Name Level 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
of territorial units I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter
Number of deaths, persons
Budapest capital, region 5,791 10,897 15,784 22,744 7,135 12,919 17,832 24,357 5,972 11,073 16,359 22,057 5,465 10,196 14,936 20,476 5,326 9,930 15,003
Pest county, region 4,043 7,490 10,887 16,011 5,140 9,330 12,841 17,725 4,193 7,797 11,516 15,700 4,173 7,694 11,038 15,005 3,763 7,116 10,686
Central Hungary large region 9,834 18,387 26,671 38,755 12,275 22,249 30,673 42,082 10,165 18,870 27,875 37,757 9,638 17,890 25,974 35,481 9,089 17,046 25,689
Fejér county 1,543 2,842 4,157 5,946 1,862 3,591 4,882 6,773 1,686 3,073 4,449 5,902 1,532 2,745 3,964 5,485 1,389 2,588 3,858
Komárom-Esztergom county 1,137 2,067 3,031 4,523 1,568 2,740 3,715 4,976 1,235 2,235 3,216 4,334 1,150 2,159 3,047 4,118 1,041 1,962 2,984
Veszprém county 1,300 2,383 3,431 5,155 1,488 2,870 3,943 5,526 1,362 2,469 3,622 4,887 1,282 2,394 3,413 4,640 1,197 2,304 3,393
Central Transdanubia region 3,980 7,292 10,619 15,624 4,918 9,201 12,540 17,275 4,283 7,777 11,287 15,123 3,964 7,298 10,424 14,243 3,627 6,854 10,235
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 1,414 2,743 4,007 6,089 1,869 3,489 4,857 6,602 1,635 2,975 4,333 5,841 1,464 2,797 4,044 5,506 1,494 2,750 4,107
Vas county 890 1,650 2,435 3,766 1,075 2,086 2,893 4,079 994 1,796 2,583 3,529 889 1,667 2,421 3,335 924 1,684 2,456
Zala county 993 1,922 2,794 4,323 1,164 2,221 3,096 4,453 1,140 2,057 2,995 4,062 1,092 1,979 2,813 3,870 1,072 1,968 2,872
Western Transdanubia region 3,297 6,315 9,236 14,178 4,108 7,796 10,846 15,134 3,769 6,828 9,911 13,432 3,445 6,443 9,278 12,711 3,490 6,402 9,435
Baranya county 1,327 2,499 3,720 5,401 1,621 3,156 4,349 6,154 1,534 2,771 3,948 5,343 1,354 2,594 3,742 5,131 1,399 2,559 3,825
Somogy county 1,115 2,135 3,191 4,718 1,687 2,992 4,049 5,511 1,366 2,449 3,493 4,685 1,215 2,205 3,234 4,455 1,184 2,199 3,290
Tolna county 837 1,635 2,359 3,458 1,166 2,056 2,827 3,904 946 1,736 2,505 3,344 837 1,562 2,234 3,022 813 1,508 2,307
Southern Transdanubia region 3,279 6,269 9,270 13,577 4,474 8,204 11,225 15,569 3,846 6,956 9,946 13,372 3,406 6,361 9,210 12,608 3,396 6,266 9,422
Transdanubia large region 10,556 19,876 29,125 43,379 13,500 25,201 34,611 47,978 11,898 21,561 31,144 41,927 10,815 20,102 28,912 39,562 10,513 19,522 29,092
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 2,467 4,544 6,758 10,306 3,057 5,791 7,980 11,216 2,759 4,961 7,200 9,625 2,381 4,533 6,566 8,961 2,448 4,435 6,603
Heves county 1,143 2,134 3,128 4,816 1,476 2,735 3,778 5,359 1,300 2,393 3,450 4,658 1,173 2,099 3,032 4,175 1,158 2,139 3,061
Nógrád county 789 1,400 2,085 3,232 1,193 2,107 2,794 3,847 954 1,656 2,339 3,131 806 1,460 2,116 2,864 718 1,412 2,076
Northern Hungary region 4,399 8,078 11,971 18,354 5,726 10,633 14,552 20,422 5,013 9,010 12,989 17,414 4,360 8,092 11,714 16,000 4,324 7,986 11,740
Hajdú-Bihar county 1,691 3,258 4,734 7,021 2,201 4,147 5,751 8,107 1,992 3,574 5,167 6,895 1,720 3,256 4,684 6,437 1,817 3,300 4,889
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 1,513 2,746 4,004 6,073 1,654 3,153 4,430 6,515 1,632 2,899 4,253 5,706 1,484 2,741 3,961 5,394 1,455 2,697 4,032
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 1,828 3,431 5,067 7,720 2,451 4,494 6,094 8,388 2,143 3,857 5,505 7,352 1,833 3,404 4,956 6,790 1,846 3,510 5,099
Northern Great Plain region 5,032 9,435 13,805 20,814 6,306 11,794 16,275 23,010 5,767 10,330 14,925 19,953 5,037 9,401 13,601 18,621 5,118 9,507 14,020
Bács-Kiskun county 1,911 3,509 5,138 7,595 2,426 4,495 6,118 8,650 2,103 3,809 5,579 7,500 1,927 3,604 5,110 6,998 1,926 3,490 5,229
Békés county 1,398 2,660 3,925 6,011 1,661 3,176 4,446 6,376 1,584 2,927 4,240 5,664 1,469 2,682 3,942 5,368 1,344 2,534 3,830
Csongrád-Csanád county 1,416 2,633 3,832 5,716 1,648 3,229 4,533 6,552 1,538 2,757 4,104 5,522 1,492 2,795 3,995 5,442 1,433 2,682 3,987
Southern Great Plain region 4,725 8,802 12,895 19,322 5,735 10,900 15,097 21,578 5,225 9,493 13,923 18,686 4,888 9,081 13,047 17,808 4,703 8,706 13,046
Great Plain and North large region 14,156 26,315 38,671 58,490 17,767 33,327 45,924 65,010 16,005 28,833 41,837 56,053 14,285 26,574 38,362 52,429 14,145 26,199 38,806
Country totala country 34,650 64,770 94,754 141,002 43,648 80,984 111,555 155,621 38,209 69,575 101,380 136,446 34,905 64,914 93,770 128,176 33,747 62,767 93,587
Corresponding period of the previous year= 100.0%
Budapest capital, region 94.8 99.8 100.2 108.0 123.2 118.6 113.0 107.1 83.7 85.7 91.7 90.6 91.5 92.1 91.3 92.8 97.5 97.4 100.4
Pest county, region 94.4 96.6 98.3 108.9 127.1 124.6 117.9 110.7 81.6 83.6 89.7 88.6 99.5 98.7 95.8 95.6 90.2 92.5 96.8
Central Hungary large region 94.7 98.4 99.4 108.4 124.8 121.0 115.0 108.6 82.8 84.8 90.9 89.7 94.8 94.8 93.2 94.0 94.3 95.3 98.9
Fejér county 94.8 97.6 98.1 105.8 120.7 126.4 117.4 113.9 90.5 85.6 91.1 87.1 90.9 89.3 89.1 92.9 90.7 94.3 97.3
Komárom-Esztergom county 94.5 94.6 97.2 110.5 137.9 132.6 122.6 110.0 78.8 81.6 86.6 87.1 93.1 96.6 94.7 95.0 90.5 90.9 97.9
Veszprém county 95.9 98.8 99.5 112.9 114.5 120.4 114.9 107.2 91.5 86.0 91.9 88.4 94.1 97.0 94.2 94.9 93.4 96.2 99.4
Central Transdanubia region 95.1 97.1 98.3 109.5 123.6 126.2 118.1 110.6 87.1 84.5 90.0 87.5 92.6 93.8 92.4 94.2 91.5 93.9 98.2
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 93.1 101.4 101.3 115.1 132.2 127.2 121.2 108.4 87.5 85.3 89.2 88.5 89.5 94.0 93.3 94.3 102.0 98.3 101.6
Vas county 88.3 92.1 96.2 111.2 120.8 126.4 118.8 108.3 92.5 86.1 89.3 86.5 89.4 92.8 93.7 94.5 103.9 101.0 101.4
Zala county 87.9 94.3 97.3 112.3 117.2 115.6 110.8 103.0 97.9 92.6 96.7 91.2 95.8 96.2 93.9 95.3 98.2 99.4 102.1
Western Transdanubia region 90.2 96.6 98.7 113.2 124.6 123.5 117.4 106.7 91.7 87.6 91.4 88.8 91.4 94.4 93.6 94.6 101.3 99.4 101.7
Baranya county 86.7 91.9 96.5 106.5 122.2 126.3 116.9 113.9 94.6 87.8 90.8 86.8 88.3 93.6 94.8 96.0 103.3 98.7 102.2
Somogy county 80.3 87.6 92.7 104.7 151.3 140.1 126.9 116.8 81.0 81.9 86.3 85.0 88.9 90.0 92.6 95.1 97.4 99.7 101.7
Tolna county 90.8 97.6 97.4 107.8 139.3 125.7 119.8 112.9 81.1 84.4 88.6 85.7 88.5 90.0 89.2 90.4 97.1 96.5 103.3
Southern Transdanubia region 85.4 91.8 95.4 106.2 136.4 130.9 121.1 114.7 86.0 84.8 88.6 85.9 88.6 91.4 92.6 94.3 99.7 98.5 102.3
Transdanubia large region 90.4 95.2 97.5 109.6 127.9 126.8 118.8 110.6 88.1 85.6 90.0 87.4 90.9 93.2 92.8 94.4 97.2 97.1 100.6
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 90.7 92.2 95.4 109.2 123.9 127.4 118.1 108.8 90.3 85.7 90.2 85.8 86.3 91.4 91.2 93.1 102.8 97.8 100.6
Heves county 90.6 92.5 93.1 109.2 129.1 128.2 120.8 111.3 88.1 87.5 91.3 86.9 90.2 87.7 87.9 89.6 98.7 101.9 101.0
Nógrád county 82.7 84.2 87.4 105.0 151.2 150.5 134.0 119.0 80.0 78.6 83.7 81.4 84.5 88.2 90.5 91.5 89.1 96.7 98.1
Northern Hungary region 89.1 90.8 93.3 108.4 130.2 131.6 121.6 111.3 87.5 84.7 89.3 85.3 87.0 89.8 90.2 91.9 99.2 98.7 100.2
Hajdú-Bihar county 87.6 93.1 93.5 104.5 130.2 127.3 121.5 115.5 90.5 86.2 89.8 85.0 86.3 91.1 90.7 93.4 105.6 101.4 104.4
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 90.9 91.9 92.6 106.4 109.3 114.8 110.6 107.3 98.7 91.9 96.0 87.6 90.9 94.5 93.1 94.5 98.0 98.4 101.8
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 93.3 97.6 99.3 115.7 134.1 131.0 120.3 108.7 87.4 85.8 90.3 87.6 85.5 88.3 90.0 92.4 100.7 103.1 102.9
Northern Great Plain region 90.6 94.3 95.3 109.0 125.3 125.0 117.9 110.6 91.5 87.6 91.7 86.7 87.3 91.0 91.1 93.3 101.6 101.1 103.1
Bács-Kiskun county 94.9 96.9 97.9 108.9 126.9 128.1 119.1 113.9 86.7 84.7 91.2 86.7 91.6 94.6 91.6 93.3 99.9 96.8 102.3
Békés county 88.8 92.2 96.7 110.7 118.8 119.4 113.3 106.1 95.4 92.2 95.4 88.8 92.7 91.6 93.0 94.8 91.5 94.5 97.2
Csongrád-Csanád county 90.1 91.6 93.5 105.3 116.4 122.6 118.3 114.6 93.3 85.4 90.5 84.3 97.0 101.4 97.3 98.6 96.0 96.0 99.8
Southern Great Plain region 91.6 93.8 96.2 108.4 121.4 123.8 117.1 111.7 91.1 87.1 92.2 86.6 93.6 95.7 93.7 95.3 96.2 95.9 100.0
Great Plain and North large region 90.4 93.0 95.0 108.6 125.5 126.6 118.8 111.1 90.1 86.5 91.1 86.2 89.3 92.2 91.7 93.5 99.0 98.6 101.2
Country totala country 91.7 95.2 96.9 108.8 126.0 125.0 117.7 110.4 87.5 85.9 90.9 87.7 91.4 93.3 92.5 93.9 96.7 96.7 99.8


*In the case of preliminary data for 2024, the grouping of the regional data is based on the deceased's place of residence (permanent address).
aIncluding data which can't be dissolved to regions.
Source: The source of the preliminary data is the Electronic Registry System.