Name Level 2023 2024
of territorial units Q1 Q1–Q2 Q1–Q3 Q1–Q4 Q1 Q1–Q2 Q1–Q3 Q1–Q4
Million HUF
Budapest capital, region 1,676,689 3,543,054 5,579,429 7,531,574 1,888,114 3,885,156 5,777,587
Pest county, region 1,606,541 3,237,974 4,982,438 6,637,333 1,640,291 3,202,253 4,652,362
Central Hungary large region 3,283,230 6,781,029 10,561,867 14,168,906 3,528,406 7,087,409 10,429,949
Fejér county 888,892 1,744,654 2,564,006 3,333,446 850,381 1,707,420 2,488,682
Komárom-Esztergom county 1,261,699 2,512,977 3,750,926 4,973,938 1,217,756 2,436,589 3,606,213
Veszprém county 585,161 1,160,360 1,691,845 2,169,016 527,753 1,084,241 1,610,633
Central Transdanubia region 2,735,751 5,417,991 8,006,777 10,476,400 2,595,890 5,228,249 7,705,527
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 1,464,314 2,902,439 4,208,479 5,590,443 1,437,617 2,897,335 4,191,411
Vas county 359,869 693,694 1,006,846 1,314,083 330,666 666,884 976,189
Zala county 81,475 157,435 228,596 304,377 89,536 185,899 271,012
Western Transdanubia region 1,905,659 3,753,568 5,443,921 7,208,903 1,857,820 3,750,118 5,438,612
Baranya county 161,789 321,230 488,158 643,485 168,731 321,752 468,462
Somogy county 283,662 547,112 806,979 1,060,530 228,182 462,302 682,198
Tolna county 143,148 274,681 411,867 542,986 139,946 282,673 423,337
Southern Transdanubia region 588,599 1,143,023 1,707,004 2,247,002 536,859 1,066,728 1,573,997
Transdanubia large region 5,230,010 10,314,581 15,157,702 19,932,305 4,990,569 10,045,095 14,718,137
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 1,092,258 2,110,763 3,034,945 3,899,816 946,704 1,911,052 2,766,710
Heves county 585,013 1,137,292 1,691,077 2,233,479 544,542 1,091,537 1,633,077
Nógrád county 84,085 159,103 229,621 307,166 85,946 167,442 244,979
Northern Hungary region 1,761,356 3,407,159 4,955,642 6,440,460 1,577,192 3,170,031 4,644,766
Hajdú-Bihar county 328,865 631,562 922,808 1,224,574 321,529 648,854 976,232
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 590,491 1,059,901 1,499,437 1,945,302 447,779 884,222 1,282,956
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 296,354 587,676 914,939 1,205,207 274,259 576,968 920,562
Northern Great Plain region 1,215,710 2,279,140 3,337,185 4,375,082 1,043,567 2,110,043 3,179,751
Bács-Kiskun county 822,863 1,632,333 2,571,637 3,383,790 792,924 1,633,494 2,468,892
Békés county 135,577 265,357 389,372 519,318 123,019 247,521 362,367
Csongrád-Csanád county 213,075 414,119 615,409 820,963 212,602 413,814 619,735
Southern Great Plain region 1,171,515 2,311,809 3,576,418 4,724,071 1,128,545 2,294,828 3,450,994
Great Plain and North large region 4,148,581 7,998,107 11,869,245 15,539,613 3,749,304 7,574,902 11,275,511
Total country 12,661,821 25,093,717 37,588,814 49,640,825 12,268,279 24,707,406 36,423,596
Volume index, Same period of previous year = 1000%
Budapest capital, region 86.0 82.7 83.0 85.0 99.5 101.5 99.4
Pest county, region 117.5 115.7 115.7 113.0 98.5 94.9 91.6
Central Hungary large region 99.0 95.7 95.8 96.2 99.0 98.4 95.8
Fejér county 84.5 85.1 84.6 85.7 100.9 99.6 97.4
Komárom-Esztergom county 134.5 129.2 125.0 120.5 95.4 94.6 94.6
Veszprém county 106.1 112.9 110.8 103.2 88.4 88.9 90.6
Central Transdanubia region 107.7 107.9 105.9 103.5 95.5 94.9 94.6
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 100.9 97.3 95.3 96.0 96.4 96.3 96.3
Vas county 97.9 93.3 92.3 93.1 92.3 95.1 95.5
Zala county 92.5 91.5 90.8 91.7 111.0 118.2 117.9
Western Transdanubia region 99.9 96.3 94.5 95.2 96.3 97.0 97.0
Baranya county 86.4 87.9 89.6 91.8 104.8 99.5 95.3
Somogy county 105.6 104.7 100.7 94.7 78.9 82.4 82.6
Tolna county 82.3 83.5 91.3 93.5 107.5 110.3 106.8
Southern Transdanubia region 93.4 94.0 95.0 93.6 92.5 93.5 91.8
Transdanubia large region 103.0 101.7 100.3 99.2 95.5 95.5 95.2
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 84.5 84.7 84.3 82.4 87.8 89.6 89.1
Heves county 94.9 94.6 94.7 95.7 91.8 93.2 93.5
Nógrád county 100.5 94.2 91.6 94.1 98.0 99.6 101.4
Northern Hungary region 88.4 88.2 87.9 87.1 89.7 91.3 91.2
Hajdú-Bihar county 87.1 87.2 86.3 86.9 96.8 100.5 103.4
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 79.8 82.6 82.9 82.5 79.9 85.0 86.3
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 95.6 92.7 92.0 91.0 93.6 98.3 100.4
Northern Great Plain region 85.2 86.3 86.2 85.9 88.0 92.8 95.0
Bács-Kiskun county 106.1 110.5 111.7 107.5 95.3 97.4 93.6
Békés county 94.5 91.5 89.5 89.7 88.4 91.1 91.0
Csongrád-Csanád county 88.5 87.0 88.3 86.2 99.8 98.7 99.1
Southern Great Plain region 101.0 103.0 104.1 100.9 95.3 96.9 94.2
Great Plain and North large region 90.6 91.4 91.7 90.5 90.8 93.4 93.2
Total country 97.6 96.6 96.2 95.5 95.0 95.6 94.7


*Data of enterprises with more than 49 employee.