Name Level 2023 2024
of territorial units Q1 Q1–Q2 Q1–Q3 Q1–Q4 Q1 Q1–Q2 Q1–Q3 Q1–Q4
Million HUF
Budapest capital, region 1,077,000 2,482,575 3,968,600 5,393,946 1,335,273 2,769,482 4,163,003
Pest county, region 1,819,678 3,678,117 5,658,939 7,555,797 1,887,580 3,697,532 5,368,260
Central Hungary large region 2,896,679 6,160,692 9,627,539 12,949,744 3,222,853 6,467,014 9,531,263
Fejér county 888,570 1,754,270 2,579,965 3,364,605 847,793 1,709,806 2,500,415
Komárom-Esztergom county 1,306,308 2,594,124 3,875,281 5,149,805 1,266,418 2,531,488 3,744,428
Veszprém county 578,549 1,131,197 1,638,741 2,102,505 495,472 1,020,288 1,518,619
Central Transdanubia region 2,773,427 5,479,591 8,093,987 10,616,915 2,609,684 5,261,583 7,763,461
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 1,500,279 2,973,791 4,321,617 5,748,221 1,455,542 2,941,861 4,267,408
Vas county 478,064 918,240 1,346,110 1,758,612 436,816 884,973 1,299,967
Zala county 225,389 439,631 647,679 850,088 208,504 432,280 634,915
Western Transdanubia region 2,203,733 4,331,661 6,315,406 8,356,921 2,100,862 4,259,114 6,202,290
Baranya county 326,550 607,877 881,751 1,169,986 304,235 572,760 827,933
Somogy county 182,789 355,995 531,165 715,295 183,837 367,397 545,936
Tolna county 228,158 448,556 676,592 901,118 236,623 484,232 721,688
Southern Transdanubia region 737,497 1,412,429 2,089,508 2,786,398 724,695 1,424,389 2,095,557
Transdanubia large region 5,714,657 11,223,681 16,498,900 21,760,234 5,435,241 10,945,086 16,061,309
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 1,261,195 2,436,990 3,522,952 4,558,551 1,120,844 2,257,688 3,275,012
Heves county 637,167 1,238,854 1,845,898 2,448,931 605,599 1,213,397 1,817,126
Nógrád county 156,804 301,556 440,129 578,794 153,395 306,931 448,290
Northern Hungary region 2,055,166 3,977,400 5,808,980 7,586,276 1,879,838 3,778,017 5,540,428
Hajdú-Bihar county 412,784 803,230 1,182,775 1,567,490 401,489 826,247 1,244,196
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 767,842 1,391,158 2,001,504 2,622,480 615,802 1,226,293 1,788,388
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 413,965 816,920 1,262,334 1,664,152 383,987 799,200 1,254,336
Northern Great Plain region 1,594,591 3,011,308 4,446,613 5,854,122 1,401,278 2,851,740 4,286,920
Bács-Kiskun county 980,948 1,942,827 3,036,607 4,008,396 946,313 1,942,589 2,932,723
Békés county 224,318 436,644 654,867 866,057 204,598 412,969 613,081
Csongrád-Csanád county 336,247 646,055 962,362 1,280,798 336,264 666,470 980,731
Southern Great Plain region 1,541,514 3,025,526 4,653,837 6,155,250 1,487,175 3,022,027 4,526,536
Great Plain and North large region 5,191,270 10,014,234 14,909,429 19,595,649 4,768,291 9,651,784 14,353,883
Totala country 13,814,685 27,422,531 41,071,027 54,350,514 13,437,410 27,086,196 39,978,710
Volume index, Same period of previous year = 100.0%
Budapest capital, region 91.9 88.2 88.7 90.4 99.6 99.9 98.2
Pest county, region 105.0 104.6 105.5 103.7 100.7 96.6 93.4
Central Hungary large region 99.7 97.3 97.9 97.7 100.3 98.0 95.4
Fejér county 79.4 80.3 80.0 81.3 99.9 98.8 97.0
Komárom-Esztergom county 119.0 113.3 109.4 106.8 95.8 95.1 95.0
Veszprém county 101.0 105.7 103.5 97.2 84.8 86.9 89.1
Central Transdanubia region 99.4 98.8 96.9 95.4 94.7 94.5 94.4
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 101.9 97.9 95.7 96.2 95.2 95.4 95.4
Vas county 103.4 99.2 97.3 96.5 91.6 95.3 95.1
Zala county 93.5 94.2 92.6 92.2 92.2 96.5 96.5
Western Transdanubia region 101.3 97.8 95.7 95.9 94.2 95.5 95.4
Baranya county 117.1 112.7 112.1 111.4 100.3 98.4 96.4
Somogy county 93.4 93.5 93.3 90.1 100.2 102.0 101.6
Tolna county 77.3 77.6 82.8 88.9 113.5 115.3 111.1
Southern Transdanubia region 95.8 94.3 96.1 97.5 104.2 104.5 102.4
Transdanubia large region 99.6 97.8 96.3 95.9 95.7 96.1 95.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 85.3 85.6 85.9 84.5 90.6 92.1 91.4
Heves county 93.7 93.3 93.6 94.5 93.6 94.9 95.3
Nógrád county 102.4 96.5 94.7 95.2 95.3 98.1 98.1
Northern Hungary region 88.9 88.6 88.8 88.3 91.9 93.4 93.2
Hajdú-Bihar county 93.6 93.1 92.3 92.5 97.2 101.1 103.3
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 83.2 85.1 86.5 87.4 86.0 91.3 91.5
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 92.2 89.8 89.6 89.1 93.4 97.5 98.8
Northern Great Plain region 88.0 88.4 88.9 89.2 91.0 95.7 96.8
Bács-Kiskun county 103.8 107.3 108.4 105.1 95.7 97.6 94.4
Békés county 91.7 88.7 87.1 87.2 89.7 92.1 91.5
Csongrád-Csanád county 93.5 87.7 88.3 88.1 102.5 102.7 101.1
Southern Great Plain region 99.5 99.5 100.2 98.3 96.3 97.9 95.3
Great Plain and North large region 91.5 91.6 92.1 91.5 93.0 95.5 94.9
Totala country 96.4 95.3 95.1 94.7 95.7 96.3 95.4


*Data of enterprises with more than 4 employee.
aIncluding activity outside the country border.