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OSS – Members – The Ministry of Interior (BM)

The Ministry of Interior


The Ministry of Interior, as a member of the Official Statistical Service (OSS), publishes official statistical data as part of its public service mission. 

ENyÜBS is a joint data collection by the Ministry of Interior and the Office of the Prosecutor General. The ENyÜBS contains data on criminal proceedings initiated and conducted by the police, the National Tax and Customs Administration and the Prosecution Service, supplemented by prosecution data from the indictment phase. 

In the ENyÜBS, data are collected along the lines of so-called observation units. These observation units are: criminal prosecutions, the underlying offences, the offenders, the victims and the legal persons prosecuted.


Statistics collected by the General Directorate of Water Management:

The water sector data sheets that are regulated by the Government Decree 178/1998. (XI. 6.) on basic data related to water management tasks are uploaded to the website of the General Directorate of Water Management in order to implement the annual data provision according to the following data collections:

Water use in agriculture (VH-MEZŐ)

Operational monitoring of groundwater wells and monitoring wells (VH-FAV))

The main technical and economic data of public drinking water supply and wastewater collection and treatment (VH-KÖZMŰ)

Water production and water treatment data of industrial water users above the quantity of  5 m3/h total water abstraction and above 80 m3/d fresh water use (VH-IPAR)

Surface water abstraction and inlets to surface water bodies (VH-FEV)

Data sheets for data collection are available at this link: a linken.

Tables for VH-IPAR and VH-KÖZMŰ are available in online form after a preliminary registration.


Statistical data collected by the Hungarian National Police Headquarters (HNP HQ):

Out of data collected by the HNP HQ in its sphere of activities, traffic enforcement statistics and public safety statistics are published. One can consult these data on the www.police.hu homepage at subpages Public order protection and Traffic enforcement.


The data collected by the Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters (HPS-HQ) relate to the activity of the correctional probation officers. The points 62/H.-62/K. § of the Decree nr.8/2013. (VI. 29.) of the Minister for Administration and Justice (KIM) on the activities of the Probation Service establish the procedure for data collection. Tables containing statistical data are available on the HPS-HQ website at the below link:



Statistical data collected by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing


The NDGAP publishes statistical data on asylum and aliens policing from the statistical data collected within its scope of activities. The data are published on the website http://oif.gov.hu under the headword ’Statistics’.


Deputy State Secretariat for Public Education

Official statistical activity:

Statistical activity includes the organisation and implementation of the collection of statistical data on public education under the National Statistical Data Collection Programme. The activity includes the compilation and editing of statistical summaries on public education statistics. The data source for the collection of statistics on public education is: Data on the activities of general education institutions (OSAP 1410). The data providers are the individual public education institutions or their maintainers.

The scope of the official statistics produced:

Main data on kindergartens, primary schools, development education, vocational schools, schools for skills development, vocational schools (vocational secondary schools), upper secondary schools, technical schools (vocational upper secondary schools), primary art schools, colleges, pedagogical assistance services, pedagogical professional services provided by public education institutions:

- number of children and pupils,

- number of pupils, students, number of teachers, number of staff directly involved in educational work,

- number of other staff

- number of groups, classes, number of graduates,

- the infrastructure of the institutions,

- data on educational expenditure and revenue in non-state operated education establishments.


Availability of data produced, statistical publications:



State Secretary for Health

Official statistical activity:

The health sector of the Ministry of Interior plans, coordinates, and monitors the implementation of the mandatory statistical data collection of the National Data Collection Programme (OSAP) with the involvement of the background institutions in field of healthcare.

There are 24 health-related data collections within the OSAP chapter of the Ministry of the Interior. Tasks related to these (data collection, data processing, data provision, publication, etc.) are performed by the health-related background institutions of the Ministry of Interior, and in the case of four data collections, the Hungarian Treasury.

The scope of official statistical data produced:

National Public Health Centre (NNK)

  • Report on the activity of occupational health services [Activity of occupational health services; Number and characteristics of the service performed by the entity and employees; Job strain, job etiological facxtors in potentially hazardous jobs, jobs key epidemiological; Work hygiene jobs ; Examination of the health status of employees; Healthcare activities]
  • Summary of food-borne outbreaks [Data on food-borne outbreaks by county, month and causative agents]
  • Reported cases of notifiable communicable diseases [Data on reported communicable diseases by counties, month and age groups]
  • Estimated number of influenza-like illness in epidemic year [Data on patients visiting doctors with influenza or influenza-like symptoms (estimated number during epidemic year)]
  • Report on Immunization [Data on mandatory childhood vaccination (number of persons to be vaccinated; number of vaccinated persons; vaccination coverage); Data on mandatory childhood vaccination by counties (number of persons to be vaccinated; number of vaccinated persons; vaccination coverage); Data on mandatory vaccination in case of risk of infectious disease; International travel vaccination; Data on influenza vaccination (by counties)]
  • Report on human poisoning cases [Data of poisoning by medicines; Data of poisoning by household products; Data of poisoning by pesticedes; Data of poisoning by other chemicals]
  • Report on occupational diseases [Characteristics of occupational diseases (number and frequency by clinical manifestation; morbidity by sectors of national economy; by etiology; by geographical distribution); Characteristics of cases with increased exposition (number and ratio; morbidity by sectors of national economy; by cause of exposition; by geographical distribution)]
  • Report on HIV infections and AIDS diseases [Data of newly discovered HIV-infected persons, by risk groups; Data of AIDS patients by risk groups; Data of people dying from AIDS-related causes, by risk groups; Data of AIDS patients by county distribution; Data of newly discovered HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients by age]

National Healthcare Service Centre (OKFŐ)

  • Price information of health care institutions [The data of material product, service which purchased by healthcare instutions (value, source of supply, price type, speciality of usage, quantity, unit price).; The data from the annual material spending of healtcare instutions./ Data and statistics produced are available on the website of OKFŐ: https://okfo.gov.hu/arinformacio]
  • Report on inventory changes of devices [Inventory report on the following: endoscopes, patient monitoring systems, resuscitation equipment, high frequency surgical instruments, operating microscopes, colposcopes, incubators, dialysis equipment,ultrasonic cutting electrosurgical units, lithotripters, X-Ray diagnostic equipment, Roentgen theraphy equipment, nuclear diagnostic and therapy equipment, surgical and examination lightning, sterilization instruments, histopathology equipment, anaesthesia machines, breathing machines;(according to the means of inclusion into stock, location of operation, country of origin, name of manufacturer, year of manufacture, date of purchase and installation, value at purchase , results of functional testing)]
  • Report of investment and renovation spending in the health care [Investment spending (buildings, machines-instruments) according to the data of healthcare institutions; Renovation spending (buildings, machines-instruments) according to the data of healthcare institutions]
  • Statistics on the distribution of physicians and dentists by region, specialist qualification, age and sex [Distribution of physicians by region, specialist qualification, age and sex; Distribution of dentists by region, specialist qualification, age and sex]
  • Collection of data into health sector-specific jobs register [Data of incomes and jobs in the health sector / Data and statistics produced are available on the website of OKFŐ: https://www.enkk.hu/hmr/index.php/osap1626]
  • Report on the number of physicians, dentists, pharmacists and specialized clinical psychologists with granted diploma [Headcount data of graduated medical doctors, dentists and pharmacists]
  • Statistics on the distribution of pharmacists by region, specialization, age and sex [Distribution of pharmacists by region, specialist qualification, age and sex]
  • Data of health sector-specific incomes and jobs in the circle of institutes payroll calculation system [Data of health sector-specific incomes and jobs in the circle of institutes that are in the Hungarian State Treasury's central payroll calculation system]

National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK)

  • Report on the sales of public pharmacies of reimbursed and non-reimbursed pharmaceuticals (according to pharmacies, pharmaceuticals, county and on a countrywide aggregated level) [Sales volumes of reimbursed prescription only medicinal products according to categories of reimbursement; Sales volumes of non reimbursed medicinal products (prescribed by doctors, veterinarians, foreign prescriptions) (name and number of packages); Sales volumes of prescription only medicines dispensed for health professionals without prescription (name and number of packages); Sales volumes of OTC medicinal products (name and number of packages); Sales volumes of medicinal products dispensed for health care providers by order forms (name and number of packages); Sales volumes of pharmacies by counties and total sales in Hungary
  • Monthly report on medicine sales of medicine-wholesalers, and sales of own-produced products of medicine producers to inpatient institutes [Pharmaceutical wholesalers data; Sales volumes of pharmaceutical wholesalers to final users / Data and statistics produced are available ont he website of NEAK: http://www.neak.gov.hu/iframes/panka]

National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI)

  • Report on pharmacies [Hospital pharmacy's data; Data on the location of the hospital phamacies; Data on the operation of the hospital pharmacies; Special tasks performed by the hospital pharmacy; Hospital pharmacy workforce data; Branch pharmacy location data; Information on the operation of branch pharmacies; Data on the location of community pharmacies and it's operators; Data on pharmacy managers (the personal right holders) in community pharmacies; Data on the operation of community pharmacies; Data on employees in community pharmacies; Special activities and services of the community pharmacies; Data of the dispensing doctors and their location; Data on the operation of Dispensing Doctors]

National Institute of Oncology (OOI- Hungarian Cancer Registry and Center for Biostatistcs)

  • Cumulative report on neoplastic deseases [All the observed malignant-, and in situ neoplastic desease, is the benignant tumour of the brain and vesica]

Hungarian State Treasury (MÁK)

The OSAP related tasks of the former National Health Insurance Fund (OEP) relating to the pecuniary allowances provided by the health insurance system (sickness benefit, child care sickness benefit, infant care allowance, child care fee) were transferred to the Central Administration of National Pension Insurance (ONYF) from January 1, 2017, and from November 1, 2017, these tasks have been taken over by the Hungarian State Treasury (MÁK)..

  • Monthly Health Insurance Statistical Survey [Data of number of persons in Social Insurance pay-offices; Data pertain to incapacity for work; Sick-pay data from data pertain to incapacity for work; Data of sick leave from data pertain to incapacity for work; Data of Infant Care Allowance; Data of Child-care fee; Data of Adoption fee]
  • Report on the beneficiaries of child care fee and adoption fee [Data pertain to child-care fee and adoption fee beneficiaries and for child; Data pertain to granted child-care benefit and adoption fee; Data pertain to paid sum for child-care benefit and adoption fee]
  • Report from terminated incapacity for work [Terminated cases of incapacity for work; Data of sick leave from terminated cases of incapacity for work; Data of separated sick-pay (accident sick-pay) by degree from terminated cases of incapacity for work]
  • Report of data pertain to beneficiaries of Infant Care Allowance [Data pertain to beneficiaries of Infant Care Allowance and for child; Data pertain to granted Infant Care Allowance; Data pertain to paid sum for Infant Care Allowance]

Forms are available ont he website of MÁK: Forms


Data collections ordered in the National Statistical Surveys Programme (NSSP):


Compulsory statistical data collections and data transmissions and their domains Annex 3

Compulsory statistical data transmissions and their coverage Annex 4