Name |
Level |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
of territorial units |
Average net earnings, HUF |
Budapest |
capital, region |
226,030 |
250,599 |
275,273 |
305,924 |
334,238 |
359,675 |
422,052 |
Pest |
county, region |
159,209 |
179,887 |
198,673 |
224,835 |
248,110 |
268,014 |
309,942 |
Central Hungary |
large region |
211,294 |
234,805 |
257,878 |
287,247 |
315,053 |
339,416 |
397,263 |
Fejér |
county |
167,597 |
190,571 |
213,885 |
244,444 |
261,260 |
285,702 |
333,636 |
Komárom-Esztergom |
county |
172,901 |
194,228 |
215,336 |
243,131 |
266,261 |
289,548 |
337,948 |
Veszprém |
county |
154,062 |
175,333 |
197,894 |
222,701 |
240,558 |
264,436 |
307,603 |
Central Transdanubia |
region |
165,284 |
187,305 |
209,677 |
237,858 |
256,926 |
280,859 |
327,635 |
Győr-Moson-Sopron |
county |
182,561 |
204,712 |
226,805 |
258,766 |
278,899 |
308,516 |
357,758 |
Vas |
county |
160,506 |
182,776 |
201,526 |
222,094 |
243,896 |
266,842 |
313,062 |
Zala |
county |
137,164 |
156,527 |
172,648 |
192,551 |
213,859 |
233,609 |
277,055 |
Western Transdanubia |
region |
165,761 |
187,412 |
207,530 |
234,025 |
255,349 |
281,058 |
328,266 |
Baranya |
county |
139,202 |
160,149 |
179,951 |
200,334 |
218,926 |
240,905 |
286,499 |
Somogy |
county |
141,709 |
162,413 |
180,871 |
199,328 |
215,116 |
234,118 |
275,255 |
Tolna |
county |
159,972 |
183,445 |
202,453 |
226,345 |
255,189 |
277,600 |
317,790 |
Southern Transdanubia |
region |
144,898 |
166,311 |
185,547 |
206,031 |
226,241 |
247,409 |
290,152 |
Transdanubia |
large region |
159,909 |
181,732 |
202,622 |
228,208 |
248,290 |
272,245 |
318,166 |
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén |
county |
133,906 |
153,858 |
173,244 |
191,776 |
207,644 |
230,207 |
271,297 |
Heves |
county |
158,956 |
182,727 |
202,914 |
225,027 |
243,468 |
266,162 |
314,155 |
Nógrád |
county |
131,505 |
151,889 |
168,904 |
182,817 |
199,821 |
219,750 |
265,437 |
Northern Hungary |
region |
139,990 |
161,103 |
180,618 |
199,636 |
216,186 |
238,626 |
282,171 |
Hajdú-Bihar |
county |
142,320 |
162,250 |
180,752 |
198,394 |
218,148 |
240,462 |
286,271 |
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok |
county |
137,504 |
160,685 |
178,951 |
198,159 |
219,560 |
236,774 |
277,126 |
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg |
county |
118,420 |
137,747 |
153,451 |
167,766 |
184,238 |
201,717 |
241,855 |
Norther Great Plain |
region |
132,255 |
152,946 |
170,513 |
187,366 |
206,202 |
225,449 |
267,931 |
Bács-Kiskun |
county |
146,091 |
167,486 |
186,666 |
208,785 |
228,444 |
247,585 |
292,438 |
Békés |
county |
128,422 |
146,305 |
163,117 |
178,746 |
194,408 |
213,146 |
255,655 |
Csongrád-Csanád |
county |
148,731 |
169,754 |
189,010 |
205,933 |
225,316 |
248,341 |
294,772 |
Southern Great Plain |
region |
142,255 |
162,770 |
181,451 |
200,227 |
218,845 |
239,326 |
284,195 |
Great Plain and North |
large region |
137,717 |
158,494 |
177,008 |
195,109 |
213,184 |
233,770 |
277,303 |
Total |
country |
175,009 |
197,516 |
219,412 |
244,609 |
268,405 |
291,812 |
342,984 |
Corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0% |
Budapest |
capital, region |
108.0 |
110.9 |
110.4 |
111.3 |
109.3 |
107.6 |
117.3 |
Pest |
county, region |
107.5 |
113.0 |
110.8 |
111.1 |
110.4 |
108.0 |
115.6 |
Central Hungary |
large region |
107.8 |
111.1 |
110.3 |
111.1 |
109.7 |
107.7 |
117.0 |
Fejér |
county |
108.7 |
113.7 |
112.2 |
112.4 |
106.9 |
109.4 |
116.8 |
Komárom-Esztergom |
county |
108.4 |
112.3 |
111.2 |
111.8 |
109.5 |
108.7 |
116.7 |
Veszprém |
county |
108.8 |
113.8 |
113.2 |
111.3 |
108.0 |
109.9 |
116.3 |
Central Transdanubia |
region |
108.6 |
113.3 |
112.2 |
111.9 |
108.0 |
109.3 |
116.7 |
Győr-Moson-Sopron |
county |
107.5 |
112.1 |
110.9 |
112.6 |
107.8 |
110.6 |
116.0 |
Vas |
county |
108.7 |
113.9 |
110.4 |
109.5 |
109.8 |
109.4 |
117.3 |
Zala |
county |
107.9 |
114.1 |
110.6 |
111.3 |
111.1 |
109.2 |
118.6 |
Western Transdanubia |
region |
107.9 |
113.1 |
110.9 |
111.7 |
109.1 |
110.1 |
116.8 |
Baranya |
county |
106.5 |
115.0 |
112.3 |
112.4 |
109.3 |
110.0 |
118.9 |
Somogy |
county |
106.1 |
114.6 |
112.0 |
110.6 |
107.9 |
108.8 |
117.6 |
Tolna |
county |
107.8 |
114.7 |
110.5 |
111.2 |
112.7 |
108.8 |
114.5 |
Southern Transdanubia |
region |
106.6 |
114.8 |
111.8 |
111.5 |
109.8 |
109.4 |
117.3 |
Transdanubia |
large region |
107.8 |
113.6 |
111.7 |
111.8 |
108.8 |
109.6 |
116.9 |
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén |
county |
107.2 |
114.9 |
112.7 |
111.6 |
108.3 |
110.9 |
117.8 |
Heves |
county |
107.6 |
115.0 |
110.7 |
111.0 |
108.2 |
109.3 |
118.0 |
Nógrád |
county |
109.9 |
115.5 |
111.2 |
109.5 |
109.3 |
110.0 |
120.8 |
Northern Hungary |
region |
107.7 |
115.1 |
112.0 |
111.3 |
108.3 |
110.4 |
118.2 |
Hajdú-Bihar |
county |
106.5 |
114.0 |
111.6 |
110.7 |
110.0 |
110.2 |
119.1 |
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok |
county |
107.5 |
116.9 |
111.5 |
111.1 |
110.8 |
107.8 |
117.0 |
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg |
county |
106.1 |
116.3 |
111.8 |
110.7 |
109.8 |
109.5 |
119.9 |
Norther Great Plain |
region |
106.5 |
115.6 |
111.7 |
110.8 |
110.1 |
109.3 |
118.8 |
Bács-Kiskun |
county |
108.4 |
114.6 |
111.8 |
112.1 |
109.4 |
108.4 |
118.1 |
Békés |
county |
108.2 |
113.9 |
111.8 |
110.5 |
108.8 |
109.6 |
119.9 |
Csongrád-Csanád |
county |
107.5 |
114.1 |
111.7 |
109.6 |
109.4 |
110.2 |
118.7 |
Southern Great Plain |
region |
108.1 |
114.4 |
111.9 |
110.9 |
109.3 |
109.4 |
118.7 |
Great Plain and North |
large region |
107.4 |
115.1 |
111.9 |
111.0 |
109.3 |
109.7 |
118.6 |
Total |
country |
107.8 |
112.9 |
111.3 |
111.4 |
109.7 |
108.7 |
117.5 |
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.