Name Level 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
of territorial units I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter I. quarter I–II. quarter I–III. quarter I–IV. quarter I. quartera I–II. quartera I–III. quartera I–IV. quartera I. quartera I–II. quartera I–III. quartera I–IV. quartera I. quartera
Tourist nights
Budapest capital, regionb 1,721,206 4,129,485 6,863,144 9,031,633 1,722,473 4,204,201 7,041,765 9,470,196 1,410,918 1,441,140 1,741,477 1,833,586 88,026 306,994 1,250,749 2,559,276 990,560
Pest county, regionc 61,290 175,500 319,682 408,724 64,154 177,494 316,747 411,661 55,043 63,485 101,781 118,539 19,492 44,259 106,076 172,039 69,571
Central Hungary large regiond 1,782,496 4,304,985 7,182,826 9,440,357 1,786,627 4,381,695 7,358,512 9,881,857 1,465,961 1,504,625 1,843,258 1,952,125 107,518 351,253 1,356,825 2,731,315 1,060,131
Fejér county 29,454 68,948 127,392 160,639 23,906 62,589 108,607 137,057 16,200 18,530 31,755 36,505 7,340 18,574 48,361 65,218 13,786
Komárom-Esztergom county 20,548 61,218 122,799 147,257 22,468 65,669 126,269 156,031 20,378 29,640 51,925 60,275 11,584 25,533 57,223 75,259 15,331
Veszprém county 25,756 182,426 636,609 671,737 23,865 182,548 628,083 678,123 28,204 40,386 222,814 228,634 6,681 20,703 234,346 266,164 17,463
Central Transdanubia region 75,758 312,592 886,800 979,633 70,239 310,806 862,959 971,211 64,782 88,556 306,494 325,414 25,605 64,810 339,930 406,641 46,580
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 99,235 266,082 490,550 618,243 100,738 277,444 500,763 633,400 80,067 102,033 193,153 213,718 19,136 50,661 191,998 271,800 63,246
Vas county 180,191 404,445 652,999 839,199 173,506 407,401 649,705 848,001 134,975 147,443 243,927 252,362 8,601 32,447 205,417 336,279 112,863
Zala county 173,629 493,241 892,407 1,090,767 167,168 488,174 855,625 1,067,083 140,808 150,437 260,668 265,483 2,882 16,010 199,901 323,239 82,507
Western Transdanubia region 453,055 1,163,768 2,035,956 2,548,209 441,412 1,173,019 2,006,093 2,548,484 355,850 399,913 697,748 731,563 30,619 99,118 597,316 931,318 258,616
Baranya county 18,236 63,949 122,176 145,232 15,105 58,055 116,643 141,634 14,318 16,180 35,129 38,535 3,434 9,122 45,138 61,326 13,955
Somogy county 16,607 101,985 430,784 449,337 13,309 101,204 433,109 454,137 11,113 19,083 149,449 150,663 2,409 9,477 156,381 171,119 11,286
Tolna county 6,830 15,693 31,241 37,878 5,928 13,793 28,063 37,118 7,388 8,167 11,724 13,320 2,419 4,946 11,442 16,747 4,122
Southern Transdanubia region 41,673 181,627 584,201 632,447 34,342 173,052 577,815 632,889 32,819 43,430 196,302 202,518 8,262 23,545 212,961 249,192 29,363
Transdanubia large region 570,486 1,657,987 3,506,957 4,160,289 545,993 1,656,877 3,446,867 4,152,584 453,451 531,899 1,200,544 1,259,495 64,486 187,473 1,150,207 1,587,151 334,559
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 37,983 104,744 222,328 259,906 28,343 87,087 204,573 240,197 23,537 31,739 76,193 88,455 12,640 28,685 88,013 119,252 27,563
Heves county 30,282 83,395 162,393 191,526 25,727 76,685 156,861 189,511 25,007 27,758 49,547 53,109 5,553 15,043 46,709 72,092 21,764
Nógrád county 3,998 9,272 18,253 21,964 5,010 10,975 20,497 25,012 3,048 3,210 5,310 7,083 858 2,702 11,182 13,889 3,949
Northern Hungary region 72,263 197,411 402,974 473,396 59,080 174,747 381,931 454,720 51,592 62,707 131,050 148,647 19,051 46,430 145,904 205,233 53,276
Hajdú-Bihar county 68,557 209,808 463,951 540,025 73,278 216,302 464,384 558,054 75,917 80,508 151,626 162,084 11,230 23,338 129,884 180,721 58,727
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 9,803 47,646 101,447 115,399 11,408 48,256 96,041 110,813 8,536 13,086 35,356 38,247 3,690 9,681 45,782 57,002 6,859
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 12,924 37,429 82,437 99,156 16,311 42,562 84,577 101,440 13,503 15,690 30,722 37,996 5,856 15,894 42,620 58,861 25,122
Northern Great Plain region 91,284 294,883 647,835 754,580 100,997 307,120 645,002 770,307 97,956 109,284 217,704 238,327 20,776 48,913 218,286 296,584 90,708
Bács-Kiskun county 27,284 75,166 139,849 172,575 24,721 68,165 125,824 150,749 15,914 21,323 42,796 51,795 9,574 22,858 55,721 76,036 18,594
Békés county 19,960 43,125 87,158 104,531 18,593 41,354 85,264 105,115 19,266 20,693 26,855 30,051 2,286 7,922 26,784 40,173 13,434
Csongrád-Csanád county 41,286 95,356 195,937 234,721 40,375 99,710 194,189 237,241 36,335 44,497 82,217 93,127 9,617 35,905 97,149 134,342 41,382
Southern Great Plain region 88,530 213,647 422,944 511,827 83,689 209,229 405,277 493,105 71,515 86,513 151,868 174,973 21,477 66,685 179,654 250,551 73,410
Great Plain and North large region 252,077 705,941 1,473,753 1,739,803 243,766 691,096 1,432,210 1,718,132 221,063 258,504 500,622 561,947 61,304 162,028 543,844 752,368 217,394
Total country 2,605,059 6,668,913 12,163,536 15,340,449 2,576,386 6,729,668 12,237,589 15,752,573 2,140,475 2,295,028 3,544,424 3,773,567 233,308 700,754 3,050,876 5,070,834 1,612,084
Same period of previous year = 100.0%
Budapest capital, regionb 106.0 102.4 102.2 102.1 100.1 101.8 102.6 104.9 81.9 34.3 24.7 19.4 6.2 21.3 71.8 139.6 1,125.3
Pest county, regionc 121.5 119.9 118.2 121.3 104.7 101.1 99.1 100.7 85.8 35.8 32.1 28.8 35.4 69.7 104.2 145.1 356.9
Central Hungary large regiond 106.5 103.0 102.8 102.8 100.2 101.8 102.4 104.7 82.1 34.3 25.0 19.8 7.3 23.3 73.6 139.9 986.0
Fejér county 148.2 131.8 128.4 126.7 81.2 90.8 85.3 85.3 67.8 29.6 29.2 26.6 45.3 100.2 152.3 178.7 187.8
Komárom-Esztergom county 119.1 108.9 96.6 97.6 109.3 107.3 102.8 106.0 90.7 45.1 41.1 38.6 56.8 86.1 110.2 124.9 132.3
Veszprém county 125.3 115.1 103.6 103.4 92.7 100.1 98.7 101.0 118.2 22.1 35.5 33.7 23.7 51.3 105.2 116.4 261.4
Central Transdanubia region 131.3 117.1 105.4 105.6 92.7 99.4 97.3 99.1 92.2 28.5 35.5 33.5 39.5 73.2 110.9 125.0 181.9
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 110.8 104.6 106.4 106.9 101.5 104.3 102.1 102.5 79.5 36.8 38.6 33.7 23.9 49.7 99.4 127.2 330.5
Vas county 95.9 93.3 93.4 94.1 96.3 100.7 99.5 101.0 77.8 36.2 37.5 29.8 6.4 22.0 84.2 133.3 1,312.2
Zala county 112.0 103.1 101.2 100.2 96.3 99.0 95.9 97.8 84.2 30.8 30.5 24.9 2.0 10.6 76.7 121.8 2,862.8
Western Transdanubia region 104.8 99.8 99.7 99.6 97.4 100.8 98.5 100.0 80.6 34.1 34.8 28.7 8.6 24.8 85.6 127.3 844.6
Baranya county 109.7 97.5 96.2 97.6 82.8 90.8 95.5 97.5 94.8 27.9 30.1 27.2 24.0 56.4 128.5 159.1 406.4
Somogy county 130.5 108.0 95.7 96.4 80.1 99.2 100.5 101.1 83.5 18.9 34.5 33.2 21.7 49.7 104.6 113.6 468.5
Tolna county 170.5 138.1 130.3 124.1 86.8 87.9 89.8 98.0 124.6 59.2 41.8 35.9 32.7 60.6 97.6 125.7 170.4
Southern Transdanubia region 124.9 106.0 97.2 98.0 82.4 95.3 98.9 100.1 95.6 25.1 34.0 32.0 25.2 54.2 108.5 123.0 355.4
Transdanubia large region 109.0 103.3 100.7 100.7 95.7 99.9 98.3 99.8 83.1 32.1 34.8 30.3 14.2 35.2 95.8 126.0 518.8
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 121.3 117.9 108.7 105.2 74.6 83.1 92.0 92.4 83.0 36.4 37.2 36.8 53.7 90.4 115.5 134.8 218.1
Heves county 112.6 104.4 100.1 99.5 85.0 92.0 96.6 98.9 97.2 36.2 31.6 28.0 22.2 54.2 94.3 135.7 391.9
Nógrád county 64.1 93.0 101.9 99.7 125.3 118.4 112.3 113.9 60.8 29.2 25.9 28.3 28.1 84.2 210.6 196.1 460.3
Northern Hungary region 112.1 110.5 104.8 102.5 81.8 88.5 94.8 96.1 87.3 35.9 34.3 32.7 36.9 74.0 111.3 138.1 279.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 121.4 116.7 109.1 109.7 106.9 103.1 100.1 103.3 103.6 37.2 32.7 29.0 14.8 29.0 85.7 111.5 522.9
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 107.1 99.4 99.2 98.3 116.4 101.3 94.7 96.0 74.8 27.1 36.8 34.5 43.2 74.0 129.5 149.0 185.9
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 106.7 112.1 100.2 101.8 126.2 113.7 102.6 102.3 82.8 36.9 36.3 37.5 43.4 101.3 138.7 154.9 429.0
Northern Great Plain region 117.4 112.9 106.3 106.7 110.6 104.1 99.6 102.1 97.0 35.6 33.8 30.9 21.2 44.8 100.3 124.4 436.6
Bács-Kiskun county 121.7 100.4 103.7 104.1 90.6 90.7 90.0 87.4 64.4 31.3 34.0 34.4 60.2 107.2 130.2 146.8 194.2
Békés county 137.8 128.6 140.5 129.8 93.2 95.9 97.8 100.6 103.6 50.0 31.5 28.6 11.9 38.3 99.7 133.7 587.7
Csongrád-Csanád county 112.9 107.5 114.6 111.8 97.8 104.6 99.1 101.1 90.0 44.6 42.3 39.3 26.5 80.7 118.2 144.3 430.3
Southern Great Plain region 120.5 108.4 115.0 112.2 94.5 97.9 95.8 96.3 85.5 41.3 37.5 35.5 30.0 77.1 118.3 143.2 341.8
Great Plain and North large region 116.9 110.8 108.2 107.1 96.7 97.9 97.2 98.8 90.7 37.4 35.0 32.7 27.7 62.7 108.6 133.9 354.6
Total country 108.0 103.9 102.8 102.7 98.9 100.9 100.6 102.7 83.1 34.1 29.0 24.0 10.9 30.5 86.1 134.4 691.0


*The table is closed as of May 2022, the new methodology table is available at: STADAT
aDue to the coronavirus epidemic, data provision is incomplete and therefore data cannot be fully compared.
bPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
cPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
dStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.