Agricultural census - Census on vineyards and orchards in 2001 - Legal background
Legal background of census on vineyards and orchards
In compliance with the Act No. CXLIII of 2000, a census on vineyards and orchards was conducted between 1 June and 15 October 2001 by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office.
Data suppliers were those natural and business units with or without legal entity, which is engaged in using vineyard and/or orchard.
Data content of census was: identification characteristics (e.g.: settlement, size of area, etc.), characteristics of farmers (name, address, denomination of farm, etc.), and size of land area utilised in agriculture, characteristics of plantation (orientation, row width, support system, irrigation, cultivation methods, productivity, etc.), information on processing and storage capacity, and on sell-ing of products.
There is a registry of characteristics of plantations and farmers, which is established and managed by the Hungarian Central Sta-tistical Office.
In order to identify the data providers the registry contains the name and address of the natural persons, and the denomination and headquarter of the business unit with or without legal entity.
In order to manage the registry the local cadastral offices, regional offices of MARD, communities of wine-growers, Hungarian Customs and Finance Guard have to report any changes in characteristics on plantations to the HCSO up to 31 October in the year in question.
This Act No. CXLIII of 2000 is harmonised to the following EU legislation:
a) Council Regulation (EEC) No 357/79 of 5 February 1979 on statistical surveys of areas under vines (amended by Regu-lations No. 1992/80 (EEC), 3719/81(EEC), 3768/85 (EEC), 490/86 (EEC), 3570/90, 3205/93 (EEC) and 2329/98 (EC)),
b) Council Regulation (EEC) No 2392/86 of 24 July 1986 establishing a Community vineyard register (amended by Regulations No. 3577/90 (EEC), 1549/95 (EC), 1596/96 (EC), and 1630/98 (EC)),
c) 76/625/EEC: Council Directive of 20 July 1976 concerning the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States in order to determine the production potential of plantations of certain species of fruit trees (amended by Directives No.77/159 (EEC), 81/1015 (EEC), 86/84 (EEC), 86/652 (EEC), 1999/87 (EC), and Regulations No.: 3768/85 (EEC), 1057/91 (EEC)).