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Regional Statistics – Guide for using the Archive

When using the Archive please adhere to Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright. One may download, print the published articles however their copying, multiplication, circulation without the written consent of the editorial staff of the Regional Statistics will have legal consequences in accordance with the stipulations of the aforementioned Act.

Assistance for free word query

Phrases in the title/ abstract and in the article – the list will contain all articles that contain:

  • reg* – showing words beginning with “reg”.
  • Settlement structure – both words. (The list will show mostly articles where the two words are together.)
  • Settlement - structure – “settlement” word without structure.
  • “settlement structure” – the exact phrase.
  • “Dispersed compared to average”~4 – words in the quotation marks are at a maximum of 4 words distance apart (works with other numbers, too).
  • Kocziszky~ may be used for example at names when spelling is approximate but not exact.

Ranking of results: author, title, abstract, content of the article. As a result a query on the author will result in a list with his/her articles on the top of the list.

Starting with issue 1 of 2011 of Regional Statistics the articles are displayed in pdf format on our website.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding the Archive through the geza.toth@ksh.hu email address with us.

Editorial staff