Press release, 19.02.2025.
Smear campaign against the reputation of HCSO
Response to Zsolt Ruszin's statement
Due to an unexpected technical error, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) repeatedly sent out an information letter to its data providers. When the IT experts detected the anomaly, they immediately stopped the automation that caused the error. HCSO apologises for any inconvenience caused and draws attention to the potential for scaremongering by distorting the facts and providing incorrect information.
Due to a technical error in the mailing system of the HCSO, on the morning of 19 February 2025, some of the data providers of the Office experienced that the information letter from the HCSO's GÉSA system was received several times in succession on their Company Gateway hosting. By the time the problem was detected and the automatic sending of the letters was stopped, a total of 1948 respondents had received the same notification several times. HCSO will endeavour to avoid such errors in the future. The letter in question informs about an update of the calendar of reporting obligations for the data collection year 2025.
HCSO apologises for any inconvenience caused, but warns the representatives of those concerned against creating a mood by interpreting the incident in a malicious way and damage the reputation of the institution.
Hungarian Central Statistical Office
H-1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 5-7. Tel./Phone: (+36-1) 345-6000
Postacím/Postal address: P.O.Box 51 Budapest H-1525