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OSS – Members – Office of the Prosecutor General (LÜ)

Name of the Organization

Office of the Prosecutor General


Institutional contact

Headquarters: 1055 Budapest, Markó u. 16.

Postal address: 1372 Budapest, Pf. 438.

E-mail: informatika@mku.hu Telephone (+36 1) 4725608


Official statistical activity:

The Office of the Prosecutor General, as a member of the Official Statistical Service, is the data manager of the statistical data collections recorded in the National Statistical Data Collection Program (OSAP); it produces statistics on crime, prosecutors’ activity before the criminal court, and data of case management in connection with the activity of prosecutors. The latter has been phased out of the National Statistical Data Collection Program from 2023. 

Instruction 10/2021 (IX. 17.) of LÜ (Prosecutor General) provides the statistics-related activities of the Prosecution Service and the statistical activities of the Prosecution Service.


Scope of the produced official statistical data: 

The Prosecution Service collects statistical data relating to crime and prosecutorial activity before the criminal court. In addition, it produces statistical data from data of case management related to prosecutorial activity.


Data collections ordered in the National Statistical Surveys Programme (NSSP):


Compulsory statistical data collections and data transmissions and their domains Annex 10


Availability of the produced data and statistical publications:

On the website of the Prosecution Service of Hungary, under the menu item below:

Statisztikai adatok (Statistical data)


Methodology of data collection:


A/ The Standard Criminal Statistics of Investigation Authorities and Prosecutors (ENyÜBS):


Standards in force:


  • Act XC of 2017 on the Code of Criminal Procedure
  • BM (Ministry of Interior) decree 12/2018. (VI. 7.) on the Standard Criminal Statistics of Investigation Authorities and Prosecutors, detailed rules for data collection and processing;
  • BM-PM-LÜ (Ministry of Interior - Ministry of Finance -Office of the Prosecutor General) joint instruction 5/2019 (III. 8.), on the operation of the Criminal Statistics Working Group and the Preparatory Working Group coordinating the Standard Criminal Statistics of the Investigation Authority and the Prosecution Service;
  • LÜ (Prosecutor General) instruction 15/2018 (VIII. 31.) on the application of the Standard Criminal Statistics of the Investigation Authority and the Prosecution Service.


The Standard Criminal Statistics of Investigation Authorities and Prosecutors (ENyÜBS) collects statistical data of criminal procedures, the activities which serve the ground of criminal procedure furthermore perpetrators and victims (as units of observation) according to standard principles (including planning and execution of data collection).

The calculation rules of the registered categories and basic concepts of the Standard Criminal Statistics of Investigation Authorities and Prosecutors (ENyÜBS) are included by the Methodological guide (Módszertani útmutató) which can be found on the official website of the Prosecution Service.


The ENyÜBS data collection, which previously was carried out in a standard system, from 1 July 2018 can be divided into two subsystems: the Statistics of Initiated Criminal Procedures (ENyÜBS-KBS), introduced as a new subsystem and Statistics of Completed Criminal Procedures (ENyÜBS-BBS) which relates to the collection of data containing all observation units, which was finished by the investigative authority and by the Prosecution Service during the criminal procedure in the manner determined.


  • Similarly to the ENyÜBS data collection made before 1 July 2018, data is provided in the ENyÜBS-BBS after the conclusion of a specific phase of the criminal procedure. With this in mind, the system contains data on crimes relating to which statistical data has been provided.
  • In the case of the ENyÜBS-KBS, the data must be provided after the submission of the complaint, notification ex officio or successful preparatory procedure. Since the information available in the complaint is preliminary, ENyÜBS-KBS is limited to a narrow range of data.


B/ Prosecution Information System:

Standards in force:


  • LÜ (Prosecutor General) instruction 16/2007 (ÜK. 12.) on the introduction of the Prosecution Information System,
  • LÜ (Prosecutor General) and Heads of Department joint circular letter 2/2013 (VI. 30.) on the Prosecution Information System,


The basic observation unit of the system is the accused. The system collects data for each accused about the crime(s) charged or established in court decisions, about the most important procedural actions, as well as about certain elements of the prosecutor's activities before the criminal court.


Statistical data must be recorded per each accused based on the findings of the prosecutor who took substantive measures in the case, and on the basis of the documents.

Data must be recorded electronically, using the IT application designed for this purpose.

Data is recorded after issuing of the final court decision, and with this in mind, the system only contains the data of the accused persons affected by the final court decision.


International relations:


Requests for data provision of international organizations are fulfilled by the Prosecution Service directly or through the mediating national authority.

The most frequent data requesters:

CEPEJ (The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice)

EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction)

GRECO (Group of States against Corruption)

Moneyval (The Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism)

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

UN-CTS (United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems)

UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)

European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 

FRA (The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights)