Year Staff groups Total Of which:
manual non-manual unknown managers and armed forces occupations professionals technicians and associate professionals office and management (customer service) occupations commercial and services occupations agricultural and forestry occupations industry and construction industry occupations machine operators, assembly workers, drivers of vehicles (elementary) occupations not requiring qualifications
Average gross earnings, HUF/person/month
2019 264,634 449,086 297,082 356,286 587,470 515,177 383,303 314,590 281,024 238,343 309,285 313,162 193,011
2020 287,754 490,133 250,442 391,194 635,346 558,926 423,102 342,811 308,544 260,306 336,947 340,302 208,768
2021 308,754 538,171 302,153 425,915 693,722 628,976 456,964 367,574 323,918 278,685 365,795 365,877 226,739
2022 368,618 624,244 399,419 499,980 784,449 724,664 532,195 431,164 407,792 326,925 422,788 427,196 270,212
2023 422,530 707,751 463,789 571,182 883,323 825,650 602,256 496,976 435,747 385,482 496,822 494,997 320,173
2024 473,560 802,218 467,575 646,801 996,730 941,842 682,266 557,044 491,028 435,392 557,657 553,587 359,469
Previous year = 100.0%
2019 112.9 109.7 133.7 111.3 108.7 107.9 111.4 112.7 111.9 114.7 112.6 113.5 115.0
2020 108.7 109.1 84.3 109.8 108.1 108.5 110.4 109.0 109.8 109.2 108.9 108.7 108.2
2021 107.3 109.8 120.6 108.9 109.2 112.5 108.0 107.2 105.0 107.1 108.6 107.5 108.6
2022 119.4 116.0 132.2 117.4 113.1 115.2 116.5 117.3 125.9 117.3 115.6 116.8 119.2
2023 114.6 113.4 116.1 114.2 112.6 113.9 113.2 115.3 106.9 117.9 117.5 115.9 118.5
2024 112.1 113.3 100.8 113.2 112.8 114.1 113.3 112.1 112.7 112.9 112.2 111.8 112.3


*Full circle of enterprises with employees, budgetary institutions and non-profit organisations. Source of data: Institutional labour-statistical data collection system (as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources).
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.