Period Full-time employees Full-time employees without fostered workers
average gross earnings median gross earnings average net earningsa number average gross earnings median gross earnings average net earningsa number
HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% thousands previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% HUF/person/month previous year = 100.0% thousands previous year = 100.0%
Monthly data
2020 January 341,524 111.0 310,590 109.7 227,113 111.0 735.0 97.2 374,106 109.7 331,514 108.5 248,780 109.7 653.3 99.1
February 347,752 107.1 316,056 110.0 231,255 107.1 733.8 97.3 380,827 105.8 336,261 108.3 253,250 105.8 653.0 99.2
March 359,193 108.7 325,263 111.1 238,863 108.7 721.3 97.3 388,000 107.1 345,100 109.7 258,020 107.1 653.2 99.5
April 362,614 109.6 327,413 109.1 241,138 109.6 724.5 97.3 394,101 108.2 347,130 107.6 262,077 108.2 651.4 99.2
May 368,102 110.1 328,860 109.6 244,788 110.1 723.9 97.6 400,883 108.9 349,360 108.3 266,587 108.9 649.4 99.3
June 435,137 130.3 350,000 116.1 289,366 130.3 729.5 98.6 477,026 129.8 375,550 115.6 317,222 129.8 652.1 99.8
July 369,899 110.4 337,995 110.9 245,983 110.4 731.9 99.3 404,874 110.0 360,000 109.5 269,241 110.0 652.8 100.1
August 359,777 107.5 331,590 110.2 239,251 107.5 729.8 99.1 393,683 107.1 352,300 109.2 261,799 107.1 650.7 99.8
September 365,845 106.5 331,601 112.0 243,287 106.5 736.3 99.5 400,521 108.5 355,250 111.1 266,346 108.5 656.6 100.3
October 365,262 107.4 331,352 109.3 242,899 107.4 736.0 99.5 400,050 106.9 354,547 108.5 266,033 106.9 655.9 100.3
November 427,299 108.1 375,475 111.2 284,154 108.1 735.5 99.5 469,742 107.6 401,800 110.5 312,378 107.6 655.3 100.3
December 388,789 107.0 358,776 110.6 258,545 107.0 734.3 99.5 425,772 106.5 383,388 109.6 283,139 106.5 655.5 100.4
2021 January 386,782 113.3 350,000 112.7 257,210 113.3 730.4 99.4 422,702 113.0 372,601 112.4 281,097 113.0 653.6 100.0
February 394,833 113.5 350,517 110.9 262,564 113.5 728.4 99.3 431,577 113.3 374,811 111.5 286,999 113.3 651.9 99.8
March 398,661 111.0 355,000 109.1 265,110 111.0 721.1 100.0 433,420 111.7 378,595 109.7 288,224 111.7 649.3 99.4
April 408,631 112.7 361,746 110.5 271,740 112.7 725.4 100.1 446,473 113.3 387,455 111.6 296,905 113.3 649.6 99.7
May 407,146 110.6 360,900 109.7 270,752 110.6 726.6 100.4 444,964 111.0 385,000 110.2 295,901 111.0 650.4 100.1
June 417,809 96.0 364,650 104.2 277,843 96.0 727.5 99.7 456,758 95.8 388,661 103.5 303,744 95.8 651.5 99.9
July 413,639 111.8 362,156 107.1 275,070 111.8 721.3 98.6 451,344 111.5 385,703 107.1 300,144 111.5 647.3 99.2
August 398,415 110.7 351,698 106.1 264,946 110.7 684.4 93.8 435,813 110.7 374,341 106.3 289,816 110.7 611.6 94.0
September 400,339 109.4 352,800 106.4 266,225 109.4 685.6 93.1 437,719 109.3 377,633 106.3 291,083 109.3 613.4 93.4
October 399,612 109.4 355,653 107.3 265,742 109.4 684.9 93.1 436,980 109.2 379,400 107.0 290,592 109.2 612.7 93.4
November 474,553 111.1 398,333 106.1 315,578 111.1 685.0 93.1 520,919 110.9 423,130 105.3 346,411 110.9 612.5 93.5
December 420,784 108.2 371,795 103.6 279,822 108.2 683.7 93.1 460,092 108.1 396,800 103.5 305,961 108.1 612.2 93.4
2022 January 436,154 112.8 386,000 110.3 290,043 112.8 680.1 93.1 474,890 112.3 409,091 109.8 315,802 112.3 610.2 93.4
February 763,787 193.4 404,200 115.3 507,919 193.4 678.2 93.1 840,200 194.7 430,336 114.8 558,733 194.7 608.4 93.3
March 467,687 117.3 405,594 114.3 311,012 117.3 674.3 93.5 507,880 117.2 430,000 113.6 337,740 117.2 608.0 93.6
April 457,794 112.0 406,087 112.3 304,433 112.0 677.0 93.3 497,491 111.4 429,749 110.9 330,831 111.4 609.4 93.8
May 459,184 112.8 405,594 112.4 305,357 112.8 676.2 93.1 499,028 112.2 428,650 111.3 331,854 112.2 608.7 93.6
June 471,211 112.8 411,785 112.9 313,355 112.8 674.5 92.7 511,808 112.1 434,826 111.9 340,352 112.1 608.1 93.3
July 464,902 112.4 406,592 112.3 309,160 112.4 670.5 93.0 503,360 111.5 428,434 111.1 334,734 111.5 606.6 93.7
August 464,258 116.5 400,610 113.9 308,732 116.5 667.4 97.5 501,694 115.1 421,000 112.5 333,626 115.1 605.3 99.0
September 478,312 119.5 409,248 116.0 318,078 119.5 666.2 97.2 513,460 117.3 430,000 113.9 341,451 117.3 609.7 99.4
October 473,822 118.6 413,208 116.2 315,092 118.6 665.8 97.2 508,771 116.4 433,367 114.2 338,333 116.4 609.1 99.4
November 524,232 110.5 450,000 113.0 348,614 110.5 665.5 97.2 563,986 108.3 473,283 111.9 375,051 108.3 608.5 99.4
December 494,929 117.6 429,345 115.5 329,128 117.6 665.1 97.3 532,202 115.7 449,442 113.3 353,914 115.7 607.7 99.3
2023 January 495,548 113.6 437,358 113.3 329,540 113.6 663.4 97.6 531,124 111.8 455,380 111.3 353,198 111.8 606.8 99.4
February 496,600 65.0 439,682 108.8 330,239 65.0 664.0 97.9 532,358 63.4 458,058 106.4 354,018 63.4 607.2 99.8
March 516,318 110.4 447,153 110.2 343,351 110.4 662.5 98.3 553,533 109.0 467,438 108.7 368,099 109.0 606.3 99.7
April 519,167 113.4 451,000 111.1 345,246 113.4 663.3 98.0 557,812 112.1 472,289 109.9 370,945 112.1 605.4 99.3
May 514,750 112.1 452,908 111.7 342,308 112.1 663.8 98.2 553,450 110.9 474,383 110.7 368,044 110.9 605.2 99.4
June 530,442 112.6 459,549 111.6 352,744 112.6 662.6 98.2 570,558 111.5 482,328 110.9 379,421 111.5 604.3 99.4
July 531,779 114.4 465,172 114.4 353,633 114.4 656.4 97.9 571,418 113.5 486,900 113.6 379,993 113.5 599.4 98.8
August 532,749 114.8 460,000 114.8 354,278 114.8 653.7 97.9 572,343 114.1 482,328 114.6 380,608 114.1 597.1 98.6
September 536,584 112.2 460,000 112.4 356,829 112.2 656.2 98.5 576,149 112.2 482,661 112.2 383,139 112.2 600.0 98.4
October 532,707 112.4 470,095 113.8 354,250 112.4 656.6 98.6 572,079 112.4 492,280 113.6 380,433 112.4 600.1 98.5
November 607,497 115.9 534,746 118.8 403,986 115.9 655.9 98.6 654,091 116.0 561,641 118.7 434,971 116.0 599.1 98.5
December 581,633 117.5 502,320 117.0 386,786 117.5 655.0 98.5 624,336 117.3 524,285 116.7 415,184 117.3 598.2 98.4
2024 January 583,309 117.7 538,000 123.0 387,901 117.7 651.2 98.2 626,280 117.9 561,227 123.2 416,476 117.9 594.7 98.0
February 582,115 117.2 541,437 123.1 387,107 117.2 652.3 98.2 625,057 117.4 570,000 124.4 415,663 117.4 595.6 98.1
March 606,035 117.4 561,403 125.6 403,013 117.4 652.3 98.5 651,189 117.6 594,214 127.1 433,041 117.6 595.5 98.2
April 621,554 119.7 569,500 126.3 413,334 119.7 654.6 98.7 669,119 120.0 601,767 127.4 444,964 120.0 596.7 98.6
May 609,810 118.5 574,500 126.8 405,524 118.5 655.7 98.8 656,392 118.6 604,948 127.5 436,501 118.6 597.5 98.7
June 630,129 118.8 580,000 126.2 419,036 118.8 655.6 98.9 678,187 118.9 610,738 126.6 450,994 118.9 598.0 99.0
July 624,984 117.5 576,573 123.9 415,614 117.5 655.0 99.8 671,978 117.6 606,000 124.5 446,865 117.6 598.1 99.8
August 609,207 114.4 567,941 123.5 405,122 114.4 653.4 100.0 654,192 114.3 596,207 123.6 435,038 114.3 597.2 100.0
September 612,061 114.1 566,239 123.1 407,020 114.1 655.4 99.9 654,925 113.7 595,120 123.3 435,525 113.7 601.8 100.3
October 616,928 115.8 573,700 122.0 410,257 115.8 655.8 99.9 660,832 115.5 601,000 122.1 439,453 115.5 601.5 100.2
November 692,042 113.9 633,157 118.4 460,208 113.9 657.1 100.2 743,356 113.6 661,200 117.7 494,332 113.6 602.0 100.5
December 681,548 117.2 613,000 122.0 453,229 117.2 657.4 100.4 732,145 117.3 650,000 124.0 486,876 117.3 602.0 100.6
Monthly cumulative data
2024 January–January 583,309 117.7 538,000 123.0 387,901 117.7 651.2 98.2 626,280 117.9 561,227 123.2 416,476 117.9 594.7 98.0
January–February 582,712 117.5 538,572 122.8 387,503 117.5 651.8 98.2 625,668 117.7 566,000 124.0 416,069 117.7 595.1 98.1
January–March 590,490 117.4 547,300 124.0 392,676 117.4 651.9 98.3 634,179 117.7 575,000 125.0 421,729 117.7 595.3 98.1
January–April 598,281 118.0 550,660 124.0 397,857 118.0 652.6 98.4 642,930 118.3 581,938 125.7 427,548 118.3 595.6 98.2
January–May 600,595 118.1 556,800 124.6 399,396 118.1 653.2 98.5 645,629 118.3 589,868 126.2 429,343 118.3 596.0 98.3
January–June 605,532 118.2 558,249 124.7 402,679 118.2 653.6 98.5 651,070 118.4 590,500 126.1 432,962 118.4 596.3 98.4
January–July 608,316 118.1 560,212 124.5 404,530 118.1 653.8 98.7 654,065 118.3 593,000 126.1 434,953 118.3 596.6 98.6
January–August 608,427 117.7 561,200 124.4 404,604 117.7 653.8 98.9 654,081 117.8 593,524 125.9 434,964 117.8 596.7 98.8
January–September 608,832 117.2 561,869 124.3 404,873 117.2 654.0 99.0 654,175 117.3 593,740 125.6 435,027 117.3 597.2 99.0
January–October 609,644 117.1 563,295 124.1 405,413 117.1 654.1 99.1 654,845 117.1 594,801 125.2 435,472 117.1 597.7 99.1
January–November 617,165 116.8 570,000 123.9 410,415 116.8 654.4 99.2 662,945 116.8 600,000 124.4 440,858 116.8 598.1 99.2
January–December 622,553 116.8 573,016 123.5 413,998 116.8 654.7 99.3 668,746 116.9 602,592 124.2 444,716 116.9 598.4 99.3
Quarterly cumulative data
2020 Q1 349,430 108.9 317,425 110.4 232,371 108.9 730.0 97.3 380,977 107.5 337,995 108.8 253,350 107.5 653.2 99.3
Q1–Q2 369,025 112.9 325,571 110.8 245,401 112.9 728.0 97.6 402,475 111.6 347,130 109.5 267,646 111.6 652.1 99.4
Q1–Q3 367,738 111.3 328,751 111.0 244,546 111.3 729.6 98.1 401,549 110.6 350,000 109.5 267,030 110.6 652.5 99.6
Q1–Q4 374,286 110.3 334,114 110.8 248,901 110.3 731.0 98.5 409,150 109.6 356,265 109.6 272,084 109.6 653.3 99.8
2021 Q1 393,402 112.6 351,366 110.7 261,612 112.6 726.7 99.5 429,222 112.7 375,454 111.1 285,433 112.7 651.6 99.8
Q1–Q2 402,300 109.0 357,280 109.7 267,529 109.0 726.6 99.8 439,304 109.2 380,800 109.7 292,137 109.2 651.0 99.8
Q1–Q3 402,947 109.6 357,067 108.6 267,960 109.6 716.8 98.2 440,115 109.6 380,016 108.6 292,677 109.6 642.1 98.4
Q1–Q4 409,880 109.5 361,080 108.1 272,570 109.5 708.7 96.9 447,967 109.5 385,000 108.1 297,898 109.5 634.7 97.2
2022 Q1 555,935 141.3 399,198 113.6 369,697 141.3 677.5 93.2 607,549 141.5 422,893 112.6 404,020 141.5 608.9 93.4
Q1–Q2 509,384 126.6 402,960 112.8 338,740 126.6 676.7 93.1 555,165 126.4 427,356 112.2 369,185 126.4 608.8 93.5
Q1–Q3 496,086 123.1 403,904 113.1 329,897 123.1 673.8 94.0 538,868 122.4 427,062 112.4 358,347 122.4 608.3 94.7
Q1–Q4 496,476 121.1 410,000 113.5 330,156 121.1 671.7 94.8 537,896 120.1 432,451 112.3 357,701 120.1 608.3 95.8
2023 Q1 502,814 90.4 441,250 110.5 334,371 90.4 663.3 97.9 539,000 88.7 459,961 108.8 358,435 88.7 606.7 99.6
Q1–Q2 512,130 100.5 447,799 111.1 340,567 100.5 663.3 98.0 549,785 99.0 468,350 109.6 365,607 99.0 605.8 99.5
Q1–Q3 519,265 104.7 452,027 111.9 345,311 104.7 660.7 98.0 557,564 103.5 472,900 110.7 370,780 103.5 603.5 99.2
Q1–Q4 532,856 107.3 463,912 113.1 354,349 107.3 659.5 98.2 572,295 106.4 485,008 112.2 380,576 106.4 602.4 99.0
2024 Q1 590,490 117.4 547,300 124.0 392,676 117.4 651.9 98.3 634,179 117.7 575,000 125.0 421,729 117.7 595.3 98.1
Q1–Q2 605,532 118.2 558,249 124.7 402,679 118.2 653.6 98.5 651,070 118.4 590,500 126.1 432,962 118.4 596.3 98.4
Q1–Q3 608,832 117.2 561,869 124.3 404,873 117.2 654.0 99.0 654,175 117.3 593,740 125.6 435,027 117.3 597.2 99.0
Q1–Q4 622,553 116.8 573,016 123.5 413,998 116.8 654.7 99.3 668,746 116.9 602,592 124.2 444,716 116.9 598.4 99.3


*Data of budgetary institutions on a full scope basis. Source of data: as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources.
aCalculated without tax benefits.
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.