Transport statistics is about performances related to forwarding goods and the spatial movement of persons. Statistics on the movement of people have two main areas: interurban passenger transport (public transport between two settlements) and local passenger transport (public transport within a settlement). It also monitors the transport infrastructure involving rolling stock (e.g. number of passenger cars, buses) and built infrastructure (e.g. length of motorways, railway lines). Accident statistics take into account accidents in the country, with a special focus on road traffic accidents causing personal injury.
Key figures
Share of transport and storage in gross value added
Indicator description
Share of transport and storage in the gross value added of the national economy at current basic prices.
Source of data:
Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023
Change in freight performance
Indicator description
Change in freight performance measured by freight tonne kilometres compared to the same period last year.
Source of data:
Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: Q3 2024
Change in passenger transport performance
Indicator description
Changes in passenger transport performance measured by passenger kilometres compared to the same period last year.
Source of data:
Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: Q3 2024
Number of passenger cars registered for the first time in Hungary
Indicator description
Number of passenger cars registered for the first time in Hungary.
Source of data:
Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: Q3 2024
HCSO Monitor
The collection of interactive figures provides up-to-date information on the latest domestic and international socio-economic trends. The decisive part of the figures included in HCSO Monitor are downloadable in both image and data formats (PNG, SVG and CSV). Feel free to browse the data in HCSO Monitor, updated many times a week!
Record passenger traffic at Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport
Passenger traffic at Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport has exceeded the same period of the previous year in every month since April 2021. Nearly 1.3 million passengers passed through the airport in January 2025, up 17.5% year-on-year and an all-time high for the first month. This is more passengers in one month than the total for the period between April 2020 and March 2021, which was heavily affected by the coronavirus epidemic.
Hungary 1st-3rd quarters of 2024 – Increasing consumption
The performance of the Hungarian economy surpassed in the 1st – 3rd quarters of 2024 the one year earlier level by 0.6%. Household consumption increased, supported by real earnings growth, while inflation stabilised, being 3.7% in the 1st – 3rd quarters. The performance of most service offering sections and that of construction grew year-on-year, while that of the industry and agriculture lagged behind the one year earlier level. Labour market-wise both employment and unemployment rate slightly grew.
The domestic electric car stock is dynamically expanding, exceeding one thousand in 2017 and 10 thousand in 2020, and more than 41 thousand purely electric-powered cars were registered at the end of 2023. In parallel, the number of electric charging stations rose to 2.5 thousand, a record level as well. 4 in 10 vehicles were the products of the three most popular producers (in alphabetical order: BMW, Nissan, Tesla). But which of these had the highest numbers running on domestic roads? You can learn it from our infographic.
The 20 most popular car brands in Hungary, 1963-2023
In 60 years, the number of passenger cars increased in Hungary 60-fold, (from 70 thousand to 4.2 million). Half of the early 1960s cars were Škoda, Moskvitch, or Trabant, by adding Lada and Wartburg, too, these five brands were present mostly on the roads of Hungary; Polski Fiat and Dacia joined the group in the 1980s. Since 1975 Lada was sold in the largest numbers; following the regime change, however, Western European (with Opel in the forefront) then Far Eastern passenger cars gradually replaced the late Comecon brands.
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023
The yearbook provides an overview of Hungary's demographic, social and economic processes, environmental characteristics and their changes over time, with the help of tens of thousands of data of 500 tables, graphs and maps. Innovatively, the Tourism, catering chapter in the volume includes the gross receipts of tourist accommodation establishments by type of accommodation. Another change is that this year the Regional data chapter already presents territorial data by tourism area, giving greater emphasis to tourist destinations.
Snapshots, 2023 - Transport
In 2023, the performance of freight transport decreased in Hungary, while local and interurban passenger transport increased compared to a year earlier, but all of them - most notably freight transport - remained below the pre-pandemic level of 2019. The number of cars registered for the first time was a tenth lower than in the previous year and almost a third lower than the peak in 2019.
Hungary, 2023
Geopolitical tensions continued to overshadow economic developments in 2023, with the gross domestic product falling by 0.9%. Inflationary pressures gradually eased, but the 17.6% annual increase in consumer prices led to a decline in real earnings and consumption, and negatively affected investment decisions. Despite the economic difficulties, employment has reached a record high. In 2023, the number of deaths and births continued to fall, in addition to the decrease in the number of women of childbearing age.
Road traffic accidents involving personal injury, 4th quarter 2023
In the fourth quarter of 2023, the number of accidents increased by 4.5%, and the number of persons injured or killed in accidents by 2.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. A total of 5,003 people got injured in 3,749 accidents, of whom 145 lost their lives. The number of drunk-driving accidents decreased significantly, by 13%. In 2023, there were a total of 14,452 accidents on domestic roads, which is 2.0% fewer than in 2022. The number of people killed and injured in these accidents fell by 4.3%.
Transport performances, Quarter 4 2023
In Q4 2023 in Hungary, interurban passenger transport performance increased by 15%, freight transport performance decreased by 7.0% compared to the same period of the previous year. The number of trips in local passenger transport was 5.3% higher than in Q4 2022. A total of around 50 thousand passenger cars were registered for the first time in the country, 4.2% fewer than a year earlier.
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