Name Level 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
of territorial units quarter 1 quarters 1–2 quarters 1–3 quarters 1–4 quarter 1 quarters 1–2 quarters 1–3 quarters 1–4 quarter 1 quarters 1–2 quarters 1–3 quarters 1–4 quarter 1 quarters 1–2 quarters 1–3 quarters 1–4 quarter 1 quarters 1–2 quarters 1–3 quarters 1–4
Average gross earnings, HUF
Budapest capital, regiona 398,550 409,406 406,454 413,944 442,590 450,916 449,163 460,036 476,644 493,538 491,246 502,614 520,165 528,192 527,597 540,865 639,979 628,529 621,580 634,665
Pest county, regionb 286,012 293,138 293,797 298,755 324,007 330,586 331,770 338,098 356,926 363,824 365,848 373,098 388,917 395,746 395,285 403,028 443,112 451,100 453,654 466,078
Central Hungary large regionc 373,096 383,043 380,871 387,787 415,214 423,092 421,983 431,950 449,751 464,725 463,397 473,765 491,224 498,861 498,297 510,400 596,363 589,197 584,381 597,388
Fejér county 305,274 315,801 316,539 321,633 352,091 361,041 360,772 367,585 378,547 382,282 382,576 392,872 406,284 416,129 417,556 429,627 479,934 486,234 486,542 501,709
Komárom-Esztergom county 309,018 315,632 316,569 323,812 351,192 357,357 358,376 365,610 383,690 389,144 390,190 400,393 412,714 423,985 424,261 435,410 481,383 489,515 492,181 508,192
Veszprém county 283,947 291,380 292,881 297,585 320,799 327,045 328,822 334,889 346,469 350,812 353,422 361,741 383,837 388,443 389,602 397,648 447,349 445,907 449,117 462,561
Central Transdanubia region 300,200 308,682 309,695 315,303 342,850 350,231 350,936 357,681 370,896 375,508 376,661 386,355 401,867 410,624 411,626 422,345 471,294 475,941 477,728 492,684
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 320,130 337,381 333,780 341,060 362,579 379,697 379,125 389,121 405,646 408,698 409,152 419,397 441,915 456,073 452,682 463,934 517,027 519,119 520,587 537,981
Vas county 287,870 294,541 295,248 303,047 318,284 325,795 326,974 333,976 345,074 353,823 354,764 366,762 376,618 390,993 391,022 401,267 452,017 455,246 456,828 470,769
Zala county 249,409 254,559 255,646 259,621 276,816 281,423 283,346 289,551 303,994 313,735 314,630 321,592 336,452 341,985 343,570 351,292 405,993 405,068 406,168 416,623
Western Transdanubia region 295,029 306,721 305,394 312,076 331,307 343,075 343,505 351,917 367,216 373,372 374,043 383,983 401,764 413,948 412,457 422,644 475,607 477,248 478,643 493,633
Baranya county 263,932 267,159 267,572 270,604 286,055 291,116 293,673 301,254 313,052 323,851 324,410 329,212 345,962 350,504 353,614 362,263 421,995 419,690 421,566 430,826
Somogy county 262,445 266,746 267,721 271,987 288,205 293,151 294,970 299,741 313,346 318,697 318,093 323,482 337,361 345,622 345,853 352,057 405,381 403,644 404,182 413,918
Tolna county 284,679 296,024 297,693 304,441 311,090 329,498 333,899 340,368 348,903 371,436 377,779 383,742 387,528 408,384 409,162 417,444 452,247 468,600 469,589 477,880
Southern Transdanubia region 268,257 273,768 274,681 279,019 292,702 300,819 303,513 309,821 321,685 333,348 334,871 340,212 353,077 362,750 364,310 372,044 423,610 425,936 427,112 436,319
Transdanubia large region 290,018 298,843 299,028 304,695 325,861 334,913 336,008 343,169 356,891 363,702 364,709 373,368 389,185 399,335 399,629 409,391 460,451 463,449 464,938 478,444
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 247,243 254,615 256,076 260,518 272,852 281,363 283,424 288,384 296,832 304,749 306,419 312,246 326,744 337,462 338,837 346,176 394,249 397,349 398,246 407,966
Heves county 291,163 299,185 301,182 305,135 324,992 331,752 333,589 338,386 348,497 357,338 360,117 366,117 383,518 391,081 392,161 400,244 450,219 458,389 462,397 472,413
Nógrád county 246,767 250,331 251,637 253,991 267,468 270,770 272,202 274,913 288,724 295,115 296,091 300,482 317,785 324,275 325,835 330,451 403,312 394,139 393,798 399,153
Northern Hungary region 258,782 265,891 267,511 271,606 286,144 293,598 295,525 300,204 309,847 317,563 319,378 325,092 340,863 350,251 351,604 358,837 410,445 413,415 415,008 424,317
Hajdú-Bihar county 264,644 267,526 267,994 271,808 291,364 292,824 294,002 298,337 315,473 323,895 323,987 328,042 351,842 354,485 355,325 361,598 430,925 423,960 422,466 430,483
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 258,052 262,272 264,817 269,100 283,080 288,031 292,214 297,984 314,474 320,123 323,788 330,165 344,345 347,528 349,712 356,051 406,889 404,664 407,075 416,731
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 221,720 224,916 227,003 230,754 243,489 246,341 248,902 252,279 265,332 271,514 272,254 277,049 290,141 294,753 297,336 303,334 365,515 359,474 358,526 363,692
Norther Great Plain region 247,500 250,840 252,477 256,412 272,163 274,991 277,431 281,754 297,194 303,988 305,176 310,078 327,403 330,952 332,810 339,022 401,195 395,753 395,472 402,904
Bács-Kiskun county 265,910 271,437 275,090 280,702 299,485 305,703 307,464 313,962 323,391 332,037 334,345 343,524 349,802 359,123 361,590 372,308 426,077 426,882 427,465 439,757
Békés county 234,797 238,953 241,252 245,290 256,108 260,177 263,505 268,791 280,816 285,896 287,140 292,343 307,762 312,097 314,753 320,520 378,993 374,558 375,848 384,444
Csongrád-Csanád county 273,496 279,305 280,375 284,227 296,422 302,699 304,532 309,673 322,985 333,333 333,343 338,821 354,654 362,936 365,788 373,445 435,358 433,265 433,684 443,266
Southern Great Plain region 260,399 265,693 268,195 272,860 287,484 293,171 295,362 301,094 312,519 320,816 322,131 329,090 340,959 348,708 351,359 359,888 417,582 416,141 416,855 427,360
Great Plain and North large region 254,985 260,029 261,951 266,179 281,236 286,317 288,519 293,397 305,845 313,375 314,771 320,577 335,694 342,290 344,267 351,533 409,211 407,450 408,022 416,998
Total country 316,268 324,414 324,126 329,943 352,151 359,464 359,885 367,833 384,219 394,960 395,030 403,616 420,222 428,247 428,642 438,814 508,279 505,272 503,639 515,766
Corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0%
Budapest capital, regiona 111.5 110.9 110.4 110.4 111.2 110.2 110.6 111.3 107.7 109.5 109.4 109.3 109.1 107.0 107.4 107.6 123.0 119.0 117.8 117.3
Pest county, regionb 111.2 111.0 111.1 110.8 110.7 110.5 110.8 111.1 110.2 110.1 110.3 110.4 109.0 108.8 108.0 108.0 113.9 114.0 114.8 115.6
Central Hungary large regionc 111.4 110.8 110.4 110.3 110.9 110.1 110.4 111.1 108.3 109.8 109.8 109.7 109.2 107.3 107.5 107.7 121.4 118.1 117.3 117.0
Fejér county 113.7 113.7 113.1 112.2 113.2 112.5 112.2 112.4 107.5 105.9 106.0 106.9 107.3 108.9 109.1 109.4 118.1 116.8 116.5 116.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 111.5 111.3 111.4 111.2 111.9 111.9 111.8 111.8 109.3 108.9 108.9 109.5 107.6 109.0 108.7 108.7 116.6 115.5 116.0 116.7
Veszprém county 113.5 113.5 113.6 113.2 111.4 111.0 111.2 111.3 108.0 107.3 107.5 108.0 110.8 110.7 110.2 109.9 116.5 114.8 115.3 116.3
Central Transdanubia region 113.0 112.9 112.7 112.2 112.3 111.9 111.8 111.9 108.2 107.2 107.3 108.0 108.4 109.4 109.3 109.3 117.3 115.9 116.1 116.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 111.4 112.0 111.4 110.9 111.7 111.4 112.2 112.6 111.9 107.6 107.9 107.8 108.9 111.6 110.6 110.6 117.0 113.8 115.0 116.0
Vas county 110.1 110.1 110.2 110.4 109.6 109.7 109.7 109.5 108.4 108.6 108.5 109.8 109.1 110.5 110.2 109.4 120.0 116.4 116.8 117.3
Zala county 111.0 111.0 110.9 110.6 110.3 110.4 110.7 111.3 109.8 111.5 111.0 111.1 110.7 109.0 109.2 109.2 120.7 118.4 118.2 118.6
Western Transdanubia region 111.2 111.5 111.2 110.9 111.0 110.9 111.4 111.7 110.8 108.8 108.9 109.1 109.4 110.9 110.3 110.1 118.4 115.3 116.0 116.8
Baranya county 114.2 113.8 113.3 112.3 109.2 109.9 110.8 112.4 109.4 111.2 110.5 109.3 110.5 108.2 109.0 110.0 122.0 119.7 119.2 118.9
Somogy county 113.5 112.8 112.3 112.0 109.6 110.1 110.5 110.6 108.7 108.7 107.8 107.9 107.7 108.4 108.7 108.8 120.2 116.8 116.9 117.6
Tolna county 113.2 109.8 110.7 110.5 108.4 110.7 111.5 111.2 112.2 112.7 113.1 112.7 111.1 109.9 108.3 108.8 116.7 114.7 114.8 114.5
Southern Transdanubia region 113.7 112.5 112.4 111.8 109.1 110.2 110.9 111.5 109.9 110.8 110.3 109.8 109.8 108.8 108.8 109.4 120.0 117.4 117.2 117.3
Transdanubia large region 112.6 112.4 112.1 111.7 111.2 111.2 111.5 111.8 109.5 108.6 108.5 108.8 109.0 109.8 109.6 109.6 118.3 116.1 116.3 116.9
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 113.4 113.4 113.3 112.7 110.5 111.2 111.4 111.6 108.8 108.3 108.1 108.3 110.1 110.7 110.6 110.9 120.7 117.7 117.5 117.8
Heves county 111.6 110.8 111.0 110.7 111.6 111.0 110.8 111.0 107.2 107.7 108.0 108.2 110.0 109.4 108.9 109.3 117.4 117.2 117.9 118.0
Nógrád county 112.2 112.2 112.0 111.2 109.6 109.4 109.4 109.5 107.9 109.0 108.8 109.3 110.1 109.9 110.0 110.0 126.9 121.5 120.9 120.8
Northern Hungary region 112.8 112.6 112.6 112.0 110.9 111.1 111.1 111.3 108.3 108.2 108.1 108.3 110.0 110.3 110.1 110.4 120.4 118.0 118.0 118.2
Hajdú-Bihar county 112.2 112.1 112.1 111.6 110.5 110.1 110.5 110.7 108.3 110.6 110.2 110.0 111.5 109.4 109.7 110.2 122.5 119.6 118.9 119.1
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 111.8 111.5 111.7 111.5 110.2 110.2 110.7 111.1 111.1 111.1 110.8 110.8 109.5 108.6 108.0 107.8 118.2 116.4 116.4 117.0
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 112.7 112.0 112.3 111.8 110.4 110.5 110.8 110.7 109.0 110.2 109.4 109.8 109.4 108.6 109.2 109.5 126.0 122.0 120.6 119.9
Norther Great Plain region 112.5 112.0 112.1 111.7 110.5 110.3 110.7 110.8 109.2 110.5 110.0 110.1 110.2 108.9 109.1 109.3 122.5 119.6 118.8 118.8
Bács-Kiskun county 112.6 112.3 112.4 111.8 112.2 112.6 111.9 112.1 108.0 108.6 108.7 109.4 108.2 108.2 108.1 108.4 121.8 118.9 118.2 118.1
Békés county 112.9 112.8 112.6 111.8 109.5 109.6 110.0 110.5 109.6 109.9 109.0 108.8 109.6 109.2 109.6 109.6 123.1 120.0 119.4 119.9
Csongrád-Csanád county 112.6 112.6 112.6 111.7 108.6 108.8 109.2 109.6 109.0 110.1 109.5 109.4 109.8 108.9 109.7 110.2 122.8 119.4 118.6 118.7
Southern Great Plain region 112.8 112.6 112.6 111.9 110.5 110.7 110.6 110.9 108.7 109.4 109.1 109.3 109.1 108.7 109.1 109.4 122.5 119.3 118.6 118.7
Great Plain and North large region 112.7 112.4 112.4 111.9 110.6 110.7 110.8 111.0 108.8 109.5 109.1 109.3 109.8 109.2 109.4 109.7 121.9 119.0 118.5 118.6
Total country 112.4 111.9 111.7 111.3 111.0 110.6 110.8 111.4 109.1 109.9 109.8 109.7 109.4 108.4 108.5 108.7 121.0 118.0 117.5 117.5


*Data of enterprises with at least 5 employees, budgetary institutions on a full scope basis and non-profit organisations which are significant in respect of employment. Source of data: until 2018 the monthly institutional labour data collection system, as of 2019 data taken over from the National Tax and Customs Administration and the Hungarian State Treasury. The table is closed in 2022, the new methodology table is available at: STADAT
aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.