Period Full-time employees Full-time employees without fostered workers
average gross earnings median gross earnings average net earningsa number average gross earnings median gross earnings average net earningsa number
HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% thousands previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% thousands previous year = 100.0%
Monthly data
2018 January 265,751 111.6 .. .. 176,725 111.6 126.6 106.0 290,223 111.6 .. .. 192,998 111.6 111.5 106.1
February 270,485 112.7 .. .. 179,872 112.7 126.4 106.5 294,079 112.2 .. .. 195,562 112.2 112.1 107.5
March 278,074 107.1 .. .. 184,919 107.1 125.0 110.6 299,796 109.2 .. .. 199,364 109.2 112.3 107.7
April 275,192 110.0 .. .. 183,003 110.0 125.2 107.0 294,627 108.7 .. .. 195,927 108.7 113.5 109.2
May 282,962 112.6 .. .. 188,170 112.6 125.4 106.3 306,488 112.0 .. .. 203,815 112.0 112.0 107.4
June 289,674 110.3 .. .. 192,633 110.3 124.9 106.9 312,759 109.3 .. .. 207,984 109.3 112.2 108.6
July 283,013 112.9 .. .. 188,204 112.9 121.0 103.4 300,146 110.3 .. .. 199,597 110.3 111.6 107.7
August 284,811 113.1 .. .. 189,400 113.1 121.9 103.1 302,262 110.8 .. .. 201,005 110.8 112.3 106.6
September 280,581 108.4 .. .. 186,587 108.4 122.8 103.0 297,254 106.2 .. .. 197,674 106.2 113.3 106.4
October 281,202 110.6 .. .. 186,999 110.6 123.3 102.9 298,171 108.7 .. .. 198,283 108.7 113.5 105.8
November 296,668 109.2 .. .. 197,284 109.2 123.2 104.5 315,218 107.5 .. .. 209,620 107.5 113.4 107.1
December 348,317 111.3 .. .. 231,631 111.3 123.8 102.8 370,950 109.3 .. .. 246,682 109.3 114.1 105.7
2019 January 304,189 112.0 267,500 112.6 202,286 112.0 126.6 98.7 324,775 108.1 280,606 108.8 215,975 108.1 115.6 104.5
February 301,319 109.6 264,045 112.1 200,377 109.6 127.0 100.0 321,672 106.2 276,500 108.1 213,912 106.2 116.0 104.9
March 313,145 109.5 274,050 110.0 208,242 109.5 124.0 99.0 328,615 105.8 284,200 105.9 218,529 105.8 116.0 104.2
April 318,661 114.2 281,608 114.9 211,910 114.2 126.8 99.7 336,920 110.2 293,438 111.4 224,052 110.2 117.5 105.3
May 316,231 110.3 274,100 109.6 210,293 110.3 127.2 99.6 334,324 106.3 285,047 105.6 222,325 106.3 117.8 105.1
June 334,989 112.9 283,185 113.4 222,768 112.9 126.7 99.2 354,522 109.2 295,382 109.7 235,757 109.2 117.4 104.2
July 325,374 112.0 277,200 111.4 216,373 112.0 126.6 103.2 343,634 111.0 289,290 110.1 228,517 111.0 117.6 104.8
August 320,643 109.7 280,000 111.1 213,227 109.7 127.0 102.7 337,604 107.9 290,971 109.8 224,506 107.9 118.1 105.0
September 327,301 113.3 280,000 112.2 217,655 113.3 128.6 102.7 341,223 110.7 291,000 110.6 226,913 110.7 119.5 104.6
October 319,595 110.4 279,298 111.3 212,531 110.4 129.9 103.6 336,788 108.8 290,000 109.4 223,964 108.8 121.0 106.0
November 346,349 113.0 292,320 111.6 230,322 113.0 130.3 103.3 365,101 111.2 301,486 109.3 242,792 111.2 121.5 105.8
December 414,893 116.1 337,200 116.3 275,904 116.1 128.7 101.9 434,415 113.2 350,000 113.6 288,886 113.2 121.5 105.6
2020 January 333,506 109.6 291,782 109.1 221,782 109.6 128.3 101.4 349,359 107.6 300,000 106.9 232,324 107.6 120.6 104.3
February 336,692 111.7 295,630 112.0 223,900 111.7 129.1 101.6 353,489 109.9 304,197 110.0 235,070 109.9 121.0 104.3
March 351,905 112.4 300,097 109.5 234,017 112.4 126.9 102.3 364,996 111.1 309,212 108.8 242,722 111.1 120.9 104.3
April 345,781 108.5 301,301 107.0 229,944 108.5 125.4 98.9 360,967 107.1 310,000 105.6 240,043 107.1 118.5 100.8
May 341,527 108.0 299,883 109.4 227,116 108.0 124.3 97.8 357,193 106.8 306,320 107.5 237,534 106.8 117.1 99.4
June 377,570 112.7 308,334 108.9 251,084 112.7 125.7 99.3 395,729 111.6 319,700 108.2 263,160 111.6 118.3 100.8
July 364,798 112.1 315,523 113.8 242,590 112.1 127.4 100.7 382,480 111.3 326,908 113.0 254,349 111.3 119.8 101.9
August 358,306 111.7 310,590 110.9 238,273 111.7 132.0 103.9 374,997 111.1 320,000 110.0 249,373 111.1 124.3 105.2
September 352,893 107.8 305,003 108.9 234,674 107.8 134.9 104.9 368,758 108.1 314,286 108.0 245,224 108.1 127.3 106.5
October 352,288 110.2 307,548 110.1 234,272 110.2 135.9 104.6 368,441 109.4 316,761 109.2 245,013 109.4 128.1 105.9
November 377,452 109.0 321,526 110.0 251,006 109.0 136.7 104.9 395,143 108.2 332,000 110.1 262,770 108.2 128.9 106.0
December 456,506 110.0 353,689 104.9 303,577 110.0 137.7 107.0 478,584 110.2 369,179 105.5 318,258 110.2 130.0 107.0
2021 January 362,885 108.8 313,588 107.5 241,319 108.8 138.0 107.5 378,743 108.4 324,000 108.0 251,864 108.4 130.5 108.2
February 362,599 107.7 314,500 106.4 241,128 107.7 142.4 110.3 378,410 107.1 324,102 106.5 251,643 107.1 134.7 111.3
March 383,635 109.0 324,237 108.0 255,117 109.0 141.4 111.5 397,786 109.0 333,820 108.0 264,528 109.0 134.9 111.6
April 377,508 109.2 326,770 108.5 251,043 109.2 142.8 113.9 393,240 108.9 335,710 108.3 261,505 108.9 135.4 114.3
May 382,675 112.0 328,400 109.5 254,479 112.0 142.8 114.8 398,757 111.6 337,516 110.2 265,174 111.6 135.3 115.5
June 398,841 105.6 330,661 107.2 265,229 105.6 143.3 114.0 415,523 105.0 340,897 106.6 276,323 105.0 136.0 114.9
July 390,173 107.0 327,806 103.9 259,465 107.0 143.6 112.7 406,080 106.2 336,699 103.0 270,043 106.2 136.4 113.9
August 424,817 118.6 345,045 111.1 282,504 118.6 178.2 135.0 438,897 117.0 351,698 109.9 291,866 117.0 171.0 137.6
September 421,811 119.5 340,600 111.7 280,504 119.5 181.5 134.5 434,763 117.9 348,957 111.0 289,117 117.9 174.7 137.2
October 438,829 124.6 356,280 115.8 291,821 124.6 182.2 134.0 452,919 122.9 364,560 115.1 301,191 122.9 175.1 136.6
November 472,574 125.2 373,693 116.2 314,262 125.2 182.8 133.8 488,138 123.5 382,456 115.2 324,612 123.5 175.7 136.4
December 552,294 121.0 420,000 118.7 367,275 121.0 181.6 131.8 571,135 119.3 432,387 117.1 379,805 119.3 174.5 134.2
2022 January 479,297 132.1 387,324 123.5 318,732 132.1 180.4 130.7 493,609 130.3 396,025 122.2 328,250 130.3 173.8 133.2
February 490,508 135.3 390,673 124.2 326,188 135.3 181.3 127.4 506,136 133.8 400,000 123.4 336,580 133.8 174.3 129.4
March 511,656 133.4 407,779 125.8 340,251 133.4 181.5 128.3 526,100 132.3 416,598 124.8 349,857 132.3 175.3 129.9
April 510,779 135.3 408,322 125.0 339,668 135.3 182.8 128.0 526,499 133.9 416,881 124.2 350,122 133.9 176.0 130.0
May 514,316 134.4 404,695 123.2 342,020 134.4 182.9 128.1 529,998 132.9 412,905 122.3 352,449 132.9 176.1 130.1
June 527,584 132.3 417,948 126.4 350,844 132.3 182.6 127.4 543,667 130.8 426,212 125.0 361,538 130.8 175.9 129.4
July 511,659 131.1 403,200 123.0 340,253 131.1 182.3 126.9 526,734 129.7 411,764 122.3 350,278 129.7 175.8 128.9
August 507,172 119.4 403,211 116.9 337,270 119.4 182.4 102.3 521,515 118.8 410,794 116.8 346,808 118.8 176.1 103.0
September 511,546 121.3 403,301 118.4 340,178 121.3 182.6 100.6 524,383 120.6 410,001 117.5 348,715 120.6 177.0 101.4
October 515,989 117.6 411,901 115.6 343,133 117.6 183.1 100.5 529,216 116.8 419,520 115.1 351,928 116.8 177.4 101.3
November 557,971 118.1 438,480 117.3 371,051 118.1 183.8 100.5 572,578 117.3 446,600 116.8 380,765 117.3 178.1 101.4
December 631,567 114.4 486,907 115.9 419,992 114.4 183.9 101.3 648,598 113.6 498,000 115.2 431,318 113.6 178.2 102.1
Monthly cumulative data
2022 January–January 479,297 132.1 387,324 123.5 318,732 132.1 180.4 130.7 493,609 130.3 396,025 122.2 328,250 130.3 173.8 133.2
January–February 484,917 133.7 389,302 124.0 322,470 133.7 180.9 129.0 499,881 132.0 398,000 122.8 332,421 132.0 174.0 131.2
January–March 493,850 133.6 396,000 124.4 328,410 133.6 181.1 128.8 508,662 132.1 402,566 122.8 338,260 132.1 174.4 130.7
January–April 498,113 134.0 400,000 125.0 331,245 134.0 181.5 128.6 513,151 132.6 406,417 123.2 341,245 132.6 174.8 130.6
January–May 501,373 134.1 400,000 124.4 333,413 134.1 181.8 128.5 516,540 132.6 407,825 123.2 343,499 132.6 175.1 130.5
January–June 505,758 133.8 401,940 124.4 336,329 133.8 181.9 128.3 521,079 132.3 410,519 123.5 346,517 132.3 175.2 130.3
January–July 506,602 133.4 402,000 124.2 336,890 133.4 182.0 128.1 521,889 131.9 410,704 123.3 347,056 131.9 175.3 130.1
January–August 506,674 131.0 402,100 123.0 336,938 131.0 182.0 124.2 521,842 129.7 410,714 122.2 347,025 129.7 175.4 125.9
January–September 507,217 129.6 402,260 122.3 337,299 129.6 182.1 121.0 522,127 128.4 410,630 121.5 347,214 128.4 175.6 122.6
January–October 508,098 128.0 403,313 121.8 337,885 128.0 182.2 118.6 522,842 126.8 411,780 120.8 347,690 126.8 175.8 120.1
January–November 512,669 126.6 406,473 121.3 340,925 126.6 182.3 116.7 527,418 125.5 414,931 120.2 350,733 125.5 176.0 118.1
January–December 522,656 124.7 411,990 120.6 347,566 124.7 182.5 115.2 537,631 123.6 420,000 120.0 357,525 123.6 176.2 116.5
Quarterly cumulative data
2018 Q1 271,409 110.5 .. .. 180,487 110.5 126.0 107.6 294,710 111.0 .. .. 195,982 111.0 111.9 107.1
Q1–Q2 276,988 110.7 .. .. 184,197 110.7 125.6 107.2 299,660 110.5 .. .. 199,274 110.5 112.3 107.7
Q1–Q3 278,886 110.9 .. .. 185,459 110.9 124.4 105.8 299,733 110.0 .. .. 199,323 110.0 112.3 107.5
Q1–Q4 286,317 110.7 .. .. 190,401 110.7 124.1 105.2 306,913 109.6 .. .. 204,097 109.6 112.6 107.1
2019 Q1 306,165 110.4 268,700 112.0 203,600 110.4 125.9 99.2 325,021 106.7 280,777 107.8 216,139 106.7 115.9 104.5
Q1–Q2 314,759 111.4 274,050 112.1 209,315 111.4 126.4 99.4 333,528 107.6 285,661 108.1 221,796 107.6 116.7 104.7
Q1–Q3 318,006 111.5 275,100 111.5 211,474 111.5 126.7 100.5 335,981 108.4 287,339 108.8 223,427 108.4 117.3 104.7
Q1–Q4 328,712 112.1 280,990 112.4 218,593 112.1 127.4 101.1 346,967 109.2 292,824 109.2 230,733 109.2 118.3 105.0
2020 Q1 340,651 111.3 296,000 110.2 226,533 111.3 128.1 101.8 355,954 109.5 304,350 108.4 236,709 109.5 120.8 104.3
Q1–Q2 347,751 110.5 300,000 109.5 231,254 110.5 126.6 100.2 363,554 109.0 307,845 107.8 241,764 109.0 119.4 102.3
Q1–Q3 351,441 110.5 301,805 109.7 233,708 110.5 128.2 101.2 367,555 109.4 311,600 108.4 244,424 109.4 120.9 103.1
Q1–Q4 363,037 110.4 307,729 109.5 241,420 110.4 130.4 102.3 379,828 109.5 318,061 108.6 252,585 109.5 122.9 103.9
2021 Q1 369,746 108.5 318,208 107.5 245,881 108.5 140.6 109.8 385,053 108.2 327,900 107.7 256,060 108.2 133.4 110.4
Q1–Q2 378,120 108.7 323,170 107.7 251,450 108.7 141.8 112.0 393,860 108.3 332,519 108.0 261,917 108.3 134.5 112.6
Q1–Q3 391,401 111.4 328,991 109.0 260,282 111.4 150.4 117.3 406,672 110.6 338,000 108.5 270,437 110.6 143.2 118.4
Q1–Q4 419,126 115.4 341,649 111.0 278,719 115.4 158.4 121.5 434,844 114.5 350,141 110.1 289,171 114.5 151.2 123.0
2022 Q1 493,850 133.6 396,000 124.4 328,410 133.6 181.1 128.8 508,662 132.1 402,566 122.8 338,260 132.1 174.4 130.7
Q1–Q2 505,758 133.8 401,940 124.4 336,329 133.8 181.9 128.3 521,079 132.3 410,519 123.5 346,517 132.3 175.2 130.3
Q1–Q3 507,217 129.6 402,260 122.3 337,299 129.6 182.1 121.0 522,127 128.4 410,630 121.5 347,214 128.4 175.6 122.6
Q1–Q4 522,656 124.7 411,990 120.6 347,566 124.7 182.5 115.2 537,631 123.6 420,000 120.0 357,525 123.6 176.2 116.5


*Data of non-profit organisations which are significant in respect of employment. Source of data: until 2018 the monthly institutional labour data collection system, as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources. The table is closed in 2022, the new methodology table is available at: STADAT
aCalculated without tax benefits.
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.