Themes A–Z
- abortion
- accident
- accommodation
- accommodation establishment
- accommodation unit
- acidifying air pollutants
- active enterprise
- active physician
- activities auxiliary to transport
- activity rate
- activity rate
- activity rate
- adjusted population number
- administrative boundaries
- adoption
- adult education
- afforestation
- age
- age
- age
- age
- age composition
- age composition
- age composition
- age pyramid
- age pyramid
- age pyramid
- age structure
- age structure
- age structure
- age-group
- age-group
- age-group
- ageing
- ageing
- ageing index
- ageing index
- age-related benefit
- age-related benefit
- agglomeration
- agricultural
- agricultural land
- agricultural terms of trade
- agriculture
- agro-environmental protection
- air emissions accounts
- air passenger transport
- air transport
- airport
- ammonia
- annuity
- apricot
- archive
- arrivals
- automotive industry
- average age
- average age
- average earnings
- average earnings
- average earnings
- average income
- average number of staff
- average pension
- average pension
- average salary
- average wage
- average wage
- average wage
- cancer
- capacity
- car
- carbon dioxide
- carbon monoxide
- caring for children
- catering
- cause of death
- cause of death
- census
- census
- cereals
- certificate of secondary education
- change in consumption in real terms
- changed working capacity
- changes in real income
- chemical fertiliser
- chemical industry
- child
- child
- child
- child
- child care
- child care allowance
- child care allowance (gyes)
- child care benefit
- child care benefit (gyed)
- child raising support
- child raising support (gyet)
- child welfare
- chore
- cinema
- citizen
- citizenship
- citizenship
- city
- civil engineering works
- civil organisation
- class
- CO2
- college
- commercial accommodation establishment
- company
- company
- computer
- concert
- construction
- construction industry
- construction output price index
- construction permit
- construction price
- construction price index
- consumer basket
- consumer price
- consumer price index
- consumer prices
- consumers
- consumption
- consumption per capita
- consumption per capita
- contract
- convicted
- copy
- copybook
- core inflation
- corporation
- county
- courier activities
- court of justice
- criminal case
- criminal offence
- crop production
- cultural institution
- dairy industry
- death
- death
- debt
- decrease
- decrease
- defendant
- deficit
- delinquency
- demographics
- demographics
- dentist
- development
- development
- digital
- dinitrogen oxide
- disability benefit
- disease
- disease
- disease
- district
- district heating
- district heating
- division
- divorce
- doctoral training
- doctorate training
- domestic material consumption
- domestic output price index
- domestic sales
- drinking water
- drugs
- duration of employment contract
- dwelling
- dwelling
- dwelling to be built
- e-administration
- earning
- ecological farming
- e-commerce
- economic accounts for agriculture
- economic activity
- education
- educational attainment
- educational attainment
- educational attainment
- educational attainment
- electricity
- electricity
- electricity
- emigration
- employed
- employed
- employed
- employed
- employment rate
- employment rate
- employment rate
- employment relationship
- energy
- energy carrier
- energy consumption
- energy industry
- energy management
- energy source
- enrolled reader
- enterprise
- enterprise
- enterprises
- entertain
- entertainment
- environment
- environmental expenditures
- environmental industry
- environmental investments
- environmental protection
- environmental taxes
- equipment
- European Union
- excessive deficit procedure / EDP
- exhibition
- expenditure
- expenditure on education
- expenditures on health
- export
- exports
- exports of goods
- exports of services
- external trade
- external trade in goods
- external trade in services
- F gases
- family allowance
- family infant nursery
- family status
- family status
- family status
- family status
- fertility
- final energy
- fish consumption
- fishing
- fixed-base producer price index
- food
- food
- food balance
- food consumption
- food consumption
- food industry
- food services
- food shop
- food store
- foreign capital
- foreign enterprise
- foreign language
- foreign market sales
- forest
- forest area
- form
- formal education system
- forwarding
- fossil energy
- fruit consumption
- fruit consumption
- fruit production
- fuel
- fuel
- fuel price
- full-time employee
- full-time training
- gas
- gas
- gas consumption
- GDP per capita
- GDP ratio
- gender ratio
- gender ratio
- gender ratio
- general practitioner
- geographic grid
- gestation
- goods transport by road
- goods transport/freight transport
- government debt
- government sector
- graduate
- graduate
- graduate
- green area
- greenhouse gas
- gross average earnings
- gross average earnings
- gross average earnings
- gross domestic product
- gross earnings
- gross earnings
- gross earnings
- gross value added
- ground
- group
- guaranteed minimum wage
- guest
- health accounts
- health care
- health state of forests
- health status
- health status
- health status
- health status
- highly protected areas
- home loan
- homicide
- horticulture
- hospital
- hospital care
- hot water
- hotel
- hours worked
- household
- household
- household
- household
- household consumption
- household consumption expenditure
- household consumption expenditure
- housekeeping
- housing construction
- housing market
- housing price index
- housing prices
- housing prices
- housing stock
- housing stock
- hunting
- illness
- illness
- illness
- immigration
- immigration
- imports
- imports of goods
- imports of services
- inactive
- inactive
- inactive
- inactive
- inbound tourism
- income
- income per capita
- income poverty
- income situation
- income situation
- industrial price index
- industrial producer price index
- industrial producer prices
- industrial production
- industry
- industry
- infant care benefit
- infant care benefit (csed)
- infant death
- infant nursery
- inflation
- influenza
- infocommunication
- information, communication
- inhabitant
- inhabitant
- inhabitant
- inhabitant
- inhabitants
- inland
- inland waterway transport
- inmate
- innovation
- innovative enterprises
- inpatient service
- input-output table
- instructor
- internal trade
- international
- international business and transport services
- international migration
- internet
- internet subscription
- internet usage
- interurban passenger transport
- investment
- investment rate
- irrigation
- labour cost
- labour force
- labour income
- labour issues
- land area
- land lease
- land price
- land use
- land use categories
- landscape protection area
- language command
- language command
- language knowledge
- language knowledge
- larceny
- large company
- large enterprise
- leisure time
- leisure time
- library
- life expectancy
- life expectancy
- life expectancy at birth
- life expectancy at birth
- line network
- literature
- live birth
- live birth
- live birth
- live birth
- livestock
- livestock keeping
- living conditions
- living conditions
- living standards of households
- low work intensity
- MA
- machine
- machine industry
- macro statistics
- main occupational group
- main occupational group
- malignant neoplasms
- malignant neoplasms
- malignant neoplasms
- manpower
- manufacture of furniture
- manufacture of pharmeceutical products
- manufacture of transport equipment
- manufacturing
- manure
- marriage
- material flow accounts
- maternity allowance
- meat consumption
- meat consumption
- meat industry
- median earnings
- medical tourism
- methane
- microcensus
- migrant
- migration
- migration
- milk production
- mill industry
- mini infant nursery
- minimum wage
- mining and quarrying
- mobile
- mobile internet
- mobile phone subscription
- morbidity
- mortality
- mortality
- mortality
- mortality pregnancy
- motor vehicle
- motorcycle
- murder
- museum
- national accounts
- national park
- national park
- nationality
- nationality
- net average earnings
- net earnings
- net income
- new order
- newspaper
- newspaper publishing
- nitrogen oxides
- non-domestic output price index
- non-formal training
- non-profit organisation
- non-profit organisations
- nuclear power
- number of beds
- number of beds in operation
- number of employees
- number of employees
- number of employees
- number of employees
- number of family pediatricians
- number of GPs
- number of medical employments
- number of population
- number of vacancies
- NUTS system
- part time
- part-time employee
- passenger
- passenger car
- passenger kilometres
- passenger transport
- pension
- pension
- pensioner
- pensioner
- pensioner
- pensioner
- per capita expenditure
- per capita income
- performance
- permanent population
- permanent population
- permanent population
- pharmaceutical industry
- PhD
- physician
- pipeline transport
- plaintiff
- plant protection product
- population
- population
- population density
- population density
- post
- postal
- postgraduate (MA/MSc) training
- potatoes
- poultry
- poverty
- power generation
- pregnancy
- premature infant
- press
- price change
- price index
- price index according to end use
- price level
- prices
- primary education
- primary energy
- primary health service
- primary producer
- primary producer
- primary school
- primary school
- printing industry
- prison
- producer price
- product
- production
- production
- productivity
- proportion of committed expenditure
- prosecution
- protected areas
- protected natural values
- public education
- public education activity
- public prosecution
- public road accident
- public transport
- public utilities
- public utility
- public utility gap
- public utility gap
- public worker
- public works
- publishing
- pupil
- pupil
- pure price index
- put to use permit
- R & D expenditure
- R & D personnel
- R & D personnel
- R&D
- R&D capital expenditure
- radio
- radio
- rail freight transport
- railway line
- reading
- reading
- real earnings
- real estate price
- real income
- real income
- real income
- real wages
- refugee
- region
- regional development
- regional differences
- registered enterprises
- registered for the first time/put into circulation
- regular earnings
- rehabilitation benefit
- religion
- renewable energy
- reproduction
- reproduction
- research
- research and development
- researcher
- resident population
- resident population
- resident population
- resident population
- resident unit
- residential housing loans
- resource productivity
- restaurant
- retailing
- revenue per available room
- road
- road freight transport
- road network
- road passenger transport
- room
- salaries
- salaries
- salaries
- sale
- same-day trips
- school
- school certification
- science and technology
- seasonal adjustment
- seats
- secondary education
- secondary energy
- secondary general school
- secondary vocational school
- section
- selective
- service
- services price
- services price index
- services producer price index (SPPI)
- settlement
- severe financial deprivation
- sewage
- sewage
- sewage discharge
- sewage treatment
- sex ratio
- sex ratio
- sex ratio
- shop
- sick-pay
- SIM-card
- simple declarations
- small and medium enterprises
- small business
- social benefit
- social care protection
- social exclusion
- social protection
- social security
- sole proprietorship
- sown area
- spa
- spa hotel
- specific training
- standard of living
- standard of living
- standard of living
- stands of trees
- stock of orders
- storage
- store
- strike
- student
- student
- subsection
- sugar consumption
- sugar consumption
- suicidal
- suicidal
- suicidal
- suicide
- suicide
- suicide
- supermarket
- sustainable development
- SZÉP card
- tangible asset
- telecommunication
- telephone
- television
- television
- telework
- temperature
- territorial data
- territorial delimitation
- territorial differences
- territorial statistics
- tertiary education
- tertiary vocational training
- theatre
- time use
- tonne-kilometre
- tour operator activities
- tourism
- tourism exports
- tourism nights
- tourism revenues
- town
- trade
- traffic accident
- transit travellers
- transport
- transport of goods by pipeline
- transport performances
- travel agency
- treatment of children
- trend
- turnover