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Agricultural census - FSS 2007 - Tables
- 1.Number of holdings engaged in agricultural production
- 2.Distribution of the private holdings engaged in agricultural production by purpose of production and type of farming, 2007
- 3.Distribution of the private holdings engaged in agricultural production by type of farming and purpose of production, 2007
- 4.Regional distribution of the holdings engaged in agricultural production by type of farming 2000, 2005, 2007
- 5.Regional distribution of the private holdings engaged in agricultural production by purpose of the production, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007
- 6.Average area by land use categories, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007
- 7.Distribution of the number and productive land area of the holdings by size categories of the utilised productive area, 2007
- 8.Distribution of the number and agricultural area of the holdings by size categories of the utilised agricultural area, 2007
- 9.Distribution of the number and arable area of the holdings by size categories of the utilised arable area, 2007
- 10.Distribution of the number and grassland area of the holdings by size categories of the utilised grassland area, 2007
- 11.Number of holdings keeping cattle, pigs and horses and their livestock by groups of holdings, 2007
- 12.Number of holdings keeping goats, sheep and chickens and their livestock by groups of holdings, 2007
- 13.Number of holdings keeping cattle, pigs and horses and their livestock by groups of holdings and by region, 2007
- 14.Number of holdings keeping goats, sheep and chickens and their livestock by groups of holdings and by region, 2007
- 15.Certain data of private holders by gender, 2000, 2005, 2007
- 16.Characteristics of the holdings by size categories of the utilised productive land area, 2007
- 17.Characteristics of the holdings by size categories of the utilised agricultural area, 2007