Period, quarters Staff groups Total Of which:
manual non-manual unknown managers and armed forces occupations professionals technicians and associate professionals office and management (customer service) occupations commercial and services occupations agricultural and forestry occupations industry and construction industry occupations machine operators, assembly workers, drivers of vehicles (elementary) occupations not requiring qualifications
Net average earnings, HUFa
2020 Q1 183,422 311,855 150,390 248,016 407,721 356,457 267,216 217,955 195,077 165,200 214,868 214,463 134,939
Q1–2 186,330 319,854 155,899 254,682 414,778 362,648 277,010 223,000 202,515 168,502 216,366 217,371 135,667
Q1–3 187,375 318,889 161,039 254,738 413,297 363,063 275,116 223,259 203,033 169,302 218,470 219,298 136,249
Q1–4 191,357 325,938 166,544 260,144 422,505 371,686 281,363 227,969 205,181 173,104 224,070 226,301 138,831
2021 Q1 195,804 343,503 177,544 271,307 443,831 401,089 289,366 234,015 204,914 174,876 232,092 230,323 143,844
Q1–2 200,070 349,673 183,185 276,479 453,731 408,058 295,068 237,546 209,724 178,820 236,449 236,603 146,778
Q1–3 201,301 349,174 187,390 276,777 450,067 407,811 295,935 238,512 211,313 180,755 237,856 237,452 148,198
Q1–4 205,321 357,884 200,932 283,234 461,325 418,269 303,881 244,437 215,406 185,326 243,254 243,308 150,781
2022 Q1 243,120 408,035 244,308 327,508 509,284 464,334 344,033 276,151 314,226 202,004 264,924 263,615 168,507
Q1–2 239,392 408,322 256,879 325,816 517,849 470,818 344,992 277,249 279,951 207,728 269,721 271,150 172,430
Q1–3 239,693 405,865 261,788 324,844 511,343 470,709 344,869 278,512 270,426 210,572 273,018 274,920 174,987
Q1–4 245,131 415,122 265,613 332,487 521,659 481,902 353,909 286,724 271,182 217,405 281,154 284,085 179,691
2023 Q1 268,385 449,791 288,650 362,919 563,427 525,945 378,283 318,103 275,564 240,229 315,742 313,596 203,843
Q1–2 273,779 459,038 294,365 370,221 578,972 535,094 386,844 322,200 281,831 246,746 321,685 321,145 207,166
Q1–3 274,661 458,643 300,971 370,427 573,088 535,074 389,307 322,231 283,339 248,745 322,600 321,231 208,230
Q1–4 280,982 470,655 308,420 379,836 587,410 549,057 400,500 330,489 289,772 256,345 330,387 329,173 212,915
2024 Q1 303,900 513,769 282,264 414,301 635,884 604,384 432,286 359,800 314,374 276,553 357,502 353,333 231,605
Q1–2 309,083 523,955 294,560 422,112 653,368 614,090 443,076 363,530 320,830 281,006 363,433 360,301 234,677
Q1–3 309,726 521,659 299,662 421,275 646,810 612,329 443,529 363,062 321,545 282,368 364,096 360,742 235,490
Q1–4 314,917 533,475 310,938 430,123 662,825 626,325 453,707 370,434 326,533 289,536 370,842 368,135 239,047
Corresponding period of the previous year = 100.0%
2020 Q1 109.5 108.5 85.8 109.2 107.7 108.0 110.2 109.0 111.0 110.7 109.4 109.1 110.4
Q1–2 108.7 109.3 84.9 110.0 107.1 108.2 112.0 109.6 112.9 110.3 107.9 107.4 108.9
Q1–3 108.4 109.3 86.0 109.8 108.1 108.5 110.7 109.4 112.3 109.6 108.4 107.7 107.8
Q1–4 108.7 109.1 84.3 109.8 108.1 108.5 110.4 109.0 109.8 109.2 108.9 108.7 108.2
2021 Q1 106.8 110.1 118.1 109.4 108.9 112.5 108.3 107.4 105.0 105.9 108.0 107.4 106.6
Q1–2 107.4 109.3 117.5 108.6 109.4 112.5 106.5 106.5 103.6 106.1 109.3 108.8 108.2
Q1–3 107.4 109.5 116.4 108.7 108.9 112.3 107.6 106.8 104.1 106.8 108.9 108.3 108.8
Q1–4 107.3 109.8 120.6 108.9 109.2 112.5 108.0 107.2 105.0 107.1 108.6 107.5 108.6
2022 Q1 124.2 118.8 137.6 120.7 114.7 115.8 118.9 118.0 153.3 115.5 114.1 114.5 117.1
Q1–2 119.7 116.8 140.2 117.8 114.1 115.4 116.9 116.7 133.5 116.2 114.1 114.6 117.5
Q1–3 119.1 116.2 139.7 117.4 113.6 115.4 116.5 116.8 128.0 116.5 114.8 115.8 118.1
Q1–4 119.4 116.0 132.2 117.4 113.1 115.2 116.5 117.3 125.9 117.3 115.6 116.8 119.2
2023 Q1 110.4 110.2 118.2 110.8 110.6 113.3 110.0 115.2 87.7 118.9 119.2 119.0 121.0
Q1–2 114.4 112.4 114.6 113.6 111.8 113.7 112.1 116.2 100.7 118.8 119.3 118.4 120.1
Q1–3 114.6 113.0 115.0 114.0 112.1 113.7 112.9 115.7 104.8 118.1 118.2 116.8 119.0
Q1–4 114.6 113.4 116.1 114.2 112.6 113.9 113.2 115.3 106.9 117.9 117.5 115.9 118.5
2024 Q1 113.2 114.2 97.8 114.2 112.9 114.9 114.3 113.1 114.1 115.1 113.2 112.7 113.6
Q1–2 112.9 114.1 100.1 114.0 112.8 114.8 114.5 112.8 113.8 113.9 113.0 112.2 113.3
Q1–3 112.8 113.7 99.6 113.7 112.9 114.4 113.9 112.7 113.5 113.5 112.9 112.3 113.1
Q1–4 112.1 113.3 100.8 113.2 112.8 114.1 113.3 112.1 112.7 112.9 112.2 111.8 112.3


*Full circle of enterprises with employees, budgetary institutions and non-profit organisations. Source of data: Institutional labour-statistical data collection system (as of 2019 data taken over from administrative sources).
aCalculated without tax benefits.
Source: Hungarian State Treasury; National Tax and Customs Administration.