Period Mining and quarrying Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco products Manufacture of textiles, apparel, leather and related products Manufacture of wood and paper products, and printing Manufacture of coke, and refined petroleum products Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products Manufacture of pharma-ceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products Manufacture of rubber and plastics products, and other non-metallic mineral products Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products Manufacture of electrical equipment Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Manufacture of transport equipment Other manufacturing, and repair and installation of machinery and equipment Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Industry (excluding water and waste management)
2020 January 61.6 90.1 90.1 82.8 87.6 95.9 104.6 72.6 70.8 62.9 87.3 71.8 110.5 60.8 83.9 119.8 95.2
February 79.0 89.6 96.2 85.4 84.3 97.7 85.1 84.9 80.2 71.2 92.5 81.4 116.7 78.7 88.7 101.9 92.8
March 95.2 105.6 111.0 100.1 85.3 106.6 111.3 99.5 90.1 77.6 91.9 92.6 96.7 87.1 97.3 98.7 97.7
April 97.5 81.1 92.2 88.7 75.2 84.0 91.7 87.7 72.3 51.4 80.7 70.9 25.6 77.6 74.9 81.0 77.0
May 103.9 85.0 97.8 81.5 80.6 76.1 73.7 85.6 74.5 45.2 73.7 76.5 65.0 78.4 78.7 75.4 77.9
June 84.4 91.0 109.7 91.3 70.9 83.5 87.4 87.5 79.3 64.2 77.2 81.8 100.3 79.7 85.2 73.0 81.3
July 93.4 98.4 101.3 90.4 90.9 91.9 91.3 93.7 79.7 68.9 90.3 80.8 108.1 82.0 91.7 76.3 86.8
August 83.4 91.1 94.7 83.8 84.5 81.6 71.0 81.4 72.7 60.1 72.0 75.1 98.2 88.9 83.6 71.2 79.6
September 97.9 98.3 105.1 102.6 88.5 101.1 92.2 100.3 94.3 86.9 127.5 91.3 134.9 105.1 101.1 77.7 93.5
October 92.6 97.4 107.4 102.6 95.0 99.7 110.6 95.7 91.5 89.3 84.3 85.8 135.3 109.9 98.9 94.0 97.3
November 98.2 96.3 103.6 105.0 97.7 94.1 104.4 96.5 92.5 86.5 111.3 96.1 123.8 110.7 99.4 111.6 104.1
December 95.2 98.3 94.3 88.5 99.1 86.2 90.3 71.2 84.4 81.2 93.0 130.3 107.6 155.2 95.3 122.8 104.4
2021 January 51.3 84.2 68.3 76.4 72.5 93.7 97.8 69.8 72.9 101.6 78.4 71.5 77.9 54.7 77.4 123.8 92.0
February 61.6 86.3 83.2 92.1 74.9 95.6 97.0 83.0 88.1 85.4 91.3 73.2 116.9 70.7 87.6 111.2 95.0
March 96.9 106.9 96.3 109.3 84.8 114.8 110.3 106.1 102.5 93.5 112.1 102.4 125.1 93.2 105.2 111.8 107.2
April 100.0 91.4 103.5 105.6 93.9 99.2 105.4 101.2 91.4 85.8 100.3 84.5 98.4 88.9 94.9 95.7 95.2
May 99.9 96.5 102.5 109.7 98.0 97.2 98.8 103.4 101.6 86.2 105.6 96.6 109.5 91.7 100.2 86.3 95.7
June 111.2 102.7 119.1 111.8 105.4 97.1 90.0 112.7 116.7 118.5 111.5 123.0 110.4 99.8 108.3 83.9 100.5
July 114.6 102.0 106.7 96.5 110.0 92.6 87.6 105.1 97.8 114.2 98.9 107.3 109.5 99.6 102.5 82.8 96.3
August 112.0 99.9 103.5 96.1 101.7 100.1 78.0 101.2 94.8 84.4 94.0 96.3 76.7 94.2 95.9 80.9 91.3
September 112.5 107.1 101.2 103.0 105.9 78.7 100.7 110.2 110.9 128.0 110.7 101.5 98.8 108.8 105.3 84.6 98.8
October 113.2 103.8 100.1 102.7 119.3 111.1 97.8 109.8 109.2 99.9 90.6 104.2 92.6 111.7 106.1 99.7 104.1
November 121.1 110.2 106.7 105.1 114.9 110.7 118.1 113.4 111.5 84.8 101.0 104.9 103.1 125.2 110.2 108.0 109.6
December 105.8 109.0 108.7 91.7 118.6 109.2 118.7 84.1 102.7 117.6 105.7 134.8 81.0 161.4 106.4 131.1 114.3
2022 January 60.4 91.2 66.9 89.1 99.1 104.0 93.0 79.3 84.0 107.8 86.9 90.7 85.5 66.4 89.1 117.0 96.4
February 72.8 92.1 85.9 89.0 98.7 98.9 84.1 88.7 96.5 137.7 93.7 98.3 116.9 79.7 96.5 106.2 98.5
March 104.4 111.8 104.6 111.6 138.6 131.4 104.8 107.0 110.8 116.2 127.8 118.7 108.7 109.8 118.7 125.5 120.7
April 92.4 99.7 88.9 100.6 113.0 104.6 97.3 106.0 95.4 100.4 118.4 110.3 95.0 89.5 102.3 120.9 109.2
May 110.4 104.7 111.4 109.0 100.2 109.4 95.3 117.5 105.5 130.0 135.0 135.3 108.3 105.4 108.6 98.2 105.5
June 114.8 108.2 99.1 103.3 110.3 103.3 95.5 104.1 106.9 142.6 121.1 126.6 110.2 104.0 108.9 98.0 106.1
July 117.3 96.7 73.7 94.0 107.4 89.3 85.4 94.0 92.1 124.2 116.7 112.8 103.1 85.8 97.8 99.5 100.4
August 135.8 106.4 78.1 97.2 94.1 76.1 89.2 96.4 100.4 132.0 118.1 126.5 89.6 97.8 97.7 90.5 97.8
September 107.0 102.7 100.1 99.3 77.8 88.6 113.1 101.8 109.1 125.9 134.8 162.5 116.4 110.0 102.5 96.9 104.1
October 104.6 100.8 81.0 95.2 87.8 68.0 120.7 96.7 102.6 112.4 139.1 131.9 110.9 103.3 96.2 101.7 100.2
November 126.5 103.8 86.6 104.4 74.5 76.5 107.2 96.7 107.2 129.5 157.6 156.5 130.9 126.5 101.7 124.2 113.1
December 111.1 98.9 77.8 83.3 65.4 54.6 105.8 71.6 96.8 123.2 153.4 178.1 87.4 148.6 90.4 111.7 97.4
2023 January 52.7 78.6 62.5 80.9 70.0 72.2 99.5 62.5 81.6 113.3 103.1 108.3 101.9 77.4 78.4 92.5 79.9
February 58.8 78.4 81.8 82.3 80.6 70.1 74.9 70.5 91.3 115.6 107.5 134.8 120.7 89.3 86.1 92.0 86.5
March 83.6 97.3 96.1 93.5 106.1 84.9 93.3 84.4 107.7 110.6 138.9 132.2 125.2 102.4 103.4 96.2 99.0
April 66.5 81.5 74.2 80.7 98.5 73.3 85.4 71.9 91.6 120.8 110.8 100.7 93.3 90.7 86.3 88.7 86.4
May 75.0 93.5 93.7 90.5 88.9 78.9 87.6 82.4 99.3 131.9 127.2 113.6 124.5 115.8 95.8 70.3 85.5
June 79.5 98.4 88.7 90.4 91.0 75.5 105.7 85.2 101.3 143.3 114.4 110.2 131.6 128.4 99.8 64.7 85.2
July 77.8 90.8 85.5 77.8 88.6 71.9 85.5 77.3 101.5 113.5 110.7 103.2 118.1 106.3 92.1 77.5 87.3
August 81.1 95.4 75.2 80.3 76.2 64.1 67.1 81.9 105.0 120.1 111.8 98.1 92.2 128.3 89.0 62.0 79.2
September 78.7 92.7 76.4 85.6 93.9 72.0 89.1 86.0 103.3 118.7 141.7 114.7 123.9 113.6 96.1 66.9 86.4
October 80.4 100.1 77.0 86.4 98.8 63.7 101.7 87.4 106.4 99.3 120.7 110.5 129.6 132.7 97.0 80.4 91.1
November 74.4 100.1 83.6 93.5 87.7 72.4 92.4 87.6 100.5 126.3 120.3 135.7 127.6 126.6 97.4 109.5 104.1
December 57.5 96.6 76.5 75.5 91.8 59.6 80.2 57.3 83.8 96.3 100.6 146.8 103.6 181.7 89.0 91.0 87.2
2024 January 77.4 85.0 79.7 73.6 68.1 71.8 103.6 57.3 79.6 62.7 104.4 73.7 112.8 79.3 77.5 89.9 78.6
February 73.7 88.0 90.7 80.1 76.1 70.7 85.1 69.0 91.9 62.9 120.8 102.2 132.1 86.3 87.1 80.9 82.7
March 85.1 96.9 95.5 79.2 86.6 79.2 89.3 75.5 93.5 71.7 107.1 113.5 130.5 105.9 94.8 87.5 90.7
April 90.5 94.5 102.0 92.5 80.6 75.1 94.3 81.4 97.4 60.6 115.7 93.9 116.2 107.3 91.8 81.1 87.5
May 87.4 104.3 109.8 92.6 86.1 77.1 96.8 78.9 97.6 63.1 113.8 103.7 109.2 113.1 94.8 68.6 84.3
June 82.3 97.0 103.6 88.4 83.6 80.1 89.6 75.3 89.9 55.0 110.9 82.1 130.3 105.8 92.2 63.2 80.2
July 91.1 97.9 101.8 88.9 84.0 67.7 87.9 78.1 96.2 69.3 102.2 92.5 107.5 99.7 90.8 78.3 87.0
August 86.1 98.9 75.9 77.6 64.7 59.9 87.1 68.8 80.6 45.3 110.2 84.7 83.4 93.5 79.5 62.3 73.8
September 101.1 96.8 91.6 86.2 79.0 64.4 120.4 78.2 89.0 58.7 121.1 105.2 111.5 115.0 89.9 66.5 82.8
October 102.6 105.4 105.9 94.9 91.9 64.6 119.3 84.0 94.3 55.4 111.3 103.8 125.4 110.0 94.1 78.5 88.8
November 111.5 97.3 101.9 87.4 85.2 72.1 113.3 79.6 87.1 66.9 119.3 90.5 121.0 137.4 91.1 114.7 102.2
December 101.6 97.3 91.4 85.0 82.0 62.6 96.1 59.1 69.9 69.7 98.8 112.6 100.8 154.6 84.5 90.3 84.8


*Data of corporations with more than 4 employees.