Year Agriculture, forestry and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Construction Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Of which: retail trade Transporta- tion and storage Accommoda- tion and food service activities Information and communica- tion Financial and insurance activities Real estate activities Professional, scientific and technical activities Administrative and support service activities Public administration and defence; compulsory social security Education Human health and social work activities Arts, entertainment and recreation Other activities Of which: Total Not classifieda Employed persons together
sector of industry services
A B C D E F G 471–479 H I J K L M N O P Q R S–U (B+C+D+E+F) (G–U) A–U
2009 176.3 8.7 817.5 39.6 47.0 290.9 568.7 373.0 257.4 157.2 92.4 103.1 21.0 143.4 118.7 313.8 330.1 252.2 58.7 90.8 1,203.8 2,507.5 3,887.6 6.9 3,894.5
2010 174.7 11.3 806.4 37.8 47.9 275.3 557.3 374.8 260.0 154.2 99.4 95.4 21.6 143.1 111.8 327.2 332.9 261.3 60.3 90.0 1,178.7 2,514.4 3,867.8 6.0 3,873.8
2011 186.5 11.1 828.7 38.8 51.8 263.5 562.0 374.2 259.4 165.2 94.8 96.0 22.1 143.5 113.8 317.3 332.5 261.9 61.3 87.7 1,193.9 2,517.3 3,897.7 5.3 3,903.0
2012 194.7 9.1 811.1 36.9 64.4 246.6 566.8 374.7 263.3 168.0 105.9 96.3 24.2 139.5 134.9 333.1 328.7 273.0 64.6 93.0 1,168.2 2,591.3 3,954.2 4.6 3,958.7
2013 186.4 7.5 841.8 32.8 61.8 247.5 553.6 365.7 263.4 164.7 114.6 101.8 21.4 159.1 140.3 377.7 325.7 272.2 57.3 95.2 1,191.3 2,647.1 4,024.8 4.4 4,029.3
2014 191.1 9.3 908.8 37.5 56.7 259.4 571.0 379.6 264.1 173.2 106.9 100.9 21.4 159.2 149.9 414.4 334.8 278.0 64.7 102.9 1,271.7 2,741.4 4,204.2 18.4 4,222.6
2015 205.3 9.2 921.6 34.7 57.3 273.8 562.0 386.8 272.0 189.0 108.1 93.5 19.0 163.5 159.1 456.0 331.6 280.7 81.3 107.6 1,296.5 2,823.3 4,325.1 10.0 4,335.1
2016 219.6 9.0 958.6 34.5 60.1 279.5 570.5 390.5 279.8 200.8 123.8 101.9 22.1 156.9 166.3 482.8 335.4 289.4 80.8 103.5 1,341.6 2,914.0 4,475.3 7.0 4,482.2
2017 222.4 9.4 1,012.9 35.8 55.7 304.4 572.7 386.9 296.1 195.5 112.3 97.2 26.8 162.9 158.1 474.8 336.6 298.0 71.9 102.5 1,418.2 2,905.5 4,546.1 4,548.4
2018 219.5 10.4 1,031.0 41.9 60.6 333.4 569.9 376.1 292.7 184.6 118.2 93.4 27.0 160.8 153.0 436.5 354.6 315.5 82.6 104.6 1,477.3 2,893.3 4,590.1 3.3 4,593.4
2019 212.4 11.7 1,017.9 35.2 59.3 343.0 592.9 372.1 305.2 191.6 134.0 79.8 25.1 173.0 143.9 417.6 358.3 329.3 82.9 106.1 1,467.2 2,939.7 4,619.3 5.1 4,624.4
2020 211.8 9.0 981.8 34.8 54.9 359.1 593.1 367.8 280.1 174.0 145.0 89.1 27.1 191.8 142.9 406.9 343.6 332.2 82.6 105.3 1,439.5 2,913.6 4,564.9 3.9 4,568.8
2021 199.8 5.3 971.4 39.0 52.9 373.2 574.3 353.6 284.8 167.7 168.8 95.7 32.4 215.6 140.8 422.9 366.1 310.7 80.9 107.6 1,441.8 2,968.2 4,609.7 4,609.7
2022 198.9 5.8 973.2 41.3 54.7 378.8 596.7 362.5 287.8 179.9 169.6 99.2 36.7 227.0 135.5 423.9 358.4 304.2 80.1 118.0 1,453.9 3,016.9 4,669.7 4,669.7
2023 205.4 5.5 971.6 39.3 46.3 389.0 607.0 362.6 293.6 179.1 178.1 102.7 34.9 218.9 142.7 410.3 366.8 302.7 80.4 123.3 1,451.7 3,040.4 4,697.5 4,697.5
2024 197.8 8.2 962.9 38.4 52.7 387.1 568.9 335.9 288.2 176.7 176.3 113.0 34.3 224.7 168.9 397.5 362.7 329.8 87.2 124.3 1,449.2 3,052.3 4,699.3 4,699.3
2009 129.6 7.9 489.6 29.3 36.7 268.0 253.2 122.5 186.9 67.7 61.6 30.2 9.6 63.3 66.1 145.1 72.0 51.7 28.9 28.5 831.5 1,064.9 2,026.0 2,026.0
2010 131.6 10.2 474.1 26.4 38.3 251.4 241.5 117.7 191.4 65.1 64.0 28.3 10.3 65.9 60.2 153.8 74.9 51.5 28.1 27.0 800.5 1,061.8 1,993.9 1,993.9
2011 137.9 9.5 495.2 28.2 38.7 242.7 248.6 122.0 187.0 63.8 64.2 31.9 10.8 65.1 60.3 154.0 75.6 55.3 29.2 24.7 814.3 1,070.5 2,022.7 2,022.7
2012 143.4 7.9 492.7 27.4 48.2 223.5 243.2 115.1 194.3 67.7 74.0 31.0 13.3 56.4 77.5 162.4 74.3 53.4 29.6 29.3 799.7 1,106.3 2,049.4 2,049.4
2013 137.7 6.4 516.8 23.4 48.7 227.0 239.3 112.6 194.8 66.0 75.9 37.4 11.5 67.4 86.5 184.4 72.4 51.6 25.7 31.7 822.3 1,144.5 2,104.6 2,104.6
2014 140.5 7.1 570.0 27.4 43.8 239.6 251.0 120.3 192.0 70.5 69.3 37.1 10.3 68.5 87.7 201.9 75.5 52.7 33.2 34.8 887.8 1,184.5 2,212.9 8.0 2,220.9
2015 153.8 7.8 575.3 26.7 43.3 254.5 241.7 117.1 199.6 81.7 72.2 29.3 9.7 69.2 96.3 217.0 74.3 54.5 39.7 34.0 907.5 1,219.1 2,280.5 3.6 2,284.1
2016 161.5 7.1 599.4 25.1 48.1 258.8 245.7 118.6 210.5 91.3 82.1 36.1 10.7 69.3 97.1 224.6 68.9 53.6 37.3 33.8 938.5 1,261.2 2,361.1 2,362.7
2017 164.5 8.3 635.3 25.3 44.9 276.9 256.0 123.5 224.0 83.3 80.3 41.5 12.0 65.0 90.4 219.6 75.4 50.2 34.3 30.2 990.7 1,262.3 2,417.4 2,417.4
2018 163.1 8.8 649.2 31.3 48.7 306.0 247.8 115.4 220.5 81.0 88.7 34.0 11.4 64.5 86.2 200.6 81.1 63.6 37.6 29.2 1,043.9 1,246.1 2,453.1 2,453.1
2019 154.0 9.5 642.0 25.5 47.7 317.1 268.8 116.2 234.0 82.1 97.2 31.8 12.7 72.1 74.2 186.3 85.2 65.8 43.8 33.5 1,041.8 1,287.4 2,483.2 2,483.2
2020 153.8 7.2 618.9 27.1 43.6 330.5 277.2 121.3 212.4 75.8 104.6 36.1 14.4 91.1 76.0 173.6 78.7 61.1 43.2 29.6 1,027.3 1,273.7 2,454.8 2,454.8
2021 144.2 4.6 601.9 29.4 40.2 343.8 268.4 112.3 214.7 75.3 121.0 38.7 17.7 101.6 77.8 179.5 85.0 62.2 38.6 26.9 1,019.9 1,307.2 2,471.3 2,471.3
2022 145.7 4.8 596.3 30.3 43.1 351.2 282.3 117.7 217.3 77.6 123.9 36.9 18.3 106.3 71.7 181.3 78.1 58.2 38.3 30.3 1,025.8 1,320.3 2,491.8 2,491.8
2023 151.4 4.6 607.1 28.1 33.1 357.4 280.6 109.8 221.9 77.0 124.3 41.0 20.0 98.5 71.3 177.9 88.1 54.3 40.7 31.2 1,030.2 1,326.8 2,508.5 2,508.5
2024 143.9 7.1 609.6 25.1 37.8 352.3 272.0 105.9 212.1 74.9 115.1 42.4 22.0 100.1 87.3 166.1 78.9 63.6 41.6 36.6 1,031.9 1,312.7 2,488.5 2,488.5
2009 46.7 327.9 10.3 10.4 22.9 315.5 250.5 70.4 89.6 30.8 72.9 11.4 80.0 52.6 168.7 258.1 200.5 29.8 62.3 372.3 1,442.6 1,861.7 6.8 1,868.5
2010 43.1 332.3 11.4 9.6 23.9 315.8 257.2 68.6 89.2 35.4 67.1 11.2 77.2 51.6 173.4 258.0 209.8 32.3 63.0 378.2 1,452.6 1,874.0 5.9 1,879.9
2011 48.6 333.5 10.6 13.1 20.9 313.4 252.2 72.4 101.4 30.5 64.1 11.3 78.5 53.5 163.2 256.9 206.5 32.1 63.0 379.6 1,446.8 1,875.0 5.3 1,880.3
2012 51.3 318.4 9.4 16.3 23.2 323.5 259.7 69.0 100.3 32.0 65.3 10.9 83.2 57.4 170.7 254.4 219.5 35.0 63.7 368.4 1,485.0 1,904.8 4.5 1,909.3
2013 48.7 324.9 9.4 13.0 20.5 314.3 253.1 68.6 98.6 38.7 64.3 9.9 91.8 53.9 193.4 253.2 220.6 31.6 63.6 369.0 1,502.6 1,920.3 4.4 1,924.7
2014 50.6 338.8 10.1 12.9 19.8 320.0 259.3 72.1 102.7 37.6 63.8 11.2 90.7 62.2 212.5 259.4 225.3 31.5 68.1 383.9 1,556.9 1,991.3 10.4 2,001.7
2015 51.5 346.3 8.0 14.0 19.3 320.3 269.7 72.4 107.3 35.9 64.2 9.4 94.3 62.8 239.0 257.4 226.2 41.6 73.6 388.9 1,604.2 2,044.7 6.4 2,051.0
2016 58.1 359.2 9.4 12.0 20.6 324.8 271.9 69.3 109.5 41.7 65.7 11.4 87.6 69.2 258.3 266.5 235.8 43.5 69.7 403.2 1,652.9 2,114.1 5.4 2,119.5
2017 57.9 377.6 10.5 10.8 27.6 316.8 263.4 72.1 112.2 32.0 55.7 14.8 97.9 67.7 255.2 261.1 247.8 37.6 72.3 427.5 1,643.2 2,128.6 2,130.9
2018 56.4 381.9 10.7 11.9 27.4 322.2 260.7 72.2 103.6 29.4 59.3 15.5 96.3 66.8 236.0 273.5 251.9 45.0 75.5 433.4 1,647.2 2,137.0 3.3 2,140.3
2019 58.4 375.9 9.7 11.6 26.0 324.1 255.9 71.3 109.6 36.8 48.0 12.4 100.9 69.7 231.3 273.1 263.5 39.1 72.6 425.4 1,652.3 2,136.0 5.1 2,141.1
2020 58.0 362.9 7.7 11.3 28.5 316.0 246.5 67.7 98.2 40.4 53.0 12.7 100.7 66.9 233.4 264.9 271.1 39.3 75.7 412.2 1,639.9 2,110.1 3.9 2,114.0
2021 55.6 369.5 9.6 12.7 29.5 305.9 241.2 70.0 92.5 47.8 57.0 14.8 113.9 63.1 243.4 281.1 248.6 42.3 80.7 421.9 1,660.9 2,138.4 2,138.4
2022 53.2 376.9 11.0 11.6 27.6 314.5 244.8 70.5 102.3 45.8 62.3 18.4 120.7 63.8 242.6 280.3 246.0 41.8 87.7 428.0 1,696.6 2,177.9 2,177.9
2023 54.0 364.5 11.2 13.2 31.6 326.4 252.9 71.7 102.1 53.8 61.8 14.9 120.4 71.4 232.4 278.7 248.4 39.7 92.1 421.5 1,713.6 2,189.0 2,189.0
2024 53.9 353.3 13.3 14.9 34.8 296.9 230.0 76.1 101.8 61.1 70.6 12.3 124.6 81.6 231.4 283.8 266.1 45.6 87.7 417.3 1,739.6 2,210.9 2,210.9


*From 25 October 2024 onwards, the Labour Force Survey estimates are produced using population projections based on the 2022 Census. The data has been extrapolated back to 2018 using the new base. Data of labour force survey refer to the population aged 15–74. Source: labour force survey, HCSO.
aSince January 1, 2021, persons who are recipients of child care benefits during their absence from work are also considered employed. From those who worked longer then 7 years ago, they employment characteristics are not available until the end of 2020. Those who are participant of public work supplementary training programs are previously considered empolyed, there employment characteristics have not been classified between 2014. I. and 2016. IV. quarter.