Period Full-time employees Full-time employees without fostered workers
average gross earnings median gross earnings average net earningsa number average gross earnings median gross earnings average net earningsa number
HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% thousands previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% thousands previous year = 100.0%
Monthly data
2020 January 324,406 110.0 279,998 110.1 215,730 110.0 166.8 99.8 339,929 108.1 289,665 108.2 226,053 108.1 156.6 102.4
February 327,989 112.3 283,600 113.0 218,113 112.3 167.5 99.8 344,293 110.7 294,300 111.3 228,955 110.7 156.9 102.1
March 340,648 112.3 288,000 110.4 226,531 112.3 164.4 100.0 353,128 111.1 297,017 109.4 234,830 111.1 156.7 101.8
April 334,611 108.9 290,000 109.0 222,517 108.9 162.0 96.7 349,049 107.8 299,740 107.7 232,118 107.8 153.1 98.3
May 332,406 108.3 287,533 109.7 221,050 108.3 160.3 95.5 347,292 107.3 297,000 108.8 230,949 107.3 151.1 96.9
June 362,242 112.1 295,483 109.8 240,891 112.1 161.7 96.8 379,390 111.2 303,823 108.5 252,295 111.2 152.2 98.0
July 352,395 112.6 300,000 113.6 234,343 112.6 164.4 98.4 369,139 112.0 310,083 113.1 245,477 112.0 154.6 99.4
August 346,847 112.0 300,000 112.3 230,653 112.0 169.7 101.2 362,865 111.5 307,111 110.7 241,306 111.5 159.8 102.3
September 342,606 108.6 294,491 110.5 227,833 108.6 173.1 102.3 358,061 109.0 301,455 108.8 238,111 109.0 163.2 103.6
October 342,149 110.4 296,432 110.8 227,529 110.4 174.0 102.7 357,805 109.6 303,199 109.1 237,941 109.6 163.9 103.8
November 368,465 109.2 308,476 110.2 245,029 109.2 174.9 103.1 385,833 108.5 320,000 109.5 256,579 108.5 164.8 104.1
December 436,255 109.5 332,000 105.5 290,109 109.5 176.0 104.4 457,449 109.5 348,000 105.8 304,204 109.5 165.9 104.5
2021 January 351,071 108.2 300,000 107.1 233,462 108.2 176.4 105.8 366,528 107.8 310,000 107.0 243,741 107.8 166.7 106.5
February 352,832 107.6 300,677 106.0 234,633 107.6 180.7 107.9 368,467 107.0 310,590 105.5 245,031 107.0 170.7 108.8
March 369,634 108.5 310,000 107.6 245,807 108.5 179.5 109.2 383,682 108.7 320,000 107.7 255,148 108.7 170.9 109.1
April 365,092 109.1 312,879 107.9 242,786 109.1 181.1 111.8 380,773 109.1 322,622 107.6 253,214 109.1 171.3 111.9
May 370,958 111.6 314,985 109.5 246,687 111.6 181.2 113.0 387,183 111.5 324,405 109.2 257,477 111.5 171.3 113.3
June 385,485 106.4 316,800 107.2 256,348 106.4 181.7 112.4 402,402 106.1 327,230 107.7 267,597 106.1 171.9 112.9
July 376,818 106.9 313,704 104.6 250,584 106.9 182.4 111.0 392,912 106.4 323,780 104.4 261,287 106.4 172.7 111.7
August 407,765 117.6 330,001 110.0 271,164 117.6 217.3 128.1 422,521 116.4 340,000 110.7 280,977 116.4 207.7 130.0
September 405,818 118.5 327,156 111.1 269,869 118.5 220.6 127.5 419,734 117.2 335,137 111.2 279,123 117.2 211.3 129.5
October 420,097 122.8 340,000 114.7 279,364 122.8 221.3 127.2 435,040 121.6 350,000 115.4 289,302 121.6 211.7 129.2
November 454,699 123.4 358,400 116.2 302,375 123.4 222.2 127.0 471,276 122.1 369,019 115.3 313,399 122.1 212.5 129.0
December 525,384 120.4 397,964 119.9 349,381 120.4 220.8 125.5 545,158 119.2 409,045 117.5 362,530 119.2 211.2 127.3
2022 January 457,707 130.4 370,000 123.3 304,375 130.4 219.7 124.5 473,053 129.1 379,500 122.4 314,580 129.1 210.5 126.3
February 468,652 132.8 374,000 124.4 311,654 132.8 220.8 122.2 485,068 131.6 383,000 123.3 322,570 131.6 211.3 123.7
March 487,110 131.8 390,000 125.8 323,928 131.8 220.8 123.0 502,461 131.0 400,000 125.0 334,136 131.0 212.3 124.2
April 486,823 133.3 392,187 125.3 323,737 133.3 222.4 122.8 503,334 132.2 400,000 124.0 334,717 132.2 213.1 124.4
May 491,424 132.5 388,860 123.5 326,797 132.5 222.8 123.0 508,049 131.2 398,317 122.8 337,852 131.2 213.6 124.7
June 503,590 130.6 400,000 126.3 334,887 130.6 222.6 122.5 520,566 129.4 408,181 124.7 346,177 129.4 213.5 124.2
July 488,183 129.6 388,354 123.8 324,642 129.6 221.9 121.6 504,120 128.3 397,373 122.7 335,240 128.3 213.0 123.3
August 484,291 118.8 389,760 118.1 322,054 118.8 222.0 102.1 499,551 118.2 397,915 117.0 332,201 118.2 213.4 102.8
September 489,712 120.7 390,000 119.2 325,658 120.7 222.2 100.7 503,311 119.9 397,930 118.7 334,702 119.9 214.7 101.6
October 492,760 117.3 396,710 116.7 327,685 117.3 222.6 100.6 506,739 116.5 401,940 114.8 336,982 116.5 214.9 101.5
November 536,850 118.1 420,000 117.2 357,005 118.1 223.1 100.4 552,472 117.2 430,000 116.5 367,394 117.2 215.3 101.3
December 603,024 114.8 461,092 115.9 401,011 114.8 223.3 101.1 621,024 113.9 472,962 115.6 412,981 113.9 215.5 102.0
2023 January 518,802 113.3 422,800 114.3 345,003 113.3 222.4 101.2 533,211 112.7 430,001 113.3 354,585 112.7 214.7 102.0
February 519,338 110.8 425,000 113.6 345,360 110.8 221.9 100.5 532,827 109.8 431,630 112.7 354,330 109.8 214.6 101.6
March 541,613 111.2 435,000 111.5 360,173 111.2 221.8 100.4 554,649 110.4 442,540 110.6 368,842 110.4 215.2 101.4
April 538,761 110.7 440,151 112.2 358,276 110.7 222.9 100.2 552,921 109.9 447,580 111.9 367,692 109.9 215.6 101.1
May 551,483 112.2 445,000 114.4 366,736 112.2 223.3 100.2 566,284 111.5 450,528 113.1 376,579 111.5 215.9 101.1
June 562,572 111.7 449,599 112.4 374,110 111.7 223.0 100.2 577,980 111.0 456,000 111.7 384,357 111.0 215.5 101.0
July 562,001 115.1 440,500 113.4 373,731 115.1 225.6 101.7 576,872 114.4 448,119 112.8 383,620 114.4 218.3 102.5
August 553,911 114.4 442,063 113.4 368,351 114.4 226.9 102.2 568,308 113.8 449,617 113.0 377,925 113.8 219.6 102.9
September 560,290 114.4 443,544 113.7 372,593 114.4 229.2 103.2 574,081 114.1 450,000 113.1 381,764 114.1 222.3 103.6
October 563,649 114.4 450,000 113.4 374,827 114.4 229.6 103.1 578,338 114.1 455,552 113.3 384,595 114.1 222.3 103.4
November 623,710 116.2 490,885 116.9 414,767 116.2 230.7 103.4 640,441 115.9 500,000 116.3 425,893 115.9 223.3 103.7
December 724,914 120.2 550,000 119.3 482,068 120.2 230.4 103.2 744,285 119.8 562,804 119.0 494,950 119.8 223.0 103.5
2024 January 605,071 116.6 500,000 118.3 402,372 116.6 231.0 103.9 620,578 116.4 512,058 119.1 412,685 116.4 223.6 104.1
February 608,035 117.1 504,000 118.6 404,343 117.1 231.1 104.1 623,764 117.1 515,486 119.4 414,803 117.1 223.5 104.1
March 638,766 117.9 531,474 122.2 424,779 117.9 232.4 104.7 654,364 118.0 539,400 121.9 435,152 118.0 225.2 104.7
April 632,305 117.4 522,848 118.8 420,483 117.4 232.0 104.1 648,987 117.4 533,565 119.2 431,576 117.4 224.4 104.1
May 656,228 119.0 543,943 122.2 436,392 119.0 232.8 104.2 673,830 119.0 553,383 122.8 448,097 119.0 225.1 104.3
June 660,011 117.3 539,000 119.9 438,907 117.3 232.5 104.3 677,539 117.2 550,000 120.6 450,564 117.2 224.9 104.3
July 650,793 115.8 536,000 121.7 432,777 115.8 232.4 103.0 667,932 115.8 542,803 121.1 444,175 115.8 224.8 103.0
August 641,599 115.8 537,200 121.5 426,664 115.8 232.0 102.3 658,227 115.8 542,137 120.6 437,721 115.8 224.6 102.2
September 638,583 114.0 536,300 120.9 424,657 114.0 233.7 101.9 654,156 113.9 541,400 120.3 435,014 113.9 226.6 101.9
October 646,666 114.7 538,000 119.6 430,033 114.7 234.3 102.0 662,690 114.6 547,300 120.1 440,689 114.6 227.1 102.2
November 703,648 112.8 568,675 115.8 467,926 112.8 235.7 102.2 721,497 112.7 580,000 116.0 479,796 112.7 228.4 102.3
December 804,577 111.0 632,190 114.9 535,043 111.0 236.4 102.6 825,784 110.9 645,977 114.8 549,147 110.9 229.1 102.7
Monthly cumulative data
2024 January–January 605,071 116.6 500,000 118.3 402,372 116.6 231.0 103.9 620,578 116.4 512,058 119.1 412,685 116.4 223.6 104.1
January–February 606,553 116.9 501,800 118.4 403,358 116.9 231.0 104.0 622,171 116.7 514,027 119.3 413,744 116.7 223.5 104.1
January–March 617,332 117.2 512,702 119.8 410,526 117.2 231.5 104.2 632,957 117.2 524,700 120.7 420,916 117.2 224.1 104.3
January–April 621,082 117.3 515,000 119.6 413,019 117.3 231.6 104.2 636,968 117.2 526,762 120.1 423,584 117.2 224.2 104.3
January–May 628,140 117.6 524,713 120.3 417,713 117.6 231.9 104.2 644,364 117.6 534,879 120.6 428,502 117.6 224.4 104.3
January–June 633,465 117.6 526,000 120.6 421,254 117.6 232.0 104.2 649,905 117.5 536,233 120.8 432,187 117.5 224.5 104.3
January–July 635,944 117.3 527,333 120.8 422,902 117.3 232.0 104.0 652,483 117.3 538,000 121.0 433,901 117.3 224.5 104.1
January–August 636,651 117.1 528,656 120.9 423,373 117.1 232.0 103.8 653,201 117.1 538,000 120.9 434,379 117.1 224.5 103.9
January–September 636,867 116.7 528,800 120.7 423,516 116.7 232.2 103.6 653,308 116.7 538,000 120.7 434,450 116.7 224.7 103.6
January–October 637,854 116.5 529,803 120.4 424,173 116.5 232.4 103.4 654,255 116.5 538,000 120.5 435,080 116.5 225.0 103.5
January–November 643,912 116.1 533,429 120.2 428,202 116.1 232.7 103.3 660,453 116.1 540,000 120.0 439,201 116.1 225.3 103.4
January–December 657,497 115.6 538,000 119.6 437,236 115.6 233.0 103.3 674,444 115.5 548,800 120.1 448,505 115.5 225.6 103.3
Quarterly cumulative data
2020 Q1 330,964 111.5 283,316 110.8 220,091 111.5 166.3 99.9 345,784 110.0 293,316 109.5 229,947 110.0 156.7 102.1
Q1–Q2 336,948 110.6 287,000 110.3 224,070 110.6 163.8 98.1 352,089 109.3 297,000 108.9 234,140 109.3 154.4 99.9
Q1–Q3 340,436 110.8 290,851 110.8 226,390 110.8 165.5 98.9 355,887 109.9 300,000 109.5 236,665 109.9 156.0 100.5
Q1–Q4 351,386 110.6 295,750 110.5 233,672 110.6 167.9 100.1 367,524 109.8 303,480 108.6 244,404 109.8 158.2 101.5
2021 Q1 357,873 108.1 302,271 106.7 237,986 108.1 178.9 107.6 372,947 107.9 312,916 106.7 248,010 107.9 169.5 108.1
Q1–Q2 365,920 108.6 309,700 107.9 243,337 108.6 180.1 110.0 381,591 108.4 320,000 107.7 253,758 108.4 170.5 110.4
Q1–Q3 377,609 110.9 314,745 108.2 251,110 110.9 189.0 114.2 393,060 110.4 324,000 108.0 261,385 110.4 179.4 115.0
Q1–Q4 402,620 114.6 326,100 110.3 267,742 114.6 197.1 117.4 418,677 113.9 336,100 110.7 278,420 113.9 187.5 118.5
2022 Q1 471,180 131.7 377,613 124.9 313,335 131.7 220.4 123.2 486,901 130.6 387,339 123.8 323,789 130.6 211.4 124.7
Q1–Q2 482,618 131.9 385,541 124.5 320,941 131.9 221.5 123.0 498,834 130.7 395,850 123.7 331,725 130.7 212.4 124.6
Q1–Q3 484,213 128.2 387,000 123.0 322,002 128.2 221.7 117.3 500,004 127.2 396,400 122.3 332,502 127.2 212.8 118.6
Q1–Q4 499,293 124.0 396,000 121.4 332,030 124.0 222.0 112.6 515,163 123.0 402,500 119.8 342,583 123.0 213.4 113.8
2023 Q1 526,577 111.8 427,788 113.3 350,174 111.8 222.0 100.7 540,241 111.0 434,600 112.2 359,260 111.0 214.8 101.6
Q1–Q2 538,788 111.6 436,000 113.1 358,294 111.6 222.6 100.5 553,009 110.9 443,742 112.1 367,751 110.9 215.2 101.3
Q1–Q3 545,529 112.7 438,263 113.2 362,777 112.7 224.1 101.1 559,800 112.0 445,770 112.5 372,267 112.0 216.8 101.9
Q1–Q4 568,990 114.0 450,000 113.6 378,379 114.0 225.7 101.6 583,949 113.4 457,000 113.5 388,326 113.4 218.4 102.3
2024 Q1 617,332 117.2 512,702 119.8 410,526 117.2 231.5 104.2 632,957 117.2 524,700 120.7 420,916 117.2 224.1 104.3
Q1–Q2 633,465 117.6 526,000 120.6 421,254 117.6 232.0 104.2 649,905 117.5 536,233 120.8 432,187 117.5 224.5 104.3
Q1–Q3 636,867 116.7 528,800 120.7 423,516 116.7 232.2 103.6 653,308 116.7 538,000 120.7 434,450 116.7 224.7 103.6
Q1–Q4 657,497 115.6 538,000 119.6 437,236 115.6 233.0 103.3 674,444 115.5 548,800 120.1 448,505 115.5 225.6 103.3


*Data of non-profit organisations. Source of data: Institutional labour-statistical data collection system (as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources).
aCalculated without tax benefits.
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.