Integrated Farm Statistics data collection – IFS 2023
The Hungarian Central Statistical Office is conducting the Integrated Farm Statistics (IFS) data collection between 15 May and 15 July 2023 under the name Agrárium 2023.
The aim of the data collection is to monitor changes in the structure of agriculture and to provide accurate and reliable data for national economic governance, the EU and farmers, to which the data providers will contribute greatly by participating and providing accurate data.
Integrated Farm Statistics data collection – IFS 2023, finalised data
Integrated Farm Statistics data collection – IFS 2023, preliminary data
Why is the data collection necessary?
Data collection is mandatory in the EU Member States under Regulation (EC) 2018/1091/EC.
Information from the agricultural data collections helps farmers to plan and make economic decisions, and supports decision-makers with timely, detailed and reliable data to take measures that benefit the farming community.
Accurate data provision is essential to enable farmers and their representative organisations, as well as government decision-makers, to make informed decisions and to plan support policies at national and EU level and assess their impact, based on good quality data in the interests of farmers.
What data do we collect?
Implementing Regulation 2021/2286, which regulates the IFS 2023, defines the data sets that will be collected during Agrárium 2023. We have also added additional questions to the questionnaire in relation to domestic policy planning.
The Agrárium 2023 brochure gives an overview of the different themes and provides interesting information on agriculture through figures (available only in Hungarian).
We distinguish between two groups of respondents to the survey, depending on whether they have to respond to the Core data or to the Module data also. They were identified using a mathematical-statistical method.
Core and module variables:
- Farm identification data
- Land use
- Orchard
- Soil management practices
- Irrigation
- Livestock
- Agricultural services
- Machinery, equipment, agricultural digitisation
- Other gainful activities
- Labour force, generational change
Core variables:
- Farm identification data
- Land use
- Livestock
- Agricultural services
- Other gainful activities
- Labour force, generational change
In order to reduce respondent burdens, the information on organic farming and rural development measures is taken from administrative sources and is not included in the questionnaire.
There are three questionnaires linked to Agrárium 2023:
- OSAP 2242: Integrated Farm Statistics data collection, 2023 (agricultural enterprises)
- OSAP 2243: Integrated Farm Statistics data collection, 2023 (private farms)
- OSAP 2374: Integrated Farm Statistics data collection, 2023 (key private farms)
Who is affected by the data collection?
HCSO is carrying out the IFS survey in 941 municipalities in the country, involving about 70 thousand farms. The survey is fully electronic: data is collected online and on tablets. A list of the municipalities concerned can be found here:
Hungary[clear selection]
Number of addresses to visit during Agrárium 2023: | 69,925 |
In 2020 | |
Number of farmers in the municipality: | 241,002 |
Average age of the manager: | 58 years |
Highest agricultural qualification of the manager | |
Practical experience: | 61% |
Secondary or lower: | 30% |
College, university: | 9% |
Utilised agricultural area: | 4,921,767 ha |
Average utilised agricultural area: | 22.8 ha |
Cattle: | 933,300 heads |
Pigs: | 2,919,900 heads |
Click on the name of the municipality on the map to see the 2020 data for that municipality.
In addition to the above, around 4,400 key private farms and 11 thousand agricultural enterprises are also covered by the survey.
Is it compulsory to respond?
Data provision is compulsory for those designated for the data collection under Articles 24 and 26 of Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics.
Why are pre-filled identification data included in the questionnaire and why is it necessary to provide identification data?
The aim of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office is to reduce respondent burdens and continuously improve the quality of data. To this end, it intends to rely increasingly on data from public registers, which will help to significantly reduce the length of the questionnaire and the response time in the future.
The receipt of administrative data is made possible by Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics (Act on Official Statistics), on the basis of which the HCSO receives data from the National Food Chain Safety Office, the Hungarian State Treasury and the National Chamber of Agriculture, among others.
The HCSO links the data sets in its possession (pursuant to Section 41 of the Act) solely for statistical purposes, to the extent and for the duration necessary to achieve the purpose, and guarantees the security of the data.
The individual data compiled are used exclusively for statistical purposes.
What information documents should be prepared in order to complete the questionnaire quickly?
- records relating to farming (e.g. size of land, livestock, etc.);
- the client identifier(s) related to the farm for which agricultural and rural development support has been applied for from the Hungarian State Treasury;
- the identification number(s) received from the National Chamber of Agriculture.
How and when is the data collected?
The survey is fully electronic: data is collected online and on tablets.
Agricultural enterprises (OSAP 2242) will have to fill in the questionnaire in the Elektra system of the HCSO, as they do for the other data provided to the HCSO, between 15 May and 15 June 2023.
Key individual farms (OSAP 2374) will provide data online only, based on the information received by e-mail or post, also in the period 15 May - 15 June 2023..
Non-key individual farms (OSAP 2243) will also have the possibility to complete online between 15 May and 31 May 2023. However, those who do not take advantage of this option will be contacted by enumerators with photo ID who will complete the questionnaire on their tablet by using interview method from 1 June to 15 July 2023.
Why complete the questionnaire online?
Non-key private farms that complete the questionnaire online by 31 May will not be visited by an enumerator between 1 June and 15 July. Filling in the form online is quick and easy, and we will also draw 5 gift vouchers worth HUF 100,000 among those who fill in the form.
What is the legal background of Agrárium 2023?
- Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 of the European Parliament and of the Council on integrated agricultural statistics;
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/2286 concerning integrated agricultural statistics;
- Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics;
- Government Decree No 184/2017 (5 July) on the implementation of Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics.
When will the first data be published?
The most important preliminary data will be published by the HCSO on 15 September 2023.
Our data providers can indicate on the questionnaire if they wish to receive immediate notification of the release of data and analyses.
In this context, point 2.21 of the HCSO General Data Processing Notice applies.
Who can I ask?
Between 24 April and 5 June 2023, we will be running a call centre where you can ask questions about Agrárium 2023 and our colleagues will also help you to fill in the questionnaire. Phone number: 06 80 44 20 40
You can also send your question to
How can I make sure that I have been contacted by an enumerator?
The enumerators are required to identify themselves before the interview by presenting their enumerator card and their identity card at the same time.
Where can I get more information on agricultural censuses?
For information on the agricultural censuses, farm structure surveys, plantation censuses and regular agricultural surveys carried out in the past, please visit the agricultural censuses page of the HCSO.
How do you ensure that my data is properly protected?
The data collected will be treated confidentially and used for statistical purposes only. The receipt of administrative data is governed by point 1.2 of the General Data Processing Notice of the HCSO.
The collection of data does not cover personal data. However, in the case of sole proprietors and primary producers, the name and address retain their natural character, as do the contact details (telephone number, e-mail address) if they are specifically linked to a natural person.
The survey is accompanied by a prize draw. The information relating to this is governed by points 2.4 and 2.15 of the General Data Processing Notice of the HCSO. Other detailed rules relating to the prize draw are set out in the Lottery Rules.