Name Level Town with county’s rights, capital Towns Large villages Villages Settlements Town with county’s rights, capital Towns Large villages Villages Settlements
of territorial units number population
Budapest capital, regiona 1 1 1,686,222 1,686,222
Pest county, regionb 1 54 23 109 187 71,338 857,214 140,525 264,180 1,333,257
Central Hungary large regionc 2 54 23 109 188 1,757,560 857,214 140,525 264,180 3,019,479
Fejér county 2 15 14 77 108 137,418 113,339 47,513 121,220 419,490
Komárom-Esztergom county 2 10 2 62 76 94,503 106,379 6,965 93,987 301,834
Veszprém county 1 14 3 199 217 56,029 146,041 8,445 125,464 335,979
Central Transdanubia region 5 39 19 338 401 287,950 365,759 62,923 340,671 1,057,303
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 2 10 4 167 183 191,780 80,819 10,689 189,958 473,246
Vas county 1 12 203 216 77,757 74,252 96,190 248,199
Zala county 2 8 3 245 258 97,654 45,394 9,148 107,928 260,124
Western Transdanubia region 5 30 7 615 657 367,191 200,465 19,837 394,076 981,569
Baranya county 1 13 3 284 301 140,330 91,369 5,869 115,763 353,331
Somogy county 1 15 2 228 246 58,830 92,027 4,303 137,531 292,691
Tolna county 1 10 5 93 109 29,707 86,412 14,765 75,514 206,398
Southern Transdanubia region 3 38 10 605 656 228,867 269,808 24,937 328,808 852,420
Transdanubia large region 13 107 36 1,558 1,714 884,008 836,032 107,697 1,063,555 2,891,292
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 1 28 9 320 358 143,502 214,252 27,865 232,181 617,800
Heves county 1 10 5 105 121 49,499 83,386 14,290 137,883 285,058
Nógrád county 1 5 125 131 30,910 41,280 108,279 180,469
Northern Hungary region 3 43 14 550 610 223,911 338,918 42,155 478,343 1,083,327
Hajdú-Bihar county 1 20 10 51 82 201,704 216,760 30,026 72,060 520,550
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 1 21 4 52 78 66,426 190,845 16,970 79,270 353,511
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 1 28 15 185 229 115,359 174,884 40,863 193,407 524,513
Northern Great Plain region 3 69 29 288 389 383,489 582,489 87,859 344,737 1,398,574
Bács-Kiskun county 2 20 9 88 119 142,209 192,502 35,547 121,374 491,632
Békés county 1 21 8 45 75 54,460 185,785 22,889 47,778 310,912
Csongrád-Csanád county 2 8 8 42 60 199,711 92,321 29,058 68,321 389,411
Southern Great Plain region 5 49 25 175 254 396,380 470,608 87,494 237,473 1,191,955
Great Plain and North large region 11 161 68 1,013 1,253 1,003,780 1,392,015 217,508 1,060,553 3,673,856
Total country 26 322 127 2,680 3,155 3,645,348 3,085,261 465,730 2,388,288 9,584,627


aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.