Motivation 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1a Q2b Q3c Q4d Q1e Q2f Q3g Q4h Q1e Q2i Q3j Q4k Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Spending on trips abroad, million forints
Same-day trips
Accommodation and catering services 3,061 2,799 3,359 1,875 1,692 952 2,720 429 29 760 2,810 1,091 1,253 4,763 6,175 2,503 2,785 2,318 3,226 916 947 2,053 6,377 2,168
Transport (car rental, public transport at the place visited) 17 28 10 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 132 198 287 252 120 204 144 34 839 94 0
Fuel 5,081 4,754 4,988 4,407 4,222 2,280 2,395 2,127 2,320 4,031 3,676 3,669 3,724 7,237 7,562 7,290 14,611 8,486 7,147 8,768 8,924 9,512 9,102 7,549
Food, beverages 9,964 9,512 10,824 10,646 9,321 3,637 6,011 5,116 4,262 8,318 9,591 10,666 9,336 10,175 10,042 11,708 12,386 14,432 12,872 16,312 13,794 16,726 13,721 12,898
Durable and valuable consumer goods 7,274 10,446 7,582 9,415 4,570 1,445 2,827 4,139 969 3,642 5,794 5,660 5,505 11,265 22,187 8,585 5,559 13,656 17,823 25,563 18,963 11,813 10,341 16,106
Other goods 16,420 18,745 34,187 23,956 16,566 10,220 17,512 11,472 3,375 10,630 17,664 19,047 14,317 10,322 11,897 15,367 15,019 25,307 40,540 32,200 34,871 31,758 46,060 50,889
Medical and health care services 932 508 837 948 916 860 594 568 17 880 577 401 492 169 959 234 191 557 713 849 933 778 283 435
Cultural, sporting and other tourist services 784 636 924 337 440 108 566 70 15 902 388 180 169 1,984 742 1,051 1,029 676 963 242 270 942 801 304
Other services 3,118 4,001 7,482 2,802 3,389 2,840 3,338 2,897 1,278 3,413 5,402 2,758 2,216 5,756 6,974 5,033 8,314 9,040 8,928 9,290 6,735 11,435 15,092 10,589
Total 46,651 51,429 70,191 54,385 41,120 22,342 35,963 26,818 12,265 32,577 45,902 43,473 37,023 51,804 66,736 52,057 60,147 74,591 92,417 94,285 85,470 85,857 101,870 100,938
Overnight trips
Accommodation and catering services 30,105 47,414 84,209 40,165 29,993 13,828 27,166 7,997 2,201 12,234 48,936 25,296 23,670 60,040 128,146 69,321 63,615 68,636 185,093 102,773 99,946 108,519 143,196 69,802
Transport (car rental, public transport at the place visited) 2,218 3,139 3,144 3,788 2,910 218 1,164 195 125 353 2,953 2,197 930 875 2,074 2,569 1,890 2,392 7,077 5,923 9,809 9,946 7,599 6,689
Fuel 7,901 11,784 12,811 9,870 7,122 5,711 6,487 3,476 3,770 6,368 11,138 8,424 7,875 17,498 24,236 15,365 16,348 16,811 19,617 12,296 16,462 19,771 17,345 13,226
Food, beverages 10,141 13,053 15,783 9,817 8,880 5,565 6,227 3,810 4,537 5,426 11,580 9,518 8,191 12,710 17,417 12,767 10,501 12,434 22,243 13,119 18,827 16,813 26,365 22,102
Durable and valuable consumer goods 3,217 4,938 2,292 3,487 1,385 1,363 2,082 1,639 1,853 3,054 5,638 3,692 1,691 9,035 5,922 3,988 1,718 2,509 6,272 3,346 6,796 4,224 2,431 14,361
Other goods 13,497 19,221 34,631 19,235 17,519 6,606 13,229 5,398 6,297 9,044 30,108 21,172 26,689 29,471 41,209 40,562 28,836 55,195 68,115 46,741 28,389 42,403 68,594 39,978
Medical and health care services 319 357 517 173 208 253 299 92 60 263 468 328 281 389 1,440 1,163 580 2,017 2,638 915 557 509 258 58
Cultural, sporting and other tourist services 15,892 22,709 40,489 16,991 11,519 2,669 8,379 776 546 2,750 18,441 5,323 8,454 18,019 33,527 17,180 14,300 19,762 63,549 22,470 23,199 41,608 64,281 30,292
Other services 9,433 10,090 16,027 7,655 10,831 4,564 7,070 3,652 5,023 4,230 14,142 16,419 19,229 10,785 15,449 8,764 9,090 16,036 17,719 11,782 16,258 16,892 16,096 16,153
Total 92,723 132,707 209,904 111,183 90,367 40,777 72,102 27,033 24,413 43,723 143,403 92,370 97,010 158,823 269,421 171,679 146,878 195,793 392,322 219,366 220,244 260,684 346,164 212,661


aDue to emergency measures in response to the coronavirus epidemic, including a border closure introduced in mid-March and suspending data collections, data on tourism demand in the first quarter are only available for the period from 1 January to 13 March 2020, so they have only limited comparability with data from previous periods.
bIn the second quarter of 2020 due to the border closure ordered because of to the coronavirus epidemic emergency data surveys on tourism were paused. Thus, these data were generated by model estimation and imputation.
cDue to the coronavirus epidemic, border traffic in the third quarter was significantly lower than in the previous period, in addition, border crossing rules were tightened again from 1 September 2020, resulting in a further reduction in the number of respondents. Due to the above, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they have only limited comparability with data from previous periods.
dIn 2020. IV. quarter, border traffic was significantly lower than usual due to the border crossing rules that were still in force. Because of the low number of data providers, the reliability of published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable to data from previous periods.
eFrom March 10 2021, international border data collections were suspended due to the coronavirus emergency. Thus, the data of the first quarter can only be compared to the data of previous periods to a limited extent.
fFrom 10 March to 26 April 2021, international border data collections were suspended due to the coronavirus emergency. Thus, the data of the second quarter can only be compared to the data of previous periods to a limited extent.
gDue to the coronavirus epidemic, in the previous year the border crossing rules were tightened again from 1 September 2020, resulting a significant reduction in the number of respondents. Due to the above, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they have only limited comparability with data from previous periods.
hDue to the coronavirus epidemic, the number of respondents decreased significantly in the same period of the previous year. Because of it, the reliability of the published data has decreased and they are only to a limited extent comparable to the data of previous periods.
iIn April 2021, international border data collections were suspended due to the coronavirus emergency. Thus, the data of the second quarter can only be compared to the data of previous periods to a limited extent.
jDue to the war in Ukraine, the questionnaire survey on the Ukrainian border is suspended from the end of February 2022. Because of the above, the estimate for Q3 is not based on total visitor traffic (excluding the Ukrainian border section). The reliability of the published data has decreased and those are only to a limited extent comparable to the data of previous periods.
kDue to the war in Ukraine, the questionnaire survey on the Ukrainian border is suspended from the end of February 2022. Because of the above, the estimate for Q4 is not based on total visitor traffic (excluding the Ukrainian border section). The reliability of the published data has decreased and those are only to a limited extent comparable to the data of previous periods.