3.1.14. Main aggregates of General Government (1995–)(5/25)

(current prices, million HUF)

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LABEL STO CHECK General government Central government State government Local government Social security funds
S.13 S.1311 S.1312 S.1313 S.1314
Output P1 1=2+3=7+11+12–13+9+14 2 547 602 1 207 855 1 301 048 38 699
market output and output for own final use P1M 2 35 603 35 603 0 0
non-market output P13 3=4+5 2 511 999 1 172 252 1 301 048 38 699
payments for non-market output P131 4 346 600 178 278 167 283 1 039
non-market output, other P132 5 2 165 399 993 974 1 133 765 37 660
Market output, output for own final use and payments for non-market output P1O 6=2+4 382 203 213 881 167 283 1 039
Intermediate consumption P2 7 793 588 385 251 392 655 15 682
Value added, gross B1G 8=1–7 1 754 014 822 604 908 393 23 017
Consumption of fixed capital P51C 9 510 614 248 883 257 938 3 793
Value added, net B1N 10=8–9 1 243 400 573 721 650 455 19 224
Compensation of employees, payable D1 11 1 243 400 573 721 650 455 19 224
wages and salaries D11 11a 886 839 412 800 460 514 13 525
employers' social contributions D12 11b 356 561 160 921 189 941 5 699
Other taxes on production, payable D29 12 0 0 0 0
Other subsidies on production, receivable D39R 13 0 0 0 0
Operating surplus, net B2N 14=10–11–12+13 0 0 0 0
Taxes on production and imports, receivable D2 15=16+18 1 887 908 1 665 699 222 209 0
Taxes on products, receivable D21 16 1 822 874 1 628 919 193 955 0
VAT, receivable D211 17 924 822 924 822
Other taxes on production, receivable D29 18 65 034 36 780 28 254 0
Property income, receivablea D4 19=20+21 104 407 75 356 45 393 2 433
interest, receivablea D41 20 69 421 46 868 38 895 2 433
other property income, receivablea D4N 21 34 986 28 488 6 498 0
dividens from corporations D421 21a 12 633 6 135 6 498 0
rents D45 21b 22 353 22 353 0 0
Subsidies, payable D3P 22=23+24 219 600 205 371 14 229 0
subsidies on products, payable D31P 23 169 681 155 452 14 229 0
other subsidies on production, payable D39P 24 49 919 49 919 0
Property income, payablea D4 25=30+31 779 384 788 459 9 124 576
Of which:
payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)b D4 26 0 573
payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)b D4 27
payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)b D4 28 17 500 0
payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)b D4 29 702 0
interest, payablea D41 30 779 384 788 459 9 124 576
other property income, payablea D4N 31 0 0 0 0
Balance of primary incomes, net B5N 32=14+15+19–22–25 993 331 747 225 244 249 1 857
Current taxes on income, wealth etc., receivable D5 33 1 070 581 867 592 202 989 0
Net social contributions, receivable D61 34 1 519 358 127 085 3 720 1 388 553
Of which:
employers' actual social contributions D611 35 1 200 524 84 002 1 116 522
households' actual social contributions D613 36 309 190 37 334 271 856
Other current transfers, receivablea D7 37 73 960 144 006 669 661 104 527
Current taxes on income, wealth etc., payable D5 38 50 50 0 0
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind, payable D62 39 1 518 200 365 505 89 706 1 062 989
Social transfers in kind - purchased market production, payable D632 40 308 424 90 995 6 667 210 762
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind - purchased market production, payable D6M 41=39+40 1 826 624 456 500 96 373 1 273 751
Other current transfers, payablea D7 42 172 941 678 768 45 735 292 672
Of which:
payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)b D7 43 7 269 80 856
payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)b D7 44
payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)b D7 45 445 303 211 660
payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)b D7 46 98 906 240
Disposable income, net B6N 47=32+33+34+37–38–39–42 1 966 039 841 585 985 178 139 276
Final consumption expenditure P3 48=49+50=5+40 2 473 823 1 084 969 1 140 432 248 422
individual consumption expenditure P31 49 1 278 626 333 272 734 592 210 762
collective consumption expenditure P32 50 1 195 197 751 697 405 840 37 660
Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements D8 51
Saving, gross B8G 52=53+9 2 830 5 499 102 684 -105 353
Saving, net B8N 53=47–48–51 -507 784 -243 384 -155 254 -109 146
Capital transfers, receivablea D9 54=55+56 52 368 26 750 107 241 92 740
capital taxes, receivablea D91 55 6 338 3 946 2 392 0
other capital transfers and investment grants, receivablec D9N 56 46 030 22 804 104 849 92 740
Capital transfers, payablec D9 57 347 519 474 582 45 532 1 768
Of which:
payable to sub-sector Central Government (S.1311)d D9 58 628 1 463
payable to sub-sector State Government (S.1312)d D9 59
payable to sub-sector Local Government (S.1313)d D9 60 79 228 304
payable to sub-sector Social Security Funds (S.1314)d D9 61 92 740 0
investment grants, payable D92 62 241 187 271 498 45 532 1 768
Gross capital formation P5 63=64+65 409 672 226 743 178 529 4 400
gross fixed capital formation P51G 64 391 414 208 485 178 529 4 400
changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables P5M 65 18 258 18 258 0 0
Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets NP 66 -87 923 -73 535 -14 388 0
Gross capital formation and acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets P5L 67=63+66 321 749 153 208 164 141 4 400
Net lending (+)/net borrowing (-) B9 68=52+54–57–67=70–69 -614 070 -595 541 252 -18 781
Total expenditure OTE 69=7+11+12+22+25+ 38+41+42+51+57+67 5 704 855 3 715 910 1 418 244 1 608 073
Total revenue OTR 70=6+13+15+19+ 33+34+37+54 5 090 785 3 120 369 1 418 496 1 589 292
Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collectede D995 71
Total payable tax creditsf PTC 72
Of which: payable tax credits that exceed the taxpayer's liabilityf TC 73
aSubsector data shall be consolidated within each subsector but not between subsectors. Sector S.13 data equal the sum of subsector data, except for items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their subitems) which should be consolidated between subsectors (with counterpart information).  bSubsector data shall be consolidated within each subsector but not between subsectors. Sector S.13 data equal the sum of subsector data, except for items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their subitems) which should be consolidated between subsectors (with counterpart information). Whenever substantial payments for items other than D.4, D.7 or D.9 and subitems occur between subsectors, please specify these payments in the sender footnotes.  cSubsector data shall be consolidated within each subsector but not between subsectors. Sector S.13 data equal the sum of subsector data, except for items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their subitems) which should be consolidated between subsectors (with counterpart information). D.995 is to be deducted from D.99r. No amounts for D.995 are to be included under D.9p.  dSubsector data shall be consolidated within each subsector but not between subsectors. Sector S.13 data equal the sum of subsector data, except for items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their subitems) which should be consolidated between subsectors (with counterpart information). D.995 is to be deducted from D.99r. No amounts for D.995 are to be included under D.9p. Whenever substantial payments for items other than D.4, D.7 or D.9 and subitems occur between subsectors, please specify these payments in the sender footnotes.  eSubsector data shall be consolidated within each subsector but not between subsectors. Sector S.13 data equal the sum of subsector data, except for items D.4, D.7 and D.9 (and their subitems) which should be consolidated between subsectors (with counterpart information). D.995 is to be deducted from D.99r. No amounts for D.995 are to be included under D.9p. The split by receiving subsectors is voluntary.  fA tax credit is a tax relief which is directly subtracted from the tax liability otherwise due by the beneficiary household or corporation. Payable tax credits are tax credits for which any amount exceeding the amount of tax liability (otherwise due) is paid out to the beneficiary. The whole amount of the payable tax credit should be recorded as government expenditure ('Total payable tax credits', PTC) while mentioning the amount of the 'transfer component' (TC), which are payable tax credits that exceed the taxpayer's liability and that are paid out to the taxpayer. Data to be transmitted on a voluntary basis for subsectors. Data for reference years before 2012 to be transmitted on a voluntary basis. Transmission is compulsory for reference years from 2012 onwards. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011