Purpose of travel Number of inbound trips, thousands Length of stay of visitors, thousand days Average length of stay of visitors, days Expenditures of visitors, million HUF Expenditures per day per person, thousand HUF
Visitors arrived by air 5,441 34,384 6.3 854,711 24.9
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 4,008 19,288 4.8 614,539 31.9
Visiting friends and relatives 540 6,275 11.6 91,873 14.6
Shopping 2 5 2.6 170 36.9
Wellness, health care 17 171 10.3 6,312 36.8
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 69 4,700 68.0 26,769 5.7
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 767 3,106 4.1 106,516 34.3
Working 38 838 21.8 8,532 10.2
Visitors arrived by road 49,521 90,060 1.8 977,702 10.9
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 10,510 37,752 3.6 374,621 9.9
Visiting friends and relatives 4,357 10,309 2.4 63,838 6.2
Shopping 10,212 10,374 1.0 177,048 17.1
Wellness, health care 1,601 5,554 3.5 108,156 19.5
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 1,278 1,496 1.2 5,836 3.9
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 1,404 2,068 1.5 110,279 53.3
Working 1,918 3,318 1.7 21,704 6.5
Transit 18,242 19,189 1.1 116,220 6.1
Inbound trips 54,962 124,444 2.3 1,832,412 15
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 14,518 57,040 3.9 989,160 17.3
Visiting friends and relatives 4,897 16,583 3.4 155,711 9.4
Shopping 10,214 10,379 1.0 177,219 17.1
Wellness, health care 1,617 5,726 3.5 114,467 20.0
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 1,347 6,197 4.6 32,605 5.3
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 2,170 5,174 2.4 216,795 41.9
Working 1,956 4,156 2.1 30,236 7.3
Transit 18,242 19,189 1.1 116,220 6.1
Visitors arrived by air 6,113 37,039 6.1 988,900 26.7
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 4,577 23,993 5.2 754,225 31.4
Visiting friends and relatives 615 6,357 10.3 88,092 13.9
Shopping 11 52 4.9 2,536 48.5
Wellness, health care 24 110 4.6 4,727 43.0
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 109 2,888 26.5 26,086 9.0
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 732 2,733 3.7 103,011 37.7
Working 45 904 20.0 10,224 11.3
Visitors arrived by road 51,554 93,056 1.8 1,077,879 11.6
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 10,896 35,513 3.3 389,674 11.0
Visiting friends and relatives 4,572 11,781 2.6 78,109 6.6
Shopping 10,163 10,280 1.0 177,995 17.3
Wellness, health care 1,820 5,631 3.1 133,935 23.8
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, transit, other) 1,351 1,507 1.1 7,606 5.0
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 1,719 2,602 1.5 111,860 43.0
Working 2,160 5,316 2.5 34,023 6.4
Transit 18,873 20,427 1.1 144,677 7.1
Inbound trips 57,667 130,095 2.3 2,066,780 15.9
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 15,473 59,506 3.8 1,143,899 19.2
Visiting friends and relatives 5,187 18,138 3.5 166,201 9.2
Shopping 10,173 10,333 1.0 180,530 17.5
Wellness, health care 1,844 5,740 3.1 138,662 24.2
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 1,460 4,396 3.0 33,692 7.7
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 2,452 5,335 2.2 214,871 40.3
Working 2,205 6,220 2.8 44,247 7.1
Transit 18,873 20,427 1.1 144,677 7.1
Visitors arrived by air 7,029 43,405 6.2 1,106,847 25.5
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 5,274 27,361 5.2 818,486 29.9
Visiting friends and relatives 804 9,137 11.4 126,364 13.8
Shopping 18 134 7.4 2,454 18.3
Wellness, health care 40 303 7.6 10,751 35.4
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, transit, other) 73 2,787 38.3 22,537 8.1
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 764 3,024 4.0 114,858 38.0
Working 57 658 11.5 11,396 17.3
Visitors arrived by road 54,368 95,058 1.7 1,203,263 12.7
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 10,198 33,724 3.3 439,943 13.0
Visiting friends and relatives 3,953 9,995 2.5 68,362 6.8
Shopping 10,919 11,104 1.0 215,922 19.4
Wellness, health care 2,489 6,483 2.6 142,763 22.0
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 1,790 2,346 1.3 14,593 6.2
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 2,021 2,966 1.5 96,455 32.5
Working 2,721 7,041 2.6 50,738 7.2
Transit 20,278 21,398 1.1 174,488 8.2
Inbound trips 61,397 138,463 2.3 2,310,110 16.7
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 15,471 61,085 3.9 1,258,428 20.6
Visiting friends and relatives 4,757 19,132 4.0 194,726 10.2
Shopping 10,938 11,238 1.0 218,376 19.4
Wellness, health care 2,528 6,786 2.7 153,514 22.6
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, transit, other) 1,863 5,133 2.8 37,130 7.2
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 2,785 5,990 2.2 211,314 35.3
Working 2,779 7,700 2.8 62,134 8.1
Transit 20,278 21,398 1.1 174,488 8.2
Visitors arrived by air 1,841 18,854 10.2 339,818 18.0
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 1,143 6,309 5.5 171,746 27.2
Visiting friends and relatives 348 4,551 13.1 65,558 14.4
Shopping .. .. .. .. ..
Wellness, health care .. .. .. .. ..
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 48 4,363 90.6 29,598 6.8
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 254 1,252 4.9 47,456 37.9
Working 32 2,242 69.9 20,943 9.3
Transit .. .. .. .. ..
Visitors arrived by road 29,800 52,090 1.7 714,524 13.7
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 4,692 16,029 3.4 204,425 12.8
Visiting friends and relatives 2,150 5,018 2.3 31,553 6.3
Shopping 5,675 5,795 1.0 120,299 20.8
Wellness, health care 1,218 2,652 2.2 85,759 32.3
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, transit, other) 1,309 2,502 1.9 37,535 15.0
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 1,196 2,799 2.3 75,228 26.9
Working 2,551 5,905 2.3 55,317 9.4
Transit 11,009 11,388 1.0 104,408 9.2
Inbound trips 31,641 70,944 2.2 1,054,342 14.9
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 5,834 22,339 3.8 376,171 16.8
Visiting friends and relatives 2,497 9,568 3.8 97,111 10.1
Shopping 5,676 5,796 1.0 120,330 20.8
Wellness, health care 1,232 2,787 2.3 90,235 32.4
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 1,357 6,866 5.1 67,133 9.8
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 1,450 4,052 2.8 122,685 30.3
Working 2,583 8,148 3.2 76,260 9.4
Transit 11,010 11,389 1.0 104,419 9.2
Visitors arrived by air 2,163 27,018 12.5 499,767 18.5
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 929 5,317 5.7 168,209 31.6
Visiting friends and relatives 565 8,742 15.5 118,627 13.6
Wellness, health care 10 86 8.6 4,390 50.9
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 84 7,045 84.0 66,041 9.4
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 500 2,783 5.6 103,002 37.0
Working 74 3,036 40.8 39,285 12.9
Transit .. .. .. .. ..
Visitors arrived by road 34,524 58,514 1.7 845,792 14.5
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 4,382 18,238 4.2 257,229 14.1
Visiting friends and relatives 2,274 5,187 2.3 41,639 8.0
Shopping 4,416 4,500 1.0 112,650 25.0
Wellness, health care 1,125 1,673 1.5 89,585 53.5
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 812 1,178 1.5 11,715 9.9
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 1,835 3,900 2.1 115,766 29.7
Working 3,563 6,960 2.0 56,320 8.1
Transit 16,116 16,878 1.0 160,887 9.5
Inbound trips 36,688 85,531 2.3 1,345,559 15.7
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 5,311 23,556 4.4 425,438 18.1
Visiting friends and relatives 2,839 13,929 4.9 160,266 11.5
Shopping 4,417 4,508 1.0 112,864 25.0
Wellness, health care 1,135 1,759 1.6 93,975 53.4
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 896 8,223 9.2 77,755 9.5
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 2,335 6,683 2.9 218,768 32.7
Working 3,638 9,996 2.7 95,605 9.6
Transit 16,116 16,878 1.0 160,887 9.5
Visitors arrived by air 4,438 31,974 7.2 939,199 29.4
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 2,304 11,260 4.9 483,681 43.0
Visiting friends and relatives 804 9,203 11.5 141,561 15.4
Shopping .. .. .. .. ..
Wellness, health care 80 596 7.4 29,439 49.4
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 105 4,010 38.1 59,565 14.9
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 823 3,936 4.8 154,242 39.2
Working 322 2,968 9.2 70,711 23.8
Transit .. .. .. .. ..
Visitors arrived by road 41,905 74,986 1.8 1,363,783 18.2
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 7,257 28,024 3.9 520,359 18.6
Visiting friends and relatives 2,868 7,302 2.5 66,577 9.1
Shopping 6,654 6,777 1.0 186,356 27.5
Wellness, health care 1,433 3,629 2.5 161,751 44.6
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, transit, other) 1,646 2,156 1.3 23,760 11.0
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 1,211 3,197 2.6 131,019 41.0
Working 3,057 4,585 1.5 44,372 9.7
Transit 17,780 19,315 1.1 229,589 11.9
Inbound trips 46,343 106,959 2.3 2,302,982 21.5
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 9,562 39,284 4.1 1,004,040 25.6
Visiting friends and relatives 3,671 16,505 4.5 208,138 12.6
Shopping 6,654 6,777 1.0 186,356 27.5
Wellness, health care 1,513 4,225 2.8 191,189 45.3
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 1,751 6,167 3.5 83,326 13.5
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 2,034 7,133 3.5 285,261 40.0
Working 3,379 7,553 2.2 115,083 15.2
Transit 17,780 19,315 1.1 229,589 11.9
Visitors arrived by air 5,166 34,836 6.7 1,225,357 35.2
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 3,161 16,224 5.1 753,119 46.4
Visiting friends and relatives 872 8,344 9.6 163,551 19.6
Shopping 2 18 8.2 894 50.6
Wellness, health care 69 572 8.3 36,521 63.8
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 68 3,060 44.9 46,874 15.3
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 731 3,293 4.5 156,374 47.5
Working 263 3,325 12.6 68,026 20.5
Transit .. .. .. .. ..
Visitors arrived by road 44,237 79,330 1.8 1,911,379 24.1
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 6,865 33,022 4.8 863,831 26.2
Visiting friends and relatives 2,624 6,086 2.3 67,066 11.0
Shopping 7,779 7,792 1.0 298,326 38.3
Wellness, health care 1,345 2,113 1.6 191,510 90.6
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 1,952 2,608 1.3 34,102 13.1
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 1,670 3,382 2.0 183,648 54.3
Working 2,812 4,265 1.5 39,855 9.3
Transit 19,190 20,062 1.0 233,040 11.6
Inbound trips 49,403 114,166 2.3 3,136,737 27.5
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 10,026 49,245 4.9 1,616,949 32.8
Visiting friends and relatives 3,496 14,430 4.1 230,617 16.0
Shopping 7,781 7,810 1.0 299,220 38.3
Wellness, health care 1,413 2,686 1.9 228,031 84.9
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 2,021 5,668 2.8 80,976 14.3
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 2,401 6,676 2.8 340,022 50.9
Working 3,074 7,590 2.5 107,881 14.2
Transit 19,190 20,062 1.0 233,040 11.6
Visitors arrived by air 5,849 37,259 6.4 1,252,491 33.6
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 3,645 18,535 5.1 757,302 40.9
Visiting friends and relatives 947 8,432 8.9 166,216 19.7
Shopping 1 12 10.9 307 26.6
Wellness, health care 90 668 7.4 40,622 60.8
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 77 2,703 34.9 41,656 15.4
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 876 4,096 4.7 188,382 46.0
Working 213 2,813 13.2 58,007 20.6
Transit .. .. .. .. ..
Visitors arrived by road 45,327 78,217 1.7 2,087,293 26.7
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 6,600 32,769 5.0 1,013,780 30.9
Visiting friends and relatives 2,401 4,245 1.8 44,903 10.6
Shopping 8,127 8,138 1.0 305,108 37.5
Wellness, health care 1,705 2,461 1.4 203,452 82.7
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 1,938 2,349 1.2 31,752 13.5
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 1,888 3,180 1.7 204,100 64.2
Working 3,252 4,926 1.5 36,851 7.5
Transit 19,417 20,149 1.0 247,347 12.3
Inbound trips 51,176 115,476 2.3 3,339,784 28.9
Of which:
Holiday, leisure and recreation 10,244 51,305 5.0 1,771,082 34.5
Visiting friends and relatives 3,348 12,678 3.8 211,119 16.7
Shopping 8,128 8,149 1.0 305,415 37.5
Wellness, health care 1,795 3,129 1.7 244,074 78.0
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 2,015 5,051 2.5 73,409 14.5
Business tourism, conference, congress, cross border trading 2,764 7,277 2.6 392,481 53.9
Working 3,465 7,739 2.2 94,858 12.3
Transit 19,417 20,149 1.0 247,347 12.3


*Without lorry drivers.
aDue to the coronavirus epidemic in 2020, emergency measures were introduced, and the border traffic was significantly lower than usual. Because of to the low number of data providers, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable with the data of previous periods. As a result of a border closure ordered due to the coronavirus epidemic, data collection on international tourism was suspended in the second quarter of 2020, so the data for the period were made using model estimation.
bDue to the coronavirus epidemic in 2021, emergency measures were introduced, and the border traffic was significantly lower than usual. Because of to the low number of data providers, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable with the data of previous periods.
cA becslés pontossága nem megbízható.
dDue to the coronavirus epidemic in 2022, emergency measures were introduced, and the border traffic was significantly lower than usual. Because of to the low number of data providers, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable with the data of previous periods.