Year Economic branches together Of which: Economic branches together – without fostered workers Of which:
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Manufacturing, mining and other industry Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Transportation and storage Accommodation and food service activities Information and communication Financial and insurance activities Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical activities Administrative and support service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Human health and social work activities out of which: Arts, entertainment and recreation Other service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Human health and social work activities out of which:
Human health activities Social work activities Human health activities Social work activities
Number of employees, thousand persons
2009 2,660.7 82.8 4.4 606.3 25.7 45.2 681.6 117.8 345.4 186.2 80.4 65.3 70.2 29.6 72.5 109.9 293.5 256.5 213.3 118.8 94.5 37.7 17.8 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2010 2,701.9 76.7 4.1 600.3 25.1 44.4 673.8 118.3 343.4 184.8 84.4 66.4 67.5 29.3 75.3 134.2 262.5 266.0 261.6 118.2 143.4 36.4 21.3 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2011 2,691.5 74.7 4.0 621.5 24.9 42.4 692.8 115.7 338.5 182.4 83.9 70.5 65.6 29.1 79.7 146.1 247.0 262.2 245.6 116.2 129.4 35.9 21.9 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2012 2,674.4 77.8 3.9 609.4 23.9 40.8 678.0 112.5 332.1 184.5 79.9 71.6 64.2 27.1 78.6 135.6 260.0 254.3 263.8 118.5 145.3 33.0 21.4 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2013 2,700.2 75.3 3.8 612.6 23.4 41.3 681.1 108.1 328.0 183.8 77.2 70.2 63.3 29.4 83.1 142.8 269.7 244.0 294.7 118.5 176.2 31.9 17.6 2,571.1 250.7 243.8 196.9 118.3 78.6
2014 2,823.0 78.2 3.7 627.7 24.3 42.9 698.6 110.0 332.3 193.8 81.0 74.0 62.6 27.0 85.4 155.8 281.7 248.9 341.6 119.7 221.9 34.4 17.8 2,640.5 255.0 248.3 206.8 119.4 87.4
2015 2,894.9 78.9 3.6 646.6 23.9 41.8 715.9 111.2 342.4 197.7 86.3 74.7 61.6 27.0 91.4 163.5 285.5 251.6 346.4 119.7 226.7 41.5 19.2 2,703.0 259.3 250.3 207.6 119.3 88.3
2016 2,977.9 77.7 3.3 664.1 24.0 45.2 736.6 114.2 355.5 203.4 89.2 79.1 61.8 27.3 99.7 163.3 287.3 260.6 359.6 120.4 239.2 42.3 20.3 2,775.4 265.4 259.7 205.9 120.0 85.9
2017 3,026.9 78.1 3.3 686.3 24.1 43.8 757.5 118.4 364.5 208.5 95.6 80.9 62.4 26.0 105.7 166.0 281.6 280.0 342.0 120.4 221.7 38.8 20.8 2,862.3 262.7 278.6 213.9 120.0 93.9
2018 3,116.8 74.7 3.7 710.5 23.9 43.9 782.0 128.8 381.7 215.8 104.8 87.9 62.8 29.0 113.9 179.2 281.4 289.2 319.9 121.4 198.6 43.0 22.7 2,990.9 268.8 288.2 219.6 121.1 98.5
2019 3,572.4 90.9 4.3 740.8 24.2 44.8 814.1 199.3 493.1 233.5 134.5 104.7 68.0 46.7 172.4 207.8 271.1 294.6 324.5 143.5 181.0 59.8 57.7 3,468.4 262.2 293.7 242.2 143.3 98.9
2020 3,442.8 87.8 4.4 707.5 23.2 44.1 779.2 200.4 470.3 224.9 113.4 109.7 65.7 45.6 172.4 185.4 271.7 293.1 313.3 141.2 172.1 56.7 53.3 3,351.8 264.0 292.4 239.7 141.0 98.7
2021 3,554.6 86.5 4.4 729.5 24.3 42.7 800.8 214.2 485.6 227.2 122.7 121.2 67.4 43.7 182.5 202.7 273.8 297.4 314.4 145.9 168.6 58.6 56.0 3,468.0 266.6 296.8 244.0 145.7 98.3
2022 3,637.6 84.3 4.2 739.1 26.9 40.8 811.0 226.7 501.2 227.7 139.2 127.4 69.3 46.4 191.8 213.4 269.7 300.9 309.6 150.0 159.6 62.6 56.3 3,563.1 263.5 300.5 248.9 149.9 99.0
2023 3,672.0 83.7 4.1 742.0 27.5 41.1 814.8 223.7 501.6 227.0 145.8 132.8 71.3 48.0 201.2 220.9 265.7 308.7 306.4 151.4 154.9 63.7 56.8 3,605.6 260.4 308.3 251.7 151.4 100.3
2024 3,682.4 83.0 4.2 728.8 26.8 43.0 802.7 218.9 504.3 226.8 151.6 135.0 69.9 48.9 204.6 224.5 266.2 318.6 304.1 147.0 157.2 64.9 58.4 3,616.9 261.2 318.1 249.8 146.9 102.9
Previous year = 100.0%
2009 96.3 98.3 89.4 88.5 96.4 100.7 89.5 92.1 94.6 97.0 91.5 109.2 97.0 93.1 99.8 92.4 111.7 98.8 101.8 101.4 102.3 98.9 101.8 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2010 101.5 92.6 92.0 99.0 97.9 98.1 98.9 100.4 99.4 99.2 104.9 101.6 96.1 99.2 103.9 122.1 89.4 103.7 122.6 99.5 151.7 96.5 119.6 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2011 99.6 97.4 99.1 103.5 98.9 95.6 102.8 97.8 98.5 98.7 99.5 106.2 97.3 99.2 105.8 108.8 94.1 98.6 93.9 98.3 90.3 98.8 102.6 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2012 99.4 104.1 96.3 98.1 96.2 96.2 97.9 97.3 98.1 101.2 95.2 101.6 97.8 93.1 98.7 92.8 105.2 97.0 107.4 102.0 112.2 91.9 98.1 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2013 101.0 96.8 96.8 100.5 97.9 101.3 100.5 96.1 98.9 99.6 96.7 98.1 98.6 108.6 105.6 105.3 103.7 95.9 111.7 99.9 121.3 96.6 81.9 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2014 104.5 103.9 99.2 102.5 103.8 103.7 102.6 101.7 101.3 105.5 104.8 105.4 99.0 91.9 102.8 109.1 104.5 102.0 115.9 101.0 125.9 107.7 101.2 102.7 101.7 101.8 105.0 100.9 111.2
2015 102.5 100.8 97.4 103.0 98.3 97.5 102.5 101.1 103.0 102.0 106.5 100.9 98.4 100.0 107.0 105.0 101.4 101.1 101.4 100.0 102.2 120.9 108.2 102.4 101.7 100.8 100.4 100.0 101.0
2016 102.9 98.5 91.0 102.7 100.3 108.1 102.9 102.6 103.8 102.9 103.4 105.9 100.2 101.0 109.1 99.9 100.6 103.6 103.8 100.6 105.5 101.9 105.5 102.7 102.3 103.7 99.2 100.6 97.2
2017 101.6 100.4 98.5 103.3 100.7 96.9 102.8 103.7 102.5 102.5 107.2 102.3 101.1 95.3 106.0 101.6 98.0 107.5 95.1 99.9 92.7 91.6 102.7 103.1 99.0 107.3 103.9 100.0 109.4
2018 101.2 94.8 112.1 102.3 99.1 100.0 102.1 105.7 103.6 102.4 103.0 104.3 100.6 104.5 103.0 104.3 99.8 101.4 92.7 100.7 88.4 104.8 102.4 102.6 102.3 101.6 101.2 100.8 101.8
2019 100.5 98.3 109.8 100.3 98.6 99.5 100.3 108.3 101.8 100.6 105.3 102.1 100.2 99.4 103.6 102.5 95.9 100.1 95.0 100.3 91.2 100.9 98.0 101.3 97.1 100.2 100.6 100.3 100.9
2020 96.4 96.6 102.0 95.5 96.2 98.3 95.7 100.6 95.4 96.3 84.3 104.8 96.6 97.8 100.0 89.2 100.2 99.5 96.6 98.4 95.1 94.9 92.4 96.6 100.7 99.6 99.0 98.4 99.8
2021 103.2 98.5 98.8 103.1 104.7 96.8 102.8 106.9 103.3 101.0 108.2 110.5 102.6 95.8 105.9 109.3 100.7 101.5 100.4 103.3 98.0 103.3 105.0 103.5 101.0 101.5 101.8 103.3 99.6
2022 102.3 97.4 95.5 101.3 110.6 95.7 101.3 105.9 103.2 100.2 113.4 105.2 102.8 106.2 105.1 105.3 98.5 101.2 98.5 102.9 94.7 106.8 100.5 102.7 98.9 101.2 102.0 102.9 100.7
2023 100.9 99.3 98.6 100.4 102.4 100.7 100.5 98.6 100.1 99.7 104.8 104.2 103.0 103.4 104.9 103.5 98.5 102.6 98.9 100.9 97.1 101.8 100.9 101.2 98.8 102.6 101.1 100.9 101.4
2024 100.3 99.2 102.6 98.2 97.1 104.6 98.5 97.9 100.5 99.9 103.9 101.6 98.0 102.0 101.7 101.6 100.2 103.2 99.3 97.1 101.4 102.0 102.8 100.3 100.3 103.2 99.3 97.1 102.6


*From 2019 the data refer to the whole circle of employers; earlier data of the time series cover enterprises employing at least 5 persons, all budgetary institutions as well as non-profit organisations that are significant in terms of employment. Source of data: Institutional labour-statistical data collection system (as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources).
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.