.6 5.5 62.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 167.2 8.6 175.8 88.1 263.9 11.1 66.6 4.9 63.3
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 230.9 28.1 259.0 137.0 396.0 37.4 65.4 10.9 58.3
Northern Great Plain region 644.2 51.1 695.2 355.9 1,051.1 68.1 66.1 7.3 61.3
Bács-Kiskun county 236.1 11.4 247.5 119.8 367.3 15.9 67.4 4.6 64.3
Békés county 141.0 10.3 151.3 83.6 234.9 14.8 64.4 6.8 60.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 189.0 8.2 197.1 95.4 292.5 9.4 67.4 4.1 64.6
Southern Great Plain region 566.1 29.8 595.9 298.8 894.7 40.0 66.6 5.0 63.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,693.2 119.8 1,813.0 941.7 2,754.7 169.0 65.8 6.6 61.5
Total country 4,690.1 226.8 4,916.9 2,318.9 7,235.8 323.7 68.0 4.6 64.8
Quarter 2 2024
Budapest capital, regionb 920.6 20.2 940.8 351.8 1,292.6 38.3 72.8 2.1 71.2
Pest county, regionc 694.5 16.0 710.6 296.2 1,006.8 26.8 70.6 2.3 69.0
Central Hungary large regiond 1,615.2 36.2 1,651.4 648.0 2,299.4 65.1 71.8 2.2 70.2
Fejér county 211.2 7.1 218.4 98.6 317.0 10.8 68.9 3.3 66.6
Komárom-Esztergom county 154.1 4.2 158.4 71.4 229.8 4.5 68.9 2.7 67.1
Veszprém county 162.1 5.0 167.0 83.8 250.8 5.4 66.6 3.0 64.6
Central Transdanubia region 527.4 16.3 543.7 253.8 797.6 20.7 68.2 3.0 66.1
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 247.0 4.5 251.5 104.0 355.5 8.7 70.7 1.8 69.5
Vas county 124.6 4.3 128.9 59.2 188.1 5.0 68.5 3.3 66.2
Zala county 120.6 8.3 128.9 69.0 197.8 11.7 65.1 6.4 61.0
Western Transdanubia region 492.2 17.1 509.3 232.2 741.5 25.4 68.7 3.4 66.4
Baranya county 160.1 10.6 170.7 96.8 267.5 14.2 63.8 6.2 59.8
Somogy county 131.9 10.5 142.4 77.0 219.3 13.9 64.9 7.3 60.1
Tolna county 87.6 6.7 94.3 61.5 155.7 7.6 60.5 7.1 56.3
Southern Transdanubia region 379.6 27.7 407.3 235.3 642.6 35.8 63.4 6.8 59.1
Transdanubia large region 1,399.3 61.1 1,460.3 721.3 2,181.6 81.9 66.9 4.2 64.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 272.3 22.9 295.2 162.2 457.4 33.9 64.5 7.7 59.5
Heves county 130.6 3.8 134.4 78.4 212.8 9.8 63.2 2.8 61.4
Nógrád county 80.3 9.6 89.9 45.9 135.7 12.5 66.2 10.7 59.1
Northern Hungary region 483.2 36.2 519.4 286.5 805.9 56.2 64.5 7.0 60.0
Hajdú-Bihar county 245.6 16.1 261.6 128.9 390.6 21.3 67.0 6.1 62.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 167.3 7.0 174.3 88.9 263.1 10.8 66.2 4.0 63.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 229.9 30.6 260.5 134.3 394.8 37.0 66.0 11.8 58.2
Northern Great Plain region 642.8 53.7 696.4 352.1 1,048.5 69.1 66.4 7.7 61.3
Bács-Kiskun county 237.1 10.2 247.3 119.0 366.3 14.2 67.5 4.1 64.7
Békés county 141.6 7.6 149.1 84.8 233.9 13.6 63.8 5.1 60.5
Csongrád-Csanád county 190.8 9.0 199.8 91.9 291.7 12.7 68.5 4.5 65.4
Southern Great Plain region 569.4 26.8 596.2 295.7 891.9 40.5 66.8 4.5 63.8
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,695.4 116.7 1,812.0 934.3 2,746.3 165.8 66.0 6.4 61.7
Total country 4,709.8 213.9 4,923.7 2,303.6 7,227.3 312.8 68.1 4.3 65.2
Quarter 3 2024
Budapest capital, regionb 924.6 30.0 954.6 341.1 1,295.7 41.6 73.7 3.1 71.4
Pest county, regionc 679.5 23.0 702.5 304.7 1,007.2 31.7 69.7 3.3 67.5
Central Hungary large regiond 1,604.1 53.1 1,657.1 645.8 2,302.9 73.3 72.0 3.2 69.7
Fejér county 212.2 6.0 218.2 98.9 317.1 8.4 68.8 2.7 66.9
Komárom-Esztergom county 156.6 3.2 159.8 70.1 230.0 4.3 69.5 2.0 68.1
Veszprém county 168.8 4.6 173.4 76.8 250.1 7.4 69.3 2.6 67.5
Central Transdanubia region 537.6 13.8 551.3 245.8 797.1 20.2 69.2 2.5 67.4
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 249.1 6.1 255.3 100.3 355.6 10.5 71.8 2.4 70.1
Vas county 122.5 4.7 127.1 60.3 187.4 5.1 67.8 3.7 65.3
Zala county 118.2 6.7 124.9 72.6 197.5 10.6 63.2 5.3 59.9
Western Transdanubia region 489.8 17.5 507.3 233.2 740.5 26.2 68.5 3.4 66.1
Baranya county 159.4 16.9 176.3 90.8 267.1 21.3 66.0 9.6 59.7
Somogy county 130.9 9.7 140.6 77.9 218.5 14.5 64.3 6.9 59.9
Tolna county 78.6 6.0 84.6 70.6 155.2 6.1 54.5 7.1 50.7
Southern Transdanubia region 368.9 32.6 401.5 239.4 640.8 41.9 62.6 8.1 57.6
Transdanubia large region 1,396.2 63.8 1,460.0 718.4 2,178.4 88.3 67.0 4.4 64.1
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 274.0 19.8 293.9 161.9 455.7 30.7 64.5 6.8 60.1
Heves county 128.4 4.5 132.9 79.2 212.0 8.8 62.7 3.4 60.5
Nógrád county 79.4 8.7 88.1 47.3 135.4 11.9 65.1 9.9 58.7
Northern Hungary region 481.8 33.1 514.9 288.3 803.1 51.4 64.1 6.4 60.0
Hajdú-Bihar county 249.4 14.0 263.3 126.8 390.1 18.5 67.5 5.3 63.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 166.6 8.4 175.1 87.3 262.4 13.1 66.7 4.8 63.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 241.3 23.5 264.8 129.0 393.8 29.3 67.2 8.9 61.3
Northern Great Plain region 657.3 45.8 703.1 343.1 1,046.3 60.9 67.2 6.5 62.8
Bács-Kiskun county 232.1 11.4 243.5 121.6 365.1 15.2 66.7 4.7 63.6
Békés county 144.6 8.7 153.3 79.7 233.0 12.3 65.8 5.7 62.1
Csongrád-Csanád county 192.4 8.7 201.1 89.9 291.0 15.1 69.1 4.3 66.1
Southern Great Plain region 569.2 28.9 598.0 291.1 889.2 42.6 67.3 4.8 64.0
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,708.3 107.7 1,816.0 922.5 2,738.5 155.0 66.3 5.9 62.4
Total country 4,708.6 224.6 4,933.2 2,286.7 7,219.8 316.5 68.3 4.6 65.2
Quarter 4 2024
Budapest capital, regionb 930.8 24.2 955.0 343.7 1,298.7 38.0 73.5 2.5 71.7
Pest county, regionc 681.2 23.8 705.0 303.2 1,008.2 35.4 69.9 3.4 67.6
Central Hungary large regiond 1,612.0 48.0 1,660.0 646.9 2,306.8 73.4 72.0 2.9 69.9
Fejér county 212.1 5.6 217.7 99.3 317.0 9.1 68.7 2.5 66.9
Komárom-Esztergom county 154.8 5.0 159.8 70.2 229.9 6.1 69.5 3.1 67.3
Veszprém county 166.3 4.0 170.3 79.5 249.7 5.2 68.2 2.3 66.6
Central Transdanubia region 533.2 14.5 547.7 248.9 796.6 20.4 68.8 2.6 66.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 244.7 6.7 251.4 104.3 355.7 9.6 70.7 2.7 68.8
Vas county 122.1 3.2 125.3 61.5 186.8 5.1 67.1 2.6 65.4
Zala county 113.8 8.5 122.3 74.6 196.8 10.0 62.1 6.9 57.8
Western Transdanubia region 480.5 18.5 499.0 240.3 739.3 24.8 67.5 3.7 65.0
Baranya county 160.4 10.8 171.3 95.4 266.6 13.0 64.2 6.3 60.2
Somogy county 130.4 8.9 139.3 78.3 217.5 13.3 64.0 6.4 59.9
Tolna county 88.3 6.6 94.9 59.7 154.6 8.1 61.4 7.0 57.1
Southern Transdanubia region 379.1 26.3 405.4 233.3 638.7 34.5 63.5 6.5 59.3
Transdanubia large region 1,392.9 59.3 1,452.1 722.5 2,174.7 79.6 66.8 4.1 64.0
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 267.1 20.8 287.9 166.0 453.9 32.0 63.4 7.2 58.9
Heves county 128.8 3.3 132.2 79.1 211.2 8.8 62.6 2.5 61.0
Nógrád county 78.1 10.4 88.5 46.4 134.9 14.8 65.6 11.8 57.9
Northern Hungary region 474.0 34.5 508.6 291.5 800.0 55.6 63.6 6.8 59.3
Hajdú-Bihar county 246.4 14.1 260.5 129.1 389.6 18.0 66.9 5.4 63.2
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 166.4 7.4 173.8 87.8 261.6 9.3 66.4 4.3 63.6
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 236.1 24.8 260.9 131.9 392.8 30.9 66.4 9.5 60.1
Northern Great Plain region 648.8 46.4 695.2 348.8 1,043.9 58.2 66.6 6.7 62.1
Bács-Kiskun county 231.5 11.6 243.1 121.0 364.1 15.1 66.8 4.8 63.6
Békés county 141.6 10.1 151.7 80.4 232.1 14.0 65.3 6.7 61.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 188.1 6.4 194.5 95.9 290.5 11.4 67.0 3.3 64.8
Southern Great Plain region 561.1 28.1 589.3 297.3 886.6 40.5 66.5 4.8 63.3
Great Plain and Northern Hungary large region 1,684.0 109.0 1,793.0 937.6 2,730.6 154.2 65.7 6.1 61.7
Total country 4,688.8 216.3 4,905.1 2,307.0 7,212.1 307.2 68.0 4.4 65.0


*From 25 October 2024 onwards, the Labour Force Survey estimates are produced using population projections based on the 2022 Census. The data has been extrapolated back to 2018 using the new base. If weighted totals are between 2500 and 4999, these data can be taken into consideration only with reserve concerning their reliability. If weighted totals are less than 2500, data must be negligible. Source: Labour Force Survey, HCSO.
aFrom 2021, the potential labor reserve determin according to the Eurostat methodology.
bPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
cPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
dStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.