Motivation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1a Q2b Q3c Q4d Q1e Q2f Q3g Q4h Q1e Q2i Q3j Q4k Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Number of trips, thousands
Same-day trips
Holidays, leisure and recreation 716 801 1,046 636 530 220 654 199 32 237 674 340 385 859 854 346 327 575 528 179 163 269 776 276
Visiting friends and relatives 368 513 599 447 363 166 386 282 228 349 375 370 362 385 401 333 389 536 559 412 437 400 382 333
Shopping 1,344 1,265 1,490 1,327 1,032 268 554 356 102 382 819 701 630 689 731 958 1,074 1,123 1,147 1,275 1,085 1,282 1,077 1,132
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 228 218 152 177 159 148 81 93 94 101 95 91 96 131 110 279 251 163 117 148 233 247 173 239
Business, conference, cross border trading 277 304 260 237 164 183 90 92 100 190 197 176 139 132 139 100 150 230 304 258 211 248 276 335
Working 702 713 934 733 622 853 686 639 844 1,029 754 621 597 719 917 553 575 739 1,067 780 733 1,055 973 743
Total 3,636 3,812 4,481 3,558 2,870 1,838 2,451 1,661 1,401 2,288 2,914 2,299 2,210 2,916 3,152 2,568 2,766 3,365 3,722 3,051 2,862 3,500 3,656 3,059
Multi-day trips
Holidays, leisure and recreation 770 1,088 1,941 749 611 122 487 15 11 100 910 283 375 753 1,428 540 584 992 1,832 767 740 1,027 2,107 975
Visiting friends and relatives 664 716 747 682 579 77 267 95 118 228 443 407 389 517 442 513 442 520 287 311 339 459 318 289
Shoppingl 25 36 38 15 19 8 32 9 10 17 16 21 35 35 12 47 26 16 17 30 17 20 25 66
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other)l 36 81 45 64 48 18 11 10 20 36 29 43 25 37 40 61 52 53 53 93 53 43 33 55
Business, conference, cross border trading 129 199 120 171 118 106 51 78 75 118 77 140 132 176 164 189 212 137 119 208 292 281 132 149
Working 270 279 248 259 236 469 181 260 390 299 217 351 274 273 296 414 345 303 330 419 438 329 297 454
Total 1,895 2,398 3,140 1,940 1,611 801 1,029 467 623 798 1,693 1,244 1,230 1,791 2,383 1,764 1,660 2,021 2,637 1,828 1,879 2,160 2,913 1,987
Total length of stay of trips, thousand days
Same-day trips
Holidays, leisure and recreation 716 801 1,046 636 530 220 654 199 32 237 674 340 385 859 854 346 327 575 528 179 163 269 776 276
Visiting friends and relatives 368 513 599 447 363 166 386 282 228 349 375 370 362 385 401 333 389 536 559 412 437 400 382 333
Shopping 1,344 1,265 1,490 1,327 1,032 268 554 356 102 382 819 701 630 689 731 958 1,074 1,123 1,147 1,275 1,085 1,282 1,077 1,132
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 228 218 152 177 159 148 81 93 94 101 95 91 96 131 110 279 251 163 117 148 233 247 173 239
Business, conference, cross border trading 277 304 260 237 164 183 90 92 100 190 197 176 139 132 139 100 150 230 304 258 211 248 276 335
Working 702 713 934 733 622 853 686 639 844 1,029 754 621 597 719 917 553 575 739 1,067 780 733 1,055 973 743
Total 3,636 3,812 4,481 3,558 2,870 1,838 2,451 1,661 1,401 2,288 2,914 2,299 2,210 2,916 3,152 2,568 2,766 3,365 3,722 3,051 2,862 3,500 3,656 3,059
Multi-day trips
Holidays, leisure and recreation 4,845 6,707 14,582 4,360 3,379 747 3,406 98 115 684 7,226 1,933 2,308 4,382 10,689 3,106 3,509 6,088 13,997 4,900 4,645 6,589 15,760 5,894
Visiting friends and relatives 3,933 4,483 3,878 3,444 3,047 443 1,705 429 507 960 2,335 2,513 2,351 3,319 3,019 3,036 2,998 3,227 1,915 1,723 1,985 2,654 1,847 1,395
Shoppingl 105 144 115 121 60 45 147 27 31 49 70 67 100 88 38 139 79 56 52 337 52 66 99 188
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other)l 361 1,158 597 390 283 105 92 68 77 139 161 308 138 105 158 316 206 416 367 702 177 405 138 255
Business, conference, cross border trading 567 829 460 788 456 461 244 390 387 477 372 665 598 727 798 882 1,018 642 572 1,002 1,430 1,377 573 624
Working 2,528 2,056 1,541 1,717 1,042 1,649 825 1,018 1,251 1,127 838 1,514 973 990 1,482 1,861 1,203 1,235 3,997 2,729 1,819 1,301 1,760 1,872
Total 12,339 15,378 21,172 10,820 8,268 3,450 6,420 2,029 2,367 3,437 11,003 7,000 6,468 9,611 16,185 9,338 9,013 11,663 20,900 11,394 10,109 12,392 20,177 10,229
Spending of outbound trips, million HUF
Same-day trips
Holidays, leisure and recreation 5,998 5,053 8,155 5,543 4,493 1,688 5,277 1,845 106 2,465 4,967 2,865 3,477 9,077 6,553 4,850 5,403 6,087 5,212 1,043 996 2,026 6,371 2,191
Visiting friends and relatives 2,413 2,839 3,621 2,320 2,395 1,017 2,275 1,542 1,590 2,504 3,031 3,381 2,972 3,802 4,659 3,342 5,875 5,228 6,680 4,083 4,163 3,025 3,964 2,830
Shopping 27,157 33,801 47,789 37,981 26,228 10,188 19,757 15,216 3,199 11,971 24,213 24,452 20,660 26,678 42,242 31,697 35,904 48,166 62,998 73,862 63,101 58,264 62,376 75,744
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other) 2,304 1,878 1,112 1,418 1,434 2,024 1,461 2,373 700 2,607 1,364 1,005 956 1,110 925 2,887 2,945 2,166 1,494 984 1,484 1,855 1,599 2,350
Business, conference, cross border trading 4,833 4,382 5,499 3,649 2,577 3,001 2,092 1,503 1,626 4,232 4,851 3,730 2,911 4,212 5,167 3,621 4,086 6,552 7,295 5,499 5,773 7,796 8,866 8,512
Working 3,953 3,491 4,020 3,478 3,993 4,478 5,192 4,685 5,616 8,823 7,481 8,039 6,053 6,924 7,222 5,806 6,055 6,800 8,834 9,033 9,953 13,265 19,005 9,497
Total 46,658 51,443 70,197 54,389 41,120 22,396 36,054 27,164 12,837 32,602 45,906 43,473 37,030 51,804 66,769 52,203 60,269 74,999 92,515 94,505 85,470 86,231 102,182 101,124
Multi-day trips
Holidays, leisure and recreation 79,572 96,034 217,879 88,103 62,289 10,442 50,995 1,836 2,415 13,262 133,637 42,061 56,326 104,993 245,198 93,859 93,780 166,496 385,113 155,349 144,003 189,362 388,684 168,511
Visiting friends and relatives 28,519 28,646 29,843 27,158 27,090 2,818 12,982 3,525 4,344 7,968 21,036 23,858 26,510 40,308 37,200 42,304 30,613 36,869 41,747 33,793 42,200 47,535 34,860 26,096
Shoppingl 1,655 1,022 1,648 1,621 1,899 392 1,837 956 733 1,692 1,668 2,502 3,958 3,835 1,778 4,224 2,001 2,818 2,057 3,832 1,919 3,757 3,453 12,596
Other personal trips (education, health care, religion, hunting, other)l 1,996 4,839 2,481 3,378 2,676 758 732 629 634 893 1,940 3,177 1,739 1,484 2,705 5,106 3,719 5,281 5,428 11,542 3,942 5,886 3,312 5,115
Business, conference, cross border trading 14,143 24,227 12,423 25,210 18,265 13,573 6,490 14,032 14,608 17,504 14,832 25,397 22,949 30,785 33,827 37,869 44,681 31,448 38,434 46,911 59,862 68,790 28,220 32,487
Working 10,911 16,440 11,931 17,309 8,576 15,268 9,223 10,354 8,179 9,624 6,884 18,282 12,370 11,388 19,623 26,473 17,144 19,937 44,742 38,826 27,643 20,810 19,489 19,228
Total 136,796 171,207 276,205 162,779 120,794 43,250 82,259 31,332 30,913 50,943 179,996 115,276 123,851 192,792 340,332 209,834 191,937 262,850 517,521 290,253 279,570 336,139 478,017 264,033


aDue to emergency measures in response to the coronavirus epidemic, including a border closure introduced in mid-March and suspending data collections, data on tourism demand in the first quarter are only available for the period from 1 January to 13 March 2020, so they have only limited comparability with data from previous periods.
bIn the second quarter of 2020 due to the border closure ordered because of to the coronavirus epidemic emergency data surveys on tourism were paused. Thus, these data were generated by model estimation and imputation.
cDue to the coronavirus epidemic, border traffic in the third quarter was significantly lower than in the previous period, in addition, border crossing rules were tightened again from 1 September 2020, resulting in a further reduction in the number of respondents. Due to the above, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they have only limited comparability with data from previous periods.
dIn 2020. IV. quarter, border traffic was significantly lower than usual due to the border crossing rules that were still in force. Because of the low number of data providers, the reliability of published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable to data from previous periods.
eFrom March 10 2021, international border data collections were suspended due to the coronavirus emergency. Thus, the data of the first quarter can only be compared to the data of previous periods to a limited extent.
fFrom10 March to 26 April 2021, international border data collections were suspended due to the coronavirus emergency. Thus, the data of the first quarter can only be compared to the data of previous periods to a limited extent.
gDue to the coronavirus epidemic, in the previous year the border crossing rules were tightened again from 1 September 2020, resulting a significant reduction in the number of respondents. Due to the above, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they have only limited comparability with data from previous periods.
hDue to the coronavirus epidemic, the number of respondents decreased significantly in the same period of the previous year. Because of it, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable to the data of previous periods.
iIn April 10 2021, international border data collections were suspended due to the coronavirus emergency. Thus, the data of the second quarter can only be compared to the data of previous periods to a limited extent.
jDue to the war in Ukraine, the questionnaire survey on the Ukrainian border is suspended from the end of February 2022. Because of the above, the estimate for Q3 is not based on total visitor traffic (excluding the Ukrainian border section). The reliability of the published data has decreased and those are only to a limited extent comparable to the data of previous periods.
kDue to the war in Ukraine, the questionnaire survey on the Ukrainian border is suspended from the end of February 2022. Because of the above, the estimate for Q4 is not based on total visitor traffic (excluding the Ukrainian border section). The reliability of the published data has decreased and those are only to a limited extent comparable to the data of previous periods.
lThe accuracy of the estimate is not reliable.