Period, quarters Full-time employees Part-time employees working at least 60 hours per month Employees working less than 60 hours per montha Total employees Full-time employees Part-time employees working at least 60 hours per month Employees working less than 60 hours per montha Total employees Full-time employees Part-time employees working at least 60 hours per month Employees working less than 60 hours per montha Total Gross monthly average earnings in full time equivalent, HUF/person/monthb
total gross sum of earnings, HUF/month number of persons per month average gross earnings per hours worked, HUF/hour/month
2019 Q1 1,004,337 50,923 3,882 1,059,142 2,852.0 328.3 69.1 3,249.3 2,294 1,742 1,985 2,259 344,235
Q1–2 1,025,968 52,085 3,968 1,082,021 2,854.2 329.8 69.7 3,253.6 2,350 1,793 2,025 2,314 351,239
Q1–3 1,026,525 52,544 4,014 1,083,083 2,852.4 332.5 69.9 3,254.7 2,381 1,802 2,061 2,343 351,938
Q1–4 1,049,325 53,897 4,144 1,107,366 2,852.7 333.0 70.6 3,256.3 2,456 1,872 2,154 2,418 360,734
2020 Q1 1,079,692 56,538 4,634 1,140,864 2,810.1 329.1 73.4 3,212.6 2,472 1,959 2,408 2,441 375,994
Q1–2 1,057,414 71,309 5,554 1,134,277 2,677.3 377.8 85.9 3,141.0 2,620 2,096 2,382 2,579 386,177
Q1–3 1,056,132 74,939 5,790 1,136,862 2,673.5 387.9 84.5 3,146.0 2,638 2,132 2,448 2,597 387,517
Q1–4 1,089,932 72,829 5,607 1,168,368 2,700.4 376.2 80.4 3,157.0 2,719 2,159 2,491 2,674 396,066
2021 Q1 1,172,007 63,489 5,028 1,240,523 2,789.0 334.1 66.5 3,189.7 2,738 2,107 2,406 2,695 412,059
Q1–2 1,201,769 65,116 5,210 1,272,094 2,806.3 334.7 66.3 3,207.3 2,802 2,168 2,451 2,759 420,693
Q1–3 1,209,289 65,865 5,282 1,280,436 2,821.2 337.8 65.6 3,224.6 2,855 2,195 2,510 2,810 421,543
Q1–4 1,242,876 68,336 5,504 1,316,717 2,832.4 340.8 65.3 3,238.5 2,952 2,302 2,693 2,908 432,606
2022 Q1 1,458,357 75,814 6,353 1,540,524 2,869.2 337.5 62.4 3,269.1 3,305 2,552 2,977 3,256 499,226
Q1–2 1,455,749 77,706 6,481 1,539,936 2,881.1 338.4 62.0 3,281.5 3,304 2,621 3,008 3,260 498,066
Q1–3 1,452,818 78,812 6,489 1,538,119 2,884.6 341.3 62.0 3,287.9 3,337 2,660 3,033 3,293 497,070
Q1–4 1,489,396 82,142 6,722 1,578,260 2,887.7 345.6 62.5 3,295.9 3,459 2,804 3,171 3,417 509,668
Corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0%
2019 Q1 112.1 111.1 116.7 112.1 101.1 100.8 108.9 101.2 109.9 111.8 105.4 110.0 110.9
Q1–2 111.5 111.3 116.0 111.5 100.8 100.8 107.3 100.9 109.7 112.8 106.3 109.9 110.6
Q1–3 111.5 111.1 115.8 111.5 100.6 100.4 106.0 100.7 108.8 112.0 107.1 109.0 110.8
Q1–4 111.8 111.4 116.3 111.8 100.4 100.2 104.9 100.5 109.1 111.8 107.8 109.2 111.6
2020 Q1 107.5 111.0 119.4 107.7 98.5 100.2 106.3 98.9 107.8 112.4 121.3 108.0 109.2
Q1–2 103.1 136.9 140.0 104.8 93.8 114.6 123.3 96.5 111.5 116.9 117.6 111.4 109.9
Q1–3 102.9 142.6 144.3 105.0 93.7 116.7 120.9 96.7 110.8 118.3 118.8 110.8 110.1
Q1–4 103.9 135.1 135.3 105.5 94.7 113.0 113.9 97.0 110.7 115.3 115.6 110.6 109.8
2021 Q1 108.6 112.3 108.5 108.7 99.2 101.5 90.7 99.3 110.7 107.6 99.9 110.4 109.6
Q1–2 113.7 91.3 93.8 112.2 104.8 88.6 77.1 102.1 106.9 103.4 102.9 107.0 108.9
Q1–3 114.5 87.9 91.2 112.6 105.5 87.1 77.6 102.5 108.2 103.0 102.5 108.2 108.8
Q1–4 114.0 93.8 98.2 112.7 104.9 90.6 81.3 102.6 108.6 106.6 108.1 108.7 109.2
2022 Q1 124.4 119.4 126.4 124.2 102.9 101.0 93.8 102.5 120.7 121.1 123.7 120.8 121.2
Q1–2 121.1 119.3 124.4 121.1 102.7 101.1 93.5 102.3 117.9 120.9 122.7 118.2 118.4
Q1–3 120.1 119.7 122.9 120.1 102.2 101.1 94.4 102.0 116.9 121.2 120.8 117.2 117.9
Q1–4 119.8 120.2 122.1 119.9 102.0 101.4 95.7 101.8 117.2 121.8 117.7 117.5 117.8


*Data of enterprises with at least 5 employees, budgetary institutions on a full scope basis and non-profit organisations which are significant in respect of employment. Source of data: monthly institutional labour data collection system, administrative sources. The table is closed in 2022, the new methodology table is available at: STADAT
aWithout casual workers ad hoc contracts.
bFull time and part time employees (inlcuding those working less than 60 hours/month). The earnings of part time employees into full time equivalent is calculated on the basis of weekly contractual working hours.
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.