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Press release, 24.02.2015.

First releases of HCSO get renewed

When publishing the most recent data, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) endeavours to meet the changing user demands by exploiting the opportunities offered by modern information technologies. Therefore, the first releases on the reference period of 2015 will be published with new content and form from 4 March 2015 onwards.

The main changes are as follows:

  • The brief analyses on the development of key processes and the related tables will be published in the future in a user friendly way, in HTML format.
  • In addition to the fact that the structure of the first releases will become unified, their texts will be also easier to understand. In short, text data communications, taking into account the specific features of the subject, data of the corresponding period of the previous year form usually the basis of the comparison. In addition, each first release includes an interactive chart and, occasionally, an inset table summing up the main indicators.
  • The tables will be available in the STADAT table collection and downloadable also in Excel format thus providing possibility for further calculating the data.
  • On the interface of the first releases, icons guide users to the related STADAT table collection, the dissemination database providing dynamic access to data, the methodological information and to international data.
  • First releases will be easily available not only on desktops/laptops but on the smaller displays of mobile phones or tablets as well.
  • The information icons (e.g. calendar, contact, social media), as well as the first releases selected from the menu will be available on the web application interface, and the latter can be opened in a separate window in printable format as well.

Furthermore, we would like to inform our kind Users that, similarly to the first estimates, the second estimates of the most important leading indicators on the reference period of 2015 will be published as first releases but with a more detailed content.

Our first releases continue to be published according to a fixed calendar, the dates of which are available in the Catalogue. Besides, the dissemination calendar of first releases continues to be available separately on the opening page of the website, in the upper left corner as well.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

H-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 5-7. Phone: +36 (1) 345 6000
Postal address: P.O.B. 51 Budapest, H-1525