Period, quarters 2–4 day trips 5 or more day trips Trips with overnight stay
2020 Q1a 4,840 1,590 6,430
Q2 3,708 3,829 7,537
Q3 8,046 12,871 20,917
Q4 2,659 2,260 4,919
2021 Q1 2,569 864 3,433
Q2 4,984 3,317 8,301
Q3 8,558 14,328 22,887
Q4 6,000 2,747 8,747
2022 Q1 6,266 1,560 7,826
Q2 8,313 4,544 12,857
Q3 7,881 12,259 20,139
Q4 6,286 2,200 8,486
2023 Q1 6,571 1,950 8,521
Q2 7,195 5,039 12,234
Q3 7,705 13,457 21,162
Q4 6,695 3,010 9,704
2024 Q1 6,841 2,523 9,364
Q2 7,236 4,010 11,246
Q3 8,373 12,913 21,285
Q4 6,716 3,054 9,770


aDue to the coronavirus epidemic data cannot be fully compared.