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Tourism, catering

Tourism is the activity of people who travel from their usual environment to another place, where they spend no more than one year for recreational, business or other purposes, but do not engage in gainful activity. 'Tourism and catering' includes statistics on the transit traffic of border crossings in Hungary, on the demand side of inbound, domestic and outbound tourism as well as on tourists, their journeys and related spending. In addition, it contains statistics on the capacity, guest turnover and revenues of commercial accommodation establishments and non-profit and for-profit other accommodation establishments in Hungary, as well as the characteristics of catering units operated in Hungary.

Key figures

Share of the section of accommodation and food services in gross value added

Indicator description

Share of the section of accommodation and food services in gross value added of the national economy at current basic prices.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: 2023

Number of tourism nights at tourist accommodation establishments

Indicator description

Tourism night is a night spent at an accommodation establishment by a tourist.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: January 2025

Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments

Indicator description

Changes in the number of bed-places in commercial accommodation establishments (hotels, boarding houses, camping sites, bungalows and community hostels) and private and other accommodation establishments.
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: January 2025

Tourism balance

Indicator description

Balance of tourism-related income and expenditure
Source of data: Summary Tables (STADAT)
Last data for period: Q4 2024


Related themes

Methodological information

First releases

Latest release Next release
Tourist arrivals at tourist accommodation establishments, December 2023 30/01/2024
Tourist arrivals at tourist accommodation establishments, January 2025 27/02/2025 27/03/2025


Tourism satellite accounts, 2023 20/02/2025
Hungary 1st-3rd quarters of 2024 09/01/2025
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023 27/11/2024
Hungary, 1st semester of 2024 14/10/2024
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023 29/08/2024
Hungary, 2024 Q1 26/08/2024
Hungary, 2023 27/06/2024
Statistical Pocketbook of Hungary, 2023 27/05/2024
International trips, Quarter 4 2023 11/03/2024
Hungary, quarters 1-3 of 2023 – On the path of disinflation 10/01/2024
International trips, Quarter 3 2023 14/12/2023
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 17/01/2024
Hungary, 1st semester of 2023 – disinflation started 19/10/2023
International trips, Quarter 2 2023 04/10/2023
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2022 23/11/2023
Hungary, 2023 Q1 30/08/2023
International trips, Quarter 1 2023 20/07/2023
Statistical Pocketbook of Hungary, 2022 14/06/2023
Hungary, 2022 28/06/2023
Hungary in figures, 2022 11/07/2023
International trips, Quarter 4 2022 24/03/2023
International trips, Quarter 3 2022 07/02/2023
Hungary, Quarter 3 2022 06/02/2023
Regional Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2021 10/01/2023

Release and revision calendarPublication repertory

Summary tables (STADAT) ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Accommodation Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments by type (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Tourist arrivals at tourist accommodation establishments (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Volume indices of tourist arrivals at tourist accommodation establishments (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Tourism nights at tourist accommodation establishments (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Volume indices of tourism nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Tourism nights at tourist accommodation establishments by continent and priority countries (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Tourism nights at tourist accommodation establishments in Budapest and by tourism areas (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Gross revenues at tourist accommodation establishments (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Gross revenue from accommodation fees at tourist accommodation establishments by type of accommodation (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Summary data of Széchenyi voucher exchange units at tourist accommodation establishments by type (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Number of tourism nights at tourist accommodation establishments by county and region (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Number of international tourist nights at tourist accommodation establishments by county and region (monthly data) 27/02/2025 27/03/2025 Arrivals at tourist accommodation establishments 28/01/2025 28/01/2026 Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments 28/01/2025 28/01/2026 Average length of stay at tourist accommodation establishments 28/01/2025 28/01/2026 Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments by type of accommodation, 31 July 30/09/2024 16/04/2025 Number of bed-places at tourist accommodation establishments by county and region, 31 July 30/09/2024 16/04/2025 Capacity of and arrivals at non-profit accommodation establishments 08/05/2024 08/05/2025 Tourist arrivals and tourism nights at tourist accommodation establishments 07/05/2024 16/04/2025 International tourist arrivals and tourism nights of tourism accommodation establishments by continents and priority countries 07/05/2024 16/04/2025 Tourist arrivals and tourism nights at tourist accommodation establishments in Budapest and by tourism areas 07/05/2024 16/04/2025 Gross revenues at tourist accommodation establishments 07/05/2024 16/04/2025 Tourist arrivals at tourist accommodation establishments by county and region 07/05/2024 16/04/2025 Tourist arrivals in hotels by county and region 07/05/2024 16/04/2025 Average length of stay at tourist accommodation establishments by county and region 07/05/2024 16/04/2025 Tourism nights at tourist accommodation establishments by tourism region (monthly data) 04/09/2023 Tourist arrivals and tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments by tourism regions 06/04/2023 Capacity of commercial accommodation establishments by type (monthly data) 07/07/2022 Tourist arrivals at commercial accommodation establishments (monthly data, cumulated data) 07/07/2022 Tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments (monthly data, cumulated data) 07/07/2022 Tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments by priority countries (monthly data, cumulated data) 07/07/2022 Tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments by tourism region (monthly data, cumulated data) 07/07/2022 Gross revenue from accommodation fees at commercial accommodation establishments (monthly data, cumulated data) 07/07/2022 Summary data of hotels (monthly data) 07/07/2022 Gross revenue from accommodation fees at commercial accommodation establishments by type of accommodation (monthly data, cumulated data) 07/07/2022 Summary data of Széchenyi voucher exchange units (monthly data, cumulated data) 07/07/2022 Capacity and arrivals at other profit-oriented accommodation establishments, 31 December 06/05/2022 Number of tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments by county and region 05/05/2022 Number of international tourist nights az commercial accommodation establishments by county and region 05/05/2022 Capacity of commercial accommodation establishments by type of accommodation, 31 July 06/04/2022 Tourist arrivals and tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments by domestic and international 06/04/2022 Tourist arrivals at commercial accommodation establishments 06/04/2022 Tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments 06/04/2022 Tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments by priority countries 06/04/2022 Tourist arrivals and tourism nights at commercial accommodation establishments by tourism region 06/04/2022 Income from accommodation fee of commercial accommodation establishments 06/04/2022 Gross revenue from accommodation fees at commercial accommodation establishments by type of accomodation 06/04/2022 Summary data of Széchenyi voucher exchange units 06/04/2022 Number of bed-places at commercial accommodation establishments by county and region, 31 July 06/04/2022 Tourist arrivals at commercial accommodation establishments by county and region 06/04/2022 Tourist arrivals in hotels by county and region 06/04/2022 Average length of stay at commercial accommodation establishments by county and region 06/04/2022

Baths Main characteristics, visitors, turnover and provided services of baths 12/08/2024 12/08/2025 Main characteristics, visitors, turnover and provided services of baths by county and region 12/08/2024 12/08/2025

Catering units Sales of catering by major commodity groups 14/03/2025 16/06/2025 Sales of catering by major commodity groups 14/03/2025 16/06/2025 Sales and volume indices of catering units (monthly data, cumulated data) 06/03/2025 07/04/2025 Sales of catering units 10/02/2025 06/06/2025 Number of catering units by type 15/11/2024 16/05/2025 Number of catering units by county and region 15/11/2024 16/05/2025 Number of catering units by type of units, 31 December 17/05/2024 16/05/2025 Number of catering units by type of units, by county and region, 31. December 17/05/2024 16/05/2025

Domestic trips Main data of domestic trips with overnight stay by purpose of the trip (quarterly data) 17/12/2024 27/03/2025 Length of stay on domestic trips with overnight stay by duration of trips (quarterly data) 17/12/2024 27/03/2025 Number of domestic trips with overnight stay by destination (quarterly data) 17/12/2024 27/03/2025 Duration of domestic trips with overnight stay by destination (quarterly data) 17/12/2024 27/03/2025 Summary data of tourist domestic trips with overnight stay 27/03/2024 27/03/2025 Length of tourist domestic trips with overnight stay by destination 27/03/2024 27/03/2025 Number and duration of domestic trips with overnight stay by main motivation 27/03/2024 27/03/2025

International trips The number of inbound trips to Hungary and the related expenditures by trip 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 The number of inbound trips to Hungary and the related expenditures by countries 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 The number of inbound trips to Hungary and the related expenditures by main motivation 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 The main indicators of inbound trips to Hungary by mode of transport and main motivation of the trip 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 The number of inbound trips to Hungary and the related expenditures by mode of transport and countries 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 Related expenditures to inbound trips to Hungary by facility groups and trips 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 Distribution of inbound overnight trips to Hungary by region and countries 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 Number, average length of stay and expenditure of outbound trips 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 Expenditures relating to outbound trips by facility groups 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 The main indicators of outbound trips, by main destination countries 06/03/2025 06/03/2026 Tourism related revenues, expenditures and balance (quarterly data) 06/03/2025 06/06/2025 The number of inbound trips to Hungary and the related expenditures by trip (quarterly data) 06/03/2025 06/06/2025 The number of inbound trips to Hungary and the related expenditures by countries (quartarly data) 06/03/2025 06/06/2025 The main indicators (number of trips, length of stay and spending) of inbound trips to Hungary by main motivation of the trip (changed motivational classification) (quarterly data) 06/03/2025 06/06/2025 Related expenditures to inbound trips to Hungary by facility groups (quarterly data) 06/03/2025 06/06/2025 The main indicators of outbound trips, by main motivation of travel (changed motivational classification) (quarterly data) 06/03/2025 05/06/2025 Spending on trips abroad by structure of consumption (quarterly data) 06/03/2025 05/06/2025 The main indicators of outbound trips, by main destination countries (quarterly data) 06/03/2025 05/06/2025 Distribution of leisure trips abroad by type of destination 08/03/2024 27/03/2025 The number of inbound trips to Hungary and the related expenditures by motivation 06/04/2021

Summary table Indicator data on tourism and catering 06/03/2025 01/04/2025 Tourism related revenues, expenditures and balance 06/03/2025 06/03/2026

Tour operator activities Number and performance of travel agencies and tour operators 13/09/2024 11/09/2025

Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) 03/01/2025 03/01/2026

Dissemination database ( infra-annual data annual data )

Latest update Next update

Accommodation services

Occupancy rate of hotels and similar establishments 27/02/2025
Income of tourist accommodation establishments 27/02/2025
Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments 27/02/2025 27/03/2025
International tourist arrivals and tourism nights of tourist accommodation establishments 27/02/2025 27/03/2025
International and domestic tourist arrivals and tourism nights of tourist accommodation establishments 27/02/2025 27/03/2025
Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments, July in the reference year 30/09/2024
Income of Commercial Accommodation Establishments 05/08/2022
Variables of spa hotels 07/07/2022
Foreign Tourist Arrivals and Foreign Tourism Nights in Commercial Accommodation Establishments 07/07/2022
Data of Széchenyi voucher of Commercial Accommodation Establishments 07/07/2022
Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Nights in Commercial Accommodation Establishments 07/07/2022
Capacity of Commercial Accommodation Establishments, Monthly Data 09/06/2022
Occupancy Rate of Commercial Accommodation Establishments 09/06/2022
Capacity of other profit-oriented accommodation establishments 2010 - 05/05/2022
Number of tourists and tourist nights in other profit-oriented accommodation establishments 2010 - 05/05/2022
Variables of spa hotels - annual data 06/04/2022
Income of Commercial Accommodation Establishments - annual data 06/04/2022
Capacity of Commercial Accommodation Establishments, 31 July in the Reference Year 06/04/2022
Occupancy Rate of Commercial Accommodation Establishments - annual data 06/04/2022
Data of Széchenyi voucher of Commercial Accommodation Establishments - annual data 06/04/2022
Variables of spa hotels 12/11/2019
Foreign Tourist Arrivals and Foreign Tourism Nights in Public Accommodation Establishments 17/06/2016
Public accommodation establishments' data on settlement level - highlighted settlements' data 17/06/2016
Number of tourist arrivals and tourism nights of private accommodation establishments 06/09/2013
Income of Public Accommodation Establishments 11/04/2012
Capacity of Public Accommodation Establishments, 31 July in the Reference Year 11/04/2012
Capacity of private accommodation establishments 12/08/2010
Capacity of Public Accommodation Establishments, Monthly Data 10/02/2010
Income of Public Accommodation Establishments 08/12/2009
Occupancy Rate of Public Accommodation Establishments 03/09/2009
Occupancy Rate of Public Accommodation Establishments 03/09/2009
Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Nights in Public Accommodation Establishments 02/09/2009
Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Nights in Public Accommodation Establishments 02/09/2009
Capacity of Public Accommodation Establishments, Monthly Data 11/08/2009
Capacity of Public Accommodation Establishments, 31 July in the Reference Year 11/08/2009

Tourism demand

BusTraffic at the Border 14/03/2025 20/03/2025
Vehicle Traffic at the Border 14/03/2025 20/03/2025
Vehicle Traffic at the Border (Road) 14/03/2025 20/03/2025
Vehicle Traffic at the Border (exclude water-way) 14/03/2025 20/03/2025
Road Vehicle Traffic at the Border 14/03/2025 20/03/2025
Passenger Traffic at the Border 14/03/2025 20/03/2025
The number of inbound trips to Hungary by gender and age groups 2023- 06/03/2025 06/06/2025
Expenditure of foreign visitors 06/03/2025 06/06/2025
Main indicators of inbound trips 2023- 06/03/2025 06/06/2025
Outbound trips of population 06/03/2025 06/06/2025
Same-day domestic trips for tourism purpose 17/12/2024 27/03/2025
Characteristics of domestic trips with ovenight stay 17/12/2024 27/03/2025
Travel activity 16/04/2024 15/04/2025
The number of inbound trips to Hungary by gender and age groups 2017- 18/06/2020
Related expenditures to inbound trips to Hungary 2017- 18/06/2020
Main indicators of inbound trips 2017- 18/06/2020
The number of inbound trips to Hungary by gender and age groups 2007-2018 09/03/2020
Related expenditures to inbound trips to Hungary 2007-2018 09/03/2020
Main indicators of inbound trips 2007-2018 09/03/2020

Catering units (number, income, turnover)

Number of Wine Growers' Taverns 15/11/2024
Number of catering units 15/11/2024
Number of Wine Growers' Taverns 21/09/2020
Number of catering units 15/08/2016
Number of catering units 15/08/2016

Data visualisations

WEEKLY MONITOR – Tourism, catering
Michelin-star restaurants
Busójárás of Mohács, winter sending-off, spring welcoming festival
World Tourism Day, 27 September 2024
Statistical Yearbook of Hungary, 2023 – charts
Interactive Mapping Application
On the road – data on European mobility
’For me, lake Balaton is the Riviera...’
We have been European Union members for 15 years
Summer at Lake Balaton
Hungarian-Polish Friendship Day, 23 March