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Tasks of the Methodology Department

Methodology Department


Tasks of the Methodology Department:

1. researching mathematical-statistical solutions to support the development of general and specialised statistics, preparing their introduction into HCSO practices, supporting their practical implementation;
2. providing methodological services for the planning, implementation and monitoring of statistical data production processes, with particular emphasis on data collection, data preparation, sampling, estimation, processing, seasonal adjustment and protection against disclosure;
3. developing and operating the methodological framework of the HCSO, developing uniform methodological standards for the HCSO, managing the implementation and adaptation of international methodological standards in Hungary, and supporting their use;
4. supporting, developing and managing the implementation of statistical products and processes, as well as the operation of the official quality management framework using mathematical-statistical tools;
5. overseeing, developing and standardising the enterprise architecture model of the HCSO;
6. the methodological supervision and development of subsystems for general metadata (data sources, concepts, nomenclatures, indicators);
7. the methodological co-ordination of the statistical registers of the HCSO;
8. within the framework of the co-ordination of statistical classifications, performing the tasks of the professional responsible for TEÁOR1, TESZOR2, GFO3, ÖVTJ4 (as known by their abbreviations in Hungarian) reviewing classification resolutions related to these classifications;
9. participating and providing support in HCSO GRANT and other projects in co-operation with the relevant fields;
10.  participating in the work of the Data Protection Committee;
11.  performing methodological tasks related to data governance, monitoring records of public data, and exploring new potential data sources in co-operation with the Data Department;
12.  completing methodological technical tasks related to artificial intelligence and other innovative techniques.