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Press release, 21.02.2025.

STAT WARS XI. ending with the win of Baja and Budapest teams

A record number, close to hour hundred teams registered for the national statistical contest for secondary schools of the HCSO

STAT WARS logóThe Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) organized the finals of eleventh Stat Wars national statistical contest for secondary schools on 20 February 2025. A record number, close to hour hundred teams registered in the 2024/2025 school year for the contest which aims to make statistical culture popular through numerous experiences and observations among students. Teams of 4 students tested their knowledge in two age groups. Among grades 9-10 the “BDG 9C” team of the Berzsenyi Dániel Secondary School proved to be the best, from grades 11 and higher, the “Pad Ló” team from the III. Béla Secondary School of Baja, during the finals held at the Palace of Statistics. The winning teams qualified for the European round, the European Statistical Competition 2025.

The national statistical contest for secondary school teams, STAT WARS, organized by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office kicked off for the eleventh time on 16 September 2024. During the entry period, lasing until 16 October 2024 a record number, close to hour hundred 4-student teams’ - with their accompanying teachers - registrations came in.

The STAT WARS XI. contest is entitled Year of skills, lifelong learning. The competition makes statistical culture more popular among students through numerous experiences and observations, developing in playful ways, their basic statistical knowledge and thinking.

Teams of 4 students tested their statistical knowledge in two age groups during the four-round contest: from secondary school classes 9-10 and classes 11 and higher. The first 3 rounds took place online, the fourth one, the national finals, requiring in-person participation, took place in Budapest at the Palace of Statistics on 20 February 2025. Due to identical points-score 11 teams participated in the finals from the grades 9-10 age group and 10 teams from the grade 11 and higher one, representing secondary schools from Baja, Balassagyarmat, Budapest, Debrecen, Dunaújváros, Eger, Győr, Szeged, Vác and Zalaegerszeg.

Teams tested their knowledge during the day through lively tasks and thought-provoking statistical questions like “Maze”, “All is about comparison”, “The great shot”, “Hopscotch”, “Off the track numbers” or “Dilemma”.

Participants gained unforgettable experiences and received valuable gifts. All prize-list teams and their teachers received monetary rewards and prizes in kind, and the first and second place winners of the national round qualified for the European Statistics Competition organized by Eurostat.

Prize-list teams:

Grades 9-10 age group:

1st place: BDG 9C team – Berzsenyi Dániel Secondary School (Budapest)

2nd place: Mekkelek team - Ciszterci Szent Imre Secondary School (Budapest)

3rd place: Buckalakók team - BGSZC Hunfalvy Bilingual Secondary School (Budapest)

Grades 11 and above age group:

1st place: Pad Ló team – III. Béla Secondary School (Baja)

2nd place: Matematikus Ön? team - Huszár Gál Secondary School (Debrecen)

3rd place: Türrelmesek team - SZC Türr István Technical School (Baja)

HCSO would like to thank all teams and their teachers for participation and for promoting in this way statistical culture. Heartfelt congratulations to the teams participating in the finals and their teachers on behalf of the co-workers of the Office for the achieved results. Congratulations to the winners from the HCSO co-workers, wishing them continued success in their studies.

Based on the first feedbacks the competition was a great success among participants. Hope to see you again in the next school year at the 12th Stat Wars contest!

Feel the power! Enter the contest! Act! Win!


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