Who are we?

A professionally independent self-managed main government agency, the centre of the Official Statistical Service.
What is our mission?
Supporting fact-based decision-making as well as the dialogue between actors of scientific research and those of the society with authentic and reliable data and analyses.
What principles is our work based on?
- Professional independence: producing official statistics in a professionally independent manner, performing our duties free of political or other pressures.
- Impartiality: producing and publishing official statistics free of political or other pressures, treating each user equally.
- Objectivity: producing and publishing official statistics in a reliable and impartial way.
- Reliability: applying scientific approach in selecting sources, methods and procedures in order for official statistics to measure reality in the most precise, authentic and consistent way.
- Commitment to quality: constantly measuring and improving the quality of our products and processes and informing our users about quality.
- Handling statistical data with confidentiality: using legal, operating, methodological and IT safety rules in our work in order to protect individual data. This includes the prohibition of using data for non-statistical purposes or making these public in an illicit way.
- Cost-effectiveness: managing our resources in an optimal manner and decreasing the respondents’ burden.
What do we do?
Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics defines the tasks of the HCSO in detail.
According to this:
- we examine the data supporting fact-based decision-making and the ways to comply with users’ demands;
- we search and integrate data sources;
- we cooperate with other official organisations with whom we form the Official Statistical Service and jointly develop and execute the data survey programme,
- we establish and develop the methodological background for data production
- we share the information, knowledge obtained in this way, referring to the economy, society, population and environment
- we publish, beside data, information aimed to interpreting these, for instance analyses, methodological descriptions, graphs, maps;
- in the meanwhile we protect individual data from disclosure and respondent units from identification,
- we measure user satisfaction with our products, services,
- we cooperate with other statistical offices and international organisations dealing with statistics in order to develop our skills and also to contribute to developments, for example in methodology or technology.
The National Statistics Code of Practice contains further principles and criteria.