Year Economic branches together Of which: Economic branches together – without fostered workers Of which:
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Manufacturing, mining and other industry Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Transportation and storage Accommodation and food service activities Information and communication Financial and insurance activities Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical activities Administrative and support service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Human health and social work activities out of which: Arts, entertainment and recreation Other service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Human health and social work activities out of which:
Human health activities Social work activities Human health activities Social work activities
Average gross earnings, HUF/person/month
2009 199,837 137,101 244,051 190,331 345,035 181,818 196,505 152,204 175,207 196,350 122,561 366,752 427,508 177,747 292,974 149,131 234,696 194,958 161,265 176,524 141,465 179,199 160,375 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2010 202,525 143,861 234,243 200,692 363,900 193,604 207,004 153,130 185,812 200,129 122,699 368,113 433,458 182,903 297,489 145,576 242,958 195,930 142,282 176,184 111,841 179,976 150,025 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2011 213,094 153,301 254,607 213,281 379,606 207,614 219,602 156,682 196,942 210,226 125,757 392,963 456,980 184,829 303,292 149,675 252,848 192,984 153,832 177,072 123,988 192,407 162,490 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2012 223,060 164,136 271,012 230,877 404,073 223,206 237,213 163,649 212,521 217,794 139,731 410,045 459,744 219,287 330,880 163,300 247,139 197,344 151,446 196,805 110,789 209,930 175,872 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2013 230,714 171,679 281,096 241,787 410,516 224,649 247,196 177,680 217,483 223,351 146,742 426,944 470,690 209,751 322,927 169,662 258,803 216,939 151,230 212,440 108,065 216,964 175,236 238,214 272,656 216,977 185,876 212,504 144,980
2014 237,695 180,251 287,036 253,162 422,444 224,447 257,866 185,680 223,882 230,138 152,874 449,412 486,054 214,163 345,198 181,338 262,055 245,933 143,047 216,027 105,413 226,327 181,601 249,913 281,382 246,358 189,837 216,412 152,951
2015 247,924 189,136 289,665 263,877 439,282 230,574 268,272 196,947 230,036 239,147 157,560 460,122 493,956 221,125 369,460 198,050 282,194 258,200 146,700 220,522 109,799 213,286 193,303 261,247 303,107 259,142 197,062 221,043 164,116
2016 263,171 204,385 299,354 279,336 454,361 234,037 282,634 201,095 243,716 247,562 165,969 479,625 519,027 239,317 392,266 215,241 313,084 274,211 154,443 244,867 111,679 227,509 207,222 278,122 332,810 274,934 217,947 245,497 178,965
2017 297,017 230,638 332,985 311,879 498,280 269,090 315,745 227,524 273,810 279,507 189,489 510,675 561,576 281,502 431,838 246,072 358,569 297,404 185,037 285,227 133,216 289,154 243,967 310,799 378,895 298,555 254,974 285,891 214,225
2018 329,943 255,664 375,494 344,495 546,640 300,387 348,680 254,711 304,112 310,196 211,984 561,443 608,234 316,079 462,814 277,744 392,840 320,233 218,184 331,136 152,136 333,997 271,921 341,608 407,724 321,133 288,648 331,709 234,393
2019 356,286 276,784 428,174 387,087 599,735 341,904 391,429 272,291 322,991 338,670 234,509 584,682 645,691 294,065 451,959 302,154 442,344 333,866 249,471 349,528 175,275 343,616 275,243 365,491 454,806 334,664 312,853 349,923 259,311
2020 391,194 302,221 423,556 419,074 646,856 363,259 423,221 302,149 357,501 372,784 245,265 639,052 689,220 321,093 505,423 325,652 467,276 361,923 298,743 430,822 196,856 370,293 293,486 400,957 478,935 362,583 375,224 431,223 295,335
2021 425,915 325,640 470,396 453,457 676,820 392,895 457,440 327,395 385,192 388,647 261,633 691,164 734,200 355,914 553,027 350,874 493,214 398,903 363,829 552,263 211,631 416,954 312,648 435,686 504,636 399,558 456,901 552,780 316,374
2022 499,980 379,053 556,731 523,338 735,650 445,553 526,959 379,852 445,776 456,010 314,513 796,655 830,036 406,637 642,409 408,211 624,526 459,930 454,949 673,045 264,115 479,620 375,638 509,524 637,250 460,518 555,100 673,514 379,249
2023 571,182 441,689 675,521 613,369 858,669 527,156 618,022 443,425 510,644 522,090 367,194 916,527 965,534 487,648 734,140 477,895 626,233 526,453 516,316 742,127 313,029 543,942 433,265 580,771 636,828 526,993 617,417 742,522 435,014
2024 646,801 494,414 757,468 685,462 951,665 618,845 691,606 508,261 571,717 594,152 415,623 1,020,770 1,068,150 560,595 821,616 530,805 700,288 664,880 578,906 842,268 354,853 612,776 489,661 657,574 711,338 665,532 693,377 842,602 489,857
Previous year = 100.0%
2009 100.6 102.6 108.2 104.0 107.3 102.1 104.4 103.9 102.0 105.4 101.6 102.4 99.1 104.7 104.2 101.4 87.7 95.3 94.9 95.2 94.5 97.5 101.5 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2010 101.3 104.9 96.0 105.4 105.5 106.5 105.3 100.6 106.1 101.9 100.1 100.4 101.4 102.9 101.5 97.6 103.5 100.5 88.2 99.8 79.1 100.4 93.5 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2011 105.2 106.6 108.7 106.3 104.3 107.2 106.1 102.3 106.0 105.0 102.5 106.8 105.4 101.1 102.0 102.8 104.1 98.5 108.1 100.5 110.9 106.9 108.3 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2012 104.7 107.1 106.4 108.3 106.4 107.5 108.0 104.4 107.9 103.6 111.1 104.3 100.6 118.6 109.1 109.1 97.7 102.3 98.4 111.1 89.4 109.1 108.2 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2013 103.4 104.6 103.7 104.7 101.6 100.6 104.2 108.6 102.3 102.6 105.0 104.1 102.4 95.7 97.6 103.9 104.7 109.9 99.9 107.9 97.5 103.4 99.6 .. .. .. .. .. ..
2014 103.0 105.0 102.1 104.7 102.9 99.9 104.3 104.5 102.9 103.0 104.2 105.3 103.3 102.1 106.9 106.9 101.3 113.4 94.6 101.7 97.5 104.3 103.6 104.9 103.2 113.5 102.1 101.8 105.5
2015 104.3 104.9 100.9 104.2 104.0 102.7 104.0 106.1 102.7 103.9 103.1 102.4 101.6 103.3 107.0 109.2 107.7 105.0 102.6 102.1 104.2 94.2 106.4 104.5 107.7 105.2 103.8 102.1 107.3
2016 106.1 108.1 103.3 105.9 103.4 101.5 105.4 102.1 105.9 103.5 105.3 104.2 105.1 108.2 106.2 108.7 110.9 106.2 105.3 111.0 101.7 106.7 107.2 106.5 109.8 106.1 110.6 111.1 109.0
2017 112.9 112.8 111.2 111.6 109.7 115.0 111.7 113.1 112.3 112.9 114.2 106.5 108.2 117.6 110.1 114.3 114.5 108.5 119.8 116.5 119.3 127.1 117.7 111.7 113.8 108.6 117.0 116.5 119.7
2018 111.3 111.5 113.0 110.7 109.7 111.7 110.6 112.9 111.8 111.2 112.6 109.5 108.3 115.7 107.9 114.0 109.5 107.8 117.7 116.0 113.5 115.4 112.9 110.2 107.5 107.7 113.3 115.9 109.5
2019 111.3 113.1 112.4 112.9 108.5 112.1 112.6 112.5 112.6 109.9 111.5 110.7 107.8 108.0 113.4 111.6 112.6 104.3 112.7 108.5 113.8 111.5 112.4 110.6 111.5 104.2 108.4 108.4 108.4
2020 109.8 109.2 98.9 108.3 107.9 106.2 108.1 111.0 110.7 110.1 104.6 109.3 106.7 109.2 111.8 107.8 105.6 108.4 119.8 123.3 112.3 107.8 106.6 109.7 105.3 108.3 119.9 123.2 113.9
2021 108.9 107.7 111.1 108.2 104.6 108.2 108.1 108.4 107.7 104.3 106.7 108.2 106.5 110.8 109.4 107.7 105.6 110.2 121.8 128.2 107.5 112.6 106.5 108.7 105.4 110.2 121.8 128.2 107.1
2022 117.4 116.4 118.4 115.4 108.7 113.4 115.2 116.0 115.7 117.3 120.2 115.3 113.1 114.3 116.2 116.3 126.6 115.3 125.0 121.9 124.8 115.0 120.1 116.9 126.3 115.3 121.5 121.8 119.9
2023 114.2 116.5 121.3 117.2 116.7 118.3 117.3 116.7 114.6 114.5 116.8 115.0 116.3 119.9 114.3 117.1 100.3 114.5 113.5 110.3 118.5 113.4 115.3 114.0 99.9 114.4 111.2 110.2 114.7
2024 113.2 111.9 112.1 111.8 110.8 117.4 111.9 114.6 112.0 113.8 113.2 111.4 110.6 115.0 111.9 111.1 111.8 126.3 112.1 113.5 113.4 112.7 113.0 113.2 111.7 126.3 112.3 113.5 112.6


*From 2019 the data refer to the whole circle of employers; earlier data of the time series cover enterprises employing at least 5 persons, all budgetary institutions as well as non-profit organisations that are significant in terms of employment. Source of data: Institutional labour-statistical data collection system (as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources).
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.