Period Marriages Live births Total fertility rate Deaths Natural increase or decrease (–) Infant deaths Induced abortions Foetal deaths
number per thousand inhabitants number per thousand inhabitants number per thousand inhabitants number per thousand inhabitants number per thousand live births number per hundred live births number per hundred live births
2021 January 2,783 3.4 7,354 9.0 1.50 13,822 16.9 -6,468 -7.9 21 2.9 1,970 26.8 1,263 17.2
February 4,078 5.5 7,166 9.7 1.61 11,870 16.0 -4,704 -6.4 25 3.5 1,872 26.1 1,220 17.0
March 5,132 6.3 7,818 9.5 1.59 17,956 21.9 -10,138 -12.4 19 2.4 2,103 26.9 1,347 17.2
April 5,043 6.4 7,014 8.9 1.47 15,580 19.7 -8,566 -10.8 30 4.3 1,967 28.0 1,333 19.0
May 6,982 8.5 7,130 8.7 1.45 11,185 13.7 -4,055 -5.0 21 2.9 1,788 25.1 1,227 17.2
June 7,744 9.8 7,722 9.8 1.63 10,571 13.4 -2,849 -3.6 27 3.5 1,939 25.1 1,145 14.8
July 9,600 11.7 8,280 10.1 1.69 10,388 12.7 -2,108 -2.6 31 3.7 1,881 22.7 1,160 14.0
August 9,248 11.3 8,331 10.2 1.70 9,862 12.1 -1,531 -1.9 26 3.1 1,738 20.9 1,103 13.2
September 7,908 10.0 8,635 10.9 1.83 10,321 13.0 -1,686 -2.1 24 2.8 1,582 18.3 1,056 12.2
October 5,291 6.5 8,339 10.2 1.71 11,840 14.5 -3,501 -4.3 28 3.4 1,439 17.3 1,150 13.8
November 3,863 4.9 7,918 10.0 1.67 15,744 19.9 -7,826 -9.9 24 3.0 1,679 21.2 1,219 15.4
December 4,358 5.3 7,332 9.0 1.51 16,482 20.2 -9,150 -11.2 33 4.5 1,949 26.6 1,322 18.0
2022 January 2,226 2.7 6,634 8.1 1.37 13,228 16.2 -6,594 -8.1 28 4.2 1,757 26.5 1,248 18.8
February 3,518 4.8 6,094 8.3 1.39 12,453 16.9 -6,359 -8.6 22 3.6 1,866 30.6 1,100 18.1
March 4,542 5.6 7,007 8.6 1.44 12,528 15.4 -5,521 -6.8 28 4.0 2,017 28.8 1,267 18.1
April 5,003 6.3 6,527 8.3 1.39 11,214 14.2 -4,687 -5.9 17 2.6 1,731 26.5 1,182 18.1
May 7,232 8.9 7,612 9.3 1.57 10,219 12.5 -2,607 -3.2 22 2.9 2,001 26.3 1,227 16.1
June 7,154 9.1 8,155 10.3 1.74 9,933 12.6 -1,778 -2.3 17 2.1 1,902 23.3 1,246 15.3
July 7,969 9.8 8,327 10.2 1.72 10,850 13.3 -2,523 -3.1 27 3.2 1,847 22.2 1,139 13.7
August 7,950 9.7 8,123 10.0 1.67 10,661 13.1 -2,538 -3.1 30 3.7 2,000 24.6 1,259 15.5
September 7,699 9.8 7,765 9.8 1.66 10,294 13.0 -2,529 -3.2 29 3.7 1,639 21.1 1,096 14.1
October 4,712 5.8 7,533 9.2 1.55 11,475 14.1 -3,942 -4.8 28 3.7 1,492 19.8 1,029 13.7
November 3,176 4.0 7,282 9.2 1.55 10,960 13.9 -3,678 -4.7 40 5.5 1,667 22.9 1,119 15.4
December 2,786 3.4 7,432 9.1 1.53 12,631 15.5 -5,199 -6.4 31 4.2 1,860 25.0 1,229 16.5
2023 January 1,230 1.5 7,551 9.3 1.56 11,850 14.5 -4,299 -5.3 22 2.9 1,876 24.8 1,283 17.0
February 1,938 2.6 6,574 8.9 1.51 10,990 14.9 -4,416 -6.0 18 2.7 1,914 29.1 1,163 17.7
March 3,089 3.8 7,144 8.8 1.48 12,065 14.8 -4,921 -6.0 14 2.0 1,968 27.5 1,266 17.7
April 3,464 4.4 6,387 8.1 1.37 10,457 13.3 -4,070 -5.2 19 3.0 1,671 26.2 1,100 17.2
May 5,444 6.7 7,044 8.6 1.46 10,129 12.4 -3,085 -3.8 27 3.8 1,893 26.9 1,179 16.7
June 5,735 7.3 7,257 9.2 1.56 9,423 12.0 -2,166 -2.7 22 3.0 1,879 25.9 1,207 16.6
July 5,677 7.0 7,800 9.6 1.63 9,766 12.0 -1,966 -2.4 26 3.3 1,782 22.8 1,145 14.7
August 6,582 8.1 7,723 9.5 1.61 9,886 12.1 -2,163 -2.7 24 3.1 1,879 24.3 1,179 15.3
September 6,948 8.8 7,266 9.2 1.57 9,204 11.7 -1,938 -2.5 22 3.0 1,504 20.7 1,013 13.9
October 4,260 5.2 7,105 8.7 1.48 10,977 13.5 -3,872 -4.8 23 3.2 1,560 22.0 1,008 14.2
November 3,106 3.9 6,765 8.6 1.46 10,770 13.7 -4,005 -5.1 17 2.5 1,604 23.7 1,012 15.0
December 2,666 3.3 6,609 8.1 1.38 12,659 15.5 -6,050 -7.4 26 3.9 1,606 24.3 1,039 15.7
2024 January 1,676 2.1 6,667 8.2 1.40 12,071 14.9 -5,404 -6.7 28 4.2 1,983 29.7 1,208 18.1
February 2,361 3.1 6,218 8.2 1.39 11,015 14.5 -4,797 -6.3 27 4.3 1,940 31.2 1,087 17.5
March 3,029 3.7 6,457 8.0 1.35 10,675 13.2 -4,218 -5.2 24 3.7 1,700 26.3 1,054 16.3
April 3,688 4.7 6,175 7.9 1.34 9,793 12.5 -3,618 -4.6 26 4.2 1,863 30.2 1,081 17.5
May 5,508 6.8 6,349 7.8 1.34 9,867 12.2 -3,518 -4.3 26 4.1 1,770 27.9 1,133 17.8
June 4,944 6.3 6,077 7.8 1.32 9,386 12.0 -3,309 -4.2 22 3.6 1,599 26.3 1,062 17.5
July 4,859 6.0 6,831 8.4 1.44 10,755 13.3 -3,924 -4.8 34 5.0 1,835 26.9 1,116 16.3
August 6,711 8.3 6,746 8.3 1.42 10,429 12.9 -3,683 -4.5 24 3.6 1,587 23.5 1,075 15.9
September 5,416 6.9 6,730 8.6 1.47 9,984 12.7 -3,254 -4.2 20 3.0 1,447 21.5 957 14.2
October 3,634 4.5 6,658 8.2 1.40 11,077 13.7 -4,419 -5.5 20 3.0 1,496 22.5 1,023 15.4
November 2,725 3.5 6,253 8.0 1.36 10,675 13.6 -4,422 -5.7 19 3.0 1,461 23.4 992 15.9
December 1,999 2.5 6,339 7.8 1.33 11,773 14.6 -5,434 -6.7 25 3.9 1,569 24.8 1,112 17.5
2025 January 1,605 2.0 6,367 7.9 1.35 12,855 15.9 -6,488 -8.0 13 2.0 .. .. .. ..
Cumulative data from the beginning of the yeara
2021 January–January 2,783 3.4 7,354 9.0 1.50 13,822 16.9 -6,468 -7.9 21 2.9 21,907 23.5 14,545 15.6
2022 January–January 2,226 2.7 6,634 8.1 1.37 13,228 16.2 -6,594 -8.1 28 4.2 21,779 24.6 14,141 16.0
2023 January–January 1,230 1.5 7,551 9.3 1.56 11,850 14.5 -4,299 -5.3 22 2.9 21,136 24.8 13,594 16.0
2024 January–January 1,676 2.1 6,667 8.2 1.40 12,071 14.9 -5,404 -6.7 28 4.2 20,250 26.1 12,900 16.6
2025 January–January 1,605 2.0 6,367 7.9 1.35 12,855 15.9 -6,488 -8.0 13 2.0 .. .. .. ..
Corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0%
2025 January–January 95.8 96.0 95.5 95.7 96.2 106.5 106.7 120.1 120.3 46.4 48.6 95.8 105.4 94.9 104.4
12-Month rolling perioda
2023 February – 2024 January 50,585 5.3 84,341 8.8 1.49 128,397 13.4 -44,056 -4.6 266 3.2 21,136 24.8 13,594 16.0
2024 February – 2025 January 46,479 4.9 77,200 8.1 1.38 128,284 13.4 -51,084 -5.3 280 3.6 20,250 26.1 12,900 16.6
12-Month rolling period of the previous term= 100,0%
2024 February – 2025 January 91.9 92.2 91.5 91.8 92.5 99.9 100.2 116.0 116.3 105.3 115.0 95.8 105.4 94.9 104.4


*The monthly rates refer to the whole of the year in order to ensure comparability.
aThe data on induced abortions and foetal deaths refer to a one month earlier period than indicated.