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Tasks of the Office of the Deputy President for Statistics

Office of the Deputy President for Statistics


Tasks of the Office of the Deputy President for Statistics are:

1. supporting the Deputy President in his/her decision-making and assignment of tasks, performing the tasks of the Secretariat of the Deputy President, including
  1.1. preparing and coordinating the Deputy President's programmes and consultations,
  1.2. obtaining and preparing the technical background materials necessary for decisions,
  1.3. organising administrative tasks;
2. performing the co-ordination and administrative tasks relating to the organisational units directly managed by the Deputy President;
3. co-ordinating and monitoring the development tasks of data collection and data preparation processes,
4. performing the central data collection organisation tasks, the IT ordering, documentation, printing and questionnaire design tasks related to the centralised distribution of the data collections mandated in the Statistical Data Survey Programme, and tasks related to the administrative co-ordination of other organisation related to data collections,
5. co-ordinating the measurement of the response burden,
6. performing organisation and administration tasks related to the ELEKTRA Call Centre.