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Living conditions

The living conditions and living standard of the population can be represented, among other things, by the indicators of poverty, social exclusion, income situation by social strata, data on consumption. Size and composition of households, families belong here, too.

Key figures

Relative at-risk-of-poverty rate

Indicator description

Share of persons living in households with an income below 60 % of the median equivalised income. Median equivalised income: after ranking the total population on the basis of the income per OECD 2 consumption unit, the median income is in the middle of the line, i.e. the number of population with less and that of population with more income is the same.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023

Severe material deprivation rate

Indicator description

Severe material deprivation is valid for those persons who experience at least four out of the following nine problems: cannot afford
  1. to pay rent or utility bills,
  2. keep home adequately warm,
  3. face unexpected expenses,
  4. eat meat, fish or a protein equivalent every second day,
  5. a week holiday away from home,
  6. a car,
  7. a washing machine,
  8. a colour TV, or
  9. a telephone.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2020

Share of people living in households with very low work intensity

Indicator description

Share of people living in households where people of working age (aged 18–59) work less than 20% of their total work potential during the past year.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2020

Share of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion

Indicator description

Share of people who are affected by at least one of the followings: at-risk-of-poverty, severe material deprivation or live in households with very low work intensity.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2020


Related themes

Methodological information


Snapshots, 2023 – Climate indicators in Hungary 03/02/2025
Hungary 1st-3rd quarters of 2024 09/01/2025
Snapshots, 2023 – Culture 18/12/2024
Snapshots, 2023 – Nonprofit sector 18/12/2024
Snapshots, 2023 – World Trade 11/12/2024
Snapshots, 2023 – The living standard of households 06/12/2024
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023 27/11/2024
Hungary, 1st semester of 2024 14/10/2024
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023 29/08/2024
Hungary, 2024 Q1 26/08/2024
Hungary, 2023 27/06/2024
Statistical Pocketbook of Hungary, 2023 27/05/2024
Hungary, quarters 1-3 of 2023 – On the path of disinflation 10/01/2024
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 17/01/2024
Hungary, 1st semester of 2023 – disinflation started 19/10/2023
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 23/11/2023
Hungary, 2023 Q1 30/08/2023
Statistical Pocketbook of Hungary, 2022 14/06/2023
Hungary, 2022 28/06/2023
Hungary in figures, 2022 11/07/2023
Hungary, Quarter 3 2022 06/02/2023
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2021 10/01/2023

Publication repertory

Summary tables (STADAT) ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Poverty, social exclusion People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 At-risk-of-poverty thresholds by household type 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 At-risk-of-poverty rate by poverty threshold by sex, age, educational attainment, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type and dwelling tenure status 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Severe material and social deprivation rate by sex, age, income quintiles and household type (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Proportion of those affected by each item of material and social deprivation (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 People living in households with very low work intensity by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type (0–64 years old) (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Relative at risk of poverty gap by age and sex 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Income inequality by the Gini coefficient and the S80/S20 ratio 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Share of persons living in overcrowded dwelling by age 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by region and degree of urbanisation (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 At-risk-of-poverty thresholds by region and degree of urbanisation 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Severe material and social deprivation rate by region and degree of urbanisation (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 People living in households with very low work intensity by region and degree of urbanisation (0–64 years old) (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 Severe material deprivation rate by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 Proportion of those affected by each item of material deprivation (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 People living in households with very low work intensity by sex, age, educational attainment level, income quintile, most frequent activity status, household type (0–59 years old) (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by region and degree of urbanisation (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 Severe material deprivation rate by region and degree of urbanisation (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 People living in households with very low work intensity by region and degree of urbanisation (0–59 years old) (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022 People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by country, group of countries 06/04/2021 At-risk-of-poverty thresholds by country, group of countries 06/04/2021 Severe material deprivation rate by country, group of countries 06/04/2021 People living in households with very low work intensity by country, group of countries 06/04/2021

Subjective Well-being Life satisfaction by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Trust by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Sense of security by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Changes in satisfaction by region and type of settlement 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Changes in trust by region and type of settlement 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Changes in sense of security by region and type of settlement 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Emotions by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 06/11/2023 Social connections by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 06/11/2023 Changes in emotions by region and type of settlement 06/11/2023 Feeling useful by sex, age groups, educational attainment, income quintile, economic activity, household type and dwelling tenure status 11/08/2023 Changes in relationships by region and type of settlement 11/08/2023 Changes in feeling useful by region and type of settlement 04/11/2022 Satisfaction by country, group of countries 06/04/2021 Frequency of feeling happiness by country, group of countries 06/04/2021

Summary table Main indicators of poverty or social exclusion, by reference year (EU2030 target) 22/10/2024 15/10/2025 Main indicators of poverty or social exclusion, by reference year (EU2020 strategy) 04/11/2022

Dissemination database ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Level and structure of consumption

Number of households and household structure by regions 09/12/2022 15/08/2025

Income, poverty

Annual per capita receipts and incomes 20/12/2023 15/08/2025
Annual per capita receipts and incomes by sources and regions 20/12/2023
Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Well being 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Well being 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Well being 17/11/2023 15/08/2025
Annual per capita receipts and incomes by sources and deciles 09/12/2022
Poverty or social exclusion 19/01/2022 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 19/01/2022 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 19/01/2022 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 19/01/2022 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 19/01/2022 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 19/01/2022 15/08/2025
Poverty or social exclusion 10/03/2020
Annual per capita receipts and incomes by sources and regions 18/08/2018

Data visualisations

International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December 2024 
Environmental habits of households
Interactive Mapping Application
Microcensus 2016 – Compositions of families in Hungary