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13. Number of holdings keeping cattle, pigs and horses and their livestock by groups of holdings and by region, 2007
Region Cattle Pigs Horses
number of holdings livestock of which: cows number of holdings livestock of which: sows number of holdings livestock of which: mares
thousand heads thousand heads thousand heads
Agricultural enterprises
Central Hungary 98 50.2 18.5 48 113.4 9.2 92 1.7 0.6
Central Transdanubia 110 69.3 33.4 59 291.0 19.7 67 1.6 0.6
Western Transdanubia 135 78.0 35.4 65 155.3 12.0 65 0.9 0.4
Southern Transdanubia 127 63.2 30.8 127 570.7 35.8 79 1.0 0.5
Northern Hungary 88 38.2 18.7 40 123.4 10.2 47 0.8 0.3
Northern Great Plain 193 104.5 48.9 128 712.0 49.2 81 1.0 0.4
Southern Great Plain 147 81.8 39.7 121 638.2 45.1 68 1.0 0.4
Total 898 485.3 225.5 588 2 604.0 181.3 499 7.9 3.4
Private holdings
Central Hungary 1 214 11.6 5.8 30 694 76.4 3.7 2 243 4.1 1.8
Central Transdanubia 1 345 20.4 9.6 20 038 102.1 6.2 2 435 7.0 4.0
Western Transdanubia 2 079 29.6 10.1 21 105 136.6 9.2 2 070 5.3 3.2
Southern Transdanubia 1 583 18.5 7.5 31 302 147.0 9.3 2 949 6.2 3.2
Northern Hungary 1 620 22.6 12.9 30 935 77.8 3.0 2 343 5.1 2.5
Northern Great Plain 4 937 59.9 26.4 68 200 279.0 16.8 5 587 11.2 6.1
Southern Great Plain 6 132 57.3 24.4 79 657 448.4 29.8 6 119 13.0 7.2
Total 18 910 219.8 96.9 281 931 1 267.2 78.0 23 746 51.9 27.9
Central Hungary 1 312 61.8 24.3 30 742 189.7 12.9 2 335 5.7 2.4
Central Transdanubia 1 455 89.7 43.0 20 097 393.0 25.9 2 502 8.6 4.6
Western Transdanubia 2 214 107.6 45.5 21 170 291.9 21.2 2 135 6.2 3.6
Southern Transdanubia 1 710 81.7 38.4 31 429 717.7 45.2 3 028 7.2 3.7
Northern Hungary 1 708 60.8 31.6 30 975 201.2 13.2 2 390 5.8 2.9
Northern Great Plain 5 130 164.4 75.4 68 328 990.9 66.1 5 668 12.2 6.5
Southern Great Plain 6 279 139.0 64.1 79 778 1 086.6 74.9 6 187 14.0 7.6
Total 19 808 705.1 322.4 282 519 3 871.2 259.3 24 245 59.7 31.3

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008