Agricultural census - Survey of the apple, pear, peach and apricot plantations, 2007
Publications and data of the survey of apple, pear, peach and apricot plantations, 2007
Data of apple, pear, peach, and apricot plantations 2007 (Preliminary data) (pdf, 150 KB)
Data of apple, pear, peach, and apricot plantations 2007
Tables »
Statistical terms used in publications
Basic condition for using data is to know the statistical terms. We would like to ensure this with the help of the definitions of these terms.
Questionnaire of the survey of apple, pear, peach and apricot plantations, 2007
Questionnaire (pdf, 393 KB)
History of the orchard surveys in Hungary
In Hungary, the first fruit plantation survey was conducted in the frame of the 1895 census followed by the next full scope survey in 1935.
Legal background
For the purpose of determination of production potential of fruit tree plantations, the EU obligated the Member States to implement statistical surveys on areas under fruit trees during 2002 and later in every five years. The survey results provide the opportunity for the Commission to fulfil its tasks concerning the common market organisation of fruits and vegetables.