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11. Number of holdings keeping cattle, pigs and horses and their livestock by groups of holdings, 2007
Year Cattle Pigs Horses
number of holdings livestock of which: cows number of holdings livestock of which: sows number of holdings livestock of which: mares
thousand heads thousand heads thousand heads
Agricultural enterprises
2000 1 018 576.8 270.1 814 2 532.2 249.0 703 9.2 3.8
2003 860 488.5 233.4 681 2 658.3 207.6 507 8.4 3.1
2005 847 474.0 225.0 580 2 331.4 175.3 512 8.5 3.2
2007 898 485.3 225.5 588 2 604.0 181.3 499 7.9 3.4
Private holdings
2000 51 164 273.7 120.9 483 713 2 518.3 178.1 37 376 71.4 36.5
2003 31 413 225.8 104.0 434 050 1 999.8 112.1 27 661 61.0 31.6
2005 24 261 224.8 96.4 315 906 1 484.1 95.8 28 459 63.9 32.7
2007 18 910 219.8 96.9 281 931 1 267.2 78.0 23 746 51.9 27.9
2000 52 182 850.4 391.1 484 527 5 050.5 427.1 38 079 80.6 40.2
2003 32 273 714.3 337.4 434 731 4 658.1 319.8 28 168 69.4 34.7
2005 25 108 698.8 321.5 316 486 3 815.5 271.1 28 971 72.4 35.9
2007 19 808 705.1 322.4 282 519 3 871.2 259.3 24 245 59.7 31.3

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008