Year Hotels Boarding houses Community hostels Bungalow complexes Camping sites Commercial accommodation establishments, total Private accommodation Other accommodation Private and other accommodation establishments, total Tourist accommodation establishments, total
Number of units in operationa
2021 964 1,296 330 232 235 3,057 14,540 9,149 23,689 26,746
2022 983 1,247 351 213 255 3,049 18,068 9,081 27,149 30,198
2023 1,008 1,196 345 210 254 3,013 21,865 8,807 30,672 33,685
Number of rooms
2021 57,854 14,370 12,934 4,568 4,162 93,888 30,181 31,566 61,747 155,635
2022 61,793 14,671 16,546 4,564 4,563 102,137 35,569 31,728 67,297 169,434
2023 64,577 14,538 18,277 4,422 5,735 107,549 40,793 30,439 71,232 178,781
Number of bed-places
2021 151,978 36,707 38,332 15,924 45,779 288,720 104,535 103,891 208,426 497,146
2022 149,483 35,303 41,365 15,402 58,145 299,698 124,733 100,011 224,744 524,442
2023 150,368 35,291 42,457 15,517 63,846 307,479 156,098 100,869 256,967 564,446


aActive accommodation establishments: establishments where there was a guest flow during the survey period.
Source: Hungarian Tourism Agency (HTA).