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12. Number of holdings keeping goats, sheep and chickens and their livestock by groups of holdings, 2007
Year Goats Sheep Chicken
number of holdings livestock of which: nanny goats number of holdings livestock of which: ewes number of holdings livestock of which: laying hens
thousand heads thousand heads thousand heads
Agricultural enterprises
2000 47 1.8 1.1 345 254.7 169.7 334 17 342.4 4 374.9
2003 55 2.8 1.9 252 173.0 122.4 271 16 184.1 5 556.7
2005 55 2.0 1.4 283 180.4 133.2 272 16 037.8 5 167.8
2007 55 2.9 1.8 306 172.7 125.2 261 16 433.4 4 451.6
Private holdings
2000 27 202 104.2 54.0 24 749 1 032.6 746.5 596 654 25 076.6 9 676.0
2003 19 191 77.3 45.8 20 742 1 108.0 823.6 436 513 18 573.4 8 185.8
2005 20 593 92.1 47.5 21 579 1 262.3 915.4 383 625 11 398.0 6 270.1
2007 15 383 64.4 35.5 21 476 1 059.4 851.5 325 554 13 432.2 8 192.2
2000 27 249 106.0 55.1 25 094 1 287.3 916.2 596 988 42 419.0 14 050.9
2003 19 246 80.1 47.7 20 994 1 280.9 946.0 436 784 34 757.6 13 742.5
2005 20 648 94.1 48.9 21 862 1 442.7 1 048.6 383 897 27 435.8 11 437.9
2007 15 438 67.3 37.2 21 782 1 232.0 976.8 325 815 29 865.6 12 643.8

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008