Name |
Level |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
of territorial units |
Average gross earnings, HUF |
Budapest |
capital, region |
339,894 |
376,841 |
413,944 |
445,526 |
488,251 |
526,137 |
616,919 |
696,670 |
782,982 |
Pest |
county, region |
239,411 |
270,508 |
298,755 |
325,816 |
359,497 |
388,874 |
449,488 |
520,969 |
591,868 |
Central Hungary |
large region |
317,734 |
353,091 |
387,787 |
417,154 |
458,606 |
494,677 |
578,349 |
655,624 |
738,241 |
Fejér |
county |
252,025 |
286,574 |
321,633 |
357,811 |
382,954 |
419,567 |
489,267 |
557,605 |
629,445 |
Komárom-Esztergom |
county |
260,000 |
292,073 |
323,812 |
355,026 |
388,965 |
423,676 |
494,160 |
571,236 |
645,714 |
Veszprém |
county |
231,671 |
263,659 |
297,585 |
324,511 |
350,736 |
385,842 |
448,365 |
512,538 |
578,958 |
Central Transdanubia |
region |
248,546 |
281,662 |
315,303 |
347,340 |
375,501 |
411,115 |
479,027 |
548,998 |
620,202 |
Győr-Moson-Sopron |
county |
274,526 |
307,839 |
341,060 |
376,559 |
406,309 |
449,352 |
520,389 |
617,702 |
685,816 |
Vas |
county |
241,361 |
274,852 |
303,047 |
325,082 |
356,677 |
390,416 |
457,765 |
521,736 |
584,008 |
Zala |
county |
206,261 |
235,381 |
259,621 |
282,658 |
313,488 |
343,223 |
406,245 |
460,782 |
524,660 |
Western Transdanubia |
region |
249,264 |
281,823 |
312,076 |
341,360 |
372,444 |
410,092 |
478,395 |
557,726 |
623,957 |
Baranya |
county |
209,325 |
240,826 |
270,604 |
293,444 |
320,531 |
353,677 |
419,813 |
479,549 |
551,323 |
Somogy |
county |
213,095 |
244,231 |
271,987 |
292,069 |
315,540 |
343,842 |
404,023 |
461,284 |
525,596 |
Tolna |
county |
240,558 |
275,857 |
304,441 |
328,344 |
369,567 |
402,627 |
460,722 |
522,173 |
599,307 |
Southern Transdanubia |
region |
217,891 |
250,093 |
279,019 |
301,093 |
330,467 |
362,076 |
424,233 |
483,421 |
553,915 |
Transdanubia |
large region |
240,464 |
273,282 |
304,695 |
333,033 |
362,424 |
397,888 |
464,490 |
535,032 |
604,330 |
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén |
county |
201,361 |
231,367 |
260,518 |
282,741 |
306,170 |
340,115 |
400,595 |
459,877 |
523,290 |
Heves |
county |
239,031 |
274,778 |
305,135 |
328,075 |
354,831 |
388,368 |
457,453 |
527,052 |
593,812 |
Nógrád |
county |
197,750 |
228,406 |
253,991 |
268,194 |
292,959 |
322,396 |
388,030 |
439,194 |
503,251 |
Northern Hungary |
region |
210,510 |
242,260 |
271,606 |
293,240 |
317,519 |
351,029 |
414,537 |
475,632 |
539,672 |
Hajdú-Bihar |
county |
214,015 |
243,986 |
271,808 |
290,749 |
319,409 |
352,313 |
418,748 |
484,782 |
563,980 |
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok |
county |
206,772 |
241,633 |
269,100 |
292,057 |
323,394 |
349,381 |
408,831 |
466,926 |
529,141 |
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg |
county |
178,074 |
207,139 |
230,754 |
247,734 |
272,461 |
298,835 |
357,404 |
408,000 |
474,752 |
Norther Great Plain |
region |
198,879 |
229,994 |
256,412 |
275,640 |
303,309 |
332,082 |
394,051 |
452,684 |
523,379 |
Bács-Kiskun |
county |
219,685 |
251,860 |
280,702 |
304,444 |
332,689 |
361,738 |
426,403 |
488,423 |
555,780 |
Békés |
county |
193,115 |
220,009 |
245,290 |
263,319 |
286,592 |
314,524 |
376,508 |
429,866 |
488,192 |
Csongrád-Csanád |
county |
223,654 |
255,270 |
284,227 |
301,867 |
330,157 |
363,918 |
431,311 |
490,187 |
561,011 |
Southern Great Plain |
region |
213,915 |
244,768 |
272,860 |
293,125 |
320,192 |
350,716 |
415,710 |
474,697 |
540,986 |
Great Plain and North |
large region |
207,093 |
238,338 |
266,179 |
286,421 |
312,888 |
343,608 |
406,971 |
466,421 |
533,777 |
Total |
country |
263,171 |
297,017 |
329,943 |
356,286 |
391,194 |
425,915 |
499,980 |
571,182 |
646,801 |
Corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0% |
Budapest |
capital, region |
106.4 |
110.9 |
110.4 |
111.4 |
109.6 |
107.8 |
117.3 |
112.9 |
112.4 |
Pest |
county, region |
105.9 |
113.0 |
110.8 |
111.1 |
110.3 |
108.2 |
115.6 |
115.9 |
113.6 |
Central Hungary |
large region |
106.2 |
111.1 |
110.3 |
111.2 |
109.9 |
107.9 |
116.9 |
113.4 |
112.6 |
Fejér |
county |
107.0 |
113.7 |
112.2 |
112.4 |
107.0 |
109.6 |
116.6 |
114.0 |
112.9 |
Komárom-Esztergom |
county |
106.7 |
112.3 |
111.2 |
111.7 |
109.6 |
108.9 |
116.6 |
115.6 |
113.0 |
Veszprém |
county |
107.1 |
113.8 |
113.2 |
111.1 |
108.1 |
110.0 |
116.2 |
114.3 |
113.0 |
Central Transdanubia |
region |
106.9 |
113.3 |
112.2 |
111.9 |
108.1 |
109.5 |
116.5 |
114.6 |
113.0 |
Győr-Moson-Sopron |
county |
105.9 |
112.1 |
110.9 |
112.5 |
107.9 |
110.6 |
115.8 |
118.7 |
111.0 |
Vas |
county |
107.0 |
113.9 |
110.4 |
109.5 |
109.7 |
109.5 |
117.3 |
114.0 |
111.9 |
Zala |
county |
106.3 |
114.1 |
110.6 |
111.3 |
110.9 |
109.5 |
118.4 |
113.4 |
113.9 |
Western Transdanubia |
region |
106.3 |
113.1 |
110.9 |
111.6 |
109.1 |
110.1 |
116.7 |
116.6 |
111.9 |
Baranya |
county |
104.9 |
115.0 |
112.3 |
112.4 |
109.2 |
110.3 |
118.7 |
114.2 |
115.0 |
Somogy |
county |
104.5 |
114.6 |
112.0 |
110.6 |
108.0 |
109.0 |
117.5 |
114.2 |
113.9 |
Tolna |
county |
106.2 |
114.7 |
110.5 |
111.0 |
112.6 |
108.9 |
114.4 |
113.3 |
114.8 |
Southern Transdanubia |
region |
105.0 |
114.8 |
111.8 |
111.4 |
109.8 |
109.6 |
117.2 |
114.0 |
114.6 |
Transdanubia |
large region |
106.2 |
113.6 |
111.7 |
111.7 |
108.8 |
109.8 |
116.7 |
115.2 |
113.0 |
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén |
county |
105.6 |
114.9 |
112.7 |
111.4 |
108.3 |
111.1 |
117.8 |
114.8 |
113.8 |
Heves |
county |
106.0 |
115.0 |
110.7 |
111.0 |
108.2 |
109.5 |
117.8 |
115.2 |
112.7 |
Nógrád |
county |
108.3 |
115.5 |
111.2 |
109.4 |
109.2 |
110.0 |
120.4 |
113.2 |
114.6 |
Northern Hungary |
region |
106.1 |
115.1 |
112.0 |
111.1 |
108.3 |
110.6 |
118.1 |
114.7 |
113.5 |
Hajdú-Bihar |
county |
104.9 |
114.0 |
111.6 |
110.7 |
109.9 |
110.3 |
118.9 |
115.8 |
116.3 |
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok |
county |
105.9 |
116.9 |
111.5 |
111.0 |
110.7 |
108.0 |
117.0 |
114.2 |
113.3 |
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg |
county |
104.5 |
116.3 |
111.8 |
110.5 |
110.0 |
109.7 |
119.6 |
114.2 |
116.4 |
Norther Great Plain |
region |
104.9 |
115.6 |
111.7 |
110.7 |
110.0 |
109.5 |
118.7 |
114.9 |
115.6 |
Bács-Kiskun |
county |
106.8 |
114.6 |
111.8 |
111.9 |
109.3 |
108.7 |
117.9 |
114.5 |
113.8 |
Békés |
county |
106.5 |
113.9 |
111.8 |
110.5 |
108.8 |
109.7 |
119.7 |
114.2 |
113.6 |
Csongrád-Csanád |
county |
105.9 |
114.1 |
111.7 |
109.7 |
109.4 |
110.2 |
118.5 |
113.7 |
114.4 |
Southern Great Plain |
region |
106.5 |
114.4 |
111.9 |
110.9 |
109.2 |
109.5 |
118.5 |
114.2 |
114.0 |
Great Plain and North |
large region |
105.8 |
115.1 |
111.9 |
110.9 |
109.2 |
109.8 |
118.4 |
114.6 |
114.4 |
Total |
country |
106.1 |
112.9 |
111.3 |
111.3 |
109.8 |
108.9 |
117.4 |
114.2 |
113.2 |
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.