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Business units and non-profit organisations

A business unit is a profit-oriented or function-oriented entity set up as the organisational framework of management, which produces goods or provides services to market participants and the society. Data on business units and non-profit organisations are available from registers or after processing statistical and tax data. Register data and business demographic data make it possible to analyse the structure of registered organisations and active enterprises, respectively, by number, activity, headcount and revenue, and to identify new and closed enterprises. Economic indicators for enterprises and non-profit organisations provide information on performance and activity characteristics. The purpose of foreign affiliates statistics (FATS) is to measure which countries control the economy of the different countries, and in which industries and to what extent they do so.

Key figures

Change in the number of registered enterprises

Indicator description

Change in the period-end number of enterprises in administrative records compared to the same date of the previous year.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: February 2025

Number of active enterprises

Indicator description

Change in the number of enterprises that are considered to be active in a given year based on the methodology of business demography compared to the previous year.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023

Share of foreign-controlled affiliates in value added

Indicator description

The share of value added generated by foreign-controlled subsidiaries in a given year within the value added of all enterprises operating in Hungary
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023

Change in number of registered non-profit organisations

Indicator description

Change in the number of non-profit organisations in administrative records at the end of the period compared to the stock at the same date of the previous year.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: February 2025


Related themes

Methodological information


Hungary 1st-3rd quarters of 2024 09/01/2025
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023 27/11/2024
Hungary, 1st semester of 2024 14/10/2024
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023 29/08/2024
Hungary, 2024 Q1 26/08/2024
Hungary, 2023 27/06/2024
Statistical Pocketbook of Hungary, 2023 27/05/2024
Hungary, quarters 1-3 of 2023 – On the path of disinflation 10/01/2024
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 17/01/2024
Hungary, 1st semester of 2023 – disinflation started 19/10/2023
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 23/11/2023
Hungary, 2023 Q1 30/08/2023
Statistical Pocketbook of Hungary, 2022 14/06/2023
Hungary, 2022 28/06/2023
Hungary in figures, 2022 11/07/2023
Hungary, Quarter 3 2022 06/02/2023
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2021 10/01/2023

Release and revision calendarPublication repertory

Summary tables (STADAT) ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Business units Number of registered business units monthly, by legal forms – GFO'14 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered enterprises monthly, by industries – TEAOR'08 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered enterprises monthly, by industries – TEAOR'25 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered business partnerships monthly, by industries – TEAOR'08 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered business partnerships monthly, by industries – TEAOR'25 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered private entrepreneurs by industries, monthly – TEAOR'08 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered private entrepreneurs by industries, monthly – TEAOR'25 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered entrepreneurs by industries, monthly – TEAOR'08 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered entrepreneurs by industries, monthly – TEAOR'25 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered enterprises monthly, by staff categories 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered business partnerships by staff categories, monthly 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of newly registered business units monthly, by legal forms – GFO'14 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered enterprises by county and region, monthly 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Number of registered economic corporations and unincorporated enterprises by legal forms – Legal form '14 15/01/2025 15/01/2026 Number of registered enterprises by industries 15/01/2025 15/01/2026 Number of registered enterprises by staff categories 15/01/2025 15/01/2026 Number of newly registered business units by legal forms – GFO'14 15/01/2025 15/01/2026 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by legal forms – BD-SBS harmonized methodology 16/12/2024 01/07/2025 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by staff categories – BD-SBS harmonized methodology 16/12/2024 01/07/2025 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by industries – BD-SBS harmonized methodology 16/12/2024 01/07/2025 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by legal forms – SBS methodology 16/12/2022 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by staff categories – SBS methodology 16/12/2022 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by industries – SBS methodology 16/12/2022 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by country and region 16/12/2022 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by legal forms, county and region 16/12/2022 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by industries, county and region 16/12/2022 Number of active, of newly born, of dead corporations and unincorporated enterprises by legal forms – GFO'02, GFO'11 06/04/2021

Domestically controlled foreign affiliates (Outward FATS) Business statistics on domestically controlled foreign affiliates 08/11/2024 07/11/2025 Business statistics on foreign-controlling enterprises and domestic affiliates active in Hungary 08/11/2024 07/11/2025

Enterprise performance by headcount, SME category Annual structural indicators of enterprises by size class 15/11/2024 29/08/2025 Annual structural indicators by SME size class 15/11/2024 29/08/2025 Distribution of persons employed in enterprises by size class in regional breakdown 15/11/2024 29/08/2025 Distribution of net turnover of enterprises by size class in regional breakdown 15/11/2024 29/08/2025 Distribution of value-added at factor cost at factor cost of enterprises by size class in regional breakdown 15/11/2024 29/08/2025 Distribution of persons employed by SME size class in regional breakdown 15/11/2024 29/08/2025 Distribution of net turnover by SME size class in regional breakdown 15/11/2024 29/08/2025 Distribution of value-added at factor cost by SME size class in regional breakdown 15/11/2024 29/08/2025

Foreign-controlled affiliates (Inward FATS) Value and share of turnover of foreign-controlled affiliates by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Value and share of production value of foreign-controlled affiliates by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Value and share of value added of foreign-controlled affiliates by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Number and share of persons employed of foreign-controlled affiliates by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Value and share of gross investment in tangible goods of foreign-controlled affiliates by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Top ten countries by the number, turnover, value added and persons employed of foreign affiliates 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Top ten divisions by the turnover of foreign affiliates 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Top ten divisions by the value added of foreign affiliates 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Top ten divisions by the persons employed of foreign affiliates 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Value added per number of employees and self-employed persons by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 14/02/2025 07/11/2025 Number and share of foreign-controlled affiliates by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 08/11/2024 07/11/2025 Top ten divisions by the number of foreign affiliates 08/11/2024 07/11/2025 Data of foreign-controlled financial affiliates by division and the residence of the ultimate owner 18/11/2022 Number and share of employees of foreign-controlled affiliates by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 18/11/2022 Number of employees per enterprise by section and the residence of the ultimate owner 18/11/2022

General economic indicators Number of registered business units by legal form, county and region, 31. December – GFO'14 15/01/2025 15/01/2026 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by country and region 16/12/2024 01/07/2025 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by legal forms, county and region 16/12/2024 01/07/2025 Business demography (number of active enterprises) by industries, county and region 16/12/2024 01/07/2025

Infra-annual performances and expenses of enterprises Kind-of-activity unit level monthly turnover value indices of services according to the EBS regulation, seasonally and calendar effects adjusted, more than 4 employees 28/02/2025 31/03/2025 Kind-of-activity unit level monthly turnover volume indices of services according to the EBS regulation, seasonally and calendar effects adjusted, more than 4 employees 28/02/2025 31/03/2025 Quarterly turnover of services accordingly to the STS regulation, seasonally and calendar effects adjusted, more than 4 employees 30/08/2024 Value indices of quarterly turnover of services accordingly to the STS regulation, seasonally and calendar effects adjusted, more than 4 employees 30/08/2024 Value indices of monthly turnover of services accordingly to the EBS regulation, seasonally and calendar effects adjusted, more than 4 employees 29/02/2024 Volume indices of monthly turnover of services accordingly to the EBS regulation, seasonally and calendar effects adjusted, more than 4 employees 29/02/2024

Non-profit organisations Number, distribution and total revenues of non-profit organisations 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 Number, distribution and total revenues of non-profit organisations by fields of activity 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 Number and revenues of non-profit organisations by organisation types 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 Number and revenues of non-profit organisations by revenue sizes 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 Number, distribution and donations of donor organisations 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 Number, distribution and total revenues of non-profit organisations by community types 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 Number of non-profit organisations by form of organisation and group of priority emphasized activity, county and region 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 Number of non-profit organisations by character of operation, revenues, by county and region 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 Number of non-profit organisations by status of public benefit, priority form of organisation, by county and region 14/11/2024 21/10/2025 The main data of Hungarian nonprofit sector by organizational types and ICNPO groups and subgroups 12/11/2024 21/10/2025

Shared service center Number of shared service centers operating in Hungary, number of full-time and part-time employees, development of their average monthly gross earnings by section 30/01/2024 Number of shared service centers operating in Hungary, number of full-time and part-time employees, development of their average monthly gross earnings by regions 30/01/2024

Startup enterprise Average net sales revenue and average number of persons employed at startup enterprises by startup lifecycle stages 29/11/2024 Distribution of startup founders and startup enterprises by main characteristics 09/08/2024 Ratio of startup enterprises by the type of financial sources used in the reference year in percentage of startup enterprises total 09/08/2024

Summary table Summary data of business units and non-profit organisations monthly 14/03/2025 15/04/2025 Summary data of business units and non-profit organisations 14/02/2025 22/04/2025 Number of newly registered economic corporations and unincorporated enterprises by legal forms – Legal form '11 06/04/2021

Dissemination database ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Business Demography / Business units (registered, active)

Registered corporations - Corporations subject to proceedings (flow population) 14/03/2025 15/04/2025
Registered Corporations - Ceased corporations (flow population) 14/03/2025 15/04/2025
Registered corporations - Every corporation (end of month) 14/03/2025 15/04/2025
Registered corporations - Activity suspending private entrepreneurs (end of month) 14/03/2025 15/04/2025
Registered corporations - Newly registered corporations (flow population) 14/03/2025 15/04/2025
Registered corporations - Ceased corporations (flow population) 15/01/2025
Registered corporations - Every corporation (end of year) 15/01/2025
Registered corporations - Newly registered corporations (flow population) 15/01/2025
Business Demography 16/12/2024 01/07/2025
Business Demography 16/12/2022
Business Demography 25/06/2020
Number of active enterprises 28/10/2016
Number of active enterprises 28/10/2016
Number of active enterprises 14/05/2015
Number of active enterprises 14/05/2015
Registered corporations 14/05/2015
Registered corporations 14/05/2015
Registered corporations 14/05/2015
Newly registered corporations 14/05/2015
Newly registered corporations 14/05/2015
Newly registered corporations 14/05/2015
Number of active enterprises 26/10/2011

Non-profit organisations

Nonprofit sector's data 02/12/2024 02/10/2025

Annual performances and expenses of enterprises / Indicators of annual performance of enterprises

Statistics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises by regional breakdown, Nace Rev. 2. and by SME categories (micro, small, medium) with the data of non-SMEs 07/12/2024 29/08/2025
Statistics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises by Nace Rev. 2. and by SME categories (micro, small, medium) with the data of non-SMEs 07/12/2024 29/08/2025
Labor and performance indicators of enterprises by size class (Preliminary data) 15/11/2024 14/11/2025
Labor and performance indicators of enterprises broken down by county 30/08/2024 29/08/2025
SBS regional statistics (at enterprise level) 15/08/2024 15/08/2025
Labour and performance indicators of enterprises by size class 15/08/2024 15/08/2025
Labour and performance indicators of enterprises 15/08/2024 15/08/2025
Statistics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises from 2013 by regional breakdown, Nace Rev. 2. and by SME categories (micro, small, medium) with the data of non-SMEs 15/11/2022
Statistics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises from 2013 by Nace Rev. 2. and by SME categories (micro, small, medium) with the data of non-SMEs 15/11/2022
Statistics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises from 2013 by regional breakdown and by Legal Form 31/08/2022
Structural business statistics data by size class (legal unit level) 15/08/2022
Structural business statistics data (labour and performance indicators at legal unit level) 15/08/2022
SBS regional data (legal unit level) 15/08/2022
Labour and performance indicators 25/10/2017
SBS regional data 25/10/2017
Labour and performance indicators 05/02/2013
Annual structural indicators by size class 23/06/2011
Annual regional statistics 04/05/2010
Annual regional statistics 03/09/2009
Annual structural indicators by size class 26/06/2009
Labour indicators 26/06/2009
Performance indicators 26/06/2009

Quarterly Performance Indicators of Enterprises

Quarterly performance statistics, more than 4 employees 28/02/2025
Quarterly performance statistics, more than 4 employees 28/08/2024

Foreign AffiliaTes Statistics (FATS)

Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by activity and geographical breakdown - enterprise level (EU27_2020) 08/11/2024 07/11/2025
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by geographical breakdown - enterprise level (EU27_2020) 11/10/2024 07/11/2025
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by geographical breakdown - legal unit level (EU27_2020) 18/11/2022
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by geographical breakdown (enterprise level) 18/11/2022
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by geographical breakdown (legal unit level) 18/11/2022
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by activity and geographical breakdown -legal unit level (EU27_2020) 18/11/2022
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by activity and geographical breakdown (enterprise level) 18/11/2022
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by activity and geographical breakdown (legal unit level) 18/11/2022
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by geographical breakdown 29/11/2019
Foreign Affiliates Statistics (Inward FATS) by activity and geographical breakdown 16/12/2014

Data visualisations

TÉR-KÉP, 2023 – Economy: Business environment
Concentration in the business economy
WEEKLY MONITOR – Enterprises
Interactive Mapping Application
Virtual presence