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Health care, accidents

In addition to lifestyle factors, health status is significantly influenced by the preparedness of the health care system. Health statistics provides data on the health status of the population, the presence of lifestyle risks having the strongest impact on the health of the population, the most common diseases and on how much the population does for their health. It monitors changes in the material, personnel and financial conditions that ensure the functioning of the different levels of the care system. Accident statistics takes account of traffic accidents in the country, in particular, it deals with road traffic accidents causing personal injury.

Key figures

Health expenditure as a percentage of GDP

Indicator description

Health expenditure as a percentage of GDP calculated according to the international methodology of health accounts.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2022

Active physicians per ten thousand inhabitants

Indicator description

Among doctors admitted to the national medical register, the number of those who are active per ten thousand inhabitants.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023

Inhabitants per GP and family paediatrician

Indicator description

Number of inhabitants per general practitioner and family paediatrician working in an adult, mixed or child practice.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023

Number of hospital beds suitable for hospitalisation that can be actually used per ten thousand inhabitants

Indicator description

Number of hospital beds suitable for hospitalisation per ten thousand inhabitants. A hospital bed suitable for hospitalisation is an approved bed that has been suitable for hospitalisation for at least 6 months.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023


Related themes

Methodological information


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Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2021 10/01/2023

Release and revision calendarPublication repertory

Summary tables (STADAT) ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Accidents Number of accidents at work by industries 06/09/2024 05/09/2025 Accidents at work, home accidents and fires 30/08/2024 22/04/2025

Health expenditures Per capita health expenditure 20/12/2024 19/12/2025 Health care expenditure as % of GDP 20/12/2024 19/12/2025 Health insurance financing of curative-preventive care 18/10/2024 15/10/2025 Health expenditure by financing schemes, as % of GDP, health investment expenditure 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Health care financing schemes by revenue sources 28/06/2024 30/06/2025

Other health care services Ambulance tasks and patient transport 28/06/2024 27/06/2025 Pharmacies 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Prescription drug sales 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Pharmacies by county and region 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Blood supply 22/04/2024 22/04/2025 Blood donations by county and region 22/04/2024 22/04/2025

Personnel of the health service Number of doctors and jobs in health care 12/08/2024 12/08/2025 Active physicians by county and region, 31 December 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Number of active physicians by age group and sex 22/04/2024 30/04/2025 Number of active physicians by age group, sex, county and region 22/04/2024 30/04/2025

Primary health care General practitioners and family paediatricians 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 General Practitioners (GPs) and family paediatricians by county and region, 31 December 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Primary occupational health services 28/06/2024 27/06/2025 Health visitors 17/05/2024 19/05/2025

Self-perceived health Healthy life years in absolute value at birth – total 14/10/2024 14/10/2025 Healthy life years in absolute value at birth – males 14/10/2024 14/10/2025 Healthy life years in absolute value at birth – females 14/10/2024 14/10/2025

Self-perceived health, diseases Newly diagnosed malignant neoplasms 30/09/2024 30/09/2025 Number of cancer patients registered during the year by county and region 30/09/2024 30/09/2025 Certain diseases of people registered with the GP and home paediatric services 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Registered and new pulmonary patients in pulmonary dispensaries 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Self-perceived health by sex and age group 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Suffer from any chronic (long-standing) illness or condition by sex and age group 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Limitation in activities because of health problems by age group and sex 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Healthy life years 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Healthy life years by region 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Major infectious diseases reported 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients 28/06/2024 27/06/2025 Number of newly assessed persons with reduced capacity to work 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Accidents at work by county and region 28/06/2024 27/06/2025 Major infectious diseases reported 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Patients cared in psychiatric dispensaries 17/05/2024 19/05/2025 Number of cases with congenital anomalies 17/05/2024 19/05/2025 Persons with disability 15/12/2023 Types of disability corrected by data on functional difficulties, 2022 15/12/2023 Persons identifying themselves as persons with disability by county and region 15/12/2023 Types of disability corrected by data on functional difficulties by county and region, 2022 15/12/2023 Distribution of population by alcohol consumption patterns 06/04/2021 Distribution of population by nutrition based on body mass index 06/04/2021 Distribution of population by smoking habits 06/04/2021

Specialised health care Hospital beds 20/12/2024 19/12/2025 Number of patients receiving outpatient health care due to alcohol-related mental and behavioural disorders 12/08/2024 12/08/2025 Number of patients receiving health care due to drug-related mental and behavioural disorders 12/08/2024 12/08/2025 Outpatient service 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Pulmonary screenings and pulmonary care 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Cases of attendance of outpatient service by county and region 15/07/2024 15/07/2025 Home special nursing and therapy service 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Hospice care 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Care for patients with skin and venereal diseases 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Hospitals 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Key data on hospitals by operator 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Perinatal Intensive Centres (PIC) 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Hospitals by county and region 28/06/2024 30/06/2025 Care for psychiatric patients 17/05/2024 19/05/2025 Care for alcoholics 11/08/2023 Dental care 06/04/2021 Addictology dispensaries 06/04/2021 Care for drug users 06/04/2021

Summary table Key data on health care 15/07/2024 30/04/2025

Traffic accidents Road accidents involving personal injury monthly 07/03/2025 10/04/2025 Road accidents involving personal injuries according to the causes, monthly 07/03/2025 10/04/2025 Road accidents involving personal injuries, according to the causes, monthly 07/03/2025 10/04/2025 Road accidents involving personal injury, according to the nature of the accident, monthly 07/03/2025 10/04/2025 Road accidents involving personal injury caused by drunken persons, monthly 07/03/2025 10/04/2025 Number of road accidents involving personal injury by quarter, by county and region 07/03/2025 10/06/2025 Number of road accidents involving personal injury caused by drunken persons by quarter, by county and region 07/03/2025 10/06/2025 Road traffic accidents involving personal injury by priority cause, quarterly, by county and region 07/03/2025 10/06/2025 Number of persons injured in road accidents involving personal injury by quarter, by county and region 07/03/2025 10/06/2025 Traffic accidents 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Road accidents involving personal injury 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Road accidents involving personal injury by causes 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Road accidents involving personal injury by causers 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Road accidents involving personal injury by types of accident 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Road accidents involving personal injury caused by drunken persons 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Number of road accidents involving personal injury by accident site 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Number of road accidents involving personal injury by county and region 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Number of road accidents involving personal injury caused by drunken persons by county and region 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Number of injured persons in road accidents involving personal injury by county and region 30/08/2024 09/05/2025 Road accidents involving personal injury by main causes by county and region 30/08/2024 09/05/2025

Dissemination database ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Morbidity and accidents

Main diseases of adults 10/07/2024 10/07/2025
Main diseases of children 10/07/2024 10/07/2025

Primary health care

Number of Children Registered at Family Paediatricians 10/07/2024
Number of General Practitioners and Family Paediatricians 10/07/2024 10/07/2025
Number of Consultations of GPs and Family Paediatricians 10/07/2024 10/07/2025
Number of General Practitioners and Family Paediatricians 10/07/2024 10/07/2025
Number of Inhabitants Registered at General Practitioners 10/07/2024 10/07/2025
Number of Children Registered at Family Paediatricians 07/03/2017 10/07/2025
Number of General Practitioners and Family Paediatricians 25/03/2015
Access for electronic systems of General Practitioners and Family Paediatricians 25/03/2015
Number of Consultations of Family Paediatricians 21/08/2014
Number of General Practitioners and Family Paediatricians 21/08/2014
Number of Inhabitants Registered at General Practitioners 11/09/2009
Number of Consultations of General Practitioners 03/07/2009
Number of Consultations 03/07/2009
Number of Children Registered at Family Paediatricians 03/07/2009
Number of Children Registered at Family Paediatricians 03/07/2009
Number of General Practitioners and Family Paediatricians 03/07/2009
Number of Inhabitants Registered at General Practitioners 03/07/2009
Number of Inhabitants per General Practitioner and Family Paediatrician 03/07/2009


Main data of health visitors by districts 27/09/2024
Health visitors' consultations for 0-6 year-old children 19/09/2024
Number of infants and children cared by health visitors 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Observed deficiencies of infants and children cared by health visitors 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Number of health visitors' visits at 0-6 year-old children 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Monthly average number of 0-6 year-old children registered in health visitors? districts 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Pregnant women registered newly during the year 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Pregnant women needing special care 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Monthly average number of 0-6 year-old children needing special care 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Registered pregnant women 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Care for pregnant woman 31/05/2024 30/05/2025
Health visitors' consultations for 0-6 year-old children 19/09/2023 30/05/2025

Outpatient service

Outpatient Service 03/07/2009
Number of Outpatient Clinics 03/07/2009

Inpatient service

Number of hospital beds and patient turnover in hospitals 08/08/2024 15/07/2025
Number of hospital beds and patient turnover in hospitals 08/08/2024 15/07/2025

Other health care services

Main data on National Ambulance Service 28/06/2024 27/06/2025
Patient transport 28/06/2024 27/06/2025
Air ambulance 28/06/2024 27/06/2025
Rescue cases by the place of discovery 28/06/2024 27/06/2025
Rescue cases by the cause of rescue 28/06/2024 27/06/2025
Ambulance missions 28/06/2024 27/06/2025
Ambulance missions by destination 28/06/2024 27/06/2025

Traffic accidents

Road accidents caused by drunken persons 13/03/2025 10/04/2025
Road accidents 13/03/2025 10/04/2025
Result of personal injury 13/03/2025 10/04/2025
Road accidents caused by drunken persons 21/09/2012
Road accidents 21/09/2012
Result of personal injury 21/09/2012

Data visualisations

WEEKLY MONITOR – Health care, accidents
International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December 2024 
Smoke-free World Day – 21 November 2024
World Alzheimer’s Day – 21 September
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023 – charts
Census Maps
Interactive Mapping Application
4th February – World Cancer Day