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Press release, 22.01.2024.

The HCSO salutes the cooperation with the professional organisations of accountants and auditors

The presidency of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) conducted a meeting with the presidents of the National Association of Hungarian Accountants (Magyar Könyvelők Országos Egyesülete), the Association of Qualified Accountants (Minősített Könyvelők Egyesülete), the Accounting Association (Számviteli Egyesület) and the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors (Magyar Könyvvizsgálói Kamara). Cooperation development, ensuring the reliability and continuity of statistical data supply, decreasing respondent burdens as well as efficient data supply were the prime topics of the discussion.

The presidency of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) carried on conversations with the presidents of professional organisations. Zoltán Matyóka participated on behalf of the National Association of Hungarian Accountants, István Harkai from the Association of Qualified Accountants, Erika Botka represented the Accounting Association, dr. Tibor Pál was present on behalf of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors. Dr. Áron Kincses, the President of the HCSO emphasized the fact that the Office acknowledges and considers the activity of the professional associations as important, dialogue with these entities carries high significance, similarly to the building of cooperation between the HCSO and professional associations.

Decreasing the burdens related to the respondent role of enterprises, institutions is a strategic objective of the HCSO, realised by continuously replacing traditional data collections with alternative and administrative data sources. Accurate fulfilment of respondent duties, data processing and publication are common goals of the HCSO and the economic actors, as all these support business decision-making processes.

The HCSO salutes the cooperation with professional organisations, in order to increase efficiency and decrease respondent burdens. Discussions will occur on a regular basis in the future, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office also supports the educational activities of these organisations.


Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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